闽教版四年级下册Unit 8 Summer Vacation-Part A-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:86e35).doc

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闽教版四年级下册Unit 8 Summer Vacation-Part A-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:86e35).doc_第1页
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1、Unit8 Summer Vacation PartA 一、教学内容 本课是闽教版英语四年级下册第八单元的 Part A 部分,本课的话 题为暑期生活。通过主人公王涛和萨莉关于暑假生活的对话,学习用 句型 What will you do in summer? I will.来制定暑期计划。 二、教学目标 语言知识目标 1.学习单词:will,live,visit,the UK,London,Big Ben 等。 2.学习句型:What will you do in summer? I will. 3.学习以 se,ge 结尾的可数名词,变为复数时在词尾加 s,连同原来 词尾的 e 读作/iz

2、/。 语言技能目标 1.能准确拼读新单词,读准句型。 2.能运用句型进行实际交流, 制定暑期计划。 能认读所学词语及句型。 情感态度 在活动中感受祖国山河的壮美,激发爱国主义热情。 文化意识 了解中英两国首都的英文名称和标志性建筑。 三、教具准备 1.单词卡片、图片。 2.短语卡片。 3.多媒体课件。 四、教学步骤: Step 1 Warm-up and Revision 1. Greetings. 2. Ask and answer. 由自由问答复习交通工具相关的内容。 T: I go to school by school bus.How do you go to school? 3. C

3、hant: Season. 4. Topic T: Summer is hot. But I like summer. Because we have a long vacation in summer. Its the summer vacation(出示短语卡片). So, today we will learn Summer Vacation.(板书课题) T: Now, follow me, Unit 8 Summer Vacation Part A 【设计意图:欢快的 chant 能给师生提供一个轻松愉快的课堂氛围, 自由的师生问答,能够拉近教师与学生的距离.自然引出本课的课 题。

4、】 Step 2 Presentation and Practice A.课文教学 1. Teach Summer vacation is coming. 教师由日历上的时间告诉学生:Summer vacation is coming.而后进行 该句型的教学,并用不同语气操练。 T: Please look at the calendar. Summer vacation begins in July. Summer vacation is coming. I am so happy. How about you? Lets read the sentence. Summer vacation

5、 is coming. 1. Teach will T: Today we will talk about the summer vacation. Look, will(单词卡片). It means 将要. Read after me: will. 3. Teach What will you do in summer? (1)Listen and anser How does Wang Tao ask? T: Summer vacation is coming. Sally makes a plan for summer vacation.and How does Wang Tao as

6、ks? 4. Teach I will 播放课文录音第二遍,回答问题 What does Sally answer? T: Do you know what Sally will do in summer? Watch the video again. T: What does Sally answer? T: Sally answers, I will go to see my grandpa and grandma. (课件加板书) 【设计意图: 本过程的每一个环节的任务都是构建在一定的语言环境 中,所以学生在学习新单词,新句型时,不会感觉到单词、词组与句 子的存在是孤立的,在不知不觉中巩

7、固了旧知识,掌握了新知识。 】 5. Teach live, the UK T: Sally will go to see her grandpa and grandma. She will go by plane. Because they live in theUK. Look.(单词卡片 live). How to read? Look. (单词卡片 give)How to read? (give 变 live)How to read it? T: Sallys grandpa and grandma live in theUK. TheUKmeans theUnited Kingdom

8、. T: TheUKis the short for theUnited Kingdom. Do you know others? UK 是 英国联合王国的缩写。你还知道其他国家的缩写吗? T: TheUSA/ the PRC T; The PRC is the short for the People s Republic ofChina. / TheUSAis the short for theUnited States of America. PRC 是中华人民共和国的缩写。 USA 是美利坚合众国的缩写。 T: Ok, today we have learnt theUK. Now,

9、lets enjoy some beautiful picturs of theUK.课件浏览英国著名景点图片,进行文化渗透) 6. Teach Big Ben 通过课件欣赏英国的风景与标志性建筑物引出 Big Ben。 大小声 男女读 拼写 7. Teach visit 教师提问:What will Sally do in London? (1)教学 visit。 T: What will Sally do inLondon? Listen and find the answers. (2)chant 操练 visit (3)你说 visit,我说景点 8. Role play. 利用课件中

10、角色扮演功能进行角色扮演活动。 9. Practice 教师出示中国地图,以问答的形式操练 What will you do in summer? I will T: Now look. In summer I will go to Beijing.I will go by plane.(课件) T: How about you? What will you do in summer? 【设计意图:紧密联系学生的生活实际,巧妙地使用多媒体技术,归 纳,让学生学会思考、融会贯通。 】 Step 3 Consolidation 1. Make a plan. 2.小小调查假. Name Where

11、 How What 3. Summary. 4.情感教育: Time is precious,make arragement for your summer vacation。 5. Song. What will you do in summer? 【设计意图:在这个环节的设计上,利用写计划卡和做调查,巩固新 知,在反复操练中掌握本课的重点句型。 】 Step 4 Homework 1、听音,熟读课文。 2、完成本课的活动手册 。 3、完成一份“调查表” 。 五、板书设计 Unit8 Summer Vacation Part A What will you do in summer? I will go to I will go by


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