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1、越城区越城区 2019 学年第二学期期末学业水平考试卷学年第二学期期末学业水平考试卷 八年级英语八年级英语 温馨提示温馨提示: 1. 全卷分试题卷和答题卷。满分 100 分, 考试时间 90 分钟。 2. 答题前, 必须在答题卷的密封线内填写学校、班级、姓名、考号。答题时所有试题的答案 必须填在答题卷的相应位置, 做在试题卷上无效。 试卷试卷 I(选择题(选择题 共共 60 分分) 一、听力一、听力(共共 15 小题小题, 第一、二节每小题第一、二节每小题 1 分分, 第三节每小题第三节每小题 2 分分, 共计共计 20 分分) 第一节第一节:听小对话听小对话, 回答问题。 (对话读一遍)回答

2、问题。 (对话读一遍) 1. When will Lisa go to bed? A. 9:40. B. At 10:00. C. At 10:20. 2. Hows the weather now? A. Its raining. B. Its cloudy. C. Its sunny. 3. What doesnt Mary often listen to during her free time? A. Pop music. B. Rock music. C. Country music. 4. What are they talking about? A. A cook. B. A d

3、og. C. A book. 5. What did the woman buy for her daughter? A. A pair of shoes. B. A coat. C. A pair of socks. 第二节:听较长对话, 回答问题。 (对话读两遍) 听下面一段对话, 回答第 67 小题。 6. What will Mum do today? A. Do some cleaning. B. Make some cookies. C. Buy some eggs. 7. How will Grandma get to Mikes home? A. By taxi B. By s

4、ubway. C. By bus. 听下面一段较长的对话, 回答第 810 小题。 8. Where does Ted come from? A. The USA. B. The UK. C. Asia. 9. Which of the following is one of Teds hobbies? A. Listening to music. B. Playing basketball. C. Swimming 10. What does Ted like eating best in China? A. Mapo Toufu. B. Peking Duck. C. Gongbao Ch

5、icken. 第三节:听独白, 回答问题。 (独白读两遍) 听下面一段独白, 请从 A、B、C、三个选项中选择正确的选项回答问题。 11. Where does Jack invite the speaker to go? A. To Jacks home. B. To Jacks school. C. To Jacks village. 12. What is the speaker going to do on Tuesday? A. Meet a friend. B. Prepare for the math exam. C. Help the speakers parents with

6、 their housework. 13. Which sport game will the speaker watch? A. Soccer. B. Volleyball. C. Basketball. 14. Who is the speaker going to visit on Thursday? A. The speakers friends. B. The speakers teachers. C. The speakers grandparents. 15. What may happen to them? A. They may meet another time. B. T

7、hey may have a math exam on Friday. C. They may stay with each other next week. 二、完形填空二、完形填空(本题有本题有 10 小题小题, 每小题每小题 1 分分, 共计共计 10 分分) 阅读下面短文, 然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 There was once an old man. He had a 16 . She was so beautiful, and a lot of young men from all over the town regarded her as an ideal(理

8、想的)wife. The old man asked his daughter, What kind of man do you want to be your husband? His daughter said, Dear father, my future husband can be poor 17 he should also be a rich man. How could that be? thought the father. But anyway, he told others that his daughter was 18_ for a future wife. Many

9、 men stood outside the girls house. The old man 19 and said, Gentlemen, those who think they are able to do something, please come forward and tell me your qualifications(资 格)! A few well-dressed men came forward and said, We are 20 men. We have gold, silk and fur. Next came five young men with some

10、 treasure boxes. You will be a wealthy(富有的) lady if you decide to 21 one of us, they said. The girl just 22 and turned them away. Then came a commonly dressed young man. The old man asked 23, Young man, you look so poor. What can you give to my daughter? My wealth is always with me, said the young m

11、an. I can build beautiful tables and chairs. I can also 24 a tent for you. The girl smiled again. The young man continued, I can cook, too. I cook delicious meal. However, I do not have much 25 . But, with my pair of hands, I have a lot o wealth. You are my ideal husband, said the girl. You have a p

12、air of hard-working hands. 16. A. wife B. sister C. cousin D. daughter 17. A. if B. but C. unless D. because 18. A. ready B. sorry C. young D. peaceful 19. A. leave alone B. gave up C. fell down D. came out 20. A. old B. rich C. tall D. strong 21. A. visit B. kill C. forget D. chose 22. A. cried B.

13、agreed C. smiled D. shouted 23. A. bravely B. strangely C. happily D. shyly 24. A. put up B. give out C. buy D. borrow 25. A. pressure B. illness C. money D. happiness 三、阅读理解(本题有三、阅读理解(本题有 15 小题小题, 每小题每小题 2 分分, 共计共计 30 分)分) 阅读下面四篇材料, 然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 A Paris is the biggest city in France(法国).

14、It has been there for more than 1, 400 years. Paris is famous for its nickname (昵称), the City of Love. It is one of the most famous cities in the world. The city also goes by another famous nickname, the City of Lights. When the sun goes down, Paris doesnt sleep. Instead, it comes alive with million

15、s of lights through the city. However, all of these lights have nothing to do with the citys nickname. As for lights, many other cities around the world, such as New York City and Hong Kong, shine just as brightly. Experts believe the nickname came about because Paris was the birthplace of the Age o

16、f Enlightenment(启蒙时期). The Enlightenment began in Europe in the late 17th century. During that time, philosophers and scientists made great progress in fields such as education and inventions, leaving away from the dark of the Middle Ages before. It lighted up the hope. The Enlightenment helped Pari

17、s become La Ville-Lumiere, meaning City of Lights in French. 26. From Paragraph 1, we know Paris _. A. is a famous city in Africa B. has two famous nicknames C. is the biggest city in the world D. has a history for less than 1, 000 years 27. Paris is famous as the City of Lights mainly because it _.

18、 A. was the birthplace of many scientists B. has millions of lights through the city C. shines as brightly as many other cities D. lighted up the hope of progress at a special time 28. In the late 17th century, education and inventions _. A. developed a lot in Europe B. disappeared quickly in Europe

19、 C. fell into a dark time in Europe D. became meaningless in Europe B Do you remember learning to count? People learn to count in many ways. A long time ago, Russian children learned to count with Russian nesting dolls(俄罗斯套娃) . Now, people also use them to show love for children and friendship for f

20、riends. Youve probably seen Russian nesting dolls before. Theyre wooden dolls of decreasing size that hide inside each other. Most nesting dolls have three to twelve dol. Today, nesting dolls are a symbol of Russia. However, they didnt start there. In 1896, a Japanese artist brought nesting dolls to

21、 an art show in Russia. Russian artists were very interested in the Japanese nesting dolls and began making their own dolls. At that time, many parents needed toys to help children learn. So nesting doll quickly became popular across Russia. Many parents bought them to help their children learn to c

22、ount. The dolls also helped teach children about changes in size and shape. Russian nesting dolls have changed over time. Traditionally, they looked like women in aprons(围裙)and hats. Todays nesting dolls come in all shapes and sizes. They may look like movie characters or even animals. All the piece

23、s in a set of Russian nesting doll look similar. Are they always the same? No, they arent. Parts of the dolls change, such as their expressions(表情), clothing and some-thing else 29. People once used Russian nesting dolls to _. A. teach children to hide B. teach children maths C. show lonely feelings

24、 D. show interest in language learning 30. The underlined word decreasing probably means _. A. 逐渐减小的 B. 一模一样的 C. 姿态不一的 D. 神态各异的 31. Russian artists began making their own nesting dolls _. A. before Japanese artists B. before the year of 1896 C. after an art show in Russia D. after watching a show in

25、 Japan 32. Now, Russian nesting dolls _. A. always look the same B. have no changes at all C. look a little like women D. appear in different characters C Running in the morning A run in the morning is a perfect way to start the day. If you run in the morning, you can give your body oxygen(氧气). The

26、higher oxygen in the morning air makes it easier for you to breathe(呼吸), especial in the summertime. Compared to the midday heat, its also more comfortable to run in the morning when its still cool. Running in the morning can be harder than running at other times of the day. After you get up, youd b

27、etter warm up before you run. Your body loses a lot of water when you sleep. So its important for you to drink some water before running so that you wont feel weak during your run. Running in the evening A run in the evening is a good way to relax. Do you feel stressful at the end of a busy workday?

28、 Since your body is still in performance mode in the evening, you dont need to warm up as much as you do in the morning. Also, a relaxing evening run can help to cut down your night-time fat. Perhaps you want to let off steam(释放精力)in the evening with a run. But be careful. An evening run can make it

29、 hard for you to fall asleep at night, as your body is active again. To sum up, no matter when you run, in the morning or in the evening, there are good and bad points. When you choose to run depends on your own goals and needs. 33. If you run on a summer morning, you may _. A. before you start your

30、 morning run. B. feel more comfortable A. feel lonely more easily C. make your body cool D. become nervous more quickly 34. According to the passage, you should _. A. get up very early B. wear warm clothes C. warm up and drink water D. have an important breakfast 35. Running in the evening cannot _.

31、 A. make you feel relaxed B. help you let off steam C. make you fall asleep easily D. help your body be active again 36. The passage mainly tells us that _. A. running is really good for health at anytime B. running in the morning is a perfect way to start a day C. running in the evening is a good w

32、ay to train ourselves D. running has both good and bad points in the morning and evening D How did you learn the facts about COVID-19 and the coronavirus (冠状病毒)that caused it? You probably read newspaper articles, searched for information on the internet and listened to online reports. These ways, h

33、owever, may not work well for children younger than you. Some medical researchers in Memphis, Tennessee, wanted to help these little children realize the COVID-19. They have drawn a special coloring bo0k. Kristin Canavera is one of the researchers. We have seen a lot of misinformation about COVID-19

34、. People, especially children, are feeling worried, she said. We rally wanted to do something for them, help them understand something. At fist, Canavera and her team wanted to provide something for parents to use when they talk to their children about COVID-19. Then, they decided to make them direc

35、tly(直接地) for children. Children often learn best through play, so coloring is a great way to help them understand the illness. The ten-page book gives kids the real facts about COVID-19. It also offers ways for parents to have open and honest discussions with their children about their fears. The bo

36、ok is in English, Spanish and Arabic(阿拉伯语). It was first printed 750 paper copies for children in hospital. Later, they put the book online so that it could reach more readers during this special time. People around the world can now download it for free. The team also provided an activity book for

37、older children. It has crossword puzzles(纵横填 字游戏)and gives more information about COVID-19. Another book for young adults is on the way. It will include important tips on staying safe from the illness. 37. Kristin Canavera and her team mainly wanted to _. A. sell the special books online B. help you

38、ng adults kill time C. help young children realize COVID-19 D. share their new ideas of COVID-19 38. The first 750 paper copies were for _. A. sick children in hospital B. talented children C. children at home D. children at school 39. The activity book for older children includes _. crossword puzzl

39、es pictures to be colored information about COVID-19 tips on staying safe from COVID-19 A. B. C. D. 40. What can be the best title for the passage? A. Special books about COVID-19 B. New information about COVID-19 C. An honest report on COVID-19 D. An important research on COVID-19 试卷试卷 II(非选择题(非选择题

40、 共共 40 分分) 四、词汇运用四、词汇运用(本题有本题有 15 小题小题, 每小题每小题 1 分分, 共计共计 15 分)分) A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空, 每每词仅用一次(每空一词) 。词仅用一次(每空一词) 。 most weak thousand invent passenger 41. We Chinese first _printing. 42. Though he is the _ among us now, hell improve himself. 43. Some of the _warm words made the driver

41、 fee relaxed. 44. The paintings in the museum were perhaps two _ years old. 45. When I was very young, my mother _ stayed at home, looking after me. B. 阅读下面短文阅读下面短文, 然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形 式式(每空一词)每空一词) What would you do if you got coffee stains(咖啡渍)on your desk? Many of us would

42、 probably immediately begin cleaning up the desk. _46 (德国的)artist Stefan Kuhnigk, however, thinks differently. He has used coffee stains to make his world of art 47 (有创造性的). It all started in 2011. One day, Kuhnigk accidentally spilled his coffee on a piece of paper. Instead of 48 (扔) the paper away

43、, he looked at the coffee stain for a while. The stain seemed to look 49 _(回来) at him. The artist picked up his pen and started to draw. Half an hour later, his 50 (第一)coffee monster(怪物)was born. Kuhnigk has never put his pen down 51 (从之后)then. Over the last nine years, he has 52 (画)more than 500 mo

44、nsters. Some of them are lovely. Some have sharp teeth and look terrible. Kuhnigk also writes a short story for 53 (每个)of his monsters. Many people like Kuhnigks funny creations. They say the monsters and their 54 (故事)always make them laugh. So the next time you sill your coffee or something else, d

45、ont clean it 55 (清除干净)at once. Its your chance to be an artist, too. 五、语法填空(五、语法填空(本题有本题有 10 小题小题, 每小题每小题 1 分分, 共计共计 10 分)分) 阅读下面的短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求在空格处填人一个适当的词, 或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 You may have heard of the popular saying, Practice makes perfect. But 56 you ever wondered whether its really true?

46、Does practice always make perfect? Sometimes practice does make perfect. 57 (take)a math test for example. If you know youre going 58 have a math test in a week, you can keep doing math exercises before the test If you get a full mark on your test, thats perfect and you can say 59 (happy that the pr

47、actice helped get you there. However, in some other aspects(方面) of life, practice doesnt always make perfect. It doesnt mean that practice is useless Sometimes it just 60 (mean)that theres no such thing as perfect in a certain aspect. For example, if you play sports 61 a musical instrument, there ar

48、e no perfect games or perfect 62 (performance) I all depends 63 what you consider to be perfect. Even if practice doesnt always make perfect, it almost always makes you better than you were before 64 (practice). The more you practice something, the 65_ (good) you are at it. 六、阅读六、阅读(本题有本题有 5 小题小题, 每

49、小题每小题 1 分分, 共计共计 5 分)分) 阅读下面短文, 从方框中所给的 AE 五个选项中选择四个正确的答案, 并将其序号填入 66-69 题, 使短文意思连贯, 然后回答 70 题。 Last December, COVID-19 broke out in Wuhan. During the New Year holiday, 66 . I saw a touching picture of a doctor and mother wiping her daughters eyes. To help the sick city, 67 . She knew how dangerous the j


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