(2019新教材) 人教版必修第二册Unit 4 History and Traditions Reading and Thinking P40-41课件.pptx

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1、Reading for Writing P44-45 Unit 4 History and Traditions Describe a place that you like Ireland landscape Adele Town Dubli n 4.609 million Euro Irish English 70, 273 k Have you ever been to Ireland? What interested/ interests you most about Ireland? St. Patricks Day Read the text: 1 What makes the I

2、rish countryside exciting and inspiring? 2 What are the best ways to experience some Irish traditions and culture? Its beauty and how it offers something for all the senses. Pair work: Discuss the questions below. By stopping by a village pub and relaxing with a drink and traditional meal while list

3、ening to music and watching dancing. 3 What is the meaning of “breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowers while birds greet the new day with their morning song”? 4 What are the best ways to experience Chinese traditions and customs? It means to not just smell but also breathe in the smell of fresh

4、flowers early in the morning as the birds sing their first song of the new day. By travelling to different places and using all your senses to experience everything and by interacting with local people. Identify and underline: Analyse the descriptive paragraph. Introductory sentence Ending sentence

5、Places Identify and underline the senses: Analyse the descriptive paragraph. sight smell taste hearing touch Senses Identify the rhetorical device: Analyse the descriptive paragraph. 此句中此句中greet使用了拟人(使用了拟人(personification)的修)的修 辞手法,使句子生动活泼,增强了画面感。辞手法,使句子生动活泼,增强了画面感。 课文回顾: 他对周围的人有很大的影响。 He had a grea

6、t influence on those around him. 他在毒品的影响下犯罪。 He committed the crime under the influence of drugs. 1. Irelands beautiful countryside has always had a great influence on its people and traditions. 句意:一直以来,爱尔兰的美丽乡村对当地人 的人民和传统产生着深远的影响。 对产生深远的影响 在的影响下 2. The peaceful landscape of the “Emerald Isle” and i

7、ts many green counties is a true feast for the eyes, with its rolling green hills dotted with sheep and cattle. 句意:“绿宝石岛”风光宁静秀美,郡县草木葱茏, 青山连绵起伏,牛羊点缀其中,堪称一场名副其 实的视觉盛宴。 环游北京是一场视觉盛宴。 A walk around Beijing is a feast for the eyes. 我们的校园是如此美丽,在里面漫步真是令人 赏心悦目。 Our school is so beautiful that it is a feast f

8、or the eyes to stroll in it. 一场视觉盛宴 赏心悦目 1.Down by the sea, the roar of the ocean waves and cries of the seabirds make up the music of the coast. 【妙句欣赏】 海边波浪咆哮,海鸟鸣叫,奏响了海岸交响乐。 2.On a quiet morning in the mountains, feel the sun on your skin, and breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowers while birds

9、 greet the new day with their morning song. 山里宁静的早晨,感受阳光洒落在你身上,呼 吸着鲜花的芬芳,而鸟儿则用清晨的歌声迎接 新的一天的到来。 Describe an interesting, exciting or suprising place. Step 1 Choose one of your favourite places. Step 2 Describe the place you have chosen. Step 3 Draft a passage about the place. Step 4 Exchange drafts w

10、ith your partner. Step 5 Share your writing. 1 Choose one of your favourite places. Pair work Choose one of your favourite places and tell a partner why you think it is interesting, exciting, or surprising. What can you see? What can you hear? How does the place feel? What can you smell? What can yo

11、u taste there? What does the place make you think or feel? 2 Describe the place you have chosen. 3 Draft a passage about the place. Introduction Make the reader eager to read your writing A striking image Something surprising A quote or question In my village, every day starts with a “fire”! The hou

12、ses turn red as the sun rises above the mountains. Body Transitions Help the reader follow your ideas Details and examples Use sensory details Do not use general words Give examples In the morning/ afternoon /evening First, second, etc. In the north . In the east . What can you see, hear, smell, etc

13、? I learnt a lot.What did you learn? There were many things. What? Some people. Who? Ending Let the reader know that the passage ends Help the reader remember your writing At night, the stars come out to tell us that all is well and my village grows quiet. For now well sleep, and tomorrow the sun wi

14、ll set us on fire again for a new day! In my village, every day starts with a “fire”! The houses turn red as the sun rises above the mountains. Seeing the flames, the roosters sound the alarm. They wake everyone in the village with their loud cries, chasing the children to school and rushing the adu

15、lts to work. In the evening, a gold haze settles over everything. This is my favourite time of the day, when all work for the day has been completed. When the smell of hot oil and fragrant spices float through the air, I know that it will soon be time for dinner. My neighbours begin to call to their

16、 children to come home. The birds begin their nightly quarrel over their favourite places to rest. At night, the stars come out to tell us that all is well and my village grows quiet. For now well sleep, and tomorrow the sun will set us on fire again for a new day! 4 Exchange drafts with your partne

17、r. Does the writer start with an image, quote, or question? Is the description well-organised and easy to read? Has the writer included sensory details? Does the writer use specific words and give examples? Is the ending effective? Can you find any grammar or spelling mistakes? The checklist may help you. 5 Share your writing. Thank you!


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