北师大版(三起)五下Unit 8 Time-Lesson 1 Mocky's watch.-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课(编号:014cc).zip

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Unit 8 Time Lesson 1 Mockys Watch 4 1 2 1 5 2 0 2 5 1 7 3 0 9 3 Read fast 抢答:快速准确读出,抢答:快速准确读出, 加加1步步 Guess: What time does Miss Chen go home? 猜一猜:陈老师几点回家? Miss Chen goes home at oclock. eight Miss Chen goes home at oclock. eleven What time is it? Its eleven oclock. What does Mocky do on Saturday? 莫奇周六会做什么呢?莫奇周六会做什么呢? Maybe he watches TV. (也许) Maybe he goes shopping. Maybe. What time do they visit Uncle Booky ? 他们几点去拜访他们几点去拜访Uncle Booky? Its four oclock. Its time to visit Uncle Booky. 到了的时候 What time is it? Its three oclock. earlylate Is Mocky really early? (真的) read Picture 3-7 and do the match five oclock four oclock five fifteen Uncle Bookys house Mockys watch In the tree five oclock four oclock five fifteen slow 慢的慢的 Uncle Bookys house Mockys watch In the tree Excuse me, Mocky. What time is it? Its four oclock. Listen to Picture 8-10 and choose Q1: Its time to . A.watch TV B. have dinner Q2: Who can help Mocky? A. Uncle Booky B. Lulu Q1:Its time to . A. watch TV B. have dinnerB Dont worry, Mocky. I can fix it. six mix fix Q2:Who can help Mocky? A.Uncle Booky B.Lulu A Listen and imitate (观看故事并模仿语气跟读) Task 1: Yes or No Its five oclock on Mockys watch. three Its three oclock in the tree. four What time is it? Its five oclock. In fact(事实上), its five fifteen now. He is very early to visit Uncle Booky. late Uncle Booky can fix Mockys watch. Choose the task and read the part of the story. (选择任一组任务图片进行表演) +2steps+2steps+3steps +3steps HomeworkHomework listen to the story and read it out loudly. Do a survey: find out the time difference in other cities. (听录音并朗读故事听录音并朗读故事)Unit 8 Time Lesson 1 Mockys Watch 一、学情分析 本课授课对象为小学五年级学生,从三年级起开始学习英语。通过两年多的英语学 习,积累了一定数量的与本话题相关的词汇,对疑问词用法有一定的了解。五年级的学 生活泼好动,思维活跃,乐于参与课堂活动,具有一定的合作意识。初步形成了一定 的学习习惯,多数学生能听懂一些常用的课堂指令,但有少数学生英语基础不够扎实, 不太敢开口说英语。 二、教学目标 1. 学习掌握主要词汇和主要句型: 1)词汇:late,early, fix 能够在语境中理解 Excuse me. Dont worry. 等语句的含义。 2)能运用-What time is it? - Its oclock.的时间表达法。 2. 初步学会指认、说出时间。 3. 能够结合插图理解故事大意并能基本朗读故事。 4. 通过故事中 Mocky 因为贪玩而迟到的情节,培养做事情要专注、不贪玩的意识。 三、教学重难点 教学重点: 1. 引导学生运用旧知和生活经历、结合插图猜测分析以及对故事的发生发展进行 推理从而理解故事大意。 2. 在故事中初步认读时间的表达法。 教学难点: 1. 结合连环画理解故事的主要情节。 2. 熟练运用 what time is it ?句型进行对话。 四、教具 1. 教学配套资源:学生用书,单词卡,教学配套 CD-ROM,多媒体使用等。 教学方法: 情景教学法、任务型教学法。 五、教学过程 Step 1 Warm Up 1、Greeting 2、Play a number game (1)Tell the students that last Saturday Miss Chen played a funny game. Invite the students to play the game. (2) Learn new sentence: Let the students guess what time does Miss Chen go home and introduce the key sentence pattern: - What time is it? - Its oclock. (3)read the sentences and let students use the clock to practice the sentences. 设计意图: 利用游戏和分组竞赛形式复习数字旧知,调动学生学习的积极性和竞争 意识,激活学生已有知识,为下面故事的学习做好铺垫。通过设置猜一猜什么时候回 家问题,运用头脑风暴的形式,引出时钟以及本课重点句型的学习,使得学习句型过 渡更加自然。 Step 2 Enjoy the Story 1、Lead in Let the class think about the question: What does Mocky do on Saturday? 2、Learn the story (1)Listen to the whole story and answer: What time do they visit Uncle Booky? Then learn the new words in picture 1-2: early and late. (2)Ask the class : Is Mocky really early?Yes or No? Listen to picture 3-7 to answer it, then let the student read the story and match the right time. (3)Get the students listen to the rest of the story and make the choices: What time is it now? A. Its six forty-five. B. Its five forty-five. Who can help Mocky? A. Uncle Booky B. Lulu 设计意图:通过设置问题预测 Mocky 的活动,让学生带疑问进入故事,增强课文故事 的趣味性。首先初听故事,通过完整观看故事动画,让学生了解故事中主要人物和场景, 整体感知故事,理解故事大意。然后播放动画片段,逐图讲解,设置不同的问题,让学生 自读课文,引导学生观察图片,寻找关键信息,培养学生的阅读策略。在后半段的处理 上提前设置选择题型的问题,让学生带着问题进入故事,对故事内容有个基本的预判, 使学生本课的学习更具目的性和针对性。 Step 3 Practices 1、Listen and imitate. Let the students listen to video and read the story. 2、Task1 : Yes or No let the students make the judgments according to the story. 3. Task 2 : Practise in groups of 4 Act out the story. 设计意图:通过听录音模仿对话,可以较好的学习发音,培养学生良好的发音习惯。 设计判断句子正误这一环节,检测学生对故事内容的掌握程度,并在此基础上完成本 节课故事内容的复述。表演环节,由学生选择想读的部分情节,达到从学生兴趣出发 的目的,使学生自主学习课文。 Step 4 Extension Set an example of a dialogue about the key sentence then let the students discuss and try to make a new dialogue. A: What time do you go to school? B:We go to school at eight oclock. A: What time is it now? B: Its seven oclock. Were early. 设计意图:在拓展环节设置讨论编写对话,让学生尝试利用所学的时间表达句型运 用到实际语言交际当中。 Step 5 Homework 1、Read the story three times. 2、Finish part 1 in exercise book. 设计意图:作业包含听读写等,对本节课知识进行巩固。通过本课可学习,让学生 明白时间宝贵,珍惜时间的重要性。
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