(三起)冀教版三下-Unit 1 Animals on the Farm-Lesson 2 Cats and Dogs-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:81b3e).doc

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(三起)冀教版三下-Unit 1 Animals on the Farm-Lesson 2 Cats and Dogs-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:81b3e).doc_第1页
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1、1 Lesson 2 Cats and dogs 学情分析:学情分析: 三年级的学生活泼好动,喜欢直观形象,喜欢新鲜事物,对课上的各 种活动非常感兴趣。他们的记忆力好,形象思维好、模仿力、可塑性强, 但缺乏理性思维,逻辑思维不强。由于上学期已经上了一学期英语,学生 有了一定的语言基础,所以,在课上我会适当的用英语来教学,并且,根 据学生的特点来设计教学活动。我课上多以表扬为主,注重对学生英语学 习兴趣的培养,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、努力唱! 一、一、 教学目标:教学目标: 1、知识目标: (1)正确地听、说、读、写农场中的动物单词:cat,chicken,dog,duck (2)理解并口头运用

2、句型: Whats this? Its a _. Is it a _? Yes,it is./No, it isnt. (3)学唱歌曲“Bingo”. 2、能力目标: 通过学习,培养学生语言运用能力;知识的迁移和拓展能力;自主学习 能力以及相互合作意识。 3、情感态度目标: (1)有兴趣听、说英语,用英语做游戏; (2)乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教; (3)积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,增进感情。 (4) 在提高学生英语能力的同时,激发学生对小动物的喜爱之情,培养学 生对小动物的爱护意识。 三三、教学重、难点:教学重、难点: 重点: (1)正确地听、说、读、写农场中的动物单词:c

3、at,chicken,dog,duck (2)理解并口头运用句型: Whats this? Its a _. 2 Is it a _? Yes,it is./No, it isnt. (3)学唱歌曲“Bingo”. 难点:(1)单词的拼写 (2)正确运用句型:Whats this? Its a _. Is it a _? Yes,it is./No, it isnt. 四、教具:教具:课件,动物贴画。 五、五、 教学过程:教学过程: 一、 Greeting and review 1、- Hello,boys and girls. Hello,Ms. Dai. Whats your name?

4、My name is . - How are you? - Im fine, thanks. (每节课开始时用学生熟知的句子问候不仅让学生感到亲切,还能及时 转换学生大脑思维创设英语氛围。) 2、There are many animals on Old MacDonalds farm .Lets go to the old MacDonalds farm to see animals. 3、Sing a song “Old MacDonald had a farm” 4、Leading- in. Are you happy to go to the farm? But MacDonald i

5、s not happy. How does he feel? Why is he sad? Lets listen and have a look(呈现寻狗启示并播放内容录 音:My dog is lost. His name is Bingo. He is my good friend. I miss him very much. Its brown .Its small. Can you help me?) T: His dog is lost. Woof! Woof! Lets help him to find his dog. 二、 New concepts 1新授词汇 1、cat 首

6、先,用课件展示动物的声音引出新动物。 T: Next,listen.“ Meow,meow.” Is it a dog? Ss: No! T: What is this? T: Its a cat.(单词纠音,a-at-fat-hat-rat-cat) 3 T:Hello,Im a cat. I am small and very fat.(自编歌谣,两两拍手,男生女 生汇报) 2duck T:Its a fat cat. Its not a dog. Where is the dog?(玩具大黄鸭藏在袋子里,让 学生摸一摸,猜一猜)Whats this? Ss: Its a duck.(纠音

7、,传递大黄鸭,one by one) 3chicken(听声音猜) T: Listen! Is it a dog?。No, its a chicken. 用手空写,c-h-i-c-k-e-n。chicken, chicken, chicken, its a chicken. Whats this ?Its a chicken. (师生互问) fish ,six, his ,window 4dog T:Very well. I have an animal. 听动物声音 Guess, !Is this a dog? Ss: Yes, its a dog, “o”字母的发音。 hot,body,b

8、oy,doctor. 用手空写, d-o-g,dog. Dog,dog,dog,its a dog. T: Whats this? Ss: Its a dog. T: What colour is the dog? Ss: Its black. T: Is it a dog?(PPT 呈现大小颜色不一样的 5 只狗,教授 Is it 和肯定回答) T: Which one is old MacDonals dog? Listen!(PPT 呈现寻狗启示并播放录 音,然后根据狗的颜色和大小对狗进行辨别和排除,最终确认 Bingo。用 句型 Is it a _? 提问,教授否定回答) 2.Sing

9、 a song: T: We found the dog. Old Macdonald is very happy now. Lets sing together. 3.T: He will invite us to go around his farm. What can you see on the farm?(PPT 呈现前两课学过的 7 种动物,对单词进行巩固复习。) 4、practice Use the sentences:Is this a ? Is it a ? 出示课件,把 动物挡住一部分, 让学生用句型Is this a ? Is it a ?来问, 4 其他学生回答 Yes

10、,it is. No, it isnt. 5、Lets play games. (1)Touch and guess:蒙上学生的眼睛后,让学生在准备好的盒子里摸 动物并且问其他生:Is it a_? (通过这个活动,让学生对句型和单词有个很好的巩固。而且,学生喜欢 做游戏,在游戏中玩、学、做。) (2) Guessing game. Show some pictures of animals and give one student one of pictures, he or she cant see the picture and put the picture above his or

11、her head,then ask:Is it a_? (“猜一猜”游戏活化了句型教学,极大地调动了学生的兴趣和积极性, 活跃了课堂气氛, 同时及时巩固了所学内容, 体现了“寓教于乐” 、 “玩中学” 的轻松教学氛围。) 6、Homework 1、唱 Bingo 歌曲。 2、制作动物卡片。 3、查查“cats and dogs”是什么意思? 在本课开始我就创设了情境, There are many animals on Old MacDonalds farm .Lets go to the old MacDonalds farm to see animals.由此 引入歌曲“Old MacDo

12、nald had a farm”,歌曲之后,再次创设情境 Old MacDonald 丢了一条小狗 Bingo, 出示寻狗启示, 让学生在帮忙找狗的过程, 学习本课重点单词和渗透句型学习。帮助了 Old MacDonald 找到了小狗 Bingo,教唱 Bingo 歌曲,Old MacDonald 为了表示感谢邀请我们参观他的 农场,再次复习已学动物单词。在教学单词时从语音入手,如 hot- dog , bus-duck, at-cat,引导学生完成知识的迁移。本课重点句为Is it a _? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.除了在前面的单词教学中渗透句型外,我还将句型作 为本课教学重点,通过 Touch and guess 和 Guessing game. 两个游戏来巩固 句型


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