(三起)冀教版三下-Unit 1 Animals on the Farm-Lesson 4 Horses and Rabbits-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:6005e).docx

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1、冀教版三年级下册第一单元冀教版三年级下册第一单元 Lesson4Lesson4 Horses andHorses and RabbitsRabbits 教学设计教学设计 Lesson4 Horses and Rabbits 一、知识与技能目标: 1.能听懂、会说、认读和书写单词:horse, animals, yes, no. 2.能认读、理解并使用下列句式进行对话或情景表演: What animals can _? _ can _. Can a_ _? Yes, it can. / No, it cant. 二、情感态度目标: 通过游戏活动,培养和激发学生的学习兴趣。 三、学习策略目标: 1

2、.渗透字母组合的发音,让学生掌握一定的发音规则,有利于单词 的识记。 2.通过 pair work 等活动使学生积极运用语言, 学会与他人交流合作。 3.课堂中的评价语言集中在对学习内容的掌握、学生付出的努力以 及期望他们发展的方向上。 4.教学重点、难点分析 教学重点: 1 要求学生能够听懂、会说、认读和书写 horse, animals, yes, no. 2 能够运用句型进行对话或情景表演: What animals can _? _ can _. Can a_ _? Yes, it can. / No, it cant. 教学难点: 能够熟练运用以上特殊疑问句与一般疑问句句型进行交际交

3、流。 5.教学过程设计 Step1:Greeting and review T: Good morning, boys and girls. So glad to see you today. Now lets chant(教师和学生边咏唱边做动作。) 设计意图:通过咏唱和动作活跃课堂气氛,促使学生尽快全身心投入 学习活动。 Step2:Review 出示一些动物的叫声,让学生说出动物名称复习学过的单词。 Step3:Lead-in 通过做第二部分的练习题引出“horse”然后版书标题。 T: Now can you guess? Whats this?(投影呈现课本 No 2 的内容,同时

4、呈现 Is this a _? 句型,引导学生用本句型猜动物。) S1: Is this a _? T: Maybe. S2: Is this a _? T: Perhaps. S3: Is this a _? T: Im not sure. Lets see. Oh, its a pig(师生齐说). The next one.(教 师继续播放图片,学生继续猜) 设计意图:复习学过的动物单词和句型 Is this a _? Step4:Presentation T: Good job. Heres a new one. (用书遮挡马图片的一部分,让学生继 续猜) Whats this? S1

5、/S2: Cow/sheep/horse T: Lets see. Its a horse. (在马的图片下方板书 horse),“or”says / :/. Follow me, horse, horse, this is a horse. T(面向 S1/S2):Can you say it? S1: Horse. T: Its a horse. S2: Its a horse. S3: Its a horse. T:(出示群马图)These are . Ss: These are horses. T: Follow me, horses. Ss: Horses. T: Show a ri

6、ddle about rabbit ,let students guess . S: 兔子。 T: Rabbit.(板书 rabbit) “a” says / /. Follow me, rabbit, rabbit, it is a rabbit.(同理教学 rabbit) T:A horse is an animal. (板书 animal) A rabbit is an animal. Horses and rabbits are animals. T: We have learned so many animals. Can you tell me what animals can s

7、wim? (做出游泳的动作,板书 What animals can _?) S: Fish. T: Good. Fish can swim. T: What else animals can fly? S: Birds can fly. T: What animals can jump? S1/S2/S3: Rabbits/ can jump.(板书 Rabbits can jump.) S: What animals can run? S1/S2/S3: Dogs/ can run.(板书 Horses can run.) T: Can a horse run? (板书 Can a _ _?

8、) Ss: Yes. T: Yes, it can. (板书此句) Can a horse fly? Ss: No. T: No, it cant. (板书此句) Can a .?(举手示意学生来提问) S: Can a _ _? T: Answer. S: _ can _. Step 3 Listen and imitate (1)T: Now Li Ming, Danny, and Jenny are talking about animals. Listen an d fill in the blanks.(投影呈现问题,播放课文录音) 1.听录音,选择正确的选项,并回答问题。(给学生提

9、前把题发下去) -Can a _ run? ( A. horse B. rabbit ) -_, it can. ( A. Yes B. No ) -Can a horse fly? -No, it _. ( A. can B. cant) What _ can fly? (A. arms B. animals) _ can fly. (A. Chickens B. Birds ) (2) Listen and imitate.(跟读录音,培养正确的语音、语调、语感) T:跟录音读课文, 看谁读得最好模仿得最像. (学生练习后展示 2-3名) 设计意图: 课程标准要求尽量给学生创设接触原音、

10、模仿原音的机会, 本课给学生两次听课文录音的机会,第一次着重听力的训练和培养, 第二次着重培养语音语调。 Step4 Practice T:Can a horse run? S: Yes, it can. T: Can it fly? S: No, it cant. T: What animals can fly? S: Birds can fly. T: Now do it with your partner. (Three minutes later) Who wants to show your dialogue? Lets see, who is better? Step5:Exerc

11、ises Do some exercises. Step6 Lets make a song. 投影呈现内容如下: Can a rabbit jump? Can a rabbit jump? Yes, it can. Yes, it can. Rabbits can jump. Rabbits can jump. Can you jump? Can you jump? Can a horse run? Can a horse run? Yes, it can. Yes, it can. Horses can run. Horses can run. Can you run? Can you run? Step7:Summary Today we have learned three new words and these sentences(师手指向 板书,学生读出新单词和新句型) Step9:Homework: 画出你最喜欢的小动物,并为它做一个说明标签,在下节课中把它介 绍给大家。Times up. Goodbye, class.


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