人教版go for it 八年级下册英语期中复习完成句子专项练习(含答案).doc

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1、期中复习 根据中文,完成下列句子 1. 为了按时到校,他起床更早了。 He got up earlier get to school on time. 2. 他们静静地坐在那里,仔细阅读每一个问题。 They sat there and read every question carefully. 3. 他与他的朋友们相处很融洽。 He is with his friends. 4. 如果你那样做,你就会使她陷入困境。 If you do that,you might her . 5. 你告诉我的一切,可能影响我自己的看法。 What you have told me may to my ow

2、n opinion. 6. 去年,一带一路会议在北京成功举行。 Last year, the Belt and Road meeting _ _ in Beijing successfully. 7. 我将帮忙打扫城市公园. Ill help to _ _the city parks. 8. 我七点给你打电话,你没接。 I called at seven yesterday and you didnt_ _. 9. 你介意把门打开吗? Would you_ _the door? 10. 是谁在今年一月份想出的使用摩拜单车的好主意? Who_ _with the idea of using th

3、e mobike this January? 11. 朗读者这个节目让名人与公众有了恰当的交流。 The program Readers provides a good chance for the celebrities to have a _ _with the public. 12. 多亏了你的帮助,我按时完成了这项工作。 _ _your help, I finished the work on time. 13. 我讨厌父母总把我跟别人做比较。 I hate my parents always_me_others. 14. 这次巨大的成功将会对我的生活产生很大影响。 The great

4、 success will_a big_to my life. 15. 孩子们太依赖父母不好。 Its not good that children_ _their parents too much. 16. 为什么不坐下来跟你的哥哥沟通一下呢? Why not sit down and_ _your elder brother? 17. 我的朋友很伤心,我不知道怎么才能使她变得高兴起来。 My friend is very sad and I dont know how to _. (cheer) 18. 父亲告诉我外边的风正在减弱。 Dad told me that the wind _o

5、utside. (die) 19. 凯特不想放弃弹钢琴。 Kate doesnt want to _. (give) 20. Liu Chang 在走太多路后,一定渴了。请你给他提供些喝的好吗? Liu Chang must be thirsty after walking too much. Could you please_? (provide) 21. 你应该和你父母交流以便你能和他们和睦相处。 You should _.(so) 22. 我们不知道他们什么时候来的。 We didnt know when_ _. 23. 我不能告诉你发生了什么事。 I could not tell yo

6、u_ _. 24. 我讨厌洗碗,因为它太无聊了。 I hate_the_,because its too boring. 25.他们准备到杭州去度假。 They are going to Hangzhou _ _. 26. 上周他邀请我们去参加一个宴会。 Last week he _ us _ a dinner party. 27. 他每天从上午八点工作到下午六点。 He works_eight oclock in the morning_six oclock in the afternoon. 28. 对付老人你有一套吗?=你和老人相处得好吗? Are you_ _old people? 2

7、9. 熊猫来自于中国。 Pandas _ _ China. 30. 我们出去吃饭吧。 Lets _ _. 31. 你认为你的英语课怎么样? What do you _ _ your English class? 32. 我想 100 年后所有的东西都会是免费的。 I think everything will_ _in 100 years. 33. 他说他要为玛丽举办一个惊喜派对。 He said he was having a_ _for Mary. 34. 每次我看到学校邮件的信封时,就会很紧张。 I always_ _when I see the envelope from school

8、 in the mail. 35. 如果这样,你就会迟到。 _you_, youll be late. 36. 她三岁的时候就成了电影明星 She_a movie star_she was three years old. 37. 你为什么不和你的父母谈谈? _ _ _talk to your parents? 38. 他总是拒绝让我看我喜欢的电视节目。 He always_ _let me_my favourite TV show. 39. 我经常在周末和朋友闲逛。 I often_ _ _friends on weekends. 40. 他们总是把自己的工作与其他人的工作做比较。 They

9、 are always_their work_other peoples. 41. 当学校篮球比赛开始时,他仍旧在去上学的路上。 When the school basketball competition started, he was still_ _ _ _school. 答案: 1. in order to 2. in silence 3. getting on well 4. get,into trouble 5. make a difference 6. took place 7. clean up 8. pick up 9. mind opening 10. came up 11

10、. proper communication 12. Thanks to 13. compare, with 14. make, difference 15. depend on 16. communicate, with 17. cheer her up 18. was dying down 19. give up playing the piano 20. provide him with something to drink/ provide something to drink for him 21. talk to/ talk/communicate with your parent

11、s so that you can get on /along(well) with them 22. they came 23. what happened 24. doing, dishes 25. on vacation 26. invited, to 27. from, to 28. good, with 29. are from 30. eat out 31. think of 32. be free 33. surprise party 34. feel nervous 35. If, do 36. became, when 37. Why dont you 38. refuses to, watch 39. hang out with 40. comparing, with 41. on the way to


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