闽教版三年级下册Unit 1 Birthday-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:2007d).zip

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Unit One Birthday 教学目标 1、知识目标能听说读单词birthday, card, buy a present, a football, a cake;学习句子 Please come to my birthday party. What about a .并能用这些句教学进行对话表演。 2、能力目标:能运用已经学的句子进行对话 表演。 3、情感态度:喜欢并积极参加英语活动。 一、热身 1. Chant 2. Greetings 1. Sing“HappyBirthday” 2. Show the title of Unit 1 Part A 3.Learn the words of “birthday” 二、课题引入 三、导入新课 1.教Please come to my birthday party.(用 老虎布偶引出Please come to birthday party.) 2.教what about a .以及单词football, cake, card T: what about a pencil? T: What about a football? what about a football? What about a card? What about a cake? present 游戏1:看乒乓球,跟节奏,读单词 A football. A football. (升降调带读) Good idea. What about a rabbit? What about a _____? .怎么样? 好不好? 造句: 游戏2:举卡片大小声操练带读 a card 操练游戏:看手势(升降调手 势) 四、巩固新知 1.Listen and answer the questions 2. Read and repeat 3. Do the pair work to practice the dialogue 4.Role play 五、语音教学 1、先告诉同学英语的26个字母中有五个元 音字母,它们分别是: A, E, I, 0, U,其余的字 母都是辅音字母。 2、让学生练习拼读(不要求他们懂得单词的 意思),练习的单词有: hat map bat dad sat nap sad lad gap fat pad rat 六、结束 Sing“Happy Birthday” 七、作业: 1、听读Unit 1 Part A三遍。 2、抄写单词各四遍。 3、完成新课程中本课练习。 板书设计: Unit1 Birthday PartA Please come to my birthday party. What about a .? Thank you !Unit 1 Birthday Part A 教学目标 1、知识目标能听说读单词 birthday, card, buy a present, a football, a cake;学习句子 Please come to my birthday party. What about a .并能用这些句教学进行对话表演。 2、能力目标:能运用已经学的句子进行对话表演。 3、情感态度:喜欢并积极参加英语活动。 教学重点: 学习句子 Please come to my birthday party. What about a . 教学难点: 能读准单词的发音并能运用学到的句子进 行对话表演 教学过程 一、热身 1. Chant 2. Greetings 二、引入课题 1. Sing“Happy Birthday” 2. Show the title of Unit 1 Part A T: Who knows the meaning of“ Happy Birthday”? S:. T: Today we are going to learn Unit 1 Part A 3. Learn the words of “birthday” (教师带读三遍,并抽查个 别学生。) 三、导入新课 1.教 Please come to my birthday party. (运用老虎布偶引出 Please come to my birthday party.) T: party, party, come to my party. 教师出示单词卡片和课件。 Come to my party, please, Row. ,Row., Row., Row.抽排 操练 2.教 Let s buy a present. T: Let s buy a present for Mr. Tiger. (手拿礼物),present , present, buy a present 教师带读(出示课件) 操练词组 buy a present 游戏: 喊出来(引出 What about a football?)教师从礼物袋里拿出礼物(pencil,football) 3. 教 what about a .以及单词 football, cake, card T: what about a pencil? T: What about a football? (出示课件和单词卡片) T: A football. A football. (升降调带读) 游戏:看乒乓球,跟节奏,读单词 跟读 What about, 并用 What about a *.造句,教师引导孩子用 “Good idea, ”回答。看口型,猜单词( What about a cake? What about a card?)教 cake, card T: Now, look at my mouth, what s my opinion? S: . 带读 a cake 操练游戏:举卡片大小声操练带读 a card 操练游戏:看手势(升降调手 势)四、巩固新知 1.Listen and answer the questions T: 0K, listen carefully, whose birthday is it? Who else in the dialogue? S: . 2. Read and repeat T: Now, read and repeat. S: . T: Let s practice this dialogue together. (以小组为单位分角色进行对话 练习) 3. Do the pair work to practice the dialogue T: Now, four of you, a group, to practice this dialogue. S: . 4. Role play 五、语音教学 1、先告诉同学英语的 26 个字母中有五个元音字母,它们分别是: A, E, I, 0, U,其余的字母都是辅音字母。 2、让同学看课本第 3 页,告诉同学 a 在闭音节中读 . 什么 是闭音节?闭音节以辅音结尾,而且是重读音节,在这个音节中只有 一个元音字母,如: bag, cat, black 都是闭音节。Ap-ple 可以分成 apple 两个音节,重音在第一一个音节, 它的第一个音节是闭音节。 3、为了让学生巩固对拼读规则的理解,老师可以多给几个单词,让 学生练习拼读(不要求他们懂得单词的意思),可供练习的单词有: hat map bat dad sat nap sad lad gap fat pad rat 六、结束 Sing“Happy Birthday” 七、作业: 1、听读 Unit 1 Part A 三遍。2、抄写单词各四遍。 3、完成新课程中本课练习。 板书设计: Unit 1 Birthday ;Part A Please come to my birthday party.What about a .
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