闽教版四年级下册下Unit 4 Transportation-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)(编号:e07c2).zip

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Lets chant Game time 敲地鼠规则: 1,每人可敲三次! 2,快速看单词或句子, 并牢牢记住! 3,清楚大声说出来。 4,发音准确无误。 car on foot go to school by bus She goes to school by bus. Read quickly (快速、正确地读出单词 ) How do you go to school? By bike How does she go to school? By school bus How does she go to school? She goes to school on foot. Read quickly (快速、正确地读出句子 ) By car. How do you go to school? I go to school by school bus. aunt Shes from Taiwan. She is my aunt. 姑姑,阿姨 place scenery (风景) Taiwan is a beautiful place. transportation (交通) Sun Moon Lake 台北101 大厦 scenery (风景) Taipei 101 skyscraper Chinese map 福建省与台湾省相邻,就隔一个台湾海峡, 我们可以从平潭岛或者厦门市乘船去台湾。 当然,也可以坐飞机过去。 transportation (交通) shipplane Listen and answer. 1.Does go to Taiwan by plane? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. 2.How does go to Taiwan? A. By ship. B. By plane. She goes (to Taiwan) by ship. ship ship ship by ship 当上文有提到地点的时候,地点(to Taiwan) 在下文 句子中可以被可省略。 plane a beautiful place place by plane 台湾阿里山 No,she doesnt. She goes by ship. Does she go to Taiwan by plane? Listen,point and say. 台湾:中国第一大岛, 与福建相邻,著名景点 日月潭。 Does she go to Taiwan by ship? No, she doesnt. Yes, she does. 武夷山:被称为“福 建第一名山”。位于 福建与江西交界处。 Does she go to Wuyishan by car? Yes, she does. 上海:有“东方巴黎” 的美称,有亚洲第4高 塔“东方明珠”电 视塔,高度468米。 Does he go to Shanghai by train? I go to Shanghai by plane. No, he doesnt. train email wait again 等候 再次 北京:中国首都, 有著名景点天安门 广场。 Does she go to Beijing by plane? Yes, she does. I go to Beijing by plane. 英国伦敦:英国首都, 欧洲最大的城市。标志 性建筑为“大本钟”。 Does he go to London by ship? No, he doesnt. I go to London by plane. Listen and repeat 听,跟读,注意语 音语调!(得2分) 单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版文本样式 第二级 第三级 第四级 第五级 23 Role play. (角色扮演) In order to keep the road orderly and people safe, everyone should follow traffic rules. Safety is very important. 为了保持交通秩序和人们的安全,人人都应 该遵守交通规则,安全最重要。 Does Lily go to school by? Does Wang Tao go to.by? 漳州 厦门 台湾 3 places Groupwork Work in two. One picks up one card and shows them to the partners, whispers to another partner. Others ask the listener about it. 两人一组,每次由一人在三个地点中任意选 择一个地点并展示,用I go to by.以悄悄话 告知小组中的一个人。台下的同学们运用今 天所学句型Does she / he go to by? 向其询问抽卡同学出行的交通方式。 漳州 厦门 台湾 Summary 总 结 Does he/she go to.by plane/ship.? (肯定回答)Yes,he/she does. (否定回答)No,he/she doesnt. Words: aunt ship place plane train Sentences : Taiwan is a beautiful place. HomeworkHomework 1 2 背诵课文。 3 完成调查表(运用今天所学调查家人的暑假 出行方式,喜欢打 ,不喜欢打 。) Name (填写) place (填写) on footbikebuscartrainplaneship your mother your father 分角色练习课文。闽教版小学四年级下册 Unit4 Transportation Part B 教学目标 语言知识目标 1.学习词汇 aunt,plane,ship,place,train,并懂得运用。 2.学习句型:Does she go to Taiwan by plane? Yes,he/she does. No,he/she doesnt. Taiwan is a beautiful place. 3.功能:谈论交通工具及交通方式。 语言技能目标 能询问他人出行的交通方式。 情感态度 通过谈论自己及周围人的出行方式,学会遵守交通规则,注意安全。 教学过程 Step 1 Warming up and lead-in 1.师生互致问候。 2.让学生用手拍节奏,听韵律诗。 To Shanghai去上海 Daddy goes to Shanghai by plane.爸爸乘飞机去上海。 By plane,by plane.乘飞机,乘飞机。 Daddy goes to Shanghai by plane.爸爸乘飞机去上海。 Daddy comes home by train.爸爸坐火车回家。 By train,by train.坐火车,坐火车。 Daddy comes home by train.爸爸坐火车回家。 3.揭示并板书课题:Unit 4 Transportation Part B Step 2 Review 游戏打地鼠 1.复习词组 by car,by school bus,by bike 和 on foot。 (教师 PPT 出示词组,引导学生举手抢答。 ) 2.复习句型 How do you go to the zoo? How does.go to school?She goes to school by Step 3 Presentation (一)初步感知课文,学习单词 aunt 1.教师呈现课文中王涛的姑姑的图片,说:“This is Wang Taos aunt.”让学生明白 aunt 的 意思,并教学该单词。 2.教师指着图片对学生说:“This is Wang Taos aunt. Shes from Taiwan. ” 教师播放录音, 请学生听音模仿跟读。 (二)学习句子 Taiwan is a beautiful place 和单词 place 1.教师请全班学生看 Taiwan 的几处著名景点,引出 Taiwan is a beautiful place.的教学。 2. Watch the video and answer the questions. 教师播放课文,请学生找出问题答案。 Two questions: a) Does she go to Taiwan by plane? A.Yes,she does. B.No,she doesnt. b) How does she go to Taiwan ? A.By ship. B.By plane. (设计意图:带着问题听文本,培养学生捕捉文本细节的能力,学会倾听,初步认知理解语 言。 ) (三)教学单词 ship,train,plane 及相关的词组 1.学习单词 ship。 (1) 请学生做动作巩固操练词组 by plane。 (2) 教师出示轮船的图片,告诉学生,福建省与台湾省相邻,仅隔一个台湾海峡,我们可 以从平潭岛或厦门市乘船去台湾。 (3)教师引导学生根据发音规则,试读单词。先让学生读发 sh 的音,再根据字母 i 在单 词中的发音,说出字母 i 发/的音。学生拼读单词 s-h-i-p。 2 教学单词 plane. (1) 出示 plane 与 place 的单词卡片,让学生通过比较,正确掌握 plane 和 place 的发音。 (2) 请学生翻开课本第 25 页,看第 3 幅图中李丽说的一句话:Does she go to Taiwan by plane?帮助学生理解这句话的意思。 (3)学习句子 Does he/she go to.by.?Yes,he/she does.No,he/she doesnt. a)全班齐读。 b) 教师出示几个城市的图片,如北京、上海、伦敦等,请学生根据图片回答问题:Does he/she go to by? Yes,he/she does. 或 No,he/she doesnt. 3.学习单词 train。 (1)教师出示火车的图片提问:“Can we go to Taiwan by train? Why?” 引导学生说出: “台湾是我国第一大岛,四面临海,目前还没有大桥或隧道通往台湾,所以不可以乘火车 到台湾。 ” (2)教学单词 train,并与单词 emial/wait/again 的音和形进行对比操练,让学生找出共同的音 和形。 (三) 熟读课文,理解巩固 1.教师播放课文视频,请学生听音模仿跟读。 2.同桌操练,两人一组模仿跟读。 3.情感教育:通过交流,让学生感受到祖国山川壮丽美好,让学生明白台湾是祖国大好河 山不可分割的一部分。 4.巩固练习。 游戏猜一猜 教师出示文本中 Lily 和 Wang Tao 的出行方式,让学生来猜一猜他们可能选择的出行方式。 Step 4 Extension 综合活动:两人一组,每次由一人在几个地点中任意选择一个地点并展示,用 I go to by. 以悄悄话告知小组中的一个人。台下的同学们运用今天所学句型 Does she / he go to by? 向其询问抽卡同学出行的交通方式。 Step 5 Summary 1.复习词汇 aunt,plane,ship,place,train。 2.复习句型:Does she go to Taiwan by plane? Yes,he/she does.No,he/she doesnt. Taiwan is a beautiful place. Step 6 Homework 1. 背诵课文。 2. 分角色练习课文。 3. 完成调查表(运用今天所学调查家人的暑假出行方式,喜欢打 ,不喜欢打 。 ) Name (填写)(填写) place (填写)(填写) on footbikebuscartrainplaneship your mother your father
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