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1、八年级英语试题第 1 页 (共 10 页) 曾都区 20192020 学年 度 第二学期期末调研测试 八年级英语试题 本试卷分第 I 卷 (听力) 和第 II 卷 (笔试) , 满分 120 分, 考试时间 120 分钟。 注意事项: 1. 答卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、 准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卷上。 2. 选择题每小题选出答案后, 请用 2B 铅笔填涂在答题卡指定的区域内, 答在试题卷 上无效。 3. 非选择题的作答请用黑色墨水签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内, 答在试 题卷上无效。 4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。 卷首寄语 中国加油!我们一起加油! 第 I 部分 听 力(25

2、 分) 一、 听力测试(共三节, 满分 25 分) 第一节 听下面五段小对话和对话后的问题, 从每小题 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳 选项。每段对话仅读一遍。 (共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分, 满分 5 分) ( ) 1 A She ate much dry food B She didnt drink enough water C She had a fever and coughed ( ) 2 A To repair Lucys watch B To help Lucy clean the room C To buy a new watch ( ) 3 A 15 yuan B 3

3、0 yuan C 50 yuan ( ) 4 A Because today is her birthday B Because she won the first prize C Because she passed the exam ( ) 5 A She was watching TV 八年级英语试题第 2 页 (共 10 页) B She was reading a book C She was doing the housework 第二节 听下面三段长对话和一段独白,每段长对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题后 所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。 (

4、共 15 小题, 每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 听下面一段对话, 回答第 68 小题。 ( ) 6 When is Zhang Tao going to have a party? A On Sunday B On Monday C On Saturday ( ) 7 What is Zhang Taos mother going to do tomorrow? A Go to work B Go shopping C Do some washing ( ) 8 What does Zhang Tao have to do first? A Do his homework B Clean

5、his room C Have a party 听下面一段对话, 回答第 911 小题。 ( ) 9 What is the report about? A A trip B The schoolwork C A research ( ) 10 How many times has Gina been to Wuhan till now? A Once B Twice C Three times ( ) 11 Why has Eric never been to Wuhan? A Because he doesnt like the city B Because he is too busy

6、C Because no one can take him there 听下面一段对话,回答第 1215 小题。 ( ) 12 Who did Zhang Hao borrow the book from? A Wu Tao B Jin Tian C Wu Taos friend ( ) 13 How long has Zhang Hao kept the book? A For a month B For half a month C For two months ( ) 14 What book did Wu Tao borrow? A Journey to the West B Hou

7、Yi Shoots the Suns C Nu Wa Repairs the Sky ( ) 15 What kind of book can Zhang Hao borrow today? 八年级英语试题第 3 页 (共 10 页) A A history book B A science book C A story book 听下面一段独白,回答第 1620 小题。 ( ) 16 Why is Peter busy on weekends? A Because he has to do lots of homework B Because he has to help his paren

8、ts to do different kinds of housework C Because he has to go to different clubs to have talent classes ( ) 17 What classes does Peter hate learning? A Drawing B The piano C Computer skills ( )18Where did Peter go last Sunday? AHe went to a farm BHe went to his aunts house CHe went to the town librar

9、y ( )19How did Peter go there? ABy bus BBy bike COn foot ( )20What may Peter do next Sunday? A He may see a movie with his friend B He may learn to play the piano with his friend C He may see a movie with his aunt 第三节 听短文填写表格,每空一词。短文读二遍。 (共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) Bettys wish She wants to have her own

10、smart phone(智能手机) . The reasons She is already fourteen years old, but she still doesnt have a phone of her own! 21 in her class has one Most of them had the phone when they were 22 _years oldHer friend Lily even got her phone when she was nine! Without a phone, She has to go back home to use the co

11、mputer when she needs to get some 23 Parents opinions Every time she asks her mother for it, her mother would say, You are not 24 enoughYoud better read more booksDont play with the phone Her father is always busy with his workSo she 25 talks to him about it 21 22 23 24 25 八年级英语试题第 4 页 (共 10 页) 第部分

12、笔 试 (95 分) 二、 完形填空。(共 15 个小题, 每小题 1 分, 计 15 分) 阅读短文,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳 答案。 At the age of two,our kids began to help us with 26 They helped 27 their toys and clean the house Now my daughter Kate can 28 her bed, 29 clothes and set(布置)the table Last week,she 30 for us We were happy becau

13、se it was delicious I like getting kids to start doing housework early for a few 31 First,it is fun for kids to 32 help Two-year-olds like to work 33 the same things as their parents They want to stay with their 34 doing things by themselves Its a good time to 35 them to help you when you are busy S

14、econd,its never too 36 for them to learn that the world doesnt go around them37 , having kids do chores is not robbing (剥夺)their happiness38 make(s) them know that life has work and problems39 ,it does help I feel that Kate likes doing chores and she 40 me a lot ( )26Ahomework Bhousework Ccooking Dc

15、leaning ( )27Atake care of Blook at Cget back Dworry about ( )28Acontrol Bhold Cmake Dhit ( )29Abuy Bfold Csell Dmake ( )30Adid chores Bdid the dishes Cwashed the clothes D.made dinner ( )31Awords Breasons Cways Dmeans ( )32Ashow Bask Coffer Dcarry ( )33Afor Bfrom Con Das ( )34Afriends Bclassmates C

16、owners Dparents ( )35Aborrow Bmake Cdrive Dinvite ( )36Aearly Bpopular Cimportant Dold ( )37ABut BAlthough CHowever DBecause ( )38AIt BThey CShe DHe ( )39ASlowly BHardly CQuickly DFinally ( )40Agives Breturns Clends Dhelps 三、 阅读理解。(共 20 个小题,每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) A) 阅读下列 A、 B、 C、 D 四篇短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项

17、。 A I am a teacher in a middle school I have a good friend called Mr Wang He is the head 八年级英语试题第 5 页 (共 10 页) Questions Answers Im always late for schoolI try not to be late,but I cant help itPlease advise me about what to do Jack You are probably late for school because you dont re- ally like scho

18、ol My advice for you is to enjoy school more, and then you wont be late so often I find it difficult to make friends What do you think I should do? Maria I cant advise you until I know more about you Your problem may be that you are shy On the other hand, it may be the opposite You can try to be bra

19、- ve Write and tell me more about yourself Im always at the bottom (底部)of the class What do you advise me to do? Jessica I advise you to put your heart into improving your grades in one subject firstNext, try to improve your grades in another subjectIf you do this, by the end of the year you should

20、be quite a long way up from the bottom in all your classes of an office Hes often busy and has no time to do the housework His wife knows him well and does all at home Unluckily,their daughter Wang Juan was hurt in a traffic accident two weeks ago,and had to be in hospital Mrs Wang had to look after

21、 her there and she couldnt look after Mr Wang well Mr Wang often ate in restaurants As he never did any cleaning,the rooms were all in a mess Yesterday morning,before MrWang got up,the telephone rangHe sat up to answer it His friend Mr.Zhao told him to write down an important telephone number But he

22、 could not find a pen or a piece of paper He found there was much dust(灰尘) on the table and wrote the number on it with his finger But soon he forgot about it and went to work This morning,MrsWang and their daughter came back home At noon,MrWang came in while Mrs Wang was cleaning the rooms He sadly

23、 found the table was clean and the number was gone ( )41Who looked after Wang Juan in the hospital? AMrWang BThe writer CMrsWang DThe teacher ( )42What do you think of MrWang? AHe is perfect BHe is truthful CHe is lazy DHe is lonely ( )43Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A Mr

24、Wang did all the housework at home B Mr Wang never ate in restaurants C The table was clean,but Mr Wang wasnt happy D Wang Juan got well very soon B One of the most popular column (专栏)in the school newspaper is the advice column Here are some of the questions asked and their answers: 八年级英语试题第 6 页 (共

25、 10 页) ( ) 44 What is Jacks problem? A He tries not to be late for school but often fails(失败) B He finds it difficult to make friends C He is always at the bottom of the class D He needs help with his homework ( ) 45 What does the adviser want Maria to do? A Stop being so shy B Stop being so brave C

26、 Make more friends D Offer more information about herself ( ) 46 What does Jessica want to do? A Make more friends B Improve her grades C Stay at the bottom of her class D Study only one subject ( ) 47 What is the main idea of this passage? A The school newspaper is popular B Many students have thei

27、r own problems at school C The good adviser in the school DMany students can get advice from the advice column of the school newspaper C Once upon a time, there was a spider with the name Anansi He knew that he was very cle- ver but he also knew he wasnt wise He didnt like this, but he did not know

28、what to do One day he had an idea He went around the village with a basket and asked each person to give him some of their wisdom The people laughed at Anansi because they knew that he needed wisdom the most So each person put a bit in his basket and wished him good luck Soon his basket was full, bu

29、t Anansi was worried that his neighbors might be jealous of his wisdom and take it from him He decided to hide it at the top of a tall tree When he had tied the basket to the front part of his body, he tried to climb the tree, but it was too difficult He tried again and again without success Then hi

30、s youngest son walked by, What are you doing, father? he asked and Anansi told him Why dont you carry the basket on your back instead? his son said Anansi put the basket on his back and climbed the tree easily, but he wasnt happy I wal- ked all over the village and collected so much wisdom that I am

31、 the wisest person ever, but my baby son is still wiser than me Take back your wisdom! he said And he threw the basket of wisdom into the air and went home And thats how wisdom went all over the world 注释: spider n 蜘蛛; 设圈套者 Anansi: 亚拿尼亚 (圣经中人物, 因欺骗圣灵而死) wise adj 明智的; wisdom n 智慧 jealous adj 嫉妒的 tie v

32、. 拴.系 ( ) 48 Anansi went around the village because A he knew he was very clever B he wanted to show his good luck C he hoped to meet his son D he thought he wasnt wise enough ( ) 49 Anansi wanted to get his wisdom from A his son B his father C the villagers D the neighbors ( ) 50 The passage above

33、may come from A a report B a story C an advertisement D a diary ( ) 51 The best title for the passage would be A Anansis wisdom B The wisdom of Anansis son C Anansi and his son D Anansi and the villagers D Have you ever had problems in your life and dont know how to be happy? If so,you will find a b

34、ook Being a Happy Teenager written by an Australian writer Andrew Matthews useful In his books,Matthews tells us how to have a happy life and answers the questions of teenagers The book says we should stop being angryThe book also tells us about some useful skills For example,if you want to make you

35、r memory better,you can put what youve learned into pic- tures of your mindMany teenagers think that happiness comes from good grades or praise from other people But you can still be happy when there are no suchgood things Success comes from a good attitude(态度) If you learn from problems,you will ha

36、ve suc- cess in the future Some schoolboys have problems such as being too tall or too short,but Matt- hews tells us happiness comes from thinking about things in a positive way If you are tall,you can get a better view (视线)at the movie If you are short,your clothes and shoes take less room in your

37、bedroom! This is Matthews most important lesson:You choose to be happy! ( ) 52 What does the book advise you to do if you want to have a better memory? A To stop being angry B To have a good attitude C To get praise from other people D To put what youve learned into pictures of your mind ( ) 53 Afte

38、r reading the book,youll learn comes from a good attitude A excitement B success C kindness D progress ( ) 54 The underlined wordpositivein the third paragraph means in Chinese A 活跃的 B 消极的 C 积极的 D 勇敢的 ( ) 55 The passage mainly tells us how to A read a useful book B learn from problems C get a better

39、 view in a book D have a happy life B) 阅读下面短文, 从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白出的最佳选项, 每个选项只 能用一次。 Living through the epidemic(流行病)-COVID,most of us get to know the importance of health56 Then do you know how to keep in good health? You may say, Having a balanced diet and doing exercise can help us I agree with yo

40、u 57 Lots of people in the world have sleep problems. They cant sleep well at night.58. They are unhappy and stressed out. Then they may have some other health problems. Such as heart disease(心脏病) and headaches. How can people sleep well at night? 59. Sleep in a quiet room. Do some exercise before g

41、oing to bed. Itll make you happy. Wash your feet in warm water before you go to bed. 60. Its pretty good for sleeping. A.Everyone wants to be healthy. B.Have a glass of milk. C.Here are some good ideas. D.In fact, good sleep is also very important. E.The next day they are so tired that they cant wor

42、k well. 四、 单词拼写。 (共 5 个小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 根据句子意思和音标或首字母提示填词,每空一词。 61. / nai: (r) /, / ni: (r) / of us did any housework for a week. 62.Although shes wrong, its not a big /di:l/. 63.Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to b against the win- dows. 64.The new couple were so happy tha

43、t they couldnt stop smiling when they got m . 65.Why did the ancient emperors build the wall? The main reason is to p their part of the country. 五、 完成句子。(共 5 个小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据 所给汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。 66.你应该赶快, 读书报告会只有二个星期了。 You should . The book report is due in two weeks. 67. 对于来自中国数以千计的游客来说, 这个位于亚洲

44、东南部的小岛是一个既美妙又 安全的度假地点。 For tourists from China, this small island in Southeast Asia is a won- derful and safe place to take a holiday. 68.我们已经从我们卧室里面清理掉了很多东西。 We have already a lot of things from our bedrooms. 69.我想你应该躺下休息。 I think you should and rest. 70.孩子们越早学会独立, 对他们的未来就越好。 The kids learn to be i

45、ndependent, the it is for their future. 六、 短文填 空。 (共 10 个小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 从方框中选择适当的单词,并用其适当 的形式完成短文,每词只能用一次,每空一词。 one, own, journey, feel, several ,volunteer , is, well, love, her Students Who Volunteer Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up 71 hours each week to help other

46、s. Mario loves animals and wants to 72 an animal doctor. He volunteers at an animal hos- pital every Saturday morning. Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. Its hard work, he says, but I want to learn more about how to care for animals. I get such a strong 73 of satisfaction wh

47、en I see the animals get 74 and the look of joy on their 75 faces. Mary is a book 76 . She could read by 77 at the age of four. Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. She still works there 78 a week to help kids to learn to read. The kids are sitting in the l

48、ibrary, but you can see in their eyes that theyre going on a different 79 with each new book. 80 here is a dream come true for me. I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time. 七、 书面表达。(共 1 个小题,满分 15 分) 每个同学小时候都曾经喜欢过童话故事。 下面有一篇童话故事, 故事的梗概是这样的: 曾经有这样一只小猪, 它叫 Aaron, 在它父母熟睡的时候偷偷跑了出去, 在路上遇见了 一头 大象、 一只孔雀和一只兔子。他想要拥有大象的鼻子,孔雀的尾巴和兔子的耳朵,但是 当他 实现了梦想时,父母不认识他了, 它该怎么办呢?请你以A story of A Little Pig 为题,展开合理的想象,完成这个童话故事, 并把全部内容用英文写出来。 提示词语:peacock 孔雀 ;tail 尾巴;recognize 认出 要求:1.文章要包含 提示内容,并展开合理的想象; 2.词数 70 左右。 3.请采用第三人称 he 来指代这只小猪。


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