外研版七年级下册英语Module 1 Unit 1 Whose bag is this?教案 (2).doc

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1、Whose bag is this?第一课时 教案 教学目标 1、知识和技能目标 1)能对目标语言中的单词达到四会要求,对主要句型达到听、说、读的三 会要求,具体如下: 词汇:our ,their,doughnut whose,his, her, my , your 句型:Whose bag is this? Its -. Look out. You can have it. 2)能阅读和理解对话。 3)能够正确理解、运用所学的单词和句型询问事物。 2、情感和文化目标 1) 能够积极参与课堂活动,能与他人进行合作完成学习任务,感受到对话 的乐趣并喜欢用英语来进行交流。 2)通过对课文的延伸,让

2、学生意识到保护环境的重要性。爱护环境,从身 边做起。 教学过程 Teaching Procedure Teaching aims Time 1. Warm up -Greeting - Have Ss introduce his/her name, then present the key words: my, your, his, her 吸引学生的注意力,激发兴趣,创 造良好的学习氛围。 2m 2. Pre-reading - Ask and answer ,Can I borrow /have your -? - T shows many things and then teaching

3、 the new sentence:Whose - is this? Its-. - Say and act in pairs. -Pair work: Look at the circle, then make a new sentence . 利用情景教学,让学生在情景中理 解掌握新句型,为下一步的阅读对话作 铺垫。 5m 3. While-reading - Have Ss guess whats in the toys shop? -Look at the picture, read and match :whose - is this? eg. Student A:Whose toy

4、 car is this? Student B:Its their toy car. -Think about one question: Whose bag is this? and then listen to the conversation. - Have Ss read the story quietly and find out: whose boat is this?/whose car is this? - Practice reading: Say and act. -Fill in the forms : according to the conversation, the

5、n check the answers. -Watch a video , follow it ,ask and answer in pairs. 提前预知,帮助学生解决新单词。 呈现新的语言知识。 让学生带着问题去听,读对话,然 后交流答案。 通过指导朗读,帮助学生内化知 识,为其语言输出做准备。 利用歌谣帮助学生总结知识。并使 同学在学中唱,激发学生的兴趣。 直观呈现视频,学生自己找东西进 行问答。 22m 4m 4. Post-reading -Listen to a short story, what happened? 利用教材,延伸本课的情感教学, 拓展阅读深化学生的知识,引发学生

6、的 思考,让学生体验学习的成就感。 -Let Ss discuss: When a bag is on the road , what should we do? - Let Ss share their ideas -Teacher sums up the ideas. -Old saying: Protecting the world , lay off the rubbish bins!(保护好 地球,让垃圾桶下岗吧!) -Lets chant together. 利用名言深化主题,让学生受到教 育。也为日后的写作积累素材。 5. Summary -coat/boat we/our they/their - You can have it .“have” change another word“eat”. 拓展对话里的小知识点,让学生学 会灵活运用知识。 2m 6. Exercise: - Fill the word of the conversation. -Ask and answer whose - is this? 多种形式的练习,让学生进一步巩 固相关知识。 5m


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