1、Unit 1 Cultural Heritage (文化遗产文化遗产) Words and Expressions 世世界遗产界遗产World Heritage 世世界遗界遗产产是是指被联合国教科文组指被联合国教科文组织织UNESCO 和和世界遗产委员会确认的人类罕见的、无法替代世界遗产委员会确认的人类罕见的、无法替代 的财的财富富,是是全人类公认的具有突出意义和普遍价值全人类公认的具有突出意义和普遍价值 的文物古迹及自然景观的文物古迹及自然景观。世。世界遗产包括世界文化界遗产包括世界文化 遗遗产产(包包含文化景含文化景观观)、世界自然遗产、世界文化与世界自然遗产、世界文化与 自然双重遗产三类
2、自然双重遗产三类。 截截至至2019年年7月月10日日,世世界遗产总数达界遗产总数达1121项,项, 分布在世界分布在世界167个国个国家家,世世界文化与自然双重遗产界文化与自然双重遗产 39项项,世世界自然遗产界自然遗产213项项,世世界文化遗产界文化遗产869项。项。 中国拥有世界遗产中国拥有世界遗产55项项,总总数和意大利并列位居世数和意大利并列位居世 界第一。界第一。 截截至至2019年年7月月10日日,中中国已有国已有55项项 世界遗产列入世界遗产列入世界遗产名世界遗产名录录,其其中世中世 界文化与自然双重遗产界文化与自然双重遗产4项项、世界自然遗、世界自然遗 产产14项项、世界文化
3、遗产、世界文化遗产37项项(其其中包含世中包含世 界文化景观界文化景观5项项)。中国已有世界遗产项中国已有世界遗产项 目总数为目总数为55项项,与与意大利并列位居世界第意大利并列位居世界第 一。一。 中中国世界文化遗产国世界文化遗产37处处 1. 长长城城 2. 明明清故宫清故宫 3. 莫莫高窟高窟 4. 秦秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑始皇陵及兵马俑坑 5.周周口店“北京人”遗址口店“北京人”遗址 6. 布布达拉宫历史建筑群达拉宫历史建筑群 7.承承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙德避暑山庄及周围寺庙 8. 曲曲阜孔庙、孔府、孔林阜孔庙、孔府、孔林 9. 武武当山古建筑群当山古建筑群 10. 平平遥古城遥古城 11
4、. 苏苏州古典园林州古典园林 12. 丽丽江古城江古城 13. 颐颐和园和园 14. 天天坛坛 15. 大大足石刻足石刻 17. 龙门石窟龙门石窟 16.青青城山和都江堰城山和都江堰 18. 明明清皇家陵寝清皇家陵寝 19. 皖皖南古村南古村落落 20. 云云岗石窟岗石窟 22. 澳门历史城区澳门历史城区 23. 殷殷墟墟 21. 高句丽王城王陵及贵族墓葬高句丽王城王陵及贵族墓葬 24.开开平碉楼与古村落平碉楼与古村落 25. 福福建土楼建土楼 27. 元上都遗址元上都遗址 26.“天天地之地之中中” 历历史古史古迹迹 28. 大大运河运河 31.五台五台山山 30. 庐山国家公庐山国家公园园
5、 29. 丝丝绸之绸之路路 “长长安至天山廊道路安至天山廊道路网网” 34. 土司遗址土司遗址 32. 杭杭州西湖文化景观州西湖文化景观 33. 红红河哈尼梯田文化景观河哈尼梯田文化景观 35. 广广西左江花山岩画西左江花山岩画 36. 鼓鼓浪浪屿屿 37. 良良渚古城遗址渚古城遗址 中中国世界自然遗产国世界自然遗产14处处 1. 武陵源风景名胜区武陵源风景名胜区 2.九寨沟风景名胜区九寨沟风景名胜区 3. 黄龙风景名胜区黄龙风景名胜区 4.云南三江并流保护区云南三江并流保护区 5. 四川大熊猫栖息地四川大熊猫栖息地 6. 中国南方喀斯特中国南方喀斯特 7. 三清山国家公园三清山国家公园 8.
6、中国丹霞中国丹霞 9. 澄江化石遗址澄江化石遗址 10. 新疆天山新疆天山 11. 神农架神农架 12. 可可西里可可西里 13. 贵州梵净山贵州梵净山 14. 黄黄(渤渤)海候鸟栖息地海候鸟栖息地 中国世界文化与自然遗产中国世界文化与自然遗产4处处 1. 泰山泰山 2. 黄山黄山 3. 峨眉山与乐山大佛峨眉山与乐山大佛 4.武夷山武夷山 Heritage is our legacy(遗产遗产) from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. 遗遗产是过去人们所创产是过去人们所
7、创造造,由由现代人类现代人类 继承并传之后世继承并传之后世。 1.heritage hertd: n. 遗产遗产 (指国家或社会长期形成的历史、传统和特色指国家或社会长期形成的历史、传统和特色) There are 55 world heritages (including 37 cultural heritages) in China. 2.creatively krietvli: adv. 创创造性造性地地; 有有创造力创造力地地 If you want to succeed, you have to work hard and think creatively. 3.creative k
8、rietv: adj. 创创造性造性的的;有有创造力创造力的的;有有创意的创意的 create kriet : v. 创创造造;创作创作;产生产生 Shes a creative painter and she has made great progress in painting. 4.temple templ : n. 庙庙;寺寺 1)Students from different countries are working creatively to protect a temple in China. 2)There used to be an old temple on the to
9、p of the hill. temple 5.relic relik: n. 遗遗物物;遗遗迹迹 If you find a cultural relic, what will you do with it? 6.mount mant: n. 山峰山峰 v. 爬上爬上;骑上骑上;爬爬; 登上登上 Mount Tai: 泰泰山山 mountain: 高山高山 hill: 小山小山 1)She is the first old woman to mount the hill. 2)He mounted his horse and rode away. 3)Youths from seven co
10、untries are working together to protect cultural relics on Mount Tai. 7. former f:m : adj. 以以前前的的;(两两者者中中)前前者的者的 (your) former boss/teacher/wife: 以前的以前的老板老板 /老老师师/妻子妻子 the former the latter: 前者前者,后者后者 1)By studying old photos of the former palace, they have made the new one look exactly like the old
11、 one. 2)Lucy and Rose are twins. The former is a model; the latter is a teacher. 8.clue klu: n. 线线索索; 提提示示 1)You can use context clues to guess the meaning of new words. 2)We have got a clue to the apartment case. 9.preserve prz:v : v. 保保存存;保护保护;维持维持 n. 保保护区护区 preserve/protect . from.: 保护保护免受免受. 1)T
12、he purpose of the camp is to preserve Mount Tai by introducing it to young people in a fun and easy way. 2)You can see lots of beautiful birds in the preserve. cypress pine 10.cypress saprs : n. 柏树柏树 pine: 松树松树 They planted plenty of cypress trees on the hill last spring. 11.app p: n. 应用程应用程序序; 应应用软
13、用软件件 (application的缩略形式)的缩略形式) The International Youth Camp members have created Mount Tai App. 12. application plken: n. 申请申请(表表/书书);用途用途;运用运用;应用应用(程序程序) apply pla : v. 涂涂;敷敷;搽搽;应用应用;运用运用;申请申请 The application form is important. Sit down and write it out properly. 13. take part in.: 参参与与(某事某事); 参加参加(
14、活动活动/运动会等运动会等) = join in. take (an active) part in.: 积积极参极参加加 1)A group of high school students who are taking part in an international youth camp at Mount Tai are creating an app about Chinas most famous mountain. 2)How many countries will take part in the Olympic Games? 14. give way to.: 让步让步;屈服屈服
15、;让路让路 give in:让步让步;屈屈服服 give up: 放弃放弃; 投降投降 1)There comes a time when the old must give way to the new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future. 2)Excuse me, please give way to the passengers behind you. 15.balance blns: n. 平衡平衡;均衡均衡 v.使平衡使平衡 balance
16、d : adj. 平稳的平稳的;平衡的平衡的 lose ones balance: 失去平衡失去平衡 keep the balance (between A and B): 保持保持( A和和 B之间的之间的)平衡平衡 keep the balance of nature: 保持生态平衡保持生态平衡 1)Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge. 2)She tries to balance home lif
17、e and work. 16. lead to.: 导导致致 result in.: 导致导致 cause: v. 造成造成 1)Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to great solutions. 2)Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems. 3)All roads lead to Rome (通向通向) The Three Gorges Dam Aswan High Dam Aswan High Dam 17. dam dm: n. 水水坝坝;拦拦河坝河坝 In the 1
18、950s, the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam across the Nile in order to control floods, produce electricity, and supply water to more farmers in the area. 18. proposal prpzl : n. 提提议议;建建议议 make a proposal/suggestion: 提出建提出建议议 a piece of advice: 一条建议一条建议/意见意见 He made a proposal to build a
19、 new bridge. 19. protest prtest: n. 抗抗议议 prtest: v.(公开公开)反对反对;抗议抗议 protect: v. 保护保护 protest about/against/at .: 反对某反对某事事 1)But the proposal led to protests. 2)The building work will go ahead, despite protests from the farmers. 3)Thousands of people protested against the new law. 20. likely lakli : a
20、dj.可能的可能的; 有希望的有希望的 adv. 可可能能;或或许许 Sb be likely to do .: 可能做可能做 It is likely that: 很很可能可能. 1)Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypts cultural heritage. 2) You are likely to see many beautiful girls in the city. 3)It
21、 is likely that he will arrive tomorrow evening. 21. turn to. : 向向求助求助; 翻书到翻书到; 转向转向 1)After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem, and citizens who lived near the dam, the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959. 2)Please turn to page 112. Lets read the words and
22、expressions together. 22. committee kmti : n. 委员会委员会 The committee has decided to close the restaurant. 23.establish stbl : vt. 建立建立;创立创立 found - founded: v. 建立建立; 创建创建 1)The committee was established in 1912. 2)The school has established a successful relationship with the soldiers. 24. limit lmt: n
23、. 限限度度;限制限制 v. 限限制制;限限定定 limited : adj. 有限的有限的 limit. to.: 将将限制限制在在. 1)The highest speed limit on the road is 70 km an hour. 2)The teacher limited her speech to ten minutes. 25.prevent prvent : v. 阻阻止止;阻碍阻碍;阻阻挠挠 prevent/stop/keepfrom doing : 阻止阻止/不准不准/防止防止.做做. 1)Nothing can prevent us from moving fo
24、rward now. 2)We must prevent the river from being polluted. 26. loss ls: n. 遗遗失失;丧失丧失;损损失失 lose lu:z: v. 遗遗失失;丢失丢失;失去失去 (lose - lost - lost) lost lst: adj. 失去的失去的; 迷路迷路的的 suffer a (great/heavy) loss: 遭受遭受(重大重大)损失损失 make up for the loss: 弥补损弥补损失失 1)A committee was established to limit damage to the E
25、gyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics. 2)She said his death was a great loss to our country. 27.contribution kntrbjun: n. 捐款捐款;捐赠捐赠;贡献贡献 make a contribution to.: 为为.作贡献作贡献 make contributions to.: 为为.作贡献作贡献 The Chinese people make a great contribution to the world peace. 28.contri
26、bute kntrbjut: v. 捐献捐献;捐助捐助;贡献贡献 1)We contributed a lot of money to the homeless people of the earthquake. 2) A person can still contribute to society when he is old. 29. department dptmnt : n. 部部; 司司; 局局; 处处; (大学的大学的)系系; (医院的医院的) 科科; 部部门门 apartment: n. 公寓公寓; 套房套房 the Department of Education: 教育部教育部
27、 the English department: 英语系英语系 the department of mathematics: 数学系数学系 The information was passed on to another government department. 29. fund fnd : n. 基基金金;专专款款 The concert will raise funds for research into Aids. 30.within wn : prep. /adv. 在在(某某段时段时间间/距离距离/范围范围)之之内内 within = in=inside + 时间段时间段/地方地
28、方 1)The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community. 2)You will receive a reply within seven days. 3)You mustnt walk your dog within /in the school. 31. investigate nvestet : v. 调调查查;研研究究 Police are still investigating how the accident
29、 happened. 32. issue u : n.重重要议要议题题;争争论的问题论的问题 v. 宣宣布布;公布公布 1)This is a big issue . We need more time to think about it. 2)The government is expected to issue a statement(声明声明) about the Covid-19. 33. conduct kndkt : n. 行行为为;举止举止;管管理办法理办法 kndkt : v. 组组织织;安排安排;带带领领 conduct/do/make an experiment: 做实做实
30、验验 1)Are you ashamed of your conduct? 2)The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city. 3)Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests, and then made a proposal for how the buildings could be saved. 34.document dkjumnt: n. 文文件件;公文公文;(计计算算机机)文文档档 v. 记记录录;记载记载(详情详情) 1)Finally,
31、a document was signed and the work began in 1960. 2)The parents documented every step of their childs development. 35.donate dnet: v. (尤尤指向慈善机指向慈善机构构)捐赠捐赠;赠送赠送;献献(血血) donate.to.: 向向捐赠捐赠 give away.to.: 赠赠送送; 捐捐赠赠 1)Now some people agree to donate their organs(器官器官) after they die. 2)I think its our d
32、uty to donate blood. 3)Fifty countries donated nearly $80 million to the project. 4)The boss donated seventy computers to the junior high school. 36.disappear dsp(r): v. 消失消失;灭绝灭绝;消亡消亡 appear: v. 出现出现; 似乎似乎 1)Perhaps the best example is shown by UNESCO, which runs a programme that prevents world cul
33、tural heritage sites around the world from disappearing. 2)When did the dinosaurs disappear from the earth? 37.attempt tempt: v./n. 尝试尝试;努努力力; 企企图图;试试图图 attempt to do.: 努力努力/试图做什试图做什么么 make an attempt to do: 努努力力/试图做什么试图做什么 at the first attempt: 第一第一次次 1)Why did the Egyptian government want to attem
34、pt the building of the dam? 2) I will attempt to answer all your questions. 3)She passed my driving test at the first attempt . 38. make sure: 确确保保;设设法保法保证证 make sure that:确信:确信; 确确保保 make sure of:确信:确信; 确确保保 make sure to do:确信:确信; 确确保保 1)We must protect the temples and make sure that no damage is d
35、one. 2)Make sure that young children cannot get close to swimming-pools. 【make sure的宾语从句中通常用一般现在时表将的宾语从句中通常用一般现在时表将来来】 3)Make sure to meet them at the airport. 39.worthwhile w:wail: adj. 值得做的值得做的;值得花时间的值得花时间的 sth be worth sth: 值得值得;值多少钱值多少钱 be worth doing: 值得做值得做 It is worthwhile doing /to do .: 做某事
36、是值得的做某事是值得的 1)A lot of money was spent to protect the temples. Do you think it was worthwhile? 2)It is worthwhile visiting/ to visit the Great Wall. 3)The museum is worth visiting. 40.download danld: v. 下载下载 n. 下下载载;已已下载的数据资料下载的数据资料 upload : v. 上传上传 1)I have downloaded that free app, but it doesnt w
37、ork well. 2)He used to download information from the Internet and made good use of it. 3)She took these photos and uploaded them to some websites. 41.republic rpblk: n. 共和国共和国 public pblk:adj. 公众的公众的; 公共的公共的; 公公用的用的; 公开的公开的 in public:公开:公开地地 The Peoples Republic of China was founded in 1949. (PRC) 4
38、2.professional prfenl: adj. 专业专业的的;职职业的业的 n. 专业人专业人员员;职职业选手业选手 profession: n. 职职业业;专业专业 expert: n. 专家专家; 高手高手 1)This kind of training is helpful to your professional development. 2)This was a job for a real professional. 43.archaeologist kildst: n. 考考古学古学家家 The archaeologist was gathering new eviden
39、ce on the Beijing man. 44.entrance entrns: n. 入口入口;进入进入 enter : v. 进入进入; 加入加入 at the entrance to/of:在在.入口入口 The university/college entrance exam: 大学入学考试大学入学考试 Although he failed in this entrance exam, he didnt lose heart. 45.pyramid prmd : n. (古埃及的古埃及的)金字塔金字塔;棱锥体棱锥体 We met a professional archaeologi
40、st at the entrance to the Great Pyramid. pyramid pyramid pyramid Sphinx 46.process prses prses : n. 过过程程;进程进程;步步骤骤 prses : v. 处处理理;加加工工 in/during/over the course/process of: 在在的过程的过程中中 1)He explained to us the process of building such a difficult structure. 2)Most of the food that we buy is processe
41、d in some way. 47.overseas vsiz : adj. 海外海外的的 adv. 在海外在海外 go abroad/overseas: 出国出国 at home and abroad/overseas : 在在国内外国内外 live/work overseas: 在在国外生活国外生活/工工作作 overseas markets: 海外市场海外市场 overseas students/visitors: 外外国留学国留学生生/游游客客 1)The documents about the cultural relics from overseas are under the d
42、esk. 2)Our products are sold both at home and overseas. 48.exit ekst: n. 出出口口;通道通道;离开离开;退退场场 v. 出出去去;离离去去 at the exit from: 在在的出的出口口 at the entrance to/of:在在.入口入口 exist zst : v.存在存在; 生存生存 1)An exit is the door where/through which you can leave a building. 2)The emergency exit is at the back of the b
43、us. 3)They exited through a fire door. 4)As the actors exited the stage, all the lights went on. 49. sheet i:t: n. 一一张张(纸纸);床单床单;被被单单 a sheet of paper: 一张纸一张纸 a piece of: 一张一张/块块/片片/条条 We change the sheet once a week. parade parade parade parade parade parade 50.parade pred: n. 游游行行;检检阅阅 v. 游行庆游行庆祝祝
44、,游游行示威行示威 1)What will you do in the parade? 2)The football team will parade through the city tomorrow morning. mirror mirror 51.mirror mr(r): n. 镜镜子子 look at oneself in the mirror: 照镜子照镜子 1)She often looks at herself in the mirror when we have an English class. 2)My mother told me a good friend is l
45、ike a mirror. 52.roof ru:f (复数复数: roofs) : n. 顶顶部部;屋屋顶顶 1)I see that you are looking at that carving on the roof. 2)The roofs of the classrooms are made of grass. 3)The roof of the car was not damaged in the accident. 53.chiwen tvn : n. 鸱鸱吻吻ch wn 鸱吻鸱吻,又又名螭吻、鸱名螭吻、鸱尾尾,中中国古代神话传说中的国古代神话传说中的 神神兽兽,为为鳞虫之长瑞
46、兽龙之第九鳞虫之长瑞兽龙之第九子子 。口阔噪口阔噪粗粗,平平生生 好好吞吞,殿殿脊两端的卷尾龙头是其遗像。形状像四脚脊两端的卷尾龙头是其遗像。形状像四脚 蛇剪去了尾蛇剪去了尾巴巴,这这位龙子好在险要处东张西位龙子好在险要处东张西望望,也也喜喜 欢吞火欢吞火。鸱。鸱吻是中国古代建筑屋脊正脊两端的一吻是中国古代建筑屋脊正脊两端的一 种饰物。初作鸱尾之种饰物。初作鸱尾之形形,一一说为蚩说为蚩(一种海兽一种海兽)尾之尾之形形, 象象征辟除火灾。后来式样改征辟除火灾。后来式样改变变,折折而向上似张口吞而向上似张口吞 脊,因名鸱脊,因名鸱吻吻,又又称“龙吻”。在房脊上安两个相称“龙吻”。在房脊上安两个相
47、对的鸱对的鸱吻吻,能能避火灾。避火灾。 dragon dragon play a dragon dance play a dragon dance 54.dragon drn: n. 龙龙 The Dragon Boat Festival:龙龙舟舟节节;端端午午节节 The Great Wall is like a dragon. 55.forgive fv : v. 原原谅谅;宽宽恕恕 vt. 对不对不起起;请请原原谅谅 forgive - forgave - forgiven give - gave - given forgive sb for sth/for doing sth: 因因(
48、做做)某某事原谅某人事原谅某人 1)Im sure that hell forgive you. 2)We will never forgive her for what she did. 3)He will never forgive you for cheating in the exam. 4)Forgive me, I dont mean to hurt you. 56.digital ddtl: adj. 数数码码的的;数数字显示的字显示的 a digital camera: 数码相机数码相机 57.image md : n. 形象形象;印象印象;影像影像;图图像像 picture:
49、图画图画; 相相片片 1)His public image is very different from the real person. 2)A few images appeared on the computer screen one by one. 58. cave kev: n. 山洞山洞; 洞穴洞穴 hole: n. 洞洞; 孔孔; 坑坑 PROMOTING CULTURE THROUGH DIGITAL IMAGES. 59.throughout ru:aut: prep. 各处各处;遍及遍及;自始至终自始至终 throughout + 地方地方/时间时间:整个:整个 all t
50、hrough + 地方地方/时间时间:整个:整个 all over + 地方地方:整个:整个 1)The Great Wall is famous throughout/all through /all over the world. 2)The museum is open throughout the year. 3)They are recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from the Mogao Caves, which were a key stop along the Silk Road throug