闽教版四年级下册下Unit 2 Cleaning Day-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:20539).zip

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Unit 2 Cleaning Day Part B 教学目标:教学目标: 1、我能学习单词:Well done!,bright,close,turn off,fan,all right. 2、我能学习句子:Please close the windows. Please turn off the lights and fans. 3、我能学唱歌曲:Its Time to Clean Up. 学习过程:学习过程: 第一关: 1、学唱歌曲:Its Time to Clean Up. 2、复习单词:classroom,desk,chair,window,blackboard,door.(游戏:火眼金睛)。 3、复习句子:He/She is clearing. 第二关:自主学习 1、找出新的单词,理解新单词的意思。 2、初步理解课文中文意思。 第三关:探究学习 1、观赏课文的动画,借助动画情景进一步加深对课文的理解。 2、学习新单词,借助单词卡片会认、会读出新单词。 3、理解课文意思,并翻译到书上。 4、能够在老师的引导下流利、有感情地诵读课文。 第四关:能力展示 1、个人、小组展示读出新单词,读课文。 2、句型操练: Please close the windows. Please close the door. Please turn off the lights. Please turn off the fans. Please open the windows. Please open the door. Please turn on the lights. Please turn on the fans. 达标检测:达标检测: 一、根据所给的单词,选出与它同类的单词。 ( )1、classroom A.blackboard B.bright ( )2、fan A.light B.clear ( )3、door A.close B.window ( )4、close A.stand B.chair 二、找出对应的单词连线。 Well done! 关(门、窗等) bright 电风扇 close 做得很好! turn off 好的 fan 明亮的 all right 关掉(电灯等)Unit2 Cleaning dayUnit2 Cleaning day Part BPart B 火眼金睛(复习单词) 复习句型:He/She is cleaning. Circle the new words in the text:1 Unit2Unit2 CleaningCleaning DayDay PartBPartB 教案教案 Teaching goals: 1、能学会单词:Well done!,bright,close,turn off,fan,all right. 2、能会句型: Please close the windows. Please turn off the lights and fans. 3、我能学唱歌曲:Its Time to Clean Up. Teaching difficult point: 1、能认读单词:Well done!, bright,close,turn off,fan,all right. 2、通过学习,能够用英语谈论关门窗、关灯扇等。 Teaching aids : card , picture and a tape recording . Teaching procedures : Step 1 Waiming up 1、师生互致问候。 2、我能学唱歌曲:Its Time to Clean Up 3、揭示课题: Today we are learning Unit2 Cleaning Day PartB Step 2 Review 1、游戏复习单词(火眼睛睛): classroom,desk,chair,window,blackboard,door。 2、复习正在进行时的句型:He/She is clearing. Step 3 Presentation 1、昨天已经让同学预习过了,也要求同学们圈出新的单词,那么有几个 呢?(生答 6 个)Now please listen the tape listen to the pronunciation of words. 2、who pleaes?(播放一遍录音,让学生起来读出自己听到单词的发音, 然后全班读,并纠音)然后依次出示单词卡片:bright,close,turn off,all right。 (升降调读,个人读,小组读,开火车读,男女生读,并给予鼓励与表扬) 3、解读单词:Well done 可以用于课堂表现好的同学或者做得棒的同学。 close 与 turn off 都表示关的意思,close 表示关掉非电器类,反义词是 open;turn off 表示关掉电器类的,反义词是 turn on. 4、Now please read the text once again(跟读一遍),Follow me(1 遍), The whole class.(给予鼓励与表扬) ,老师读英文,请几个学生起来翻译(给 予鼓励与表扬) 。 5、小组读一遍课文,并自己读读 Look and say.学生根据老师的指示进 行操练: Please close the windows. Please close the door. Please turn off the lights. Please turn off the fans. Please open the windows. Please open the door. 2 Please turn on the lights. Please turn on the fans. (给予鼓励与表扬) 7、小结:复习单词和课文 Step 4 Extension 综合活动:课后同学之间操练句型: Please close the windows. Please close the door. Please turn off the lights. Please turn off the fans. Please open the windows. Please open the door. Please turn on the lights. Please turn on the fans. Step 5 Homework: 完成导学案上的达标检测 Blackboard writing design: Unit2 Cleaning Day PartB 图 1 Well done! 图 4 turn off 反义词:turn on 图 2 bright 图 5 fan 图 3 close 反义词:open 图 6 all right
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