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1、【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 2016 年 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(上海卷) 英语答案解析 I Listening Comprehension Section A 1.【答案】 D 【解析】听力原文: M: So, what do you think of the new shopping center? W: I went there yesterday and it is not as good as I expected. Q: What does the woman think of the shopping center? 2.【答案】 B 【解析】听力原文: M: How lo

2、ng will we stay at the cam? W: Well stay there for one night. That is, we will leave the camp on August 7th. Q: When will the speakers arrive at the camp? 3.【答案】 A 【解析】听力原文: M: We are famous for our barbecue pork with rice. Would you like to have some? W: Er. I dont think so. I am not a big fan of B

3、arbarella pork. Q: Who is most probably the man? 4.【答案】 B 【解析】听力原文: M: Can I stay here for just another minute? I really need to look up something on Shakespeare. W: Sorry. Everyone is supposed to put books back to the shelves when the closing bell is sounded. Q: Where is the conversation most proba

4、bly taking place? 5.【答案】 D 【解析】听力原文: M: Wasnt the show any good? W: The show is good, but I could hardly see the stage from my seat. Q: What does the woman mean? 6.【答案】 C 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 【解析】听力原文: M: Do you have your break, lunch and dinner at the cafeteria? W: I have lunch and dinner there, but I alw

5、ays skip breakfast. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 7.【答案】 B 【解析】听力原文: M: Are you going to put the seeds of tomatoes into the soil, too? W: I think there is plenty of space to the right of the cucumbers. Q: What are the speakers most probably doing? 8.【答案】 C 【解析】听力原文: M: The Morson Compa

6、ny turned down my application. I dont how I can do without a job. W: Well, dont take it so hard. Something else will turn up. Q: What does the woman mean? 9.【答案】 C 【解析】听力原文: W: Good morning! This is Clean Air hot line. May I help you? M: Yes, Id like to report a smoking vehicle running on King Stree

7、t. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 10.【答案】 A 【解析】听力原文: W: I think the film is good because it is scary. And the special effects are amazing. M: It would deserve an award if it werent for its last part. Q: What does the man think of the film? Section B 11.【答案】 C 12.【答案】 D 13.【答案】 A 【解析】听力

8、原文: Not everyone knows clearly how to build personal savings, but a savings plan started on a website has helped many put away a nice tidy sum. The fifty-two week money challenge is simple and if it is maintained, it will result in 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 1378 dollars in your savings account each year. It sta

9、rts with saving an amount equaling 1 dollar in week 1, 2 dollars in week 2, 3 dollars in week 3, and continues right through the year until 52 dollars in week 52. While these are small in significant amounts, at the end of the year, you will have enough for an emergency fund, family celebration or h

10、oliday. Another simple way of building some savings is by depositing as little as two percent of your monthly income into a savings account. The key is that before bills and living expenses start to eat away your salary, you should put aside the savings portion of your pay. Once you have reached a t

11、housand dollars, youll find you probably have the motivation to continue to save even more. Questions: 11. According to the fifty-two money challenges, how much should be put away in week 3? 12. What does the speaker suggest people do with their monthly income? 13. What is the speaker mainly talking

12、 about? 14.【答案】 B 15.【答案】 A 16.【答案】 C 【解析】听力原文: Life in the town of Tivaton is made up of both good news and bad news. At a local school a successful charity supper has been held. They made more than one thousand dollars and the local family in need got the majority of it. Many people came to the ev

13、ent and the family was very grateful. Yet the bad news is students have been made to wait outside before school. It has been really cold lately and the school should consider letting the students in to get warm before the weather gets even colder. In the town of Tivaton, a new icecream store, the Mu

14、ddy Moos, is opened. Its a great place to get icecream, coffee and other food. As for the bad news, a new bank has been built. While it is good to have a bank nearby, it has also brought much more traffic. In the morning on the way to school, its horrible. There is really no space for any more new b

15、uildings in the town. Tivaton is more and more like a big city. On reviewing these local news events, it seems Tivaton has a balance of good news and bad news. At least there is enough good news, so it remains a good place for the residents to enjoy their life. Questions: 14. For the local family in

16、 need of help, what did they get? 15. According to the speaker, what should the school do? 16. What does the speaker think of the town of Tivaton? Section C 17.【答案】 Deadline 18.【答案】 photos 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 19.【答案】 stadium 20.【答案】 Lunch 【解析】听力原文: M: Shirley, I am working on a class diary for next week.

17、Would you please give me the information? W: Sure. First its the dead line for after class activity application. The dead line is next Monday, June 14th. M: Monday, June 14th. W: Yes. Then on Wednesday, thats the 16th, all classmates have to hand in three student photos. M: Three student photos. W:

18、OK. Next is the basketball club meeting. Its on the 17th. M: The basketball club meeting is on the 17th. And where will they meet? W: At the stadium. M: And what time? W: From 12:45 to 1:30 p.m. M: Right. W: Then the last thing is about filling in a form with up-to-date personal data. Our class need

19、s to go to the computer room during the morning break on the 18th. M: OK. The morning break on the 18th. W: Oh, wait a minute! I made a mistake. It should be during the lunch break. M: Got it. W: Thank you! 21.【答案】 a( famous) judge 22.【答案】 Asking for help 23.【答案】 Having a voice 24.【答案】 Sharing ( wit

20、h others) 【解析】听力原文: M: The guest for today is Sue Walter. She is a famous judge in court. Good morning Sue! W: Good morning, Shon. I am glad to be here today. M: Your new book, My World, will be published next week. Would you please tell us the theme of your book? W: Well, I want people who have cha

21、llenges in their lives to believe that despite their difficulties they can still accomplish a lot. One of my suggestions is to always ask for help. M: Right. Whats the best part of being a judge in court? W: Having a voice in the decision-making process. There is something extremely satisfying about

22、 that. 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 M: Youve been on the childrens program. So how do you explain your job to kids? W: I give a very simplified version of what a judge does. I talk to them about how the law helps people solve their problems. M: Whats your idea of happiness? W: I think it would be satisfaction of e

23、njoying things with others, meaning when you give it to others, whether its time, attention, a gift, anything, just those moments of sharing. M: Thank you, Sue II Grammar and Vocabulary Section A 25.【答案】 Wondering 【解析】动词 wonder 与本句主语 I 构成主动关系,所以使用现在分词 wondering 在句中做状语。 【考点】现在分词做状语 26.【答案】 what 【解析】本

24、句中连接代词 what 引导主语从句 what happened 并在句中做主语。句意:发生的事情真让我很惊讶。 【考点】主语从句 27.【答案】 which 【解析】本题定语从句的先行词是 the refugee camp,关系代词 which 指代先行词在定语从句中作为介词 in的宾语, in which 相当于关系副词 where。 【考点】定语从句 28.【答案】 had done 【解析】根据上下文告诉我们“我”被派到妈妈家附近工作,这是过去发生的事情,而妈妈帮助难民是在我来这里工作之前就发生的事情,所以应该使用过去完成时表示过去的过去发生的事情。 【考点】时态 29.【答案】 buying 【解析】 Stop doing


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