2022届高考(统考版)英语人教版一轮复习教学案:选修8 Unit 4 Pygmalion (含解析).doc

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1、classic adj. they are a symbol of good fortune and wealth. (1)make a fortune 发财 seek ones fortune 外出寻找发财机会,闯世界 try ones fortune 碰运气 (2)fortunate adj.幸运的;运气好的 be fortunate in doing/to do sth.幸运做某事 (3)fortunately adv.幸运地 have good/bad fortune 运气好/不好 be worth a fortune 值很多钱 bring fame and fortune to sc

2、ientists 给科学家们带来名誉和财富 seek/go after fame and fortune 追逐名利 a fortunate colour 喜庆的颜色 基础练习单句语法填空/单句改错 We are fortunate(fortune)that in such a large, highpressure office we all get along so well. He was caught in the traffic jam and late for the meeting, but fortunately (fortunate) the meeting hadnt sta

3、rted. In China, children are given money in a red envelope to bring a good fortune in the New Year.去掉第二个 a Now there are many young men in our society dreaming of making fortune without hard work.fortune 前加 a 链接写作完成句子/句式升级 我很幸运有一个好老师, 他在英语方面帮助我很多。 (普通表达)I am fortunate to have a good teacher and he h

4、elps me a lot with my English. (高级表达) It is fortunate that I have a good teacher,who helps me a lot with my English.(it 作形式主语和定语从句) 名师点津 fortune 作“机会, 运气”讲时, 为不可数名词, 作“财产”讲时, 为可数名词。 4in terms of.就来说;从角度 高考原句 2019 江苏卷With a large brain, human beings beat other beings in terms of intelligence. (1)in t

5、he long/short term 长/短期内 be on good/bad terms with sb.与某人交情好/不好 (2)come to terms with 与达成协议;和好 基础练习单句语法填空 Learning is not always easy, but it is always beneficial in the long term. Anyone who always comes to terms with difficulty cannot become a successful man. To keep up good relationships with you

6、r teachers and classmates, you should learn to be on good terms with them. 链接写作同义词转换 Speaking of table manners, keep your voice low and pleasant during the meal. In terms of table manners, keep your voice low and pleasant during the meal. 5 教材佳句 P29Will that be of any use to you?那对你有用吗? 句法句式句中 be of

7、 use 为“beof抽象名词”句式, 该句式用来描述人或 事物的特征,此结构在句中可作表语或定语。 (1)“of抽象名词”可转化为相应的形容词。这类名词有 value,use, importance,help,interest 等。它们可用 no,some,any,little,much,great 等词 修饰。 (2)有些抽象名词没有相应的形容词形式,这类名词包括 size,weight,height, length,width,age,opinion,colour,price,kind,type,shape,way,quality 等。 这类名词根据具体的情景而变复数形式,也可在其前加冠

8、词。如果后面的名词前 有不定冠词 a/an,则这个冠词相当于 the same。 金句推送 As we all know, having a balanced diet is of great benefit to us. 众所周知,均衡饮食对我们非常有益。 基础练习单句语法填空 Your guide and suggestions are of great help to me and Im looking forward to your early reply. Now I am very happy in the new school because I have a lot of go

9、od friends of an age. Your suggestions on how to solve the problem are very useful (use) to us. 链接写作一句多译 我珍惜这个很好的机会,它在许多方面对我有好处。 I treasure this as a good chance and it is of great benefit to me in many ways.(be ofn.) I treasure this as a good chance and it is very beneficial to me in many ways.(be

10、adj.) 夯基固本基础强化 .用所给词的正确形式填空。 1 He was robbed last night, but fortunately (fortunate) he didnt have much on him then. 2He accepted my suggestions without hesitation(hesitate), which made me surprised. 3I have no idea whether the book is of great value (valuable) to your English study. 4 Its bad manne

11、rs to remark(remark) on their shortcomings in the absence of other people. 5Mary is on good terms (term) with Jenny, and they are studying at the same middle school. .在空白处填入一个适当的词。 1When she is put in a situation where she has to make a remark on others, she usually changes the topic. 2She hesitated

12、 over/about whether to take part in the coming competition. 3In terms of ability and experience, you are absolutely fit for the position. 4These men have made a great fortune by developing oil business. 5In Western eyes,Iraq is a major power in an area of great strategic importance. .在下列句子中找出一处错误并改正

13、。 1This reference book is of no useful to middle school students so we had better consider buying others. usefuluse 2My life improved remarkable when I discovered art. The art world gave me a chance to express myself without words. remarkableremarkably 3 (2019 江苏卷)We are so fond of our high intellig

14、ence that we assume that when it comes to brain power, more must be better. Unfortunate, that is not the case. UnfortunateUnfortunately 4What they have done is good for the environment in the long terms. termsterm 5If there is something else I can do for you, please dont hesitate contact me.We are a

15、t your service. contact 前加 to 查缺补漏知识拾遗 .用所给词的正确形式填空。 1The man was condemned (condemn) to six years in prison for treating his parents cruelly. 2Generally speaking(speak), those who pay attention to physical exercise are in good health. 3The mistakes in your homework shouldnt be overlooked (overlook)

16、, or youll keep them forever. 4Librarians spend a lot of time classifying (classify) the books into several parts. 5Tom arrived at school late again, which made him feel awkward and uncomfortable(comfortable) .在空白处填入一个适当的词。 1Please wait here and show the guests in when they dont know how to find the

17、 art show hall. 2I have some acquaintance with Japanese,but I cant speak it fluently. 3When they got there, they found the people suffering the storm were in need of food and water supplies. 4My memory of the happy days we spent together will never fade out as time goes by. 5What if she finds out th

18、at youve lost her book? 强技提能语言应用 .语法填空 短文中黑体部分为本单元核心知识点,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号 内单词的正确形式,并背诵该短文。 Betty is said to be an extraordinary football referee, 1skilled (skill) at handling troublesome players. Ive been longing to make 2her (she) acquaintance. Yesterday I got a chance to visit her. When I was wal

19、king towards her house, I 3spotted (spot) a laundry standing at a street corner. I went in after hesitating for 4a while. The clothes there 5were classified (classify) into four categories: woolen, cotton, silk and nylon. A garment caught my eye. It looked shabby 6but its brilliant color, though 7fa

20、ding (fade) away, betrayed itself. It suddenly occurred to me 8that it was an authentic antique. I gave a low but excited whistle in 9amazement (amaze). I tried asking the owner if he could sell it to me. Luckily he agreed! He made some good 10remarks (remark) about it before he offered a price. We

21、bargained and finally he compromised and I got the garment without paying too much. .书面表达 Step 1要点提示(黑体字部分要使用本单元所学词汇) 才华横溢的雕刻家皮格马利翁雕刻了一个漂亮的女人的石像, 她将注定使 他一生独自生活。 Pygmalion, a brilliant sculptor, carved a stone statue of a beautiful woman.She would condemn him to live alone in all his life. 他逐渐意识到自己爱上

22、了她,因此他向希腊女神求助以给她生命力。 He came to realize that he fell in love with her.So he turned to the Greek Goddess to bring her to life 女神犹豫了一会儿,答应了。 The Goddess hesitated for a moment and agreed. 根据他们的约定,他要冒充成一位公爵,不能露出马脚。 According to their agreement, he should pass himself off as a Duke and not betray himsel

23、f 皮格马利翁忽视了这个约定,结果,这位漂亮的女人再次成为石雕。 Pygmalion overlooked the agreement; as a result, the beautiful woman became a stone statue once more 最后,皮格马利翁心想:要是他遵守了约定,结果会怎么样? In the end, Pygmalion wondered what if he had obeyed/kept his promise? Step 2表达升级(改变所给句子的结构以使表达升级) 用定语从句升级句 Pygmalion, a brilliant sculpto

24、r, carved a stone statue of a beautiful woman, who would condemn him to live alone in all his life. 用本单元高级词汇升级句 In terms of their agreement, he should pass himself off as a Duke and not betray himself. Step 3衔接成文(利用恰当的过渡衔接词语连句成篇) Pygmalion, a brilliant sculptor, carved a stone statue of a beautiful

25、woman, who would condemn him to live alone in all his life. He came to realize that he fell in love with her. So he turned to the Greek Goddess to bring her to life. However, the Goddess hesitated for a moment and agreed. In terms of their agreement, he should pass himself off as a Duke and not betray himself. Unfortunately, Pygmalion overlooked the agreement; as a result, the beautiful woman became a stone statue once more.In the end, Pygmalion wondered what if he had obeyed/kept his promise


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