Unit 1 reading 课件 (新教材)人教版(2019)高一必修第二册.zip

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  • Unit 1 reading 课件 【新教材】人教版(2019)高一必修第二册(含配套学案)
    • Book 2 Unit 1 reading and thinking .doc--点击预览
    • Unit 1 reading 课件 【新教材】人教版(2019)高一必修第二册.pptx--点击预览


1 Book 2 Unit 1 From problems to solutions Learning objectives: By the end of the period, students are able to: 1) figure out the main structure and the text type of the passage through the textual pattern analysis; 2) activate their knowledge about how to solve a problem correctly; 3) realize the importance of protecting cultural heritages and have a right attitude to it Step one: Lead-in Show some pictures and let students think what are they. Step two: Textual analysis Read the text quickly and think the following questions 1. What is the text mainly about? 2. Read the text quickly and write the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5 Paragraph 6 3. What is the text type of this passage? A. Exposition B. Narration C. Argumentative Essay D. Practical Writing Read para.1 Question: Whats the challenge we are facing now? Read para.2 Questions: 1) Why did the Egyptian government want to attempt the building of the dam? 2) Why was the proposal of building a new dam protested in Egypt? 2 3) How did the Egyptian government do finally? Read para.3&4 Questions: 1) Why was a committee established? 2) How were the temples and other cultural sites saved? 3) Find out the numbers used in Para.4 and think why they are used here? Read para.5 Questions: 1) Why was the Aswan Dam considered a great success? 2) How long did it take to complete the project? Read para.6 Question: What is the spirit of the Aswan Dam project? Step three: Thread and transition analysis The project starts. The temples and cultural relics are being rescued. The project is completed. The first temple is moved. The government asks the UN for help. 1960 3 Step four:Topicrelated lexis(词汇词汇) Part 1 Part 2 (para.2-5) Part 3 Retell the solutions to the problem of building the Aswan Dam Step five: Critical thinking Have a debate In the recent years, the Hengdian group in Zhejiang province are reported to invest 20,000,000,000 yuan to rebuild the Imperial Palace (圆明园), which will cover the same size as the Imperial palace in Beijing. Do you think it necessary? And why? Some useful expressions: 4 表示支持的表达:agree with/ be for/ it is right to do./ be in favor of/ support/ consider it reasonable to do 表示反对的表达:be opposed to sth./ be against/ disagree with. Step six: Assignment 1) Review what you have learned in the class 2) Finish the passage according to what you have discussed. 5By the end of the period, you will be able to: 1)figure out the main structure and the text type of the passage through the textual pattern analysis; 2)activate your knowledge about how to solve a problem correctly; 3)realize the value of protecting cultural heritages and know how to protect them. Mogao Caves (莫高窟) the Great Wall(长城 ) the Imperial Palace (圆明园) famous a long history tell us stories about the past symbols of their countries and cultures Taj Mahal( 泰姬陵) Pyramids (金字塔) Abu Simbel Temple (阿布辛贝神庙) cultural heritages 1.What is the text mainly about? How people have solved problems Read the title and look at the photos and predict FROM PROBLEMS TO SOLUTIONSFROM PROBLEMS TO SOLUTIONS Read the text quickly and write the main idea of each paragraph. 1 2 3 4 5 6 How to balance progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge. Big challenges can sometimes lead to great solutions. A committee was established. The project was considered a great success. The project brought together governments and environmentalists. The spirit of the Aswan Dam project is still alive today. Part 1 Raise the problem environment Part 2 Analyse and solve the problem Part 3 The inspiration 3.What is the text type of this passage? A.Exposition B. Narration C. Argumentative Essay D. Practical Writing Economic development is necessary if we want to improve society. There comes a time when the old must give way to the new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future. Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge. 1)Whats the challenge we are facing now? 2)What is the function of Paragraph 1? Raise the problem Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to great solutions. In the 1950s, the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam across the Nile in order to control floods, produce electricity, and supply water to more farmers in the area. But the proposal led to protests. Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypts cultural heritage. After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem, and citizens who lived near the dam, the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959. 1)Why did the Egyptian government want to attempt the building of the dam? 2)Why was the proposal of building a new dam protested in Egypt? 3)How did the Egyptian government do finally? What is the result of asking for help? A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics. The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community. Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests, and then made a proposal for how the buildings could be saved. Finally, a document was signed, and the work began in 1960. 1)Why was a committee established? 2)What did the committee do to save the temples and other cultural sites? The project brought together governments and environmentalists from around the world. Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece, and then moved and put back together again in a place where they were safe from the water. In 1961, German engineers moved the first temple. Over the next 20 years, thousands of engineers and workers rescued 22 temples and countless cultural relics. Fifty countries donated nearly $80 million to the project. How were the temples and other cultural sites saved? Find out the numbers used in Para.4 and think why they are used here? to make the information more realistic and reliable, thus making readers realize the project was really difficult and challenging When the project ended in 1980, it was considered a great success. Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow. 1)Why was the Aswan Dam considered a great success? 2)How long did it take to complete the project? 20 years The spirit of the Aswan Dam project is still alive today. Perhaps the best example is shown by UNESCO, which runs a programme that prevents world cultural heritage sites around the world from disappearing. If a problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the global community can sometimes provide a solution. What is the spirit of the Aswan Dam project? team spirit Inspiration the main structure 1 2 3 4 5 6 How to balance progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge. Big challenges can sometimes lead to great solutions. A committee was established. The project was considered a great success. The project brought together governments and environmentalists. The spirit of the Aswan Dam project is still alive today. Part 1 Raise the problem environment Part 2 Analyse and solve the problem Part 3 The inspiration Thread and transition analysis 1960 The governm ent asked the UN for help. The project starts. The first temple is moved. The relics are being rescued. The project is completed. 19591961 over the next 20 years 1980 in time order 1 5 4 2 Analyze the problem Define the problem 3 Building the Aswan Dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics A committee was established asked for contributions raised funds investigated the issue conducted several tests made a proposal were taken down in pieces were moved to other places were put back together The project was considered a great From Problems to SolutionsFrom Problems to Solutions Inspiration 6 The global communication and spirit really count. Retell Develop a solution Implement the solution Evaluate the results Keep the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a challenge. successteam part 2:paragragh 2-5 part 3 :paragragh 6 part 1 :paragragh 1 there was a time when. give way to finding and keeping the right balance turn to . for help limit damage to ask for contributions raise funds investigate the issue conduct several tests make a proposal bring together be taken down put back together donate rescue spirit prevent.from global community Critical thinking The Mogao caves are faced with a lot of challenges. Work in groups and try to use what we learn to put forward your solutions to the challenges. Problems/ challenges 1. Experts and a lot of money are needed to help restore the frescoes(壁画). 2. Its hard to balance protection and tourism. Carbon dioxide caused by too many tourists in a cave can do damge to the frescoes(壁画). 3. Some tourists damage the cultural heritage by taking photos, littering and even touching the frescoes. 4. How to promote wider interest in ancient Chinese culture. 1. Experts and a lot of money to help restore the frescoes. 2. Too many tourists 3. Some tourists damage the cultural heritage by taking photos, littering and even touching the frescoes. 4.Promoting wider interest in ancient Chinese culture. turn to the UN for help ask for contributions raise funds work together with other countries raise peoples awareness to protect cultural heritage cultural products website/app avoid the peak season ChallengesRelated expressions Solutions Cooperation with experts from other countries Field trips to promote the culture Cultural products such as skateboards with feitian Solutions The caves began to provide a digital experience for tourists, featuring video clips, archive materials, and a 360 degree view of the caves that can be found on e-. Assignment 1) Review what you have learned in the class 2) Finish the passage according to what you have discussed.
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