闽教版三年级下册Unit 7 Clothes (2)-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:b3f70).zip

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Unit 7 Clothes (2) Part A 教学目标: 语言知识目标: 1. 学习单词 shirt, 初步运用 whose 等词汇。 2. 学习句子:Whoseis this? Its XXXs. 3. 学习字母 k 和 g 在单词中的发音。 4. 功能:能用英语询问物品的归属。 语言技能目标: 1. 能根据图片说出 shirt,并能看图识词。 2. 能准确使用 Whose is this? 体会语言的运用环境。 情感态度目标: 能在生活中用英语积极交流。 文化意识: 初步了解服饰词汇文化。 教学重点: 能准确使用 Whose is this? 询问物品归属,并作出准确回答。 教学难点: shirt 的正确发音 教具准备 1. 多媒体课件。 2. 有关服装类的单词图片和卡片。 教学步骤: Step1 Warm up 1、Greetings T:Good morning, boys and girls. S: . T:Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too. 2、引出评价表 Look! Boys and girls will have a competition. If you get five smiling faces, you will get clothes. Lets see who can dress most beautifully today. Come on! 3、Sing a song. P48.(PPT 出示歌曲截图) Today Im wearing a T-shirt. Whos wearing a T-shirt today? (唱起来) Lets sing a song Who is wearing a T-shirt today? 4、 揭示课题。 T-shirt is a kind of the clothes. T-shirts, hats, sports shoes and jackets are clothes. Today we continue to learn clothes. Now follow me. Unit7 Clothes Part A. Step2 Revision 1、Review the words: jacket/ sports shoes/ T-shirt/hat (图片出示) Game:我型我秀(巩固复习 hat/T-shirt/jacket/sports shoes) Now lets play a game. Say the clothes as quickly as you can. 2、新授 shirt 由我型我秀引出 shirt. 操练:T-shirt 与 shirt 对比; Look! This is a shirt-shirts. Now I want two models to show the shirts. Game: Im the best model. (请两个男孩走台,全班读 shirt,老师作 出手势 stop 时,两个同学立马摆出 pose) 3、Game: Fashion Show(复习 Its too big/small. Theyre too big/small./ Size S) Lets go to see other models. Welcome to a Fashion Show. Say “ Beautiful! Its too big/small. Theyre too big/small.” T: What size? Step3 Presentation. 1、Listen and answer the questions. These models are showing clothes on the stage. Now lets go to the playground to see other clothes. 由课文图片引出 What clothes can you see? Whose jacket is this? Whose shirt is this? 操练 whose: 坐立读;并与 who 对比。 2、 呈现问句 Whose is this? Lets listen together and find the answers. 操练句子:Game: 镜子游戏。模仿老师各种不同的语气读句子(生 气、惊喜) ;替换各种物品或服装。 3、 呈现答句 Its s. 由问句替换中 Whose hat is this? Its Cindys. 引导学生回答 Its xxx s.(戴在某个同学头上) (重复多次替换) This is Cindys hat. This is Cindys book. Whose book is this? 操练:随手拿起学生的文具,师生问答;生生问答。 7、Listen and repeat and act. Step3 Consolidation 1、Guessing 游戏。 Lets play a game. Guess whose is this? 出示卡通人物或动物的服装或物品,让学生用 Whose is this? Its xxxs.来猜物品归属。 2、 记忆力大比拼。 教师收集学生的衣服,学习用品放在箱子里。Whoseis this?考考学 生的记忆力。(请四个同学上台猜) Look! There are some clothes in the box. They are from our class. Today lets see who has super memory? Do you have super memory ?Come on! Think whoseis this? 3、 情感升华。 背景:灾区的有关图片 Clothes are important in our life. We wear clothes everyday. But you know in some places, they dont have enough clothes. They need our help. What can we do for them? We can donate clothes to them, or do others to help them. 板书: Unit 7 Clothes (2) Part A Whose is this? 评价表: Boys Girls Its xxx s.
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