北师大版(三起)五下Unit 11 Weather-Lesson 1 Uncle Jack's Farm.-ppt课件-(含教案+说课稿)(编号:30854).zip

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北师大版小学英语五年级下册 Unit11 WeatherUnit11 WeatherUnit11 WeatherUnit11 Weather Lesson 1 Uncle Jacks Farm Whats the weather, Whats the weather, Like today, like today? Its sunny, sunny Its rainy,rainy Cloudy day, Windy day, Snowy day! Lets Lets Lets Lets sing:sing:sing:sing: Tasks: Tasks: Tasks: Tasks: 我们的任务我们的任务我们的任务我们的任务 Talk about weekend plan Enjoy a story Write a diary 周末计划 TaskTaskTaskTask 1 1 1 1 TaskTaskTaskTask 2 2 2 2 TaskTaskTaskTask 3 3 3 3 Whats the weather like this weekend? 这个周末将是什么天气? Its going to be ______. The Weather of Wenjiang Saturday (5.21)Sunday(5.22) sunny Guess Guess Guess Guess 猜猜猜猜 What are you going to do this weekend? (这个周末你打算去做什么?) I m going to_____________. I m going to___________. go to the park visit my mom I m going to________. Tips(提示): go to the library visit grandma go shopping go to a party play with friends watch a film go to the supermarket . Work in groupsWork in groupsWork in groupsWork in groups Tasks: Tasks: Tasks: Tasks: 我们的任务我们的任务我们的任务我们的任务 Talk about weekend plan Enjoy a story write a diary 周末计划 TaskTaskTaskTask 1 1 1 1 TaskTaskTaskTask 2 2 2 2 TaskTaskTaskTask 3 3 3 3 Finish QuestionsQuestionsQuestionsQuestions 1. Who are they in the story? 2.Where are they in the story? 3.What do they do in the story? They are Ann,Ken,dad, mom and Uncle Jack. They are at home, on the road, on the farm. They visit Uncle Jacks farm. Watch and answerWatch and answerWatch and answerWatch and answer What s the weather like today? Its sunny today. at home What are they going to do? They are going to visit Uncle Jack. at home ride horses milk cows feed chickens Uncle Jack What can we do on the farm? Whats the weather like now? dark clouds Is it going to rain? Is dad sure? Im not sure. lets listen to the weather report. (天气预报) sure 确定 on the way Its _____this morning. But its going to be _____ this afternoon. cloudy sunny Listen to the weather report on the way What does Uncle Jack say? Hi, Uncle Jack! Hello, children. Welcom to the farm. on the farm Is Ken happy now? Hi, Uncle Jack! Hello, children. Welcom to the farm. on the farm happyunhappy What happened on the farm? 农场上发生什么事了? 1. Read and circle组内读P6-10,圈出不会的词或短 语 2. Discuss and answer 讨论,回答问题 a. What are they going to do on the farm? b.Does Ken like riding horses? c.What is Ken going to do tomorrow? 3. Other questions? 你还能提出什么问题 4. Group speach 小组发言 Work in groups to learn P6-P10Work in groups to learn P6-P10Work in groups to learn P6-P10Work in groups to learn P6-P10 They are going to ride the horses. No, he doesnt. What does Ken say? I dont like it. Im so scared. Im so scared. 1. Read and circle组内读P6-10,圈出不会的词或短 语 2. Discuss and answer 讨论,回答问题 a. What are they going to do on the farm? b.Does Ken like riding horses? c.What is Ken going to do tomorrow? 3. Any other questions? 你还能提出什么问题 4. Group speach 小组发言 No, he doesnt. Work in groups to learnP6-P10Work in groups to learnP6-P10Work in groups to learnP6-P10Work in groups to learnP6-P10 They are going to ride the horses. He is going to watch TV tomorrow. happy ride again unhappy watch TV What do you want to say to Ken? 你想对Ken说什么 Riding horses is good for our healthy, but before riding, we should learn some skills. 骑马是一项健康的运动,但是我们在学 习骑马之前应该先学习一些相关的技巧。 I want to say to Ken: Listen and repeatListen and repeatListen and repeatListen and repeat Lets read the story Choose one part or the story to read in roles. 小组选择一个部分或整个故事分角色朗读 提示: 如果你能做到声音洪亮,语音语调正确,加 上合适的动作表情一定会为你增分不少哦! Work in groups : read and actWork in groups : read and actWork in groups : read and actWork in groups : read and act Tasks: Tasks: Tasks: Tasks: 我们的任务我们的任务我们的任务我们的任务 Talk about weekend plan Enjoy a story Write a diary 周末计划 TaskTaskTaskTask 2 2 2 2 TaskTaskTaskTask 3 3 3 3 Finish Finish May.20 Sunday Sunny Today is a______day. Im going to __ _______with my family. On the road, there are some____ _____in the sky. Its going to be______this afternoon. We ___ ____on the farm. I like it, but Ken is so_____.He is going to ________tomorrow. sunny visit Uncle Jack dark clouds sunny ride horses scared watch TV Tasks: Tasks: Tasks: Tasks: 我们的任务我们的任务我们的任务我们的任务 Talk about weekend plan Enjoy a story Write a diary 周末计划 TaskTaskTaskTask 1 1 1 1 TaskTaskTaskTask 2 2 2 2 TaskTaskTaskTask 3 3 3 3 Finish Finish Finish 1.Listen and read the story. 2.Tell the story to your family. Homework for youHomework for youHomework for youHomework for youUnit11 Weather Lesson1 Uncle Jacks farm 1、教学内容分析: 本课是北师大版小学英语五年级下册第十一单元第一课时的教学内容,为故事教学。 讲述的是主人公 Ken 和 Ann 一家人去农场拜访杰克大叔的事情。本故事根据场景主要分 为三个情节,首先是在家里谈论今天的天气和要去哪儿,然后是在去农场的路上谈论天气 情况,最后是在农场里骑马的事情。从语言功能上看,本节课开始将学习在情境中理解并 回答将来的活动安排或打算的表达法:What are you going to do? We are/ Im going to . 这种表达方式学生是首次接触,但现在进行时的结构则在四年级时就学习过,所以学生对 主语和 be 动词的搭配应该并不陌生。另外,故事中出现了一些谈论天气的核心词汇,这些 词是本单元的重点内容。本故事中有一个理解的难点就是 Ken 因为害怕不想再骑马。根据 上述分析,我本节课的教学重点定位在对故事的理解上,同时引导学生初步关注新语言形 式和含义。 2、教学对象分析: 本课的教学对象为小学五年级的学生,习惯比较好,课上听讲认真,乐于在小组分享 与交流。但因为本批学生是去年的临时组建班,学生之间的差异较大,班上除了少数孩子 有两三年的英语学习基础,大部分学生的听说能力、阅读理解能力都比较欠缺,而且缺乏 信心,不敢勇于表现自己。 3、教学方式与手段说明: 根据英语这门课本身的特点及五年级学生的兴趣,我通过设计具体形象的情景导入、不 断滚动知识点、分散教学难点、让学生直观的感知和理解等方式帮助学生感知理解故事。 通过创设任务活动,使学生在师生、生生之间的多向交流中进行有意义的练习与实践,充 分培养他们的自主学习能力,引导他们学以致用。 四、教学目标: 1、能理解故事内容并能初步朗读课文。 2、能在故事中理解并正确朗读情景词汇和短语:weather report, dark clouds, ride horses, scared 3、通过学习故事内容,能初步在情境中理解并回答将来的活动安排或打算的表达法。 What are you going to do? We are/ Im going to .Its going to be . tomorrow. 4. 通过对骑马环节的情感渗透,使学生认识到尝试新鲜事物除了兴趣和勇气,还要做好更 多的相关准备。 5、教学重难点 1.重点:借助图片理解故事,朗读故事。 2.难点:be going to 的初步理解。 六、教学准备:视屏、课件、图片等。 七、教学过程: StepsTs Activities Ss Activities Purpose Warm- up 1.Greetings:Nice to meet you. What day is it today? Whats the weather like today? 2.Lets sing a weather song. 1.Say hello to teacher. Today is ___ Its ____day. 2. Sing and claps. 从自由谈话 到主题问答, 轻松活泼的 歌曲使学生 尽快进入英 语学习状态。 Lead- in (Task 1.Guess weather: Whats the weather like this weekend? 2.Talk about plan: What are you going to do this weekend? 1. Guess: Is it going to be______? 2. Free talk: 从猜天气到 句型的引入, 为本单元将 来时的学习 做好铺垫。 引导学生在 真实情景中 用语言。 1)T set an example: I am going to. I am going to. 1、设疑自探 1. About story, what do you want to know? 2. My questions: Who are they in the story? Where are they in the story? What do the do in the story? 3. Play the story. 4. Check the answers. (板书:Ann,Ken,Jack.home. Road, farm.Uncle Jacks farm) (Pre-reading) 1. I want to know: 2.Look and read: 3. Watch the story. 4. Answer the questions. 让学生先提 问,老师再 归纳出关键 问题,观看 故事,初步 感知故事。 解决主要问 题。人、地 点、干什么。 二、解疑合探(一) 1. P1: Whats the weather like? 2.P2: What are they going to do 3. About Uncle Jack: 4.P4: Is it going to rain? Lets listen to the weather report.(音频 P4) 5.P6: What does Uncle Jack say? Is he happy? Happy-unhappy? Why What happen on the farm? 1. Look and say. 2.Look and say. 3. Learn: ride horses 4. Listen and answer. 5. Guess and listen. 师生合探, 用看、猜、 听的方式深 入理解故事。 在讲述的过 程中安插小 游戏,解决 重点词语, 让学生在趣 味中,情景 中学习语言。 Enjoy the Story (Task 2) 3、解疑合探(二) 1.Work in groups to enjoy P6- 10: A. Read and circle. B. Answer the questions. C. Ask questions: D. Group speech: 2.小组发言,检查答案。 鼓励其他小组补充问题。 3.情感:What do you want to say to ken?I want to say to Ken: 1.Work in groups 2.小组发言。其他组补充。 3. Free talk. 学生分析课 文,深入感 知课文,通 过小组合作, 互帮互助, 让学生根据 图片提出问 题,培养学 生的语言表 达能了和用 英语思考问 题的能力。 巩固故事。 以部分为单 位小组分角 色朗读,降 四、玩演巩固 1.Do you like the story? Listen and repeat. 2.Read in groups. Choose one part to role play. 3.Have 2 groups to show. 4.Retell the story. (根据板书复述故事) 1.Listen and repeat. 2.Read in groups. 3.Show the story. 4.Retell the story. 低表演难度。 Write a diary Task 3 五、质疑再探 1. Anns diary. Paper exercise. 2. Check. 3. Do you have any questions: Be going to 1. Complete the diary. 2. Check together. 3. Be going to 人称角度转 化培养学生 综合运用语 言的能力 老师提出质 疑,留给学 生思考尊敬的各位领导,专家,亲爱的各位老师,大家好: 首先欢迎各位在 520 这个特别的日子来到我们学校。我是我们学校的英语 教师廖巧玉,下面我就我们学校的英语课改向大家汇报我们的感受与困惑。 课改在我们学校推行大约有一个半月的时间了,在短短的时间里,我们学校 从外在形式到内容,从老师到学生,都发生了很多变化。就我们英语学科来说, 我们既没有观摩过“三疑三探”的成熟课例,也没有机会到外地考察学习。因 此我们只能比照着模式,再结合我们的学情,尽量在课堂上使用疑探教学。具 体来说目前我们在这些地方有了较大改变: 1. 小组合作模式初见成效。通过座位的变化,小组长的培养,小组整体评价 的方式,调动学生“兵带兵” “兵教兵” ,优生越来越愿意帮助差生,孩子们逐 渐养成了组内合作与交流的好习惯。 2. 学生敢于质疑,慢慢学会质疑。 小学英语课本都是图文并茂,我们以前也 都是老师提问,学生回答。现在我们通常会鼓励学生看图提问,交给他们提问 的方法。 我们的疑惑是: 1. 如果大量时间用在自探,小组合探,讨论,展示上,而听读的练习少了,语 言输入量少了,学生怎么能正确输出? 2. 每次发言都要评价,而小学生无法用英语表达自己的意见,用中文的大段评 价对提高孩子的英语学习有用吗? 3. 小学英语哪一种课型最适合疑探模式
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