山东省日照市2021届高三下学期3月第一次模拟考试英语试题 Word版含答案.zip

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日照市 2021 届高三下学期 3 月第一次模拟考试 英语试题 2021.03 本试卷共三部分,共 10 页。满分 120 分。考试时间 100 分钟。 注意事项: 1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。 2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡 上。写在本试卷上无效。 3考试结束后,将答题卡上交。 第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Heritage on the Edge In an effort to preserve some of the worlds most famous landmarks,Google has announced a new project to transform a few of the most endangered by climate change into interactive 3D models,just in case one or all is irreparably(不能恢复地)damaged in the coming decades Edinburgh Castle Edinburgh Castle comprises 27 buildings on top of an extinct volcanoIt was home to many kings and queensBut old roofs and rainwater management systems will become insufficient as they will be unable to deal with the level of storm water associated with extreme weather eventsBesides,if temperatures continue to rise,the rate of decay(腐烂)will increase further Kilwa Kisiwani Kilwa Kisiwani was a regional center of the medieval trading civilization along the East African CoastIts permanent architecture included ports,Muslim buildings,and the unique“stone houses” However,the drier weather and subsequently heavy rainfall is threatening the stability of the ruins,causing the worsening of this exposed heritage site Mosque City of Bagherat The Mosque City of Bagherat was once a lost cityIt has many Muslim buildings,bridges,roads and palacesA recent report stressed the increasing impacts of sea level rise and changes in salinity(盐度)on this communityIncreased salinity not only makes much of the water undrinkable but damages structures Chan Chan Chan Chan was the capital city of Chimu empire,stretching for nearly a thousand kilometers along the coastlineThe city planning reflects a strict political and social strategyBut site managers today face challenges in rainfall and droughts due to El Nino events and climate change that threaten to gradually wash the ancient city away 1What do we know about Edinburgh Castle? AIt was built along the coast BIt is the largest castle in the world CIt is in danger of being washed away DIt used to be the home of royal families 2Which of the following phenomena is happening in the Mosque City of Bagherat? AWater pollution BWaters becoming salty CWater shortage DWaters being overused 3What is probably the biggest threat to the above sites? ATemperature rises BVolcanic eruptions CSea waterDEnvironmental damage B A 17-year-old Bangladeshi boy has won this years International Childrens Peace Prize for his work to fight cyberbullying(网络欺凌)in his country The prize winner,Sadat Rahman,promised to keep fighting online abuse until it no longer exists “The fight against cyberbullying is like a war,and in this war I am a fearless fighter, ” Sadat Rahman said during a ceremony on November 13 in The Hague,the NetherlandsHe added, “If everybody keeps supporting me,then together we will win this battle against cyberbullying ” Rahman developed a mobile phone application that provides education about online bullying and a way to report cases of itHe said he began his work on the project after hearing the story of a 15-year-old girl who took her own life as a result of cyberbullying “I will not stop until were receive no more cases through the app, ”Rahman said at the ceremony The award comes with a fund of over $118,000,which is invested by the KidsRights FoundationThe group chooses projects to support causes that ale closely linked to the winner s work Past well-known winners of the prize include Pakistani human rights activist Malala Yousafzai and Swedish climate activist Greta ThunbergAnd the students who organized the March for Our Lives event in 2018 after a deadly mass shooting at their school in the American state of Florida also won the prize Yousafzai praised Rahmans work during the ceremonyShe spoke through video conferencing “All children have the fight to be protected from violence no matter if it is physical or mental,offline or online, ”she said “Cyberbullying damages that fight ” 4What does Sadat Rahman devote himself to? ABattling online violence BHelping poor children CBeing a brave fighterDRemoving school bullying 5What caused Sadat Rahman to start his project? APeoples lack of education BHis own experience of being bullied CA girls death from cyberbullyingDThe wide use of mobile phone apps 6What is Paragraph 5 mainly about? AThe March for Our Lives event BHuman rights activists in the world CA horrible mass school shootingDSome previous winners of the prize 7What can we infer from Yousafzais words? ARahmans efforts have paid off BCyberbullying should be got rid of CAll children have the right to fight against violence DChildren are faced with physical and mental bullying C Looking for a place to take a rest,sip a cup of coffee and have a furry companion? Welcome to animal-themed cafes In recent years,the combination of pets and catering has become incredibly popular in many cities throughout ChinaWhile many cafes started out offering the company of cats and dogs,others are expanding their rangeSome cafes include animals like squirrels,raccoons and even capybaras In reviews,internet users have commented that their main reason for visiting these businesses is to interact closely with animals they have only seen from afar “The customers love animalsThey are curious about these pets and want to raise one at home,but circumstances dont allow it, ”said pet cafe owner Tian Rui,Liu Jing,a Beijing resident who works in finance,loves pigs,but her parents would not endorse her getting one as a petThe 24-year-old had to admire the animals through videos and imagesBut now,she can have close contact with an adorable pig every weekend in a pet cafe Also,these pet cafes serve as a shelter for those who find comfort in being around animals “In this place,you can get close to the cute little ones in a very comfortable way without having to worry about safety and hygiene(卫生)overall,it is an extremely comfortable experience, ”said Zhao Ming from Tianjin,30,a frequent pet cafe visitor Animal lovers also expect the pet cafes to change peoples attitudes toward petsAnimals like ducks,pigs and sheep have been served as food for many yearsPeople hardly see them as petsBut the pet cafes help shift their attitude from seeing them as playthings to regarding them as family members or close friends “Whether at home or in stores,these little animals are there for companionship and they bring warmth to our heartsThey care and understand just like family membersThey give us much more than the love we give to them, ”Zhao said 8Why do people visit pet cafes? ATo pursue inner peace BTo appreciate animal images CTo experience a clean environmentDTo have close contact with animals 9What does the underlined word“endorse”in Paragraph 4 mean? ABelieve in BApprove of CPreventDSuspect 10We can conclude from Paragraph 6 that pet cafes may__________ Achange our views of animals Bteach us how to look after pets better Cshow us the importance of having pets Dremind us to value our family and friends 11Which of the following can be the best title for the text? ACafes Enjoy Great Popularity BIdeal Shelters for Lovely Animals CAnimals Turn into Companions DAnimal Lovers from Different Cities D Singapore researchers say they have developed a form of electronic skin that can create a sense of touchThey hope their invention will give people with prosthetic hands(假肢)the ability to identify different objects The skin device measures 1 square centimeterThe system contains 100 small sensors that attempt to recreate things like texture(质地),temperature and even painThe researchers call the device Asynchronous Coded Electronic Skin(ACES),which can process information faster than the humans nervous systemMachine learning methods trained the device to recognize 20 to 30 different texturesIt can even correctly read Braille letters(布莱叶盲文)most of the time The system does not require the usersmovement to workThey just need to slide to feel textureBut in this case the skin,with just a single touch,is able to detect textures of different roughness A demonstration showed that the device could identify the difference between a soft ball and a solid plastic one “When you lose your sense of touch,you essentially become numb and prosthetic users face that problem, ”said Benjamin Tee,leader of the research team “So by recreating an artificial version of the skin for their prosthetic devices,they can hold a hand and feel the warmth and feel that it is soft ” Tee said his idea for the device came from the movie Star Wars,when character Luke Skywalker loses his right hand and it is replaced with a robotic oneIn the film,the new hand is able to experience touch sensations just like the real one The artificial skin technology is still going through experiments and developmentBut Tee said there had already been a lot of interest in the system,especially from the medical communityTee said similar inventions that his team has developed include see-through skin that can repair itself when torn and a material for wearable electronic devices that gives off light 12What can we learn about the artificial skin in Paragraph 2? AIt is sensitive to high temperature BIt reacts faster than our nervous system CIt can recognize different objectsDIt helps the users memorize Braille letters 13What can be inferred from Benjamin Tees words? AThe artificial skin feels like a real thing BPeople with the artificial skin feel warm CPeople dont want to lose the sense of touch DHe is sympathetic towards the prosthetic users 14What inspired Benjamin Tee to create the artificial skin? AThe desire to help those in need BThe life of the disabled CA dream of earning more moneyDA scene from a famous movie 1 5Which word can best describe the artificial skin technology? AProfitable BStable CPromisingDChallenging 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。 The carbon footprint shows how much carbon dioxide a person emits(排放)in everyday lifeIt measures the amount offossil(化石)fuels and electricity someone uses up as well as the carbon footprint of the products they buyWhen we use our cars or heat our homes with carbon dioxide,various other gases are set free 16 You can measure your carbon footprint by using a calculator that you can find on various websites17 In America for example,every citizen produces about 28 tons of carbon dioxide and other dangerous gases a year;in Great Britain the amount is about 10 tons 18 The way we travel,for example,has a major effect on our environmentUse your bike or walk for short distancesPublic transport is a way of getting to places without putting a burden on the environment19 Many environmental experts,however,argue that it often saves energy to buy food that is produced naturally in faraway places than consuming food grown locally in greenhousesIn your home you can contribute to saving energy by turning off lights if you dont need them or by avoiding the use of air conditionersRecycling plastic glass and paper can also reduce your carbon footprint dramatically 20 Only if we concentrate on reducing carbon emissions together can we hope to make our environment better AMany people travel between cities and suburbs every day BThe carbon footprint is usually measured in tons of CO2 per year CThese emissions lead to a thicker atmosphere and global warming DIt is also vital to persuade others to take the same steps that you do EThere are many actions you can take to reduce your carbon footprint FThe websites also provide carbon storage tools and methods for individuals GBuying local food is another way of restricting emission into the atmosphere 第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项。 A year after Benjamin Canlas died at 17,his love of helping others lives onThrough a foundation 21 by his parents,this kind young man is 22 making the world a better place one bike at a time In the Philippines,many jobs have been lost 23 the coronavirus crisisThousands of people have to travel to take 24 jobs to surviveBut public transportation has been 25 limitedBenjamins parents had the idea to 26 bikes to deserving individuals At first,their 27 was to donate seven bicyclesBut then they received more than fifty 28And then 27 people were awardedbicyclesThese bicycles are 29 to help make their lives a little easier Among the 30 is Ronaldo RosarioHe sold rice cakes in the morning and smoked fish in the afternoon 31 many kilometers each day,which caused the borrowed bike to break oftenSo,he often lost 32 time and some of his earning on repairs There are people still in need and much more 33 needs to be offeredThe foundation is working on launching more sustainable 34 The goal is that these programs will help more people while also 35 others to be kind and help those in need 21Agiven up Bset up Cheld up Dbrought up 22Astill Balready Cever Dyet 23Aat the cost of Bin spite of Cas a result of Din case of 24Aextra Btemporary Cdangerous Dsuitable 25Acompletely Bregularly Caimlessly Dseverely 26Asell Brent Cgive away Dpay for 27Aplan Bdream Cprogram Dduty 28Amodels Bdesigns Cgirls Dapplications 29Ainvented Bintended Crequired Darranged 30Aassistants Btravelers Cvisitors Dwinners 31Achallenging Bmeasuring Ccovering Dfinishing 32Avaluable Bconvenient Cenjoyable Dspare 33Amoney Bjoy Chelp Dfreedom 34Aprojects Bactions Cjobs Dcourses 35Aordering Bpersuading Cforcing Durging 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 In 1991,Beijing musician Wang Wei went on a tour,when he became fascinated by the shakuhachi,a kind of Japanese bamboo flute(笛子)Later,he found out that the shakuhachi,36 was called chi ba in Chinese,was introduced to Japan during the Tang Dynasty(618907) 37 (astonish)and ashamed of how he was ignorant of the countrys rich musical tradition as a 38 (profession)musician,Wang started learning and researching on Chinese musical instruments made of bambooHe has found that among the 90 wind instruments 39 (identify)by the Chinese Music Dictionary,47 are made of bamboo During the past three 40 (decade),the talented musician traveled around the country 41 (find)the finest materials for making bamboo instrumentsThe small balcony at his home in Beijing has become his studio 42 instrument making He also gathered a group of musicians to form the countrys first bamboo orchestraWhile 43 (realize)his expectation,Wang is also proud that the orchestras birth and development are also an effort of protecting the environmentBamboo is among 44 fastest growing plants on earth,gaining 1.2 meters every day under appropriate conditionsSince 2002,the State Forestry Administration 45 (try)to replace the use of wood with bamboo to protect the environment 第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(满分 15 分) 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友 John 来信说,他在自学汉语时,发现汉字的读音很难掌 握。请你给他回信,内容包括: 1表示理解; 2提出建议。 注意:1词数 80 左右; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear John, _________
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