外研版七年级下册英语《作业推荐》 Module10 复习与测试(含答案).docx

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1、作业推荐外研版七年级下 Module10 复习与测试 一、单选题 1.This morning Daming slept _ seven thirty and went to school without breakfast. A.when B.while C.till D.if 【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 句意:今天早晨,大明睡到 7点 30,没有吃早饭就上学了。 考查介词用法。when 当时候;while 当时候,然而;till 一直到时候为止;if如果。根据后面没有吃早饭上学,可知 他一直睡到 7 点 30,用介词 till,故选 C。 2.What time will y

2、ou _ the school gate? A.reach at B.arrive C.get D.arrive at 【答案】D 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 句意:你将在什么时候到大门口? 考查动词短语和语境辨析。reach at 动词 reach 是及物动词,不需要 at; arrive是不及物动词,后面要跟介词;get 后面后跟介词 to 时,to 后加名词,意思是“到达”,不正确;arrive at 意为到达,后面跟宾语,到达小地点。school gate 是小地点,到达大门口用 短语 arrive at,故选 D。 【点睛】 表示“到达”的英语不同表达的区别: reach 是及物动

3、词,能直接跟宾语;arrive是不及物动词,不能直接跟名词宾语,如果后面需要宾语,要加上介词 at 或者 in,构成 arrive in 和 arrive at;当动词 get 作“到达”时,要和介词 to构成 get to+名词。无论是哪个动词和短语,后面如果用副词作宾语, 不需要介词。本题的空格后的宾语 school gate 学校大门是名词,要用动词短语 arrive at,故选 D。 3._ is your friend going to stay in Shenzhen? Maybe for a few weeks. A.When B.How long C.What time D.H

4、ow soon 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 句意:你的朋友打算在深圳停留多久?可能几个周。 考查疑问词和语境辨析。When 何时; How long多长时间;其答语是时间段;What time什么时间;其答语是具体的时间点;How soon 多久。答语常用 in+时间段。根据回答 May be for a few weeks 可能几周,可知询问的是多长时间,用 how long,故选 B。 4.Mr Green is _ holiday in Beijing _ his family. A.on; with B.for; at C.in; with D.on; for 【答案】A

5、 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 句意:格林先生和家人在北京度假。 考查介词用法。短语 be on holiday 在度假;for 为了;in 在里;at 在时候;with 和一起。根据第一空后面的假期可知 用介词 on;第二空后是家人,表示“和一道”用介词 with,故选 A。 5._ did you go on holiday with your aunt? To Qingdao. A.What B.How C.Where D.Who 【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 句意:你和你的姨妈在哪里度假的?去了青岛。 考查疑问词的用法。What 什么;How怎样;Where在哪里;Who

6、谁。根据下一句回答去青岛可知,这里问的是度假地点,疑问词 用 where,故选 C。 6.Mary is flying to France soon. She will arrive Paris the morning of July 9th A.at; in B.in; on C.in; in D.at; on 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 句意:玛丽很快就要飞往法国了。她将在 7 月 9 日上午到达巴黎。 arrive at+小地点:到达某处;arrive in +大地点(国家、城市) :到达某处;arrive in Paris 到达巴黎,故排除 A、D。表示具体某一 天的上午

7、、下午或晚上,要用介词 on ;on the morning of July 9th 在 7 月 9 日上午,故排除 C。故选 B。 7.My brother Allen in Hong Kong in 2009. A.live B.lives C.lived D.are living 【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 句意:我哥哥艾伦 2009 住在香港。 A. live 居住,动词原形;B. lives 居住,动词三单;C. lived 居住,动词过去式;D. are living正居住,现在进行时。分析句子, in 2009(在 2009 年)表示过去的时间,所以句子时态应是一般

8、过去时,故谓语动词用过去式。故选 C。 8.How do I learn English well? ,you have to speak much. A.At first B.First of all C.For the first time D.At last 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 句意:我怎样才能学好英语?首先,你得多说话。考查介词短语辨析题。At first 最初;First of all 首先;For the first time 第一次;At last 最后。根据句意语境,可知 ACD三项不合句意,故选 B。 二、阅读单选 Travelling is an ex

9、citing and relaxing thing. It is easy to travel now. Its important to keep healthy. But do you know how to keep healthy on a trip? Here is some advice(建议): Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and a pair of sunglasses. Take some medicine with you. You may have to walk a long way on your trip. So you should

10、 have enough time to take a rest during your trip. Be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit. You should go to the big supermarket to buy good food and fruit. Take bottled(瓶装的) water with you because it is clean and always clean the cover on the bottle. Remember, dont drink too much water before yo

11、u start. Take the most important things with you: money, ticket, ID card. 9. To travel is very _. A.exciting B.boring C.clean D.sad 10. You should not _ before you go. A.wear sunglasses B.drink too much water C.take your ID card D.wear shoes 11. You should drink bottled water because it is _. A.chea

12、p B.expensive C.clean D.dirty 12. Why should one have a good rest? A.Because he is bored. B.Because he is hungry. C.Because he may walk a long way. D.Because he is thirsty. 13. You should _ on the trip. It is very important. A.walk fast B.eat too much C.climb the mountain D.keep healthy 【答案】9. A 10.

13、 B 11. C 12. C 13. D 【解析】 【分析】 本文是说明文。旅游是一件令人激动的和放松的事情,如果想让旅游健康,要注意几条建议:穿舒服的鞋子;随身带药物;要有 足够的休息时间;确定吃干净的食物;喝瓶装水;带上重要物品。 【9 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第一段第 1句“Travelling is an exciting and relaxing thing.”可知,旅游是激动人心的,故选 A。 【10 题详解】 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Remember, dont drink too much water before you start.”可知,在出发旅行前,不应该喝太多的

14、水, 故选 B。 【11 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第六段“Take bottled(瓶装的) water with you because it is clean”可知,建议喝瓶装水,因为它干净,故选 C。 【12 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第四段“You may have to walk a long way on your trip. So you should have enough time to take a rest during your trip.” 可知,一个游客应该休息够,因为有时他在旅途中可能有很长的路要走,故选 C。 【13 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第一段第 3句“

15、Its important to keep healthy.”可知,在旅行中保持健康很重要,故选 D。 【点睛】 英语阅读中的细节理解题站考查内容大部分。所有细节题都要从短文中寻找,有时要仔细分析短文内容才能得出正确结论,如 5 小题,根据短文第一段的第三句 Its important to keep healthy.保持健康很重要,可推测,在旅游中应该保持健康,故选 C。 三、补全短文 6 选 5 根据短文内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有一项为多余选项。根据短文内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有一项为多余选项。 Dear Xiao Fang, How time

16、flies! It is two years since you moved to America for your study. _14_ How happy we are! During your stay in America, little companions(小伙伴们) kept complaining, “There is no one to play with.” Huang Lei talked about the little woods where we often played together. _15_ Each time I saw your empty hous

17、e next door, I held back tears. _16_ We played in the woods behind our houses, where we dug up some worms, chasing the birds. I still remember we slipped down along the stream, feeling the spray(浪花) on our faces. After reading your letter, Huang Lei and I came up with an idea. How about our families

18、 spending a weeks vacation together this summer? _17_ It is located between the downtown of Chunxi and Wulin Town where we used to have fun. July will be the best month for us, so we can enjoy freedom and joy for a long time. _18_ I look forward to seeing you. Yours, Xiao Mei A.What about the Spring

19、 Lake? B.Why not go for a walk to relax ourselves? C.These days, we know that you will come back. D.As for me, it was lucky to have such a close friend like you. E.I miss the days when we played together. F.Talk with Huang Lei about it as soon as possible. 【答案】14. C 15. D 16. E 17. A 18. F 【解析】 【分析】

20、 这是小美写给晓峰的一回封信,小美在信中回忆了他们和好朋友一起在小树林玩耍的时光,并流露出对好友的想念之情,期盼着 晓峰早点从美国回来一起度过暑假。 【14 题详解】 C. These days, we know that you will come back. 这些天,我们知道你将要回来。根据前一句说到你两年前去美国学习和我们都非常 高兴,可知这里说的是知道你将要回来了,故选 C。 【15 题详解】 D. As for me, it was lucky to have such a close friend like you. 至于我,有你如此亲密的朋友真幸运。根据后一句我每一次看见你的空

21、旷的房子,忍住眼泪,可推测,我很高兴有非常亲密的朋友,故选 D。 【16 题详解】 E. I miss the days when we played together. 我思念一起玩耍的日子。后一句描述了我们曾经在一起小木屋后玩耍的情景,所以这里 说的是我思念在一起玩的日子,故选 E。 【17 题详解】 A. What about the Spring Lake? 春湖怎么样? 前一句建议一块度过一周假期,后一句说的是玩的地点,它位于春溪镇和武林镇之 间,我们曾经在那里玩得很开心。可知这里介绍了一个要玩的好地方,故选 A。 【18 题详解】 F. Talk with Huang Lei ab

22、out it as soon as possible. 尽快和黄雷谈谈这件事。上一句说的的 7 月对我们来说是最好的时间,我们可以 长时间分享快乐和自由,所以这里说的是快点把这件事确定下来,故选 F。 四、用单词的正确形式完成短文 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,完成短文。用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,完成短文。 happy arrive tired beautiful relax real about shop find other Mikes summer vacation On July 18th, Mike and his parents went to Qingdao, a cit

23、y in Shandong for summer vacation. Qingdao is a _19_ city on the coast. It was about 12:00 when they _20_ there on the first day. They _21_ a hotel and had a short rest. It was _22_ hot and they decided to go to the beach. At _23_ 3:30 pm, they got to the beach. There were many people there. Some we

24、re lying on the beach and _24_ were playing in the water. Mike was playing with them and he was very _25_. His parents also felt _26_. About two hours later, they went back to the hotel. On the second day, it rained all day. Mike visited the history museum with his father and his mother went _27_. O

25、n July 20th, they went to Laoshan Mountain in the morning and took a bus home in the afternoon. They were _28_ but happy. 【答案】19. beautiful 20. arrived 21. found 22. really 23. about 24. others 25. happy 26. relaxed 27. shopping 28. tired 【解析】 【分析】 本文是记叙文。 7 月 18 日, 麦克和家人去青岛度过暑假。 他们在海滩玩了一天, 第二天参观了历史

26、博物馆, 第三天登了崂山, 下午返回。虽然很累,但是很高兴。 【19 题详解】 句意: 青岛是一个美丽的海滨城市。 修饰名词 city城市,用形容词作定语,根据所给单词可知填 beautiful。 【20 题详解】 句意:时间大约是 12 点,他们到那里的第一天。 动词 arrive意为到达,空格后的副词 here意为“在哪里”,空格处用不及物动词 arrive。 【21 题详解】 句意:他们找了一家酒店,短暂休息一下。 根据本段第一句可知用一般过去时,根据后面短暂休息可知,要寻找住的地方,故用 found。 【22 题详解】 句意:天实在太热,他们决定去海滨。 修饰动词用副词作状语用 rea

27、lly,实在是,真实地,故填 really。 【23 题详解】 句意:大约在下午 3 点 30 分,他们到了海滨。 修饰时间,用副词 about 大约,故填 about。 【24 题详解】 句意:一些人躺在海滩上,另一些人在水里面玩耍。 短语 someothers意为“一些另一些”,根据 and 前面的代词 some可知,这里填不定代词 others。 【25 题详解】 句意:麦克正在和他们玩,他非常高兴。 根据前一句麦克和他们在海滩玩,可知他非常高兴,故填 happy。 【26 题详解】 句意:他的父母也感到轻松。 根据上文知道他的父母也来到海滩,此时看到儿子和朋友一起玩耍,所以感觉放松,故

28、填 relaxed。 【27 题详解】 句意:麦克和父亲参观了历史博物馆,他母亲去购物了。 短语 go shopping意为购物,根据空格前的过去式 went 可知这里填 shopping。 【28 题详解】 句意:虽然他们劳累,但是很高兴。 根据上文介绍了在青岛一个假天的游玩活动,可推测他们感到劳累,故填 tired。 【点睛】 动词是英语中最活跃、最重要的一类词,是英语语法的核心。本题是在语篇中考查动词的运用。解题关键在于准确判断句子的时 态、语态和其非谓语形式。前者由句子的时间状语或上下文语境显示;后者由动词的基本句型搭配来限定。例如第 2 和 3 小题是 考查动词的时态,根据语境可知是

29、一般过去时,填过去式,再如第 8 小题是考查主系表结构,所给的 relax是动词,句中变为形容 词作表语,故填 relaxed。 五、话题作文 29.假设你是李华,上周末你参加了一次郊游(outing)。请根据下面表格中的提示信息写一篇题为“A pleasant outing”的英语短 文,参加英文报纸的征文比赛。 A pleasant outing 时 间 上周末 参加者 你和 地 点 北山公园(the North Hill Park) 活 动 骑自行车、爬山、野餐、做游戏 感 受 要求: 1. 不要逐条翻译表格中的信息,可适当增加内容; 2. 词数: 80100。 参考词汇: go for

30、 an outing; climb the hill; have a picnic A pleasant outing 【答案】例文 A pleasant outing Last weekend, I went for an outing with my classmates. At 7:30 in the morning, we met at our school gate. We went to the North Hill Park by bike. On the way, we were so excited that we sang loudly. When we arrived t

31、here, we started to climb the hill at once. We had a picnic on the top of the hill. After that, we walked down the path and had a rest.Later, some girls danced under the trees and some boys played games happily. We didnt go back until 4:00 pm. We were tired but very happy. What a pleasant outing it was! 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 题干解读:根据题目提示内容可知,本文要求写记叙文,介绍自己一次愉快的远足,用第一人称。 例文点评:例文才用第一人称描述了一次愉快的远足活动;时态采用一般过去时为主,用过去进行时描述场景;描述故事时,场 景描写细致;故事发生的背景、起因和过程等叙述完整且条理清晰。 高分亮点 短语:sothat; at once; have a rest; not until 句型:sothat构成 的结果状语从句;when 引导的时间状语从句;含有 what 的感叹句。


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