(三起)冀教版三下-Unit 1 Animals on the Farm-Lesson 2 Cats and Dogs-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:30a59).docx

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(三起)冀教版三下-Unit 1 Animals on the Farm-Lesson 2 Cats and Dogs-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:30a59).docx_第1页
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1、Lesson 2 Cats and dogs 学情分析: 三年级的学生活泼好动,喜欢直观形象,喜欢新鲜事物,对课上的各种活动 非常感兴趣。他们的记忆力好,形象思维好、模仿力、可塑性强,但缺乏理性思 维, 逻辑思维不强。 由于上学期已经上了一学期英语, 学生有了一定的语言基础, 所以, 在课上我会适当的用英语来教学, 并且, 根据学生的特点来设计教学活动。 我课上多以表扬为主,注重对学生英语学习兴趣的培养,鼓励他们大胆说、积极 做、努力唱! 一、 教学目标: 1、知识目标: (1)正确地听、说、读、写农场中的动物单词:cat,chicken,dog,duck (2)理解并口头运用句型: What

2、s this? Its a _. Is it a _? Yes,it is./No, it isnt. (3)学唱歌曲“Bingo”. 2、能力目标: 通过学习,培养学生语言运用能力;知识的迁移和拓展能力;自主学习能力 以及相互合作意识。 3、情感态度目标: (1)有兴趣听、说英语,用英语做游戏; (2)乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教; (3)积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,增进感情。 (4) 在提高学生英语能力的同时,激发学生对小动物的喜爱之情,培养学生 对小动物的爱护意识。 4、策略目标: 运用主动探究法,情景体验法,合作互动法, 全身反应法 , 游戏引导学 生用各种方法,学习语

3、言知识,感悟语言功能;能够同他人合作,共同完成学习 任务。 二.教学重、难点: 重点: (1)正确地听、说、读、写农场中的动物单词:cat,chicken,dog,duck (2)理解并口头运用句型: Whats this? Its a _. Is it a _? Yes,it is./No, it isnt. (3)学唱歌曲“Bingo”. 难点: (1)单词的拼写 (2)正确运用句型:Whats this? Its a _. Is it a _? Yes,it is./No, it isnt. 三、教具:课件,动物贴画,小房子。 四、教学过程: 一、Greeting and review

4、1、T:-Time for class are you ready? -Show me your hand and lets say hellow to each other . - Hellow song. (每节课开始时用学生熟知的歌曲问候不仅让学生感到亲切,还能及时转 换学生大脑思维创设英语氛围。 ) 2、T:-Today we are going to learn lesson 2 ,before the class .lets review the song we learned yesterday ,ok ? T: Now ,open your book turn to page

5、3, lets sing the song“Old MacDonald Had a Farm” 3、Now we know “moo,moo”is the sond of the “-”,出示牛的图片 及单词。 (利用各种方式复习,能增添趣味性又锻炼了学生的反应能力,加深记忆) 二、New concepts 1、cat 首先,用课件展示动物的声音引出新动物。 T: Today i prepared four sounds for you . listen.“ Meow,meow.” Whats this ? 猫。然后,把猫的图片贴到黑板上。 T: Is it a cat ? Yes or no

6、 ? S: T: Yes,cat.Follow me cat cat .(分组读) Look at here 教授每个字母 的发音 “c” / “a” / “t” 字母的发音。 Show me your arm ,Lets say it together. Now show me your fingers .然后带着学生用手空写,c-a-t. cat,cat,cat,it s a cat. T: You are so great. Lets keep looking.然后,出示多只猫 There are many cats! one cat , two cats. (把学生带到农场的情景中去,

7、用声音引出所学单词,学生很有兴趣。在这一 部分初步渗透句型,为接下来的句型教授做铺垫。) 2、dog T:Listen, Who is coming ! (Is it a dog?) S: T: Lets have a look .Yes,Its a dog(黑板上贴出 dog 的图片), “o” 教授每个字母的发音。 T: Boys , show me your arm . Girls show your arm . Who wants to have a try? T:Excellent , show me your finger ,Dog. T: Next picture , there

8、 are three dogs. so cute ,yes ? 3、duck T: Next sound ,Listen and guess。 T: What do you think it is ? (找同学回答) T: Is it a duck ? Lets have a look. T: Yes ,it is! It is a duck. “d” “u” “ck”,pay attention to the “ck” show me your arm and say it together. Who wants to show us? For now ,we learned 3 anima

9、ls,They are cat /dog /and duck. Game :I say and you guess -/-/-. Who wants to have a try? 4、chicken T: Now ,here is the last one. listen! T:Yes, chicken , flow me ,chicken chicken. Look at my hand and control your voice. Whats this ? S: T: Show me your finger , (写) 5、Practice 幻灯展示:用学过的动物图片, (1)T: Lo

10、ok at the ppt. say it as quickly as you can. ready ? (通过这个活动,让学生对单词有个很好的巩固。而且,学生喜欢做游戏,在游 戏中玩、学、做。 ) (2)T: Take out your paper , and fill in the blanks. : Who wants to share your answer? (通过这个环节,让学生快速记忆单词,掌握 4 会单词) 句型新授: T:Attention please , Whats in my hand? S: T:Yes,this is my farm. Let s have a gu

11、ess. Whats in my farm? (设计这个环节,培养学生学习英语的兴趣和学习英语的积极态度。 ) 出示猫 1: T: say the 咒语 。 Now the door is open , let me have a guess Is it a cat?(yes or no?)(交换字母的位置) Lets have a look . “Yes , it is !” T: 领读 Is it a cat? Yes , it is (并板书) Boys ask ! Girls answer ! (交换) 出示猫 2: T: Is it a cat? Yes , it is ! (请人回

12、答,并给奖励) 出示狗: T: Lets have a look , Who is the next. Is it a dog? Yes , it is ! 出示鸡: T: “Is it a duck?” “ Yes or No?” “Make a dialogue with your ” (拿出卡片,No.it isnt. 领读,找同学做对话) T:Ok , its the last one .“Is it a chicken ? ” S: T: look at my ppt ,let s play a game . hide and sike ok? i will give you 5 s

13、econds to remember ? T: take out the paper and try to find the dog bingo . for example is it a dog ? T: finish ? bingo wants to sing a song for us ! Sing the song “Bingo” Lets sing the song together. T: do yo dog bingo ? yes we all like animals! 三、Homework 1、利用所学单词和句型两人练习。 2、唱 Bingo 歌曲。 板书设计: Lesson2 Cats and Dogs cat Is it a dog ? Yes,it is. duck No,it isnt. chicken


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