(新教材)高中英语人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit1Period 5 Listening and Talking 课件.pptx

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1、Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Period 5 Listening and Talking Learning Aims 1. To practise listening for the main idea and details; 2. To acquire some main information of the Kremlin, Red Square and St. Basils Cathedral; 3. To explore the language structures of how to start a conversation and how to react

2、; 4. To apply the language structures politely and properly in the real context. Part I Lead-in The Tiananmen square is a place where/ in which _. the Chinese people gather and celebrate or parade especially on festivals Part I Lead-in The Forbidden City is a palace where/ in which _. the emperors l

3、ived for almost 500 years Part I Lead-in The Kremlin is a palace where/ in which _. The Red Square is also a place where/ in which _. the President of Russia lives the Russian people gather and hold events 视频:Red Square Part II Listening: Talk about history and culture Task 1 First listening Listen

4、and predict. 1. Where are the speakers? A. On a street. B. On a plane. C. On a bus. 2. What are they doing? A. Drawing a map. B. Sightseeing. C. Studying culture. 3. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Tourists and a tour guide B. Classmates. C. Family. Part II Listening: Talk

5、 about history and culture Task 2 Second listening Listen again and complete the fact sheet with the words you hear. THE KREMLIN AND RED SQUARE, MOSCOW The Kremlin was actually built between the _ and _ centuries. The palace is where _ lives. The Saint Basils Cathedral looks like a flame(火焰, 火把), an

6、d it is the _ of Russia. The Red Square is considered the _ of Moscow. The Red Square are used for parades, _, and even ice hockey games, and it used to be a marketplace a long time ago. 14th 17th the president symbol centre concerts Part II Listening: Talk about history and culture Task 3 Introduce

7、 places in greater detail The Kremlin / a special government area / built between the 14th and 17th centuries / the president lives here Finish the following relative clauses according to the given information. The Kremlin is _. a special government area which was built between the 14th and 17th cen

8、turies and where the president lives. Part II Listening: Talk about history and culture Task 3 Introduce places in greater detail Saint Basils Cathedral/ looks like a flame/ a symbol of the country Saint Basils Cathedral is _. which is a symbol of the country looks like a flame Part II Listening: Ta

9、lk about history and culture Red Square/ the centre of Moscow/ used to be a marketplace / a place for music concerts, parades and even ice hockey games / children can skate here in winter Red Square is _ _. the centre of Moscow which used to be a marketplace and now is a place for music concerts, pa

10、rades and even ice hockey games. Red Square is a place where children can skate in winter. Part II Listening: Talk about history and culture Task 4 Third listening Listen again and fill in the blanks. Tour guide: OK, here we are: the Kremlin and Red Square! Tourist 1: _the Kremlin exactly? Tour guid

11、e: The Kremlin is a special government area. Inside, there are five palaces and four cathedrals. Its where the president lives, too. Tourist 1: _the Palace Museum in Beijing. Tour guide: _The Kremlin was actually built around the same time between the 14th and 17th centuries. Excuse me, but what is

12、Wow. a little bit like Yes. I guess you could say that. Part II Listening: Talk about history and culture Tourist 1:_, with the colourful round towers? Ive seen so many photos of it._, like a flame! Tour guide: Thats Saint Basils Cathedral. People all over the world think of Russia when they see it.

13、 Its like the Eiffel Tower in France or the Great Wall in China, a symbol of the country. Tourist 2: _can you tell me more about Red Square? Tour guide: _the centre of Moscow, and there have been many important parades and events held here. It also used to be a marketplace a long time ago. Whats tha

14、t building over there It looks so pretty Forgive me for asking, but Well, its considered Part II Listening: Talk about history and culture Tourist 2: _ Tour guide:_ the photos of an ice hockey game. _children can skate on Red Square in the winter? Tourist 2: _ Tour guide: Yes. Red Square is also a p

15、lace for music concerts. People have a lot of fun here. Oh, really? How amazing! I see that youre looking at Did you know that No way! Thats so cool! Expressions to start a conversation Expressions to respond What you hear in the dialogue Other expressio ns you can think of Task 5 Summary Classify w

16、hat you hear in the above task and fill in the table. Excuse me, but what is Whats that building over there Forgive me for asking, but I see that youre looking at Did you know that Wow. a little bit like Yes. I guess you could say that. It looks so pretty Well, its considered Oh, really? How amazing

17、! No way! Thats so cool! I beg your pardon, but Excuse me. Could you tell me about? Thats so interesting! It is said that Part III Talking Task 1 Describe the following pictures using relative clauses. The Forbidden City is a palace _. The valuable vase _is called “blue porcelain”. where the emperor

18、s of China lived in the past and now a big museum where many thousands of valuable articles are stored. which is decorated with beautiful blue designs is called “blue porcelain”. Part III Talking The Terra-cotta Army were found in 1974, _ some farmers were digging a well. The Terra-cotta Army were i

19、n fact 8000 statues _. when which were used to guard the tomb of the emperor Qin Shihuang. Part III Talking Task 2 Work in groups. Choose a cultural site that you like and role-play a conversation between some tourists and their tour guide. Take turns to play the different roles. During the process,

20、 pay attention to how to start a dialogue and how to respond. 8,000 statues were made to(tomb) Each statue has a different face, why? In 1974, some farmers found it when digging a well. served as the home of emperors the ceremonial and political centre of Chinese government the valuable vases is cal

21、led blue porcelain Part III Talking Example: Tourist A: I beg your pardon, but is this the Xuanyuan Mirror? Could you please tell me about it? Tour guide: Yes, it is. It is said that its a mirror that can tell right from wrong! I see that youre looking at that carving on the roof. Did you know that

22、its called chiwen-one of the nine sons of the Chinese dragon? Tourist B: No, I didnt. Thats so interesting One possible version: Tourist: Forgive me for asking, but what was the Terra-cotta Army used for? Guide: Well, it is said that the Terra-cotta Army was made to guard Qinshihuangs tomb. I see th

23、at you are looking at the different faces of statues. Do you know why? Tourist: I have no idea. Guide: Researchers think that each statue is a copy of a real soldier. Tourist: Its so amazing! Excuse me, but when was it found? Guide: It was found in 1974, when some farmers were digging a well. Part I

24、II Talking Homework When we introduce the tourist sites, we are proud of the treasures that ancestors left us. Its our duty to pass them down to the next generation. However, some of them are faced with many problems. What should we do to preserve world heritage? Have a research on the Internet and write down your opinions.


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