闽教版六年级下册-Unit 5 Occupation-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:b19f8).zip

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Occupation Part B Chant: Im a worker. What jobs do you know? job 工作工作 s What jobs do you know? basketballbasketball player footballfootball player There are many kinds of players. runner swimmer the high jumper the long jumper dancer singer policeman police officer policewoman police officer police officers farm-farmer work-worker teach-teacher sing-singer play-player office-officer dance-dancer What do you find? 你发现了什么?你发现了什么? 这些职业词是动词这些职业词是动词+er变来的变来的 。 Quick Reaction Say the words as quickly as you can.快速说出闪过的快速说出闪过的 职业词。职业词。 Lets say. Whos the man? What does he do? Whos the woman? Hes a Shes Shes a Hes Whats his job?Whats her job? What does she do? They are What are their jobs? What do they do? What are their jobs? Read and circle: 快速浏览课文,在文中圈出他们的职业快速浏览课文,在文中圈出他们的职业 What are their jobs? 看图猜一猜他们的职业看图猜一猜他们的职业 What are their jobs? Read and circle: 快速浏览课文,在文中圈出他们的职业快速浏览课文,在文中圈出他们的职业 在阅读短文时我们可以根据自己所需要了解的信在阅读短文时我们可以根据自己所需要了解的信 息快速浏览,获取关键信息。息快速浏览,获取关键信息。 Learning tip (学习方法小提示)(学习方法小提示): What are their jobs? Read and circle: 快速浏览短文,在文中圈出他们的职业快速浏览短文,在文中圈出他们的职业 basketball playerdancer police officers basketball player dancer police officers What are they ? what do they look like? Read and underline: 默读短文,找出他们是谁和他们长相特征,默读短文,找出他们是谁和他们长相特征,在答案下划线在答案下划线 cousin tall 在阅读时如需要寻找细节信息,应该放慢阅读速在阅读时如需要寻找细节信息,应该放慢阅读速 度,在找到的关键信息处划线或做标记。度,在找到的关键信息处划线或做标记。 Learning tip (学习方法小提示)(学习方法小提示): cousin beautiful aunt and uncle cool Talk about them. 根据关键词复述课文根据关键词复述课文 cousin cousin aunt and uncle 当我们复述短文时,可以先整理出关键词,再根当我们复述短文时,可以先整理出关键词,再根 据关键词进行复述。据关键词进行复述。 Learning tip (学习方法小提示)(学习方法小提示): Whats his job? He grows many vegetables. He works on the farm. Her name is Fanny. She is a woman. She is hard-working. She loves her job because His name is Wang Bing. He is a very hard-working man He like his job because he can save peoples lives ReadRead moremore reportsreports His name is Zhang Wei. His job is to save people. He likes his job because His name is Tony. He is 30 this year. He is hard-working. He works early in the morning. He sends milk to people every morning His name is Zhang Wei. He is 25. He loves his job, because he can help people in need. He is strong and brave. His job is to protect(保护)(保护) and save people in danger(危险)(危险). Whats his job? Whats his job? 1.Read the reports. (阅读笔录,了解人物信息)(阅读笔录,了解人物信息) 2. Read the reports in groups and guess. (小组内朗读笔录,猜一猜其他笔录有关于(小组内朗读笔录,猜一猜其他笔录有关于 谁的工作。)谁的工作。) Her name is Lin Fang. She goes to work by car. She works in a school His name is Wang Bing. He is a very hard-working man He like his job because he can save peoples lives ReadRead moremore reportsreports His name is Zhang Wei. His job is to save people. He likes his job because He is 39. His job is to play basketball. He is very tall and strong. And he plays basketball very well in China and in NBA. He likes Her name is Lin Fang. She goes to work by car. She works in a school. She has many students. She helps them learn. She is very kind. What is her job? His name is Wang Bing. He is a very hard-working( 勤劳的)勤劳的) man. He likes his job. Because he can make people strong and healthy. He can save peoples lives(生命)生命). What is his job? He is 39. His job is to play basketball. He is very tall and strong. And he plays basketball very well in China and in NBA. He likes his job because he loves this game. Who is he? What is his job? There is no rich or poor and high or low difference in the job. 工作无高低贵贱之分工作无高低贵贱之分 。 Summary job, basketball player police officer, dancer, singer Whats his job? He is a basketball player. Whats her job? She is a dancer. Whats their jobs? They are police officers. New Words: Sentences: 1.Recite the text. 背诵课文背诵课文 2.Write the new words and sentences four times. 抄写抄写 单词句子各四遍。单词句子各四遍。 3.Talk your familys job. 说说 说你家人的工作。说你家人的工作。 Homework: His name is Wang Bing. He is a very hard-working man He like his job because he can save peoples lives His name is Zhang Wei. His job is to save people. He likes his Job His name is Tony. He is 30 this year. He is hard-working. He works early in the morning. He sends milk to She is a 25- year-old woman. Her name is Chen Jin. She is very clever. Her name is Fanny. She is a woman. She is hard- working. She loves her job教学设计思考和提出的问题教学设计思考和提出的问题 如何让学生在学习文本的同时提高他们的阅读能力。 磨课要点磨课要点 起点。 知识起点:已掌握 farmer, cook, worker, nurse, teacher, player What does he do? He is a What does she do? She is a 已有生活认知:能借助图片询问家庭主要成员的职业情况。 思维特点:高年级学生具有一定的英语听说能力,加强培养学生的阅读能 力。 终点。 能听懂会说本课的单词并能运用本课句型。会就他人的职业进行谈论和叙 述。 过程与方法。 教会学生在阅读的过程中快速获取关键信息。 引导学生整体阅读课文对话,理解课文细节信息。 引导学生借助关键词记住笔录主要意思并尝试表达。 教学内容教学内容 闽教版小学英语六年级下册 Unit5 Occupation Part B 教学目标教学目标 知识技能知识技能 1. 能听懂、会说单词 job, police officers, dancer, singer 2. 能听懂、会说、会运用句型 Whats his job? He is a . Whats her job? She is a .What are their jobs? They are . 3. 通过阅读学习如何通过笔录了解他人的职业并进行谈论,了解课文以外 更多职业。 学习策略学习策略 1. 教会学生在阅读的过程中快速获取关键信息。 2. 引导学生整体阅读课文对话,理解课文细节信息。 3引导学生借助关键词记住笔录主要意思并尝试表达。 情感态度情感态度 1. 培养学生积极用英语表达的情感态度。 2. 引导学生发现不同职业的意义,培养学生尊重和热爱不同职业的的态度。 教学重点、难点:教学重点、难点: 1. 能听懂、会说、会运用句型 Whats his job? He is a . Whats her job? She is a .What are their jobs? They are . 2 通过笔录学习学会如何就他人的职业进行谈论和叙述。 3. 对高年级学生英语学习方法的指导。 教学准备教学准备 1. PPT,关于职业的笔录(短文) 2. 课前预习 教学过程教学过程 StepStep One:One: Lead-inLead-in Chant: Im a worker. (设计说明):通过说歌谣,活跃气氛,由 worker 引出 Occupation。 Step Two: Presentation 1.Bring up the topic(揭示话题) The teacher tells the students the topic of this lesson, and asks them what jobs they already know. (设计说明):通过谈论学生已经知道的工作,调动学生相关知识储备,为进入 课文阅读进行铺垫。 2. Teach the new words. 教授新词:job, police officer, dancer, singer. (设计说明):通过说职业词,学生发现在这些职业词中警察、舞蹈演员、歌唱 演员还未学过,调动学生求知欲,为进入课文阅读进行铺垫。 Game:Quick Reaction 3. Lets say. 复习 What does he/she do? He/Shes a引出句型 Whats his/her job? He/Shes a 教学。What do they do? They are引出 What are their jobs? They are教学。 4.Guess the jobs in the text (猜测课文中人物的工作) The teacher shows the outlines of the pictures of Julias family and asks the students to guess their jobs from the pictures. (设计说明):引入课文情境,通过看人物剪影预测人物职业,引发学生阅读兴 趣。 5.Read the text quickly and find the jobs of Julias family (快速阅读课文,找 到文中人物的职业) The students read the dialogue quickly and circle the jobs of Julias family. (设计说明):通过快速阅读课文的方式,指导学生如何快速阅读,获得自己所 需要的信息。 6. Read the text in details, find who they are and what they look like(仔细阅读课文, 了解人物) Learn who they are and what they look like The students read the text in details and underline who they are and what they look like (设计说明):通过仔细阅读课文的方式,指导学生如何读懂课文细节,进一步 理解阅读内容。 7. read the text. A. listen and repeat. B. Read and text in groups.(小组内朗读课文) The students read the text in groups and help each other. The teacher helps the students to read better. (设计说明):通过学生在小组内再次朗读课文,让学生从整体上再次回顾课文 内容,引导学生在小组内的互相帮助,合作学习。 Step Three: Consolidation 1. Retell the text A. Give a model The teacher shows the students how to retell according to the key words. (设计说明):通过教师示范复述,指导学生如何根据关键词及短语复述课文。 B. Talk in groups The students try to retell the text according to the key words in groups. (设计说明):通过小组内复述课文,引导学生借助关键词句记住阅读内容主要 意思并尝试表达。 2. Read .Tick or cross. 3. Read more reports and guess the jobs. (读其他笔录,猜测文中人物的职业) The students read another report together and guess the job. (设计说明):通过阅读课外有关职业短文巩固本课阅读相关内容,同时引发学 生思考课文之外不同职业的重要性。 4.Tell the students the importance of different jobs (告诉学生每一种职业都很重 要) The teacher tells the students: All jobs are important. (设计说明):在课文学习之后,引导学生思考不同职业的重要性,启发学生理 解和尊重身边的每一种职业。 Step Four: Summary Step Five: Homework 1. Recite the text. 2. Write the new words and sentences four times. 3. Talk your familys job. (设计说明):通过具有层次性的作业设计,兼顾到学生阅读、复述、理解、 写作等各方面能力的发展,引导学生学以致用。 板书设计:板书设计: Unit5 Occupation Part B Whats his job? Whats her job? What are they jobs? Hes a Shes a They are Who _______________ _______________ _________________ Looks ______________ ________________ _________________ Job ________________ _________________ _________________
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