闽教版四年级下册下Unit 4 Transportation-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:443a6).zip

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Unit 4 Transportation Part A I can see a . 我看见了我看见了 . boat bus bike car subway How do you go to school,Sally? By car. by ba by car 表示表示“乘坐(骑)乘坐(骑)”某种交通工具某种交通工具 。 my bye How do you go to school? By school bus. by school bus American School Bus 美国校车美国校车 Japanese School Bus 日本校车日本校车 Chinese School Bus 中国校车中国校车 Understanding 不论使用哪种交通工具,在上下学不论使用哪种交通工具,在上下学 的途中都应当遵守交通规则,注意交通的途中都应当遵守交通规则,注意交通 安全。在众多的交通工具中,由学校提安全。在众多的交通工具中,由学校提 供的校车是一个可靠的选择。供的校车是一个可靠的选择。 在许多欧美国家,在许多欧美国家,schoolschool busbus是是 除救护车、警车和消防车外享有特权的除救护车、警车和消防车外享有特权的 车辆之一。车辆之一。 schoolschool busbus大多是黄色,在大雾大多是黄色,在大雾 天也能看得清楚。当天也能看得清楚。当schoolschool busbus停下停下 来的时候,与它同向而行的车辆也必须来的时候,与它同向而行的车辆也必须 停下,否则就算违法。停下,否则就算违法。 因此,乘坐因此,乘坐schoolschool busbus上学有良上学有良 好的安全保障。好的安全保障。 Q1:How does Kate go to school? Q2:How does Sallys mother go to work ?work Q1:How does Kate go to school? How do you go to school? Q2:How does Sallys mother go to work ? do VS does do,do, do you do How do you go to school? does,does,does he does How does he go to school? does,does,does she does How does she go to school? does,does,does Kate does How does Kate go to school? do,do, do you do How do you go to school? does,does,does he does How does he go to school? does,does,does she does How does she go to school? does,does,does Kate does How does Kate go to school? do VS does do,do, do you do How do you go to school? does,does,does he does How does he go to school? does,does,does she does How does she go to school? does,does,does Kate does How does Kate go to school? do,do, do you do How do you go to school? does,does,does he does How does he go to school? does,does,does she does How does she go to school? does,does,does Kate does How does Kate go to school? Q1:How does Kate go to school? Q2:How does Sallys mother go to work ? Q1:How does Kate go to school? A. She goes to school by car . B. She goes to school on foot . on foot Do you remember? She goes to school on foot. Q2:How does Sallys mother go to work ? A. She goes to work by car. B. She goes to work by bike . by bike onon footfoot WARNING by car by boat by bus by school bus by subway by bike onon footfoot,介词是,介词是onon, 不能和不能和“byby+ +交通工具交通工具 ”混淆。混淆。 因为因为footfoot不是交通工不是交通工 具。具。 A:How Miss Chen go to ? B:She to work . does work goesby car A:How Wu Weilin go to ? B:He to school . does school goeson foot A:How Chen Jiaying go to ? B:She to school . does school goeson foot A:How Guangtouqiang ? B:He . does go to work goes to work by car A:How Wu Weilin go to ? B:She to school . does school goesby bus A:How Chen Tingting go to ? B:He to school . does school goeson foot A:How Zhong Chen go to ? B:She to school . does school goesby bike Hello, kids.I am Miss Chen. How do you go to school? How does your sister go to school? Miss ChenMiss Chen Boys and girls, I go to work by car. How does your father go to work? How do you go to the zoo? Hello, boys and girls. I m . Im . I go to the zoo . My sister/brother to the park . My father . My mother . Thank you! 出行方式 出行方式 by car, by bike, by bus, by school bus, on foot, by boat, by subway. 地点地点 go to the zoo,go to the park, go to library, go to Putian,go to Fuzhou. Miss Tang 18 by bus goes on foot goes to Putian by car goes to Shanghai by bus Hello, boys and girls. I m . Im . I go to the zoo . My sister/brother to the park . My father . My mother . Thank you! 出行方式 出行方式 by car, by bike, by bus, by school bus, on foot, by boat, by subway. 地点地点 go to the zoo,go to the park, go to library, go to Putian,go to Fuzhou. by car,by school bus,by bike,on foot How do you go to school? How does Kate go to school? She goes to school on foot. How does your mother go to work? She goes to work by bike. 遵守交通规则应成为我们的行为规范。遵守交通规则应成为我们的行为规范。 1 1、OKOK作业作业:熟读课文。:熟读课文。 2 2、GreatGreat作业作业:完成活动手册:完成活动手册U4PA.U4PA. 3 3、SuperSuper作业作业:用英语记录家里每个用英语记录家里每个 人上学或上班使用的交通工具。人上学或上班使用的交通工具。 Thank you! Goodbye! Understanding Although school bus yellow looks old, the color is the most eye- catching color by practice.And the color can be seen clearly in the heavy fog, so it is the safest color. 虽然校车的黄色看起虽然校车的黄色看起 来很老旧,但是这种来很老旧,但是这种 颜色是经过实践证明颜色是经过实践证明 的最醒目的颜色。因的最醒目的颜色。因 为这种颜色即便在大为这种颜色即便在大 雾中也最容易看清,雾中也最容易看清, 因此也是最安全的颜因此也是最安全的颜 色。色。 调皮调皮的单词的单词he,shehe,she和人名把和人名把gogo变成变成gogoeses I-go she-goes he-goes Kate-goes Sally-goes Miss Chen-goes Guess How do I come to school? ____do you go to school ,Sally? ___car. go toto schoolschool ByBy dodoeses gogoesesgogoeseswork How ____ Kate go to school ? How do you ____ ___ __ _ ? ___ school bus. She ____ to school on foot. How does your mother go to work ? She ____ to ____ by bike. HowHow ByBy1 闽教版小学四年级下册闽教版小学四年级下册 Unit4Unit4 TransportationTransportation PartPart A A 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课教授的内容是闽教版四年级下册 Unit4 Transportation PartA,主要谈论自己和他人 上学以及其父母上班的交通方式。原本 PartA 包括 P24 的语音教学,由于本节课的内容相对比 较多,也为了体现这一堂课内容的完整性,我把这部分的语音教学整合到本单元的第三课时教 授。学生之前已经学过 bike, car 和 bus 三种交通工具的英文说法,这为他们学习本课的内容 打下了基础。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 本课的教学对象是小学四年级学生,他们对英语学习已有一定的基础,学生已经学习了一 些关于交通工具的单词,如:bus, bike, car等。本课则要求学生能够加上 by 后,明白出行 方式的短语。对于学生而言,第三人称单数形式,具有一定的难度。因此,教师通过巧妙的设 计,将所学内容与游戏融合在一起,有趣、真实、贴近生活,充分激发学生的学习兴趣。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1.语言知识目标: a.学生能听懂、认读、会说、会写本课新词:work 和词组 by car,on foot,by school bus,并 懂得运用。 b.学生能掌握并灵活运用句型:How do you go to school? By car/school bus. How does Kate go to school? She goes to school on foot. How does your mother go to work? She goes to work by bike. c.功能:学生能够运用所学语言口头问答和笔头描述交通工具及交通方式。 2.语言技能目标 a.能询问他人出行的交通方式,并从别人的谈话中获取信息。 b.能在口语交际和书面运用中表达自己或他人出行时的交通方式。 3.情感态度 树立绿色出行,低碳环保的概念。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点: : 1.教学重点:词汇 by 及其用法,on foot,及句型 How do you go to school? I go to school byon foot. How does Kate go to school? She goes to school byon foot.的 教学。 2.教学难点: on foot 与 by 的用法的区别,第三人称单数特殊疑问句 How does Kate go to school?及陈 述句 She goes to school byon foot.的教学。 五、教具准备:五、教具准备: 1.各种交通工具的单词卡片和图片。 2.词组卡片:by car,by school bus,on foot,by bike 等。 3.萨莉和王涛的头像图片。 4.PPT 六、教学过程六、教学过程 Step1.WarmingStep1.Warming upup andand leadlead inin 2 1.Greetings. 2.Enjoy a song: How do you go to school? 3.Play a memory game: What can you see in the song? 4. Reveal the topic: Unit 4 Transportation Part A 【设计意图设计意图】通过歌曲音乐进行热身通过歌曲音乐进行热身, ,使学生尽快进入课堂氛围和上课的心理状态使学生尽快进入课堂氛围和上课的心理状态, ,自然顺畅引自然顺畅引 出课题的同时也让学生们初步感知本课所要学习的内容。出课题的同时也让学生们初步感知本课所要学习的内容。 Step2.Step2. PresentationPresentation 1.Present the new sentences: How do you go to school? By car/ school bus. a.Watch and answer:How do you go to school? T: Our friends Wang Tao and Sally are talking about Transportation,too.Look at this picture,please. If you are Wang Tao, what would you like to ask Sally? S:How do you go to school? T:Great! You can find the answer from the book very well. We can ask Sally like this:How do you go to school? Now, lets watch and find the answer. b.Learn the word: by car c.Learn the word: by school bus d. Enjoy some school buses in the world e.Emotional education: 不论使用哪种交通工具,在上下学的途中都应当遵守交通规则, 注意交通安全。在众多的交通工具中,由学校提供的校车是一个可靠的选择。在许多欧美国家, school bus 是除救护车、警车和消防车外享有特权的车辆之一。school bus 大多是黄色,在大 雾天也能看得清楚。当 school bus 停下来的时候,与它同向而行的车辆也必须停下,否则就算 违法。因此,乘坐 school bus 上学有良好的安全保障。 【设计意图设计意图】文化渗透,交通安全教育以及其他国家的文化渗透,交通安全教育以及其他国家的 schoolschool busbus。 2.Present the new sentences: How does Kate go to school?How does your mother go to work? a. Learn the word: work Q1:How does Kate go to school? Q2:How does Sallys mother go to work? b.Learn the word: does c.Practice:say a chant:Do VS does Do,do,do you do. How do you go to school? Does, does, does he does. How does he go to school? Does, does, does she does. How does she go to school? Does, does, does Kate does. How does Kate go to school? 【设计意图设计意图】融合趣味性与知识性融合趣味性与知识性, ,情境与思维为一体情境与思维为一体, ,力求语言操练力求语言操练“多元化多元化”。 3.Present the new sentences: She goes to school on foot.She goes to work by bike. 3 a.Listen and answer b.Learn the sentence:She goes to school on foot. T:OK,after listening. Did you find the answer? How does Kate go to school? A or B? c.Learn the new word: on foot d.Remember: She goes to school at 7:15 a.m. 【设计意图设计意图】 通过引导学生回忆旧知通过引导学生回忆旧知, ,以旧知带新知以旧知带新知, ,帮助学生理解和记忆新知识。帮助学生理解和记忆新知识。 e.Learn the phrases: by bike f.Sum up:by+交通工具 g.Consolidation: Look, ask and answer. 4.Present the text. a. Listen and follow T: Its time to listen and follow. Please pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. b. Watch and dub T:You can read the text so well.Now lets read in roles. Who wants to be Sally? And Wang Tao. 【设计意图设计意图】通过填词做对话通过填词做对话, ,正向正向, ,反向地理解和使用语法规则反向地理解和使用语法规则, ,加深学生印象,巩固文本知识。加深学生印象,巩固文本知识。 播放课文视频,带领学生跟读课文,通过语音语调和动作的变化,吸引学生的注意力,并引导播放课文视频,带领学生跟读课文,通过语音语调和动作的变化,吸引学生的注意力,并引导 学生模仿录音的语音语调。学生模仿录音的语音语调。 Step3.ExtensionStep3.Extension Acivity1:ChatAcivity1:Chat inin WeChat.WeChat. T: Thank you,kids. From the text, we know transportation is very important for our life. They can take us to many places. For example, school,zoo, park, library, Putian, Beijing and so on. Now your math teacher Miss Chen wants to know how do your family go to the other place? Can you chat with her in WeChat? Miss Chen: Hello, kids. Im Miss Chen. C: How do you go to school? C:How does your sister go to school? C:How do you go to the zoo? C: Boys and girls,I go to work by car. How does your father go to work? T: Thank you ,you can chat with your Miss Chen so well. Acivity2:WriteAcivity2:Write downdown thethe familysfamilys wayway toto trip.trip. Hello, boys and girls. Im . Im .I go to school .My sister/brother to school . My mother .My father . Thank you! WorkWork bank:bank: by car,by bike, by bus, by school bus,on foot, go to the zoo,go to the park, go to the library, go to Putian. 【设计意图设计意图】语言的学习在于运用语言的学习在于运用, ,老师要用教材教而不是教教材。该环节大胆跳出文本,采用老师要用教材教而不是教教材。该环节大胆跳出文本,采用 活动:全家去哪儿,让学生们与陈老师进行语言交际,并以短文的形式描述家庭的出行方式,活动:全家去哪儿,让学生们与陈老师进行语言交际,并以短文的形式描述家庭的出行方式, 4 进而提高学生的语言运用能力和书写能力。进而提高学生的语言运用能力和书写能力。 Step4.SummaryStep4.Summary 1.Do a summary I can say: by car, by school, by bike, on foot. I can read: How do you go to school? How does Kate go to school? She goes to school on foot. How does your mother go to work. She goes to work by bike. I know: 遵守交通规则应成为我们的行为规范。 2.Watch a video。 T:For me,when I go to the place, Id better to choose more public transportation. Why? Lets have a look. T: So if we use more public transportation, the earth will be happy. Step5.Step5. HomeworkHomework 1.完成活动手册。 2.熟读课文 3 遍。 3.与小伙伴们交流今天学到的话题。 4.用英语记录家里每个人上学或上班使用的交通工具。 Step6.BoardStep6.Board DesignDesign Unit4Unit4 TransportationTransportation PartPart A A HowHow dodo youyou gogo toto school?school? ByBy car/Bycar/By schoolschool bus.bus. HowHow doesdoes KateKate gogo toto school?school? SheShe goesgoes toto schoolschool onon foot.foot. HowHow doesdoes youryour mothermother gogo toto work?work? SheShe goesgoes toto workwork byby bike.bike.
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