闽教版六年级下册-Unit 5 Occupation-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:61aad).zip

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  • 闽教2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 Occupation_Part A_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:61aad)
    • A Story Book My Family.mp4
    • Song What does he do .mp4
    • 教案61aad.docx--点击预览
    • 课文视频.swf
    • 闽教版小学英语六年级下册Unit5 PartA.ppt--点击预览


Unit5 Occupation Part A 教学设计教学设计 一教材分析 本课内容是闽教版小学英语六年级下册 Unit5 Occupation Part A。本单元核心内容是 询问他人的职业情况。本课主要学习有关职业的单词:singer, farmer, worker, cook, nurse 和句型:What does he/ she do? He/ She is a 。为了本单元整体化学习,本课还提前接 触了单词:driver, dancer,police officer。为 Unit5 Occupation Part B 和 Unit6 Dream Jobs 内容学习做好铺垫。 二学情分析 六年级的学生经过快四年的英语学习,基础较扎实,接受能力强,在教学中可以充分 运用包括多媒体课件在内的各种手段来帮助他们学习英语和运用英语来解决问题。同时, 注重培养学生的合作学习和自主学习的能力。 三教学目标 1. 学生能学习并运用以下词汇、短语和句子: singer, worker, farmer, cook, nurse, grow; look like; What does he/ she do? He/ She is a 2. 学 生 能 运 用 所 学 语 言, 询 问 同 桌 家 庭 主 要 成 员 职 业 情 况 并 完 成 调 查 表 及 其 报 告。 3. 学生能运用所学语言,写一篇关于自己家庭主要成员职业情况的小作文。 4. 学 生 能 通 过 认 识 家 人 的 职 业 和 工 作, 激 发 学 生 对 家 人 工 作 的 尊 重 和 对 家 庭 的 热 爱。 同 时, 认 识 到 职 业 无 贵 贱 的 道 理。 5. 学 生 能 通 过 自 主 学 习 和 合 作 学 习 的 方 式, 提 高 观 察 力 和 分 析 力, 完 成 各 项 任 务。 四教学重难点 1. 教学重点:能和他人谈论职业情况。 2. 教学难点:能运用所学知识描述家庭成员的职业情况。 五教具准备 多媒体课件、单词卡片、有关家庭成员职业情况的表格等。 六教学过程 Step1: Warming up 1. Greetings 2. Enjoy a song: What Does He Do? 3. Lead in T: “ W h a t s t h e s o n g a b o u t?” T: “ D i d y o u h e a r t h e s e? H e i s a d r i v e r. H e i s a n o f f i c e w o r k e r. H e i s a w r i t e r. H e i s a d o c t o r. H e i s a t e a c h e r. T h e n, w h a t s t h e s o n g a b o u t?” S s: “ 职 业。 ” T: “Yeah! You got it. The song is about the occupation. Today were going to learn Unit5 Part A Occupation.” (板书课题) 【设计意图】通过歌曲,拉近师生距离,活跃课堂氛围;同时歌曲内容与课题相关 做到自然导入课题和感知句型:What does he do? He is a Step2: Presentation 1. 呈现歌曲中图片来学习句型: What does he do? He is a Show the pictures of the song. T: “Look! He is a doctor. What does he do? He is a doctor. Then, what does he do?” Ss: “He is a teacher.” Then learn the sentence pattern: What does he do? He is a (板书) 2. 呈现邓紫棋的图片来学习单词: singer. T: “Look! Who is she?” Ss: “She is Deng Ziqi.” T: “Yes. I like her very much. What does she do?” Ss: “She is a singer.” (板书 What does she do? She is a ) Then learn the word: singer. 【设计意图】利用歌曲和邓紫棋图片学习句型:What does he/ she do? He/ She is a 和单词:singer. 以歌手邓紫棋为例,激发学生学习兴趣,调动学生学习积极 性和主动性。 3. 介绍教师家人的职业来学习单词: farmer, worker. T: “Look at this photo. This is my family. This is me. This is my father and this is my mother. My mother is a farmer.” Then learn the word: farmer. T: “Well! What about my father? He is a worker.” Then learn the word: worker. 【设计意图】以教师的家庭照切入,介绍家庭成员的职业情况,学习新词:worker, farmer, singer。这样不仅引起学生的学习兴趣,而且也契合了以家庭为主线贯穿始 终的教学设计。 4. 引导学生发现职业构词法的规律并利用其反差来学习和区分单词:cook, cooker. T: “Now look at the blackboard. Teacher,singer,farmer,worker. They all have “er”. Then, look! What does he do? He is a ” Ss: “Cooker.” T: “No. Cooker means 厨具. He is a cook, not cooker. ” 【设计意图】引导学生发现职业构词法的规律,再打破学生的固定思维来学习和区 分 cook 和 cooker,加深学生的印象。 5. Guessing game 和学习单词:nurse. Ss: What does he do? S1: He is a worker. Ss: What does she do? T: She is a nurse. Then learn the word: nurse. 【设计意图】借助职业相关着装和用具进行 guessing game,生动有趣,也达到操 练句型:What does he/ she do? He/ She is a 的目的。同时,自然过渡到单词: nurse 的学习。 6. Learn the text Picture reading 复习家庭成员单词和学习短语:look like. Show the picture of Sallys family T: “Now, lets see Sallys family. Look! This is Sallys family. Who are they?” Ss: T: “In this picture, I think Sally looks like her father. A round face, big eyes and yellow hair. Well, I look like my father, too. What about you? Who do you look like, your father or your mother?” 【设计意图】借助 Sally 的全家福开始文本教学,一是起到激趣作用;二是自然过 渡到短语:look like 的学习,操练以 Who do you look like, your father or your mother?询 问学生,贴近生活,畅所欲言。 Task 1: Watch and fill. Name Occupation farmer cook 【设计意图】第一次接触文本,让学生带着问题整体感知文本。既训练学生的听力, 又培养学生认真听听力的学习习惯。 Task 2: Watch and answer. Q1: Do they have a farm in the UK? A. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont. Q2: What do they grow? They grow ________. A. rice B. corn. 【设计意图】让学生再带着问题来听文本,解决细节问题。培养学生寻找细节信息 的能力。 Task 3: Read and underline. Then check and learn the word: grow. T: “In the UK, they can grow corn. Well, in Putian, we can grow what?” Ss: T: “In Putian, we can grow litchis, loquats, longans and pomelos. They are four famous fruits in Putian. Do you like to eat them? Yeah, I like to eat them, too. They are delicious.” 【设计意图】让学生圈出关键单词和句子,培养学生寻找关键信息的能力。随文学 习单词:grow 和了解莆田家乡的四大名果,渗透文化教育。 Task 4: Listen and imitate. Task 5: Retell. 【设计意图】根据提供的关键单词和句子,让学生进行文本复述。引导学生再次梳 理、回顾文本内容,加深学生对文本的理解和掌握。 Step3: Consolidation and extension 1. Make a dialogue. Let Ss show the photos of their families and talk about the occupation of their families with their partners. 2. Introduce your family. Introduce your family in your group. Hello! My name is ______.There are____ people in my family. My father is a _____. He likes to ______. My mother is a_____. She likes to______.They work hard. I love my family very much. Show time. T: “What a happy family! Whats your dream job?” S1: S2: S3: “ I want to be a farmer.” T: “A farmer? You want to be a farmer. Great! You will be a great farmer. As Xi Jinping said, Life is equal. No job is noble or humble. So whatever you want to be, just work hard to make your dream come true.” 【设计意图】先在同桌之间互相出示全家福并进行询问对方的家庭成员职业情况, 再在组内向组员介绍自己的家庭成员的职业情况,以此来检验学生的学习情况,同 时也达到语言输出的目的。学生展示时教师进行点评,询问理想职业并自然渗透情 感:人生本平等,职业无贵贱。和鼓励学生要为自己的理想而奋斗。 3. Enjoy a story book: My family. 【设计意图】通过欣赏绘本我的家人 ,激发学生对阅读绘本故事的兴趣,也为 布置作业制作你的绘本我的家人做好铺垫。 Step4: Summary Sum up with the blackboard design. Step5: Homework 1. Read the text 3 times. 2. Finish the exercise. 3. Make your story book: My Family. 4. Write a composition: My Family. 【设计意图】延伸课堂,欣赏完绘本:My Family 让学生课后来制作自己的绘本故 事和完成小作文:My Family。同时,分层次的作业设计可以满足不同水平学生的 需求,让每一位学生都能体会到完成任务的喜悦和成就感。 七. 板书设计 Unit 5 Part AUnit5 Occupation Part A Enjoy a song. driveroffice workerwriter doctor teacher He is a doctor. What does he do? He is a teacher. She is a singer.er What does she do? My Family She is a farmer .farmer Heisaworker.worker. cooker What does he do? He is a ______. cook Guessing game. workerfarmercook What does he do? He is a ________ . doctorteachernurse What does she do? She is a ________ . singer Guessing game. nurse Thursday turn Sallys Family looks like . Whodoyoulooklike, yourfatheroryourmother? Task 1:Watch and fill. Name Occupation farmer cook Task 2:Watch and answer. 1. Do they have a farm in the UK? A. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont. 2. What do they grow? A. rice B. corn They grow ________ . Task 3: Read and underline. owInPutian,wecan. loquats litchis pomelos longans windyell grIntheUK,theycancorn. Task 4: Listen and imitate. Task 5:Retell . farmer,cook,cookfor,farm workers,farm,havemanycows, growcorn. Make a dialogue.Task 6 : A:Whoshe/she? B:He/Sheismyfather/mother/uncle/aunt A:Whatdoeshe/shedo? B:He/Sheisa worker,farmer,doctor,nurse,singer,dancer,teacher, businessman(商人),engineer(工程师),driver(司机), cleaner(清洁员),waiter(服务员),policeofficer(警察), officeworker(公司职员)publicservant(公务员) Task 7: Introduce your family. farmer,worker, doctor,nurse, teacher, driver(司机), waiter(服务员), cleaner(清洁工), policeofficer(警察) grow,work, helppeople(帮助人) teach(教书), makemoney(赚钱) sing,dance, draw,run,swim, Hello!Mynameis______.Thereare____people inmyfamily.Myfatherisa____.Helikesto______. Mymotherisa____.Shelikesto_______.They workhard.Ilovemyfamilyverymuch. Whatsyourdreamjob? 人生本平等,职业无贵贱。人生本平等,职业无贵贱。 Life is equal. No job is noble or humble. Homework 1.Readthetext3times. 2.Finishtheexercise. 3.Makeyourstorybook:MyFamily. 制作你的绘本我的家人。 4.Writeacomposition:MyFamily. 写篇小短文我的家人。 Write a composition. farmer,worker, doctor,nurse, teacher, driver(司机), waiter(服务员), cleaner(清洁工), policeofficer(警察) grow,work, helppeople(帮助人) teach(教书), makemoney(赚钱) sing,dance, draw,run,swim, My Family Hello!Mynameis______.Thereare____people inmyfamily.Myfatherisa____.Helikesto______. Mymotherisa____.Shelikesto_______.They workhard.Ilovemyfamilyverymuch.
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