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1、 1 Unit6 Unit6 单元测试卷单元测试卷 一、选出画线部分发音不同的一项。 ( ) 1. A. use B. cut C. fun ( ) 2. A. huge B. cute C. lunch ( ) 3. A. bus B. music C. luck ( ) 4. A. it B. music C. like ( ) 5. A. what B. who C. where 二、按要求写一写。 1. 条;一副;一双(译成英语) _ 2. shoe(复数) _ 3. big(反义词) _ 4. I(宾格) _ 5. this(复数) _ 三、根据情景写单词或短语。 Sarah 和姐姐

2、上街买衣服。在商场里,Sarah 看中了一双(1) _ (鞋),决定(2) _ (买)这双鞋。姐姐想要买(3) _ (一副)眼镜,她问售货员(4) _ (多少钱),售货员告诉她(5) _ (三十)元。 四、单项选择。 ( ) 1. We want _ a T-shirt for our child. A. to buy B. buy C. buying ( ) 2. That shirt _ good. A. looking B. look C. looks ( ) 3. How much _ the shorts? A. is B. are C. does ( ) 4. What _ Mis

3、s White want? A. does B. do C. is ( ) 5. She would like a pair of shoes _ her child. A. / B. for C. to ( ) 6. _ do you like? I like the yellow one. A. How B. Which one C. Who 2 ( ) 7. _ is the dress? Its 100 yuan. A. How much B. How C. How many ( ) 8. I would like _ shorts for my brother. A. a pair

4、B. Pair of C. a pair of ( ) 9. The shorts _ 80 yuan. A. are B. is C. have ( ) 10. That orange _ is beautiful. A. a B. one C. ones 五、按要求完成下列各题。 1. The shoes are one hundred yuan. (就画线部分提问) _ _ _ the shoes? 2. I would like a dress for my daughter. (变为一般疑问句) _ you _ a dress for your daughter? 3. She is

5、 going to buy some bread and cookies. (就画线部分提问) _ is she _ _ _? 4. Do you want to buy a T-shirt? (作肯定回答) _, I _. 5. would like; I; for my child; a pair of shoes (.) (连词成句) _ 六、为下列句子选择正确的答语并连线。 (1) Can I help you? A. It looks good. (2) How about this blue one? B. Thank you. (3) Here you are. C. Yes,

6、I like it very much. (4) How much is the book? D. Yes, I would like a pair of shoes. (5) Do you like this one? E. Its fifteen yuan. 七、选择正确的选项补全对话。 A. Thank you. B. How much are they? 3 C. OK. Ill take them. D. How about these blue ones? E. Can I help you? Salesman: (1) _ Mom: Yes, I would like a pai

7、r of shorts for my son. Salesman: (2) _ Mom: They look too small for him. Salesman: Would you like the yellow ones? They are big. Mom: (3) _ Salesman: They are 80 yuan. Mom: (4) _ Salesman: Here you are. Mom: (5) _ 八、阅读对话,判断正()误()。 Saleswoman: Can I help you? Lucy: Yes. I want a skirt. Saleswoman: W

8、hat color do you want? Lucy: Black. Saleswoman: How about this skirt? Lucy: Its too small. Saleswoman: Try on the white one. Lucy: Great! How much is it? Saleswoman: Its 80 yuan. Lucy: OK. Ill take it. (1) Lucy wants a skirt. (2) The white skirt is 80 yuan. (3) Lucy will take the black skirt. (4) Th

9、e black skirt is too small. 九、书面表达。 4 妈妈带 Peter 去商店,她想给 Peter 买一双鞋,请你编写一个他们和售货员之间的对 话。 参考词汇:a pair of shoes; small; big; blue; green. 参考句型:I would like How much are? 要求:(1) 条理清晰,语句通顺。(2) 书写规范。(3) 不少于 50 个单词。 5 参考答案 一、 1-5 ACBCB 二、 1. a pair of 2. shoes 3. small 4. me 5. these 三、 (1) shoes (2) take/b

10、uy (3) a pair of (4) how much (5) thirty 四、 1-5 ACBAB 6-10 BACAB 五、 1. How much are 2. Would; like 3. What; going to buy 4. Yes; do 5. I would like a pair of shoes for my child. 六、 (1)-(5) DABEC 七、 (1)-(5) EDBCA 八、 (1)-(4) 九、参考范文: Saleswoman: Can I help you? Mom: Yes. I would like a pair of shoes fo

11、r my son. Saleswoman: How about these blue ones? Mom: They look too small for him. Saleswoman: Would you like the green ones? They are big. Peter: They look nice. Mom, I like them. Mom: How much are they? 6 Saleswoman: They are 80 yuan. Mom: OK. Well take them. Saleswoman: Here you are. Mom& Peter: Thanks.


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