外研版九年级下册英语 Module 1 Travel 单元测试卷(有答案).docx

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1、外研九下外研九下 Module 1 Module 1 单元测试卷单元测试卷 一、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词一、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词。 1Im going to be a _(飞行员)when I grow up. 2Those two colours are not_(完全)the same. 3Lets go _(直接地)to the zoo tomorrow. 4Be patient!Well have a longdistance_(飞行) 5Tom_ (成功)in passing the examination last week. 6Lucy, drink tea and ma

2、ke yourself _(舒服的) 7His father is a young _(军官) 8Its very _(笨的,糊涂的) of you to do such a terrible thing . 9Im _(惊讶的) to learn that he didnt come . 10Its a good idea to give your father a _ (夹克衫)as a gift on June 19,Fathers Day . 11. We flew direct to _(香港). 12. I went to see my _(祖父母) in Henan Provin

3、ce. 13. The train was full of _(人). 14. Why is the elderly man sitting in _(李林的座位)? 二、单项选择二、单项选择。 1.The teenagers had _ good time in the summer camp in their sister school. Aa Ban Cthe D/ 2.Oh,dear!The room is full _ smoke. Awith Bof Cfor Dfrom 3.Im _ thirsty. Would you like to give me some water? A

4、a few Ba bit of Ca bit Da little of 4.These oranges look nice,but _ very sour. Afeel Btaste Csound Dlook 5.When youre invited to have dinner at home by an American friend,you should be _ or a little late. Its different from our Chinese custom. Aon time Bon business Con show 6.I usually ride _ bike t

5、o school . But this morning,I went to school by _ bus. Aa;the Bthe;a C/;a Da;/ 7.Scientists say that banana trees may disappear(消失)from the world _ banana cancer. Abecause of Binstead of Cas for Dup to 8.My good friend is _ boy . Aa quite tall Bquite a tall Ca tall very Dvery a tall 9._ invite Tom a

6、nd Sally to the party tonight? Good idea . Ill give them a call right now . AWhy BWhy not CWhat about 10.Hi,Diana,how was your summer holiday? _! I enjoyed myself in the sea very much . AGood idea BWait a minute CThats too bad DPretty good 11.We should be kind to the old and take care _ them in dail

7、y life . Aof Bfor Cwith Dabout 12.I wanted to see the Beijing Opera,so Lingling offered _ me to watch an opera . Atook Btakes Cto take Dtaking 13.Dont be afraid _ mistakes in public . Ato making Bof make Cmake Dof making 14 _ delicious food you served us tonight! Thank you very much! Im glad that yo

8、u enjoyed it . AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a 15.You re supposed to _ your shoes before you enter the room . Atake off Bput off Cget off Dturn off 16.Lily is a good girl . She often smiles and says hello _ others . Afor Bat Cto Dof 17.It s stupid _ you _ a fool of the teacher . Aof;make Bfor;make Cfor; t

9、o make Dof; to make 18.Tom was surprised _ his old friend in the street . Ameet Bto meet Cmeeting Dmet 19.Will you stay for _ supper with us? Sure, Id love to. Home cooking is just what I like. Aa Ban Cthe D/ 20._ room is big and nice. AKates and Janes BKates and Jane CKate and Janes 21.There are fi

10、fty _ in our school. They are all friendly to us. Awoman teachers Bwomen teacher Cwoman teacher Dwomen teachers 22.There are lots of _that students have to follow in school. Aexercises Bproblems Cskills Drules 23.Yan Jiashuo, a _ girl, has won the prize of International Master of Memory. Wow, shes g

11、reat, isnt she? Atenyearold Btenyearsold Cten year old Dten years old 三、根据汉语提示完成句子三、根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.在街道的尽头有家邮局。 There is a post office_ _ _ _the street . 2.只要你足够小心你就会很安全。 _ _ _you are careful enough,you will be very safe . 3.你最好躺在床上。 You_ _ _down on your bed . 4.自 2008 年以来,达州发生了很大的变化。 Great changes ha

12、ve _ _ in Dazhou since 2008 . 5.九年级的学生都在盼望着上高中。 (look forward to) _ _ 6.小心!不要往窗外看! _ care! _ look out _ the window! 7.当我上车时,我看见了我的老师坐在座位上。 When I _ _ the bus,I saw my teacher sitting in the seat . 8.我要到车站去和朋友们告别。 Im going to the station to _ _ _ my friends . 9.恐怕我不能和你一起去。 I m _ that I can t _ _ you

13、. 10.先生,打扰了。你坐错位置了。 Excuse me,_Youve_ _ _ _ 四、从下面方框里选择合适的词或词组,并用其正确形式填空四、从下面方框里选择合适的词或词组,并用其正确形式填空。 A Li Lin says goodbye to his sister Li Wei. Li Lin says that he will (1)_his family, and Li Wei tells him to (2)_. When Li Lin gets on the train, he sees an elderly man sitting in his seat. He politel

14、y calls the elderly man (3)_and says he is(4)_the elderly man is sitting afraid miss officer sir take care take off in his seat. The ticket (5) _arrives and explains the mistake. Li Lin kindly offers to change seats with the elderly man,and goes to Car 9. There he sees his friend Wen Peng, who is ha

15、ppy to see him and tells him to (6)_his jacket, sit down and make himself comfortable. B 1She had an important meeting that afternoon, so she had to take an earlier_ 2Please take your_ 3Sam went with Jane to the railway_to see her off. 4It is wonderful to_the streets of the city. 5Flight KA846 from

16、Hong Kong_five minutes ago. 6 “Please have your tickets_, ”said the ticket officer. C 1They will not arrive on time_the bad weather. 2Everyone in China is_seeing their family members during the Spring Festival. 3Lie down on your bed and_ 4The journey was_exciting experiences. flight landed ready sea

17、t station tour As long as because of full of looking forward to make yourself comfortable 5_you can come by six,I will be here. 五五、用、用括号里括号里单单词的适当形式填空词的适当形式填空。 1He _ (think) she was in Beijing just now . 2The girl started _(understand) the truth . 3I dont know how _(use) the computer . 4_(final) the

18、y succeeded in finishing the job . 5She is very happy _(see) her parents . 6The _(monkey) are trained to do a lot of things like humans. 7Therere two _ (Japanese) and three _ (German) on the bus. 8He has collected all the _ (visit) ID cards. 9The book is very interesting. Ive already read it _(two)

19、10Some _(child) are flying kites in the park. 六、用六、用 a, an, the 或者或者 / 填空。填空。 (一一) A: Im really looking forward to (1) _summer holiday. Were taking (2)_trip to(3)_Paris! B: How wonderful! Its (4)_interesting and beautiful city. How long will(5)_flight take? A: The flight takes about(6)_hour. When we

20、 arrive, we will get to our hotel by(7)_bus.(8)_hotel is rightin(9)_ centre of (10)_city,so we can visit all the famous places. B:Are you planning to visit (11)_Louvre Museum? A:Yes, we are. (二二) 1._ moon goes around _ earth. 2.Who is your _ best friend? 3.Yao Ming, _ NBA star, will continue _matche

21、s this season. 4.Without _ water, _ fish cant live. 5._ old should be looked after well in every country. 七、在括号里合适的词下面画对勾,完成句子。七、在括号里合适的词下面画对勾,完成句子。 1.Children have to go to (school /the school) when they are six years old. 2.Im a teacher at (school/the school) on the corner. 3.Hes got a lovely gard

22、en. (Flowers /The flowers) in it are really beautiful. 4.Make sure you get to the airport (in time /in the time) for your plane. 5.How many CDs have you got? Only (few/a few). 6.Thats (most /the most) interesting news Ive heard for a long time. 7.How long have (Whites /the Whites) lived here? 八、阅读文章

23、,完成下八、阅读文章,完成下面问题。面问题。 Can you really travel around the world for free?Li Jun, a 17- year- old girl from Shenzhen Foreign Language School, still cant believe her 10- day free training camp in the Alps in Switzerland last month was true! But how did she achieve this once in a lifetime opportunity? La

24、st October, a piece of short world news in a newspaper“Have a chance to see the world, for free! ” caught her attention. When she asked her friends if the news was real,they laughed at her,for they thought she was day- dreaming.However,Li decided to apply (申请)online the following weekend. “The oppor

25、tunity is everywhere. Id like to keep my eyes open and catch the chance,” she told herself. What happened next was tests on health, hobbies and awareness(意识) of environmental protection. She passed all of them very easily. On December 14, Li Jun surprised her friends with an invitation letter from t

26、he program, the Pangaea Young Explorer Selection Camp set up by South African explorer Mike Horn. On January 11, Li left for Switzerland, with several newly bought ski suits in her suitcase. Over the next week, she and 15 other teenagers from around the world took part in exciting training lessons.

27、They took day trips up the Alps to an altitude(纬度)of 3, 200 meters, and went sledging(乘雪橇)at night using modern equipment. They were also encouraged to complete difficult journeys up mountains, down hills, and through forests. _her performance during the training, Li was chosen as one of the eight y

28、oung explorers to join Mike Horn in the South Island of New Zealand in May. She will write for the newspaper and share her fun experiences there with readers. 1. How did Li Juns friends feel when Li told them the news? A.They were surprised. B.They didnt think it was true. C.They all wanted to get t

29、he chance. D.They had no idea of the news. 2.根据上下文,在文中空白处填入适当的短语。 _ 3.请把画线部分的句子翻译成汉语。 _ _ 4.What is the correct order of the story? a. Li got an invitation letter from the program and was trained. b. Li read news about seeing the world for free. c. Li became one explorer in Mike Horns team. d. Li ap

30、plied and passed the tests. A.bcad B.badc C.cdab D.bdac 5.请为本文拟一个合适的标题。 _ 答答 案案 一、1. pilot 2. exactly 3. direct 4. flight 5. succeeded 6. comfortable 7. officer 8. stupid 9. surprised 10. jacket 11. Hong Kong 12. grandparents 13. people 14. Li Lins seat 二、ABCBA DABBD ACDAA CDBDC DDA 三、1. at the end

31、of 2. As long as 3. had better lie 4. taken place 5. The students in Grade 9 are all looking forward to going to senior high school. 6. Take;Dont;of 7. got on 8. say goodbye to 9. afraid;go with 10. sir; taken the wrong seat 四、A:1. miss 2. take care 3. sir 4. afraid 5. officer 6. take off B: 1.fligh

32、t 2. seat 3. station 4. tour 5. landed 6. ready C:1.because of 2. looking forward to 3. make yourself comfortable 4. full of 5.As long as 五、1. thought 2. to understand 3. to use 4. Finally 5. to see 6. monkeys 7. Japanese; Germans 8. visitors 9. twice 10. children 六、 (一)1. the 2. a 3./ 4.an 5.the 6.an 7./ 8.the 9.the 10.the 11.the (二)1. The;the 2./ 3.an;the 4./;/ 5.The 七、1. school 2. the school 3. The flowers 4. in time 5.a few 6.the most 7. the Whites


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