闽教版六年级下册-Unit 3 Seeing a Doctor-Part B-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:50813).doc

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1、教学设计 所用教科书 书名 小学英语 (福建教育出版社 闽教版) 所教年级 六年级 所教册次、单 元 下册 Unit 3 Seeing a doctor Part B 设计主题 闽教版六年级下册 Unit 3 Seeing a doctor Part B 1教学背景分析 教学内容分析:本课课题是 Unit 3 Seeing a doctor Part B,是小学六年级的一节英 语课。Seeing a doctor Part B 一课以对话的形式承接 Part A,叙述了 Ben 头痛了, Mum 带他去医院,医生与 Ben 之间的对话。 学生情况分析:学生是小学六年级学生,学生能够简单应用所学

2、的语言知识解决问题;学 生已经学过 see the doctor 的相关知识,了解了一定的外国文化知识,教学中,我面向 全体学生,发挥学生的主体性,先用激趣的手法,接着引导学生提出问题,合作解决学 习中的拦路虎,并在教师的引导下,一步步学习语言的运用。总之,调动学生的非智力 因素来促进智力因素的发展。 2教学目标分析 1、知识目标: 掌握词汇:medicine,doctor, cross, street, a lot of, cross the street 学习句型:You must. You mustnt. 2、语言技能目标: 1)能运用所学语言描述生病时应注意的事项。 2)能根据不同的场

3、所,正确使用 must 和 mustnt 来说一说或写一写应该做和不应该 做的事。 3、情感态度: 1)让学生知道在天气变化时要注意增减衣物,患病了要及时就医。 2)健康是最大的财富. 4教学重点、难点分析 教学重点:新单词及句型的学习及掌握。 教学难点:句型 You must.You mustnt. .在生活情境中的运用。 5教学过程设计(中文为主 + 所教学科目标语言) Step 1:warm-up activity 1. Greetings T:Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you T: How are you today? T: Im happy

4、 all of you are very healthy. Boys and girls,Look , who is he? T: Is he fine? T: What will his mom do? T: Yes, Because he must go to see a doctor. 设计意图:设计意图:通过问候和自由交谈拉近师生的距离,同时也引出了本节课的学习内容。 2.揭题。 T:So today we Continue to learn Unit 3 Seeing a doctor Part B 3.根据课题,学习单词 doctor 和词组 see a doctor 4. 男女竞

5、赛,说明比赛规则 T:Today we will have a competition between boys and girls. If you do a great job, you can march a step. Understand? Now lets begin our class. 设计意图:设计意图:抓住学生此阶段的个性特点,营造你追我赶的学习氛围,培养竞争意识。 Step 2:New lesson 1. 学习 must T: Ben must go to see a doctor. T : Attention to this word. Can you read it?

6、T: Its doesnt matter. Lets me help you. This is.much fast T : Great job. Must. 设计意图:设计意图:运用语音迁移的教学法, 让学生懂得举一反三, 更利于今后英语单词的学习。 2.学习 Whats wrong with Ben? T : Now he is in hospital, Lets watch carefully, whats wrong with Ben? T: Can you? T:Great. 3. 学习 You must. (1)T: Ben has a headache and fever. Wha

7、t does the doctor ask him must to do? “You must.” Lets watch the cartoon again. T: The doctor says you must. S1: You must drink a lot of water. T: a lot of T : Any others? The doctor says you must. S 2: You must take some medicine. T :Good girls. Medicine Some medicine ,some medicines, understand?(师

8、手拿药瓶) T: Read the two sentences again (2). T: Say it. Read as quickly as you can T: Good job. (3). T:Look, Here are some pictures for you. Can you make some sentences? 设计意图:设计意图:引导学生在情境中以及老师的指导下领会单词意思;出示学习任务,让学生 带着任务听课文, 为学生的听指明了方向, 同时通过文本的对话, 有助于学生理解文本, 降低学习难度。同时培养学生寻找信息的能力。 4.学习 You mustnt. T: Now

9、 boys and girls. Attention, please. Im show you a magic word. Do you know,Its must+not=mustnt T:Well done. Mustnt. T: As We knew Ben has a headache and fever. So the doctor ask Ben “you mustnt.” S3: You mustnt go to school. T: Now lets look and say. There are three pictures. The first one is_; the s

10、econd is_; the third is_.(学习 cross, street) T : Can you make sentences, You mustnt_ 设计意图:设计意图:教师适时追问,有助于学生深入学习文本。 5:学习 The light is red. You mustnt cross the street. T: This is a traffic light. The light is_ Ss :_ T: You_cross the street. T: Read the sentences again. 6. Driving text T: Traffic signs

11、 are everywhere in our lives. Lets have a driving text together to know more about them, OK? T: Wow, all of you are good divers. 设计意图:设计意图:把本课的教学重点与实际生活相联系-交通标识。 7. Missing Game T: Now boys and girls, Look more carefully! Lets play a game: Whats missing? Are you ready? T: Big hands for yourselves. Y

12、ou are very very good. 8:Listen and imitate T: Lets come to listen and imitate. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Understand? 设计意图:设计意图:让学生开口通篇朗读,落实对文本的掌握,加深对课文的学习,同时感受纯 正的语音语调,培养良好的语感。 T: Groups-work, read the text to your partner and help each other. OK? T: Lets act it out. Which

13、 group will be first? 8:Retell the text. T: :Now close your book. Look at the blackboard, Lets try to retell the text. Can you? T: All of you do a great job. 设计意图:设计意图:通过角色扮演,让学生感受语言、感受朗读语速、检验学生的学习情况,同 时达到语言输出的目的。 Step 3:巩固操练 1. 阅读理解 T: Now take out this paper. Lets do some reading. T: First listen

14、carefully T: Then read yourself, tick or cross? Understand? T: Are you finish? T: The first: It was warm yesterday. Tick or cross? Why? T: The second is_. YES, he didnt put on his jacket not didnt have, clear? T: The third is_! Well done! 设计意图:设计意图: 通过听,说,读,写四方面操练,促使学生更快掌握本课重点。 Step 4: 拓展训练。 1. 学生讨论

15、主题并回答。 T:We know healthy is very important to our lives. So at last , lets talk something about our healthy.-“How to keep healthy?” we must we mustnt. T: Discuss with your partners 2. T: Are you OK? T: Good, say out your suggestions, please. T: I think so. Water is the kind of food. I agree with you

16、. Bed is a medicine. I agree. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Yes.Life lies in movement. 3. T: Now take out this paper, write down your opinions. Lets begin. T: Are you OK? Its your show time. (每组两个同学, 写不同) T: Thank you for the two students. 设计意图:设计意图:在听、说、读的基础上,让学生通过写进一步落实到写的练习上,写完展示, 巩固和突破本节

17、课的难点,同时也引申到了息息相关的健康话题 4.师总结 T:If we want to keep healthy ,we must.(开花引出有可能的答案) If we want to keep healthy , we mustnt(开花引出有可能的答案) Step 4: 情感教育 T: Good healthy is over wealth. Step 5: Home work T: These are todays English homework. Choose one type for your homework. 设计意图:设计意图:分层的设计作业,适应不同层次的学生。 Who is the winner? Congratulations! T: See you! 步骤 7:板书设计 Unit 3 Seeing a Doctor Part B must mustnt drink a lot of water go to school take some medicine talk in the library cross the street 6教学评价设计 评价内容:语音、语调是否标准;朗读声音是否洪亮;参与积极性高低;回答问题的 正确率。 评价方法:全班分成男女生两组,达到奖励标准的在奖励道路上前进一步,看那一组 最先到达顶点,拿到奖杯。 You


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