北师大版(三起)五下Unit 10 Activities-Lesson 1 About the Dinosaurs.-ppt课件-(含教案)(编号:204b5).zip

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Lets sing singing, singing I am singing. dancing, dancing I am dancing. sleeping and eating, Im sleeping and eating. Back Cleaning my room Unit 10 2. 能听懂、会说说“What are you dong? Im cleaning my room .” 3.能理解、运用“What are you dong? Im .”。 4.能听懂并在小组组内合作阅读阅读 第一部分课课文。 1. 能听懂、会说说短语语: “cleaning the room、 cooking dinner、 setting the table 、 reading a book” 学习目标学习目标 : 你正在做什么? 正在打扫房间 ? ? Learn to say clean Im the windows the blackboard the desks the.? ing 正在打扫(擦) the room the door . .cleaning my room. 打扫、擦 clean+ing 房间 Ask and answer(互问互答 ) What are you doing? Im cleaning my room. A: B: . . Lets go and ask(让我们去看看问问): What are you doing? Bei Jing China reading a book 正在读书 . Lets go and ask(让我们去看看问问): What are you doing? the USA Listen and say setting the table Im 正在摆桌子、餐具 . Lets go and ask(让我们去看看问问): What are you doing? India印度 Look and say cooking dinner Im What .? 1. 能听懂、会说说短语语: “cleaning the room、 cooking dinner、 setting the table 、 reading a book” 学习目标学习目标 : 2. 能听懂、会说说“What are you dong? Im cleaning my room .” 目标检测:目标检测: 请根据图片和含义将句子补充完请根据图片和含义将句子补充完 整!整! (Complete the sentencesComplete the sentences) Im________(正在打扫我的房间). What are you doing? Im________(正在读书). What are you doing? Im________(摆桌子). What are you doing? Its ____.Look! Im______. Its a ___ day. Im________(做饭). What are you doing? I can observe(观察) 当我们要问:你(们)正在做什么时? read a book. sett the dishes. clean the room. I I I ing ing ing m m m B: Im ____ing .我正在.(做某事)。 I mingcook dinner. A: What are you doing?你正在做什么? 你能造出更多“我正在.(ing)”的句子么? B: Im I can use(我会用)打电话 A: Hi,! What are you doing? cleaning the room reading a book cooking dinner setting the table . sweeping the floor singing dancing 2. 能听懂、会说说“What are you dong? Im cleaning my room .” 3.能理解、运用“What are you dong? Im .”。 1. 能听懂、会说说短语语: “cleaning the room、 cooking dinner、 setting the table 、 reading a book” 学习目标学习目标 : 1Who are they? 2Whats David doing? David and his mom.David and his mom. Cleaning his room.Cleaning his room. Read silently and answer messy adj.凌乱的,散乱的 Davids bedroom is messy. Hes cleaning the room. Listen and say Davids bedroom is messy . Hes cleaning it. Mom: David: Mom: How come? You never clean your room. David: My friends are coming this afternoon. Mom: Do you need help? David: No, thanks. I can do it myself. Mom: Good boy! David: You see, Mom. My room is clean now. Oops! What are you doing, David? Im cleaning the room. Difficult words Mom: David: Mom: How come? You never clean your room. David: My friends are coming this afternoon. Mom: Do you need help? David: No, thanks. I can do it myself. Mom: Good boy! David: You see, Mom. My room is clean now. Oops! What are you doing, David? Im cleaning the room. “从不” “要来了” “我自己” “哎呀!” “怎么回事” “需要” /ni:d/ /neva(r )/ 小组合作根据语境学单词 Listen and say Davids bedroom is messy . Hes cleaning it. Mom: David: Mom: How come? You never clean your room. David: My friends are coming this afternoon. Mom: Do you need help? David: No, thanks. I can do it myself. Mom: Good boy! David: You see, Mom. My room is clean now. Oops! What are you doing, David? Im cleaning the room. 2. 能听懂、会说说“What are you dong? Im cleaning my room .” 3.能理解、运用“What are you dong? Im .”造句。 4.能听懂并在小组组内合作阅读阅读 第一部分课课文。 1. 能听懂、会说说短语语: “cleaning the room、 cooking dinner、 setting the table 、 reading a book” 学习目标学习目标 : 总结总结 : (Sum-Up(Sum-Up)What have you learnt? 你学到了什么? Clean the room by yourself (自己打扫房间) 1.运用短语语:“cleaning the roomcleaning the room、 cooking cooking dinnerdinner、setting the table setting the table 、 reading a book reading a book” 造句。 2运用“What are you dong? Im .”在班级级 群发发与同学们发们发 微信/打电话电话 联联系。 3学会在生活中自理,养成独立整理房间间、 内务务的习惯习惯 。(I can do it myself.) 家庭作业家庭作业 (Homework)(Homework) What are you doing? What are you doing? I m. I m. Thank you for sharing Thank you for sharing the English time with me!the English time with me! 谢谢大家一起和我分享这美好的谢谢大家一起和我分享这美好的 英语时光!英语时光!课 题 Unit 10 课 型新授(1)设计者 教材分析 本单元的话题是运用现在进行时与他人谈论日常生活中正在 发生的事情。Listen and say 部分通过母子间的对话,让学 生了解和运用本单元的核心句型及答语。其中也复习和拓展 了一些内容,整体来说对话内容并不难。单词教学中,教师 要引导学生留意单词的发音规律,本单元在复习一下动词变现 在分词的规则。 学情分析 学生在前一个单元的学习基础之上,已经对现在进行时态有 了相当的了解。在词汇方面有了相关动词短语的积累,这应 该会为本单元的学习提供更加丰富的语料。学生学习现在进 行时的时候常会跟一般现在时混淆,be doing 的谓语动词构 成常常表达为 be do,即动词的现在分词使用时错误率较高, 学生常常顾此失彼。 课程目标 1. 能听说读写并运用 cleaning the room, cooing dinner, reading a book, setting the table。 2. 能听懂、会说 Listen and say 中的内容,并能与同学合 作表演出对话内容。 3. 能听懂,会说并在实际情境中运用句型 What are you doing? 4. 能与同伴合作完成 Look and say 的游戏。 学习重点 1.能听说读写并运用本单元的 4 个现在分词。 2.能听懂,会说并在实际情景中运用核心句型。 学习难点 1. 动词变现在分词的规则。 2. 正确熟练运用现在进行时描述正在发生的事情。 3. 了解并正确使用单词在不同词性时,不同的含义和用法, 如:clean 和 help。 教具准备PPT 教学课件,单词卡片,彩色粉笔 学 习 过 程二 次 备 课 一、热身和复习 1.Greetings 2.Listen and say 教师给出一个动词,如 swim,学生甲造句 Im swimming.边说边做游泳动作,学生乙或全班同学一 起重复。 二、新课呈现 (一)Listen and say 1.学习核心语言:What are you doing ? Im doing 1-1.PPT 呈现图片,clean- cleaning the window 拓展: clean the window 动词 打扫 也可让学生用现在 进行时态介绍自己 的一幅照片,活动 可以在小组内进行, 教师也可以选几个 学生在班内进行展 示 My room is clean. 形容词 干净的,整洁 的 1-2. PPT 呈现图片,cook- cooking dinner 引导学生模仿提问并回答: S1: What are you doing? S2:Im 1-3. PPT 呈现图片,read- reading a book 语言支架: Whatyou? 1-4. PPT 呈现图片,set- setting a book 强调 set 词尾双写 t 再加 ing 学生看图操练核心语言 S1: What are you doing? S2:Im 4.主课文 4-1.学生看课文插图,讨论并回答: 1.Who are they? 2.Where are they? 3.Whats David doing? 4-2.再听录音,回答问题 1. Who are they? They are David and his mom. 2. Where are they? They are in the Davids room. 3. Whats David doing? Hes cleaning his room. 4-3.学生看书勾画本单元的重点词句 4-4.教师讲解预设知识难点 a. How come? 怎么了? b. My friends 学 习 过 程二 次 备 课 注:come, go, leave 等瞬间动词用于进行时,表示 短暂将来要发生的动作。 c. I can do it myself. 我自己能做。 d. Im cleaning the room. 动词,打扫 My room is clean now. 形容词,干净的 e. Do you need help? 名词 帮助 Can I help you? 动词,帮助 f. Davids bedroom is messy.形容词 凌(脏)乱的 4-5. 学生听音,整体感知课文。 4-6.小组合作角色扮演朗读并台前展示。 4-7.课文重要知识点留白处理。 4-8.搭建语言支架,引导学生复数课文。 Its Sunday afternoon. Davids bedroom is messy. He is cleaning the room. Because his friends are coming. 小结和作业: 小结:1. 师生共同回顾本课所学要点。 2. 情感升华:主动帮助父母做力所能及的家务。 作业:1.抄写本课核心语言,并仿写造句。 2.听音模仿,跟读、熟读 Listen and say 的对话。 3.完成活动用书中相关练习。 课堂练习: 1. -What are you doing? -Im c the room. 2.-What are you doing? -Im r a book. 3.- ? -Im c todays dinner. 4.- ? - Im s the table. 板书设计: Unit 10 Cleaning my room clean-cleaning-cleaning the room cook-cooking-cooking dinner read-reading-reading a book set-setting-setting the table What are you doing? Im cleaning the room. 教学反思: 七彩 学科网:https:/ 优质教学资源,覆盖各学科各版教材,敬请关注公众号,资源早知道!
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