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1、温州二中温州二中 2019-2020 学年七年级下学期英语期中试题学年七年级下学期英语期中试题 笔试 85 分 二二 单项选择单项选择 。 (每小题。 (每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 15 分)分) 16. There is _purple kite on the classroom wall its nice and special. A.a B.an C.the D. / 17.-Can I use your _? I want to draw a picture. Sure.Here you are. A. fans B.balls C.tapes D.crayons 18. The p

2、en is not cheap for children.The price is so _ . A.nice B.high C.different D.expensive 19.Tony is only four years old,_he draws very well. A.or B.so C.and D.but 20.-What are you going to do this Sunday? There_an English party on Sunday afternoon.Would you like to go together? A.is going to have B.is

3、 going to be. C are going to have D are going to be 21.-My mother always _5000 yuan on her new clothes every month Oh,thats too much. A.pays B.uses C.takes D spends 22.-Hi,boys.How was your party yesterday? Fantastic!We danced and enjoyed _. A.myself B.yourself C.ourselves D.themselves 23.-May I _th

4、e red T-shirt? Certainly.The dressing room is over there. A.ty on B.pay for C.put away D.take away 24.-Excuse me,_can I get to the bookshop? Go along this road and you will find it on your right. A. how B. why C.when D.where 25.-Were you born in New York,Mrs.King? _But now I live in Paris. A. Yes,I

5、was B.No,I wasnt C.Yes,We were D.No,we werent 26. Amy is a/an _ girl and she always gets on well with her classmates. A. boring B.exciting C.friendly D.difficult 27.-Here is a hamburger for you,sir.Would you like _else? Yes,please.Id like some cola. A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything 28.-

6、Where is Adam,Mike? I think he _for his keys.He cant find them. A.looks B.is looking C.will look D.looked 29.I am very excited because l can _the famous writer and talk to him face to face. A.meet B.take C.leave D.change 30.-This summer holiday,we are going on a summer camp in London. _ .Have a good

7、 time! A. Thars all B.Dont be silly C.Thatll be great D.Im sorry to hear that 三、完形填空(本题有三、完形填空(本题有 10 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 分,共分,共 10 分)分) 阅读读下列短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Three years ago,I lived in a building in a large city.There was another building near _31_.A beautiful woman lived there.1 _3

8、2_met(meet 的过去式) her,but I could see her sit by the window in the aftemoon,drinking or reading newspapers or magaines. _33_several months,I began( 开 始 )to find that her window was dirty* ( 脏 的) .Everything was unclear through the dirty window.I would say to myself,What a lazy woman!I want to know wh

9、y she doesnt wash her window.It really _34_terrible(糟糕的)*. One clear morning,l decided to clean my room,including* (包括) all the _35_.I worked all the morning.When I finished the _36_I sat(sit 的过去式) down by the widow with a cup of coffee for a rest. What I saw surprised me.The womans window was _37_!

10、 1 began(begin 的过去式)to know I watched the womans window from my own dity window.Thats the _38_ ! This is quite a /an _39_ lesson for me .How often do I look at others ,_40_the dirty window of my heart (心)? From then on ,I have been trying to clean the window of my own so that I may see others world

11、more clearly . 31 A mine B his C hers D theirs 32 A always B never C often D sometimes 33 A In B For C After D Before 34 A sees B looks C reads D watches 35 A cups B doors C tables D windows 36 A cleaning B cooking C shopping D reading 37 A fun B hard C clean D dirty 38 A idea B problem C question D

12、 disadvantage 39 A easy B careful C important D difficult 40 A by B from C near D with 四四 阅读阅读理解。 (理解。 (本本题有题有 10 小小题,每小题题,每小题 2 分分,共,共 20 分分) A 41.Lucy is free on weekends.She can join the _Club. A.Chess. B.Music C.Sports D.Cooking 42.Sam wants to join the Chess Club,so he should _first. A.call 849

13、1-3086 B.call 8491-5672 C.go to the 2nd floor in the gym D.go to Rom 602,No.2 Building 43.Where can we see this announcement? A.In a newspaper. B In a story book. C.In a travel guide. D On a school board. (B) At the beginning of 2020,pangolins*(穿山甲)come into the eyes of people with the Covid-19*(新型冠

14、状病毒).Scientists find that they may be the middie host*(寄主)of the Covid-19.What are pangolins?If you never hear of them,youre not alone. Pangolins live on the earth for over 40,000,000 years.And there are 8 different kinds of pangolins around the world,4 in Asia and the others in Africa.Most of them

15、live on the ground,but some can climb trees.They go out at night and sleep during the day.When they meet dangers,their hard coats get closed to make themselves look like a ball. As we all know,pangolins are our friends.They eat over 70 kinds of ants.Every year a pangoiin can eat 7,000,000 harmful*(有

16、害的)ants.This helps protect*(保护)our forests.When pangolins find one family of ants,they just eat a half and leave the other half to live.How kind the little animals are! The pangolin is a kind of animals in danger.Some people eat pangolins as delicious food.Also, people use them in Chinese medicine.I

17、n the last 10 years,1,000,000 pangolins have been on sale in the black market.About every 5 minutes one pangolin has to leave its homeland,because some bad people want to catch the pangolin.What gloomy news!We should do something to stop that. 44.From the passage,we know that pangolins _ . A.look li

18、ke little balls B.are helpful for forests C.enjoy living on the ground D.make people get the Covid-19 45.The underlined wordgloomymeans _ . A.hot B.sad C.welcome D.interesting 46.Whats the best title of the passage? A.Our friends-Pangolins B.Kind Animals-Pangolins C.The Dangerous Pangolins D.The Mos

19、t Useful Animal C In Germany,most children learn how to ride their bikes with the help of their parents when they are quite young.But if they want to ride bikes by themselves on the road,they have to pass a test when they are Year 4 students.The test is quite like our driving-test. First,the student

20、s must learn about how to ride bikes safely on the road.Theyll have about thirty classes,Every student will get a green book and the book tells them how to keep safe on the road,how to keep others safe and what to do if they get hurt*(受伤的).So the students always find it very helpful after reading. A

21、fter the classes,the students will have two written*(书面的)tests.Then,they will do some riding practice (练习) at school.Some policemen will come to give them more guides . At last ,the students will have a test on the road .Some policemen will give the students scores .If they can pass the test ,they c

22、an get a bike licence (执照).Then they are ready for the road . We all know people from Germany are very precise (严谨的).We can see this from their riding test for primary school students . The students learn useful riding skills(技能),and at the same time,they learn the spirit(精神)of the country. 47.The s

23、tudents in Germany must_ before they can ride bikes alone on the road . A.get a bike licence B.tell their head teachers C.pass a driving test D.ask their parents for help 48.The green book is helpful because _ . A.its about the history of bikes B its from a traffic policeman C.it talks about how to

24、ride bikes safely D.it takes long time to finish reading it 49.Whats the right order to pass the test? 1 have classes 2 have a test on the road 3 have written tests 4 do riding practice at school A.1432 B 1342 C 3142 D 3421 50.What can we know from the passage? A.The students in Germany are good at

25、riding bikes. B.The students in Germany always ride bikes to school. C Middle school students in Germany will take the riding test. D.The students learn more than riding skills from the riding test. 五、词汇运用(本题有五、词汇运用(本题有 15 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 分,共分,共 15 分)分) A.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。 51.Tom_to help us whe

26、n he is free. 52.We drive _a red house with a small lake in front of it. 53.Jannie has to do a lot of _during the May Day holiday. 54.Turn right at the _street and youll see a park on your left. 55.Its important to do things_ to make sure everything is OK B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。 Look at the

27、 picture! His name is Jack.Hes Lisas _56_(机器人).He can do a lot of things.With his help,Lisa has a/an_57_(舒适的)life. Every morning,Jack helps Lisa do some cleaning,collect _58_(垃圾)and make it tidy_59_ (到处)in her house.Jack is good at teaching too.He teaches Lisa all the subjeets at home,so Lisas paren

28、ts dont_60_担心)about her schoolwork.Also,Jack can do many things with Lisa as her good friend.For example,Jack is good at _61_ (为某某喝彩)her when she does something fantastic.He can go shopping with Lisa and _62_(比较)the prices of the products.And he ofen takes photos of Lisa with his _63_ (相机) .Whats mo

29、re,Lisa never feels _64_(厌倦的)because Jack always has_65_ (百)of ways to make her happy. Jack is so nice and Lisa hopes to live a happy life with him for long. 六六 连词连词成成句句。 (。 (本本题有题有 5 小小题,每小题题,每小题 2 分分,共,共 10 分分) 66 like ,many ,how ,you ,sausages ,would (?) _ 67 have ,going ,piano ,is ,to ,a ,Rose ,

30、lesson (.) _ 68 any ,by ,more ,people ,bus ,travel ,wont (.) _ 69 could ,the ,me ,museum ,tell, way ,to ,the ,you (?) _ 70 small ,in ,they ,a ,born ,village ,in ,were ,Wenzhou (.) _ carefully housework past promise two 七 书面表达。 (本题 15 分) 请根据下表中的提示意思,以 My Future Life in High School 为题,写一篇短文,描述你想 象的高中生

31、活。 Campus (校园) Teachers and classmates (friends) Subjects Feelings big/small clean strict get on well with difficult be good at 要求: (1)从以上四方面进行描述,参考表中词汇,可以适当发挥。 (2)不得出现真实的学校,班级和人名。 (3)词数:80 词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数) We will go to high school in about two years .What will my life be like in high school ? _ _

32、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 温州二中温州二中 2019-2020 学年七年级下学期英语期中试题笔试部分参考答案学年七年级下学期英语期中试题笔试部分参考答案 二 单项填空。 16-20 A D B D B 21-25 D C A A A 26-30 C B B A C 三 完形填空。 31-35 A B C B D 36-40 A C B C D 四 阅读理解。 A 41-43 C A D B 44-46 C B A C 47-50 C C B D 五 词汇运用。 51 promises 52 past 53 homework 54 second 55 carefully 56 robot

33、 57 comfortable 58 litter 59 everywhere 60 worry 61 cheering 62 compare 63 camera 64 bored 65 hundreds 六 连词成句。 66 How many sausages would you like ? 67 Rose is going to have a piano lesson . 68 More people wont travel by bus any more . 69 Could you tell me the ay to the museum ? 70 They were born in

34、 a small village in Wenzhou. 七 书面表达。 满分档满分档(15 分) :准确理解写作任务;文本长度符合要求、书写规范,涵盖所有要点、结构 规范、条理清楚、逻辑严密,语言丰富、没有语法错误。 第五档第五档(12-14 分) :理解写作任务;文本长度符合要求、书写规范,涵盖所有要点、结构 规范、条理清楚、逻辑严密,语言较丰富、有少量语法错误。 第四档第四档(9-11 分) :文本长度符合要求、书写规范,涵盖所有要点、行文基本连连贯,词汇 不够丰富、有一些语法错误。 第三档第三档(6-8 分) :文本长度与要求有明显距离、书写不规范,要点不完整、行文不连贯, 词汇不足、错误较多、勉强能看出作文意图。 第二档第二档(3-5 分) :能有句子表达,错误百出,只能勉强猜测出作文意图。 第一档第一档(0-2) :有一些英语单词;空白卷 0 分。


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