闽教版六年级下册-Unit 5 Occupation-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:0036b).zip

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Enjoy the chant occupation 职业职业 ,kjupein 执教者:福州市敖峰小学执教者:福州市敖峰小学 林燕英林燕英 singer dancer player doctorteacher teach - teacher sing - singer play - player dance - dancer What do you find? er / grandfathegrandfathe r r grandmothegrandmothe r r fathefathe r r mothermother sistersister brotherbrother SallySally Family tree Listen and answer the question Q1:What does do? Q3:Do they grow corn? 种植种植 Q2:What does do? Listen and answer the question Q1:What does do? A : B : farmer farm / He is a farmer. Listen and answer the question Q2:What does do? A : B : cook 厨师 book /u/ She is a cook. cook 名词,厨师名词,厨师 She is a cook. 动词,烹饪动词,烹饪 She can cook. Q3:Do they grow corn? Yes,they do. Listen and answer the question ? 提示提示1.She works long hours. 提示提示2.She works hard. 提示提示3.She works in the factory(工厂)(工厂). 提示语:提示语: worker work What does she do? She is a worker. / ? 提示提示1.She likes help people. 提示提示2.She wears a white hat. 提示提示3.She helps doctors. 提示语:提示语: nurse 护士 Thursday /:/ What does she do? She is a nurse. Quick Reaction worker nurse farmercook Ask and answer. -What does he do? -He is a_____. Ask and answer. -What does she do?-She is a_____. Chant: What does he do? What does he do? He is a worker. He is a worker. What does she do? What does she do? She is a cook. She is a cook. A: What does she do? B: She is a . begin A: What does he do? B: He is a . begin Listen and follow 用所给句子完成对话 1.She often works on holiday. 2.What does she do? 3.She dances very well. 4.Who is that woman? 5.What a busy woman. 6.She is my cousin. 7.She is a dancer. A:_______________ B:_______________ A:_______________ B:_______________ _______________ _______________ A:_______________ 写一写 拿出家人的照片,根据提示,利用所 学内容,进行模仿书写。4人一组交流讨 论,介绍自己家人的工作情况。 Tip 4:nurse, doctor, teacher, worker, dancer,cook, My _______ Im __________ . This is my _______. He/She is good at _______ . He/She is _________. He/She is a ___________. ThereThere areare threethree hundredhundred andand sixtysixty trades,andtrades,and everyevery tradetrade hashas itsits master.master. 三百六十行,行行出状元。三百六十行,行行出状元。 情感教育 Summary: 1.Words:farmer,cook,nurse,worker,grow. 2.Sentences: What does he/she do? He/She is a _________. Homework: 1.听课文录音,模仿并熟读课文听课文录音,模仿并熟读课文 。 2.完成活动手册本课的练习。完成活动手册本课的练习。 3.运用所学的句型与伙伴进行交流。运用所学的句型与伙伴进行交流。闽教版英语六年级下册闽教版英语六年级下册 UnitUnit 5 5 OccupationOccupation PartAPartA 教学设计教学设计 一、设计理念 英语新课程标准中明确指出,教师要充分利用现代教育技术,开发英语教 学资源,拓宽学生英语学习渠道,改变学生英语学习方式,提高学生的学习效 率。教师要努力学习现代教育技术,开发并合理利用以现代信息技术为载体的 英语教学资源,实现现代信息技术与英语教学的有效融合。本单元将围绕 “Occupation”为主题,展开系列教学活动,本课中首先要让学生学会用英语 表达一些职业名称,其次通过创设情境,在情境中让学生能更加熟练地运用句 型 What does he/she do?来询问他人的职业。同时通过这一课的学习,培养学 生热爱生活,尊重他人的劳动的优良品质。 二、教学目标 (一)知识与能力: 1、能听、说、认、读单词 farmer,cook,worker,nurse,grow 等。 2、能听懂、会说、会用句型 What does heshe do ? HeShe is a . 3、能在教师的帮助下理解教材文本内容。 4、能在生活中运用所学知识开展交际活动。 (二)过程与方法: 1、提高和发展学生的听说能力。 2、能形成良好的阅读习惯,掌握一定的学习策略。 (三)情感态度与价值观:热爱生活,尊重他人的劳动。 三、教学重点、难点 教学重点: 1、能听、说、认、读单词 farmer,cook,worker,nurse,grow 等。 2、能听懂、会说、会用句型 What does heshe do ? HeShe is a . 3、能正确理解课文内容。 教学难点: 能在生活中运用所学知识开展交际活动。 四、教具准备 单词卡片、多媒体课件 5、教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up 1.师生互致问候。 2.欣赏童谣 。 Step 2 Lead-in and review 1.教师说:“This chant is about worker.My father is a worker.Im a teacher.There are so many occupations in our life. Today we are going to talk about occupations.” 2.教师出示单词卡片 occupation,教学单词 occupation,揭示并板书课题: Unit 5 Occupation Part A。 3.课件复习一些已学过的职业单词并归纳总结。 Step 3 Presentation&Practice (一)整体感知 1、设置问题,听音回答问题。 教学单词 farmer,cook,grow 和句型 What does he/she do? He/She is a . (1) 教师指着 Sally 的全家福照片中 Sally 的爷爷问全班学生:“Who is that man? What does he do?”板书句子:What does he do? 学生回答: farmer.教师补全句子:Yes, he is a farmer.并板书教学 farmer。 (2) 通过问题 What does Sallys grandma do?导入单词 cook 教学。 (3) 通过问题 3,教学单词 grow。 2、通过 Guessing game 导入单词 worker,nurse 的教学。 3、操练:Quick Reaction 4、教学句型 :What does he/she do? He/She is a _________. 5、Practice in pairs. 6、Chant. 7、Game:转转盘 8、Read by yourself and learn the words“look like”. 9、听音跟读课文。 Step 4 Extension and summary 1、根据所给的句子完成对话。 2、利用所学内容,进行模仿书写。 3、Summary。 4、情感教育。 Step5 Homework 1.听课文录音,模仿并熟读课文 。 2.完成活动手册本课的练习。 3.用所学语言与自己的伙伴交流。 板书设计 Unit5 Occupation PartA What does he/she do? He/She is a _________.
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