闽教版四年级下册Unit 7 Seasons-Part B-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:4008e).doc

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闽教版四年级下册Unit 7 Seasons-Part B-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:4008e).doc_第1页
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1、Unit7 Seasons PartB 教学设计 一、教学目标 语言知识目标 1.学习单词 autumn,winter 和 cool,初步运用 wonderful。 2.学习句型:Do you like.? 3.继续学习以元音结尾的名词,变为复数时加 s,读/z/音。 4.学说韵律诗:Seasons. 5.功能:谈论与季节有关的话题及简单的活动。 语言技能目标 1.继续学习有关季节的单词,能认读并正确书写单词:autumn,winter 和 cool。 2.能用英语简单描述与季节相关的活动。 情感态度目标 能把对季节的描述与实际生活相联系,学以致用。 文化意识 了解国外孩子简单的日常活动。 二

2、、学情分析 本节课的学生对象是小学四年级学生,学生在上一单元已经学习 summer 和 spring 等季节相关的单词和句型,为本节做好了铺垫。 四年级的学生热爱学习英语, 对新事物有很大的兴趣。学生学习热情大,但是注意力不够集中,所以在设计中我 穿插了简单的韵律诗,小游戏等让学生一直保持学习的热情。 三、重点难点 1.学习单词 autumn,winter 和 cool,初步运用 wonderful。 2.学习句型:Do you like.? 3.能用英语简单描述与季节相关的活动。 四、教学过程 Step1 Free talk 欣赏四季的图片感受四季的变化和大自然的美, 进行情感教育: 热爱大

3、自然, 热爱生命。 Step2 Review Review the seasons: spring summer T:Spring is the frist season in a year. T:Today we are going to learn Unit7 seasons PartB(板书课题) Step3 Presentation 1.由课题引出 T:How many seasons are there in a year. S:Four. T:Do you know what are they? Ss: Spring,summer, autumn and winter. T: Li

4、sten and guess: what season is it? Ss: Spring. T: Yes, its spring.How is the weather in spring. Ss: Its warm in spring. T:Can you tell me something about spring? (In spring,the trees are green, the flowers are beautiful. We can go to see the flowers.) T: Its very hot. We can go swimming.Guess what s

5、eason is it? S1: Its summer. T: What can we do in summer? S1: We can go swimming. T: Any other? S2: We can have an ice cream. T: We also have a long vacation. Its. Ss: Summer vacation. 2.课文教学 T:Spring is Lilys favorite season.Wang Taos favorite season is summer. Whatre YangMings and Sallys favorite

6、season? Let listen and answer.(播放录 音,学生选择) T:Have you got the answer? Whats YangMings favorite season? S1: Autumn. T: so smart. Whats Sallys favorite season? S2: winter T:Great. T:Yang Ming likes autumn. Sally likes winter. Do you know why? S1:. T: Maybe. A Good guess. Let watch the video and check

7、the answer.(播放 视频) T:Now, lets answer the question together. Why does YangMing like autumn? S: Its cool in autumn. T: What can he do in autumn? S: Fly a kite. T: What about Sally? Why does she like winter? S1:Its cold in winter. We can go skating. T: wonderful. And Any other reason? Look. S: Christm

8、as. T: Yes, Christmas is in winter. So she can get a lot of present. 3.句型重现(眼疾手快) T:When you see the sentence, stand up as quickly as you can and say it out. Ready? S:go. T:(播放 PPT) S1:Its cool in autumn. S2:Its cold in winter. S3:Christmas is in winter. S4:I can fly my kite. S5:We can go skating. 4

9、.课文跟读 1、listen and imitate. 2、Read the text. 3、Have a role play. Boys for YangMing. Girls for Sally. Step4 Consolidation 1.Sum up the text. Yang Mings favorite season is autumn . Its cool in autumn. We can fly a kite . Sally likes winter . Its cold in winter. We can go skating . And Christmas is in

10、winter too. 2.Lets chant.Seasons Sping is green. Summer is bright. Autumn is gold. Winter is white. 3.Ask and answer. A: Do you like.? B: Yes, I do. A: Why? B: Its in . I can . 4.I can say. I like _. Its my favorite season. Its _ in _. _ are _. We can _. is in _too. 5.I can write. Choose your favori

11、te season to write it down. 6.Share time. Spring is the best time of the year. 一年之计在于春。 One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏 。 (暗指:不要以偏概全.以点代面.。 ) Life is so simple,such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves. 生命如此简单,如秋,如落叶。 A good winter brings a good summer. 瑞雪兆丰年 。 Step5 Summery words: autumn、winter、cool phrases: fly my kite、go skating sentences: A: Do you like.? B: Yes, I do. A: Why? B: Its in . I can . Step6 Homework 1.Read the text. 2.Do excerises. 3.Talk about seasons with your friends.


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