闽教版六年级下册-Unit 7 A Visit to a Middle School-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:c0453).zip

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闽教版小学英语六年级下册 Unit7 A Visit to a Middle School Part A Unit7 A Visit to a Middle School Part A the first floor the second floor the third floor the fourth floor the fifth floor the sixth floor the seventh floor the eighth floor the ninth floor the tenth floor Which school are they visiting? Sunlight Middle School Welcome to Sunlight Middle School. Ill show you around our school. show sb around.带领某人参观某处” Hi,boys and girls! Welcome to Sunlight Middle School. Im Alice Brown. Ill show you around our school. Welcome to our school. Im. Ill show you around our school. 1.Where is the school library? 2.Where are the teachers offices? 1.Where is the school library? 2.Where are the teachers offices? 1.Where is the school library? It s on the first floor. Where are the teachers offices? They are on the second floor. teachers office offices Teachers offices are on the second floor. physicsphonephoto Study English/ Chinese/ math Where are the labs? They are on the ninth floor. 4020 10 30 50 0 一分钟倒计时 开始 10 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 活动要求: 1.向来宾们介绍我们学校各功 能室所在的楼层。(可选3-5个 ) 2.两人一组,练习小小迎宾员 要说的话. Welcome to our school. Im Miss Fang. Ill show you around our school. This is our classroom building. Our reading-room is on the first floor. Our sicence lab is on the second floor . Our computer room is on the third floor. music room art room reading -room science lab computer room teachers meeting room 1.Complete Unit 7 PartA in the exercise book . 2.Read the dialogue three times and act out the dialogue after class. new words new sentence middle school teachers office lab physics study new sentences .is/are on the.floor Where is/are the.? Its /Theyre on the. floor. Teachers Reading-room School library Classrooms for Grade 6 Classrooms for Grade 3 Computer Room Teachers Offices Welcome to our school. Im Miss Fang. Ill show you around our school. This is our classroom building. Our reading-room is on the first floor. Our sicence lab is on the second floor . Our computer room is on the third floor. Hello.Im x x x.Welcome to our school. Ill show you around our school. This is our classroom building . Our reading-room is on the first floor. Our sicence lab is on the second floor . Our computer room is on the third floor. Our art room is on the fourth floor. Our music room is on the fifth floor. Our teachers meeting room is on the fifth floor.1 闽教版六年级第八册第 7 单元 A Visit to a Middle School Part A第第 1 1 课时教学设计课时教学设计 1、教学内容 Unit 7 A Visit to a Middle School Part A 2、设计理念 依据新课程改革下的语篇教学理念,在英语教学中,做到词不离句,句不 离篇。在本课新单词及新句型教学中,始终从文本整体出发,整体视听,获取 信息,再教新知。语言的学习要注重创设切合生活实际的语境,基于这一点, 我在设计本课时,努力做到创设情景,引导学生模仿文本角色,训练,体会, 并运用语言。 三、教学目标 1.语言知识目标 (1)学习词汇:study,physics,lab,middle school。 (2)学习句型:Where are the? They are on the . 2. 语言技能目标 (1)能正确使用序数词。 (2)能用英语说出学校各种教室的名称。 (3)能用所学语言描述学校各种教室所在楼层。 3.情感态度 帮助学生初步了解中学环境的基本情况,激发学生对新学校的好奇心,培 养学生的学习兴趣. 4、学情分析 六年级学生对学习英语的兴趣整体有所下降,两极分化较为严重,在教学 中始终要面向全体,把激发学生的兴趣放在首位,注意分层教学。 5、教学重难点和关键 重点:掌握并运用句型 Where are the?They are on the . 难点:运用句型 Where are the?They are on the . 关键:能用所学语言描述学校各种教室所在楼层。 6、教学课时 2 本教学内容共 2 课时。 7、教学准备 教师准备 1.单词卡片:study,physics,lab,middle school 等。 2.课文录音和课文动画等多媒体素材。 学生准备 预习课文及 1-12 序数词的表达法 8、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1.师生自由对话. What is the date today?Youll leave your school soon.Youll say goodbye to Yu Qing primary school.Youll go to a middle school in September. Some of you will go to No.1 Middle School .Lets go to visit a middle school. 2.揭示课题并板书课题:Unit 7 A Visit to a Middle School Part A。 教学 middle school,告诉学生 middle 意为“中间的,中级的” 。出示一中、二 中、三中教学图片进行拓展教学。 【设计意图:通过师生自由谈话,拉近师生之间的距离.】 Step 2 Review 复习序数词及楼层表达法。 出示一幢 10 层的教学大楼。This is a classroom building of a middle school.What a high building.How many floors are there? Lets count. Which floor is it? 【 设计意图:通过复习,激发学生的已有的语言知识储备,并通过旧知引新知,为新课 学习做准备。 】 Step 3 Presentation (一)整体视听感知,学习课文的第一段内容 1.教师出示课文第一幅挂图说:“Yang Ming and his classmates will go to a middle school soon.They are visiting a middle school now.Which school are they visiting? Lets go and have a look.” 2.教师出示问题:Which school are they visiting? 学生找出答案:Sunlight Middle School.提醒学生注意,学校的校名每个单词的首字母都要大写。 3.教学人物名字 Alice Brown.及句子 Welcome to Sunlight Middle School 3 and Ill show you around our school. 4.指导学生当 Alice Brown.师着句指导,再整段模仿。 5.引导学生模仿 Alice Brown Welcome to our school. Im. Ill show you around our school. 【设计意图:让学生带着问题视听课文,在整体感知文本内容的同时,培养学生有 目的地听,并快速获取文本信息的能力,在解决问题的同时,教授课文新知,让学生在篇 中感悟新知,在句中掌握新知.】 (二)再读课文第二段,学习单词 teachers office 及句型 Teachers offices are on the second floor. 1.教师出示课文的第二幅挂图说:“This is a classroom building of Sunlight Middle School.师提出问题:(1).Where is the school library?Its on the first floor.(2) Where are the teachers offices? They are on the second floor. 2.利用图片教学 teachers offices.操练句型 Teachers offices are on the second floor.(板书句型) 3.利用图片及文字出示学校各功能室所在楼层使学生学会描述。 our computer room/on the third floor our music room/ on the fifth floor our art room/ on the fourth the floor our school library /on the first floor our reading-room/ on the first floor 【设计意图:通过问题引领,让学生自读课文对话,理解文本,培养学生的自主学习 能力.利用图片设置情境,培养学生实际语言应用能力.】 (三)再读课文第三段,学习单词 physics,lab 和 study 及句型 Where are the labs?They are on the ninth floor.(板书句型) 1.教师出示图片教学并说:This is our science lab. Where is the lab?并出示 学校科学实验室的图片,请学生尝试说一说 science lab。 2.教师出示物理实验室的图片,告诉学生:“This is a physics lab.We will study physics at middle school.” 3.出示课文第 3 幅图说:You will study physics at middle school. Yang Ming will study physics at middle school ,too.So What does Yang Ming say? 4 教学单词 study 及 We will study physics at middle school. 教学句型 Where are the labs?并板书。 【设计意图:通过理解文本,在文本中学习,在现实中应用,让学生在理解中应用, 达到学以致用的目的】 Step 4 Practice 1.完成课文的问答 (1)This is a classroom building of Sunlight Middle School.Now lets ask and answer.The whole class ask:Where are the reading-rooms?Two by two answer:They are on the first floor. (2)请个别学生问,台下学生抢答,进行竞赛训练。 2.教师播放录音,全班模仿跟读课文一遍。 3.全班分角色朗读课文一遍。 【设计意图:通过竞赛练习,调动学生的学习积极性,让学生在练习中掌握重点.】 Step 4 Extension “小小迎宾员”活动。 1.请学生四人一小组,准备“小小迎宾员”要说的话。 2.推举一位学生当“小小迎宾员” ,带着小组内的其余三位学生开始表演 活动。 【设计意图:通过本环节的活动开展,激发学生的思维,培养学生综合应用语言的 能力。 】 Step 5 Homework 1.听录音,熟读本课内容。 2.完成活动手册中本课的练习。 九、板书设计: Unit 7 A Visit to a Middle School Part A Teachers offices are on the second floor. Where are the labs? They are on the ninth floor.
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