(广东)粤人版三下Unit 2 Colors-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:20149).doc

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1、1 三年级下册三年级下册 Unit2 Colors 教材教材 Friends With English 课课 题题 Unit2 Colors 课型课型 story 课课 时时 The first period 学学 情情 分分 析析 小学三年级的学生具有好奇、爱表现、善模仿等特点。学生已经初步的接触过英 语了,对英语都有着浓厚的兴趣。但是学生的英语运用能力较差,英语口头表达 能力弱。 教教 学学 过过 程程 知识目标知识目标 1.Ss can understand and read the story by pictures. 2.They can understand the sentenc

2、es“What color is this? Its _. ” 3. Ss can understand the words :red blue yellow. 能力目标能力目标 1. Ss can use the sentences“What color is this? Its _. ”for communicating. 2. Ss can retell the story. 3. Ss can act the story. 情感目标情感目标 Ss can develop their imagination and be more interested in learning Engli

3、sh. 教学重点教学重点 Ss can understand the story and read the words in the following. Words: red、blue、 yellow、many、and 教学难点教学难点 Language structures:What color is this? Its . 教学用具教学用具 CD、Computer 2 Step1. Pre-story 1.Greeting 2.Guess a riddle T:What color is the house? Ss:. T:Look at this house. It is a magi

4、c house.It can change colors.What color is the house? Ss:Its . T:Look , this is Gogos house.Is it red?Is it blue? T: Gogos house is no color.Look at the picture and guess what does Gogo want to do? Ss: T: He wants to paint his house. What color does Gogo paint?Lets listen and tick the colors. Step2

5、While-story 1.Tick some colors. Ss listen and tick the colors. Ss watch the video and check the answers. 2.Listen and match Ss listen to the tape and match the sentences with pictures. 3.listen and repeat Ss listen to the tape and learn some difficult words(many 、colors、 and) and sentences(What colo

6、r is this? Its . ) Step3 Post-story 1.Retell the story with the mind map. T:You know the story a lot.Lets retell the story together. 2.Repeat the story 3.Act the story 4.Continue the story T:Look at Gogo. Is he happy? Does Gogo like the house? Is the house beautiful?Guess:What will happen next? T:I

7、think Gogo will invite Tony and Jenny to his home. Gogo will say “Welcome to my home!” Tony and Jenny are at Gogos new home now. What will they talk about? (Talking about the colors of things.) 【设计意图】 故事前设计了 猜谜语的活动可以激活学 生关于颜色的知识和经验。 有利于学生学习故事。对 Gogo 房子的颜色进行提 问,可将故事大背景导入。 【设计意图】 通过问题的提 问和解决, 学生可以熟悉故

8、事内容,便于复述、跟读及 表演故事。 【设计意图】 由于本课故事 太过于简单, 我简单地拓展 了故事情节,丰富故事内 容。 学生在这部分的学习中 可以用学到的知识来进行 交际。 3 Lets make a conversation in groups. Step4 Summary and homework 1.Retell the story by the mind mapping. 2.Make a new story about your home. 【设计意图】 作业是课堂所 学的巩固手段。 让学生仿照 本课故事和拓展部分来编 写自己的故事。 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit2 Colors Unit2 Colors


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