(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 6 Jobs-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:f03b5).zip

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教学内容:Book4 Unit 6 Jobs 课程类型:复习课 教学重点 1.字母组合 er 的发音规律及 8 个职业单词的熟练运用。 2.询问职业句型:What do you do? What does he/she do? What do they do? What do you want to be? 教学难点 询问职业句型相对应的人称变化 教学过程 Step I .Greetings and warm up 1. Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls. My name is Icy. My job is a teacher. My hobby is singing. Do you like singing? Can you sing a song for me? 2. Warm up Sing a song “My family” 【设计意图】用一首歌曲作为热身活动,首先起到一种活跃气氛的作用, 且歌曲内容与本课的语音教学内容相似,所以这首歌也起到一种复习功能。 Step II. Review “er” sound 1. Read the words end with “er” in Unit6 and write some words on the blackboard. 2. Learn more words end with “er” such as singer/ dancer/ farmer/ rubber/cooker/ gardener/ barber. 3. Brainstorm: Let them tell more words end with “er”. 4. Listen and follow the chant. 5. Classify the words into “Jobs” and “Not jobs”. 【设计意图】从一开始的引入已知的“er”单词,然后拓展更多的“er” 结尾的单词,再到“头脑风暴”让学生想出更多的和“er”一样的读音的 单词,最后用一个“er”的歌谣作为语音教学的总结,这种设计由易到难, 层层递进,非常符合学生的认知规律。 Step III. Review “What does he/she do?” 1. Read all the words first. 2. Have students make sentences like this: What does he do? He is a taxi driver. Step IV .Review “What do you do? What do they do?” 1. Teacher acts a job. T: What do I do? S1: You are a taxi driver. T: What do you do?(ask a student to act a job) S2: I am a teacher. 2. (Ask two students to act a job) T: What do they do? Ss: They are firefighters. Have students answer questions like this: They are police officers. 【设计意图】该活动首先是由教师做动作,再过渡到学生做动作,句型的 变化就从 What do I do?过渡到 What do you do?接着是由一个学生做动作 变成两个学生做动作,句型就自然地从 What do you do?过渡到 What do they do?这种真实的情景中,学生能轻松地掌握人称多变的句型。 Step V. Practice 1. Read all the patterns. 2. Play a game “Guessing their future jobs”. 【设计意图】该活动为“猜猜自己未来的职业” ,把学生的头像设计成职业 的头像,然后让他们猜自己未来的职业,该活动能把全班的气氛调动到极 点,真正做到玩中学。 Step VI. Review “What do you want to be? I want to be a/an.” 1. Have some students express “What do you want to be? I want to be a/an.” 2. Group work. 3. Let students choose their jobs. For example: some students choose “teacher”, they will stand up. And the students who are sitting ask the students who are standing “What do you want to be?” 【设计意图】该活动为“大提问”环节,这个环节能让所有的学生都参与其 中,特别是也能关注到那些比较害羞的同学。 4. Have students write down their dream jobs. They can search on line for the unknown words. 【设计意图】这个环节是可以允许他们上网查询单词来完成的,目的是让他 们知道学习英语除了课堂还有其他的方式。 5. Emotion teaching T: You have so many dreams, and I want to tell you “Only by making effort will you become whom you want to be.” Step VII. Reading 1. Listen to a story about Peters dream job. 2. By looking at the example, they have to write down their short passage and share with their group members. 【设计意图】该短文的主人公 Peter 想成为消防员,这时我以“考考你”的 方式,让学生区别国外的消防报警电话与中国的消防报警电话,并提醒学生注 意消防安全,巧妙地进行文化意识培养以及安全教育。 Step VIII .Homework 1. Write a short passage as the example. 2. Share their dream jobs with their parents.
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