闽教版三年级下册Unit 2 Ability-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:60e88).zip

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Book2 Unit2 Ability Part A 设计 教学目标 1.语言知识目标与语言技能目标 (1)能听懂,会说,会认读单词 can,swim,draw,run. (2)能听懂,会说,会认读,能正确书写单词 swim,draw,run. (3)能听懂,会说,会认读句子 Ican ,能运用此句型表达自己的能力。 2.情感态度目标: 通过本课的学习,1.创设丰富多彩的学习活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。2.培养学生 对自己能力的自信,并通过语言表达出来,懂得:有志者事竟成。 学情分析 本节课的教学对象是三年级的学生,他们活泼好动,喜欢模仿、爱表演,爱想象,喜欢有 节奏感的儿歌。他们已经学过了一个学期的英语,对英语已经有一定的了解和基础。在此之 前,他们在第一册已经学过 sing 和 dance。但三年级的孩子接触英语时间不长,所掌握的知 识有限。在缺乏语言锻练的环境中,孩子们没有足够的机会开口说英语和运用英语。因此, 只有有效的教学,合理运用上课的时间,开展孩子感兴趣的教学活动,才能既让孩子们学到知 识,又继续保持对英语的兴趣,同时培养学生的思维能力(逻辑思维能力及发散思维能力) ,和语言综合运用能力、自主学习能力。 重点难点 1.教学重点:能听懂,会说,会认读单词 swim,draw,run 及句子 I can. 2.教学难点:能运用英语表达自己的能力。 教学活动 Step1Warmingup 1.Greetings. Lets begin our class. Good morning boys and girls. (Good morning Miss Huang.) Ni ce to see you. (Nice to see you, too.) Sit down, please. Now show me your hands. Follo w me. Lets sing a song, OK?(OK!) Ready? Go! 评价 great/super! 【设计意图】通过对话复习 too,为学习文本作铺垫。通过边做动作边唱歌曲I can si ng a rainbow创设轻松的课堂氛围,集中学生的注意力,同时导出句子I can sing。即初 步感知本课重点句型 I can.又为下一步老师的自我介绍做铺垫。 2.Leading-in 1. T:(出示自己照片)Introduce the information about me. Super. I can sing, too. And I can dance. I can run. I can draw. Theyre my abilities. 2. Present the title: Unit 2 Ability PartA So today were going to talk about ability. Follow me Unit 2 ability Part A 【设计意图】通过老师介绍自己会做的事情,引出本课的课题,引发学生的兴趣。 Step2Presentationandpractice Boys and girls, I can draw. I can draw animals. Lets have a look who are they. W ow, so many animals. Can you guess who is it? Yes. Super/Youar so clever. Its a dog. Its Fido. Look, Fido is on the beach. Sally is on the beach, too. 1. Learn the new word:“can” and the sentence: “I can dance”.(学习第一、二幅图,重点学句 子 I can 和单词 can) T:What can they do on the beach? Please watch the vedio and think about it. T: Sally says I can (dance). Fido says I can dance, too. Follow me can can. a a / / /, / / / apple / / /an. / / / / can. / / / / can 重复两次。Can can. I can. I can dance. Sally says I can dance. 板贴 Sally/I can/dance 的图片 dance, danc e, I can dance.操练两遍。 结合实际 T: Whos she? Ss: Shes Yang Liping. T: Yang Liping says T第四遍分角色给课文配音,加上表情 动作,深入感悟角色内心世界。第五遍分角色表演。 Step4Extension 1. Enjoy a story. 2. Make an information card. 3. Share it with others. Who can try? Share your informatio n. S1234. Super. 4.情感教育:有志者事竟成。 【设计意图】在阅读绘本的过程中培养学生的阅读能力,同时通过绘本为学生的语言输出 提高思维导图的支架。学生通过思维导图这一手脚架丰实、填写个人信息,如姓名、性别 、年龄等之前所学的内容,形成一个比较完整的个人介绍。然后组内交流,全班展示,培养 学生逻辑思维能力和语言综合运用能力。 Step5Summary 1.Sunmmary: What have we learned today? Let s have a look. 3.T:Who is the winner? The boy/girl. 【设计意图】通过读板书的形式引导学生简单总结,让学生条理的、系统的回顾本课所学 知识,完整呈现教学重点,高度概括本课时的内容。利用自编的 chant 及时巩固所学知识, 内化所学知识。通过评价培养小组竞争意识和合作意识。 Step6Homework 1.Read the text (at least 3 times)朗读文本至少 3 遍。 2.Try to talk about the ability you can on wechat 试着在班级微信群中说说你会什么。 【设计意图】第一题为口头作业,作为课堂朗读操练的延伸,提高学生学习的自主性与自觉 性;第二题为实践作业,培养他们与时俱进,利用现代通讯工具用英语做事情的能力。Unit2 Ability Part A 闽教版小学英语(三年级起点)三年级下册 Lets sing sing draw dancerun Ability 能力能力 Lets watch a dog (Fido) Listen and guess Tip:听听一一听听,猜猜一一猜猜。 What can Sally and Fido do? (Sally和和Fido会些什么?会些什么?) Listen, watch and choose. I can ______. I can ____, too. dance dance an / apple can 能、会能、会 Hi. I m ________. I can ______. Yang Liping dance A. sing B. danceC. swim I can . Listen and choose. (Sally和和Fido还还会些什么?会些什么?) What else can Sally and Fido do? A. sing B. danceC. swim I can ,too. Listen and choose. (Sally和和Fido还还会些什么?会些什么?) What else can Sally and Fido do? swi six pig fishm /i/ B I can swim here( (这儿这儿 ) ). A Hello. I m ________. I can ____. Sun Yang swim A. run B. drawC. swim I can . Listen and choose. (Sally和和Fido还还会些什么?会些什么?) What else can Sally and Fido do? I can ,too. A. run B. drawC. swim Listen and choose. (Sally和和Fido还还会些什么?会些什么?) What else can Sally and Fido do? draw 画画画画 /:/ I can draw a _____. dog fish pi g Try to say.Tip:帮老师说一说帮老师说一说 。 I can ____. run What else can Sally do? (Sally还还会些什么?会些什么?) Guess and listen. Tip:猜猜一一猜猜,听听一一听听。 ru sun n gun fun / / I can run here( (这儿这儿 ) ). A B Hello. I m ________. I can ____. Liu Xiang run I can _____. drawswimdancesingrun Sharp eyes.火火眼眼金金睛睛 Sing, sing, I can sing. I can sing, too. Dance, dance, I can dance. I can dance, too. Swim,swim, I can swim .I can swim, too. Draw, draw, I can draw. I can draw, too. Run, run , I can run. I can run, too. Chant it(齐声朗读)(齐声朗读) S: I can dance. F: I can dance, too. S: I can swim. F: I can swim, too. S: I can draw. F: I can draw, too. S: I can dance. F: I can dance, too. S: I can swim. F: I can swim, too. S: I can draw. F: I can draw, too. Listen and imitate 跟跟读读课课文文 Tip:注意模仿语音、语调注意模仿语音、语调 。 S: I can dance. F: I can dance, too. S: I can swim. F: I can swim, too. S: I can draw. F: I can draw, too. S: I can dance. F: I can dance, too. S: I can swim. F: I can swim, too. S: I can draw. F: I can draw, too. Listen and imitate 跟跟读读课课文文 Tip:注意模仿语音、语调注意模仿语音、语调 。 Read it 自自己己读读课课文文 Tip:注意正确的语音、语调注意正确的语音、语调 。 Watch and dub 给给对对话话配配音音 Introduce自自我我介介绍绍 Hello, Im . Look,I can . Im super! Im a . Im . Piggy Name姓名姓名 boy Sex性别性别 4 Age年龄年龄 Hello, Im . Look,I can . Im super! Im a . Im . Sally girl 9 Introduce自自我我介介绍绍 Talent show “6.1”达人秀 I can . rundrawsing swimdance Tick and say 选选择择自自己己会会做做的的事事情情,在在图图下下方方框框内内打打 。 . . 参考词汇:参考词汇: ride a bike play basketball play football play the violin 骑自行 打篮球 踢足 球 拉小提琴 play computer play chess play the piano play ping-pong 玩电脑 下棋 弹钢琴 打乒乓球 Draw a mindmap 制制作作思思维维导导图图,在在小小组组内内介介绍绍自自己己会会些些什什么么。 Hello, Im . I can . Im super/great! Im a . Im . Show Time Lets show 自我介绍,请加上表情和动作。自我介绍,请加上表情和动作。 Believe in yourself. Everyone is amazing. 相信自己,每个人都很了不起!相信自己,每个人都很了不起! HomeworkHomework 1.Read and act the text 能正确流利读课文 能分角色感情朗读 能分角色表演,配上表情与动作 2.Try to talk about the ability you can on wechat 试着在班级微信群中说说你会什么。 Thank you
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