人教版 七年级下册英语Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?测试卷(含解析).doc

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1、Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? . 单项选择。(15 分) 1. Lucy thinks that are very cute but are very ugly. A. sheep; mouses B. sheep; mice C. sheeps; mouses D. sheeps; mice 2. My uncle worked a farmer on a farm two years ago. A. at B. of C. as D. on 3. Mother was after work, so she went to sleep early

2、. A. lazy B. tired C. lucky D. friendly 4. Look! The fishes are in the river happily. A. running B. walking C. flying D. swimming 5. She was afraid she cried. A. too; to B. so; that C. such; that D. to; too 6. Tina a car to the farm every morning but she there this morning. A. drives; walked B. driv

3、es; walks C. drove; walked D. drove; walks 7. did you go to the park with? The weather was sunny, so I went to the park with my brother. A. What B. When C. How D. Who 8. Peter and Tony visited their English teacher this afternoon, but Rose . A. isnt B. wasnt C. doesnt D. didnt 9. We went camping las

4、t week. We the tents first, and then had a party. A. woke up B. put up C. stayed up D. cut up 10. interesting book it is! I want to read it again. A. How an B. What C. What an D. How 11. We saw some people in the park. A. exercising B. exercises C. to exercise D. to exercising 12. Where you yesterda

5、y morning? I at my uncles home. A. were; am B. are; am C. are; was D. were; was 13. Did they visit the high school? . They said it was great. A. Yes, they do B. No, they didnt C. Yes, they did D. No, they dont 14. I was a little boy, I often the radio. A. When; listened B. If; listened to C. If; hea

6、rd D. When; listened to 15. ? They went to summer camp. A. What did they do on vacation B. Where were they camping C. When did they go camping D. Why did they go on vacation . 完形填空。(15 分) Dear Linda, How are you and your parents? 16 was your last weekend? Did you have a good time? Now let me 17 you

7、about my weekend. I didnt have a very 18 weekend. I got up early in the morning, but the 19 was very bad. It rained. So I had to stay at 20 and helped my mom do the housework. Then I went to the Gift Shop and 21 some gifts. After that, I 22 a boring book and watched TV. After lunch, my parents wante

8、d to go for a drive, so I went 23 them. However, that wasnt exciting, 24 . In the evening, my best friend Laura asked me to go to the movies with her, but I found 25 wasnt interesting at all! Please write to me soon! Yours, Mary 16. A. Where B. What C. When D. How 17. A. say B. ask C. tell D. speak

9、18. A. boring B. terrible C. fun D. healthy 19. A. weather B. breakfast C. language D. clothes 20. A. school B. home C. club D. cinema 21. A. took B. bought C. described D. showed 22. A. read B. saw C. looked D. watched 23. A. on B. with C. at D. for 24. A. too B. and C. either D. but 25. A. it B. s

10、he C. they D. them . 阅读理解。(20 分) A Mike: Good morning, my friends! Sarah, Amy and Clark: Good morning, Mike! Mike: Sarah, I heard you climbed the mountain. Sarah: Yeah. I did that on Saturday. My father went with me. Mike: Were you tired? Sarah: No, I wasnt. We had a great time! Mike: What did you d

11、o last weekend, Amy? Amy: I learned Chinese on Saturday morning. I went to the Childrens Palace and took a piano lesson in the afternoon. I rode my bike there. I washed my clothes on Sunday. Mike: You had a really busy weekend. What about you, Clark? Clark: I played football on Saturday afternoon. M

12、ike: What did you do on Sunday? Clark: I helped my mom do some housework. Mike: Oh, I see. 26. Sarah on Saturday. A. went swimming B. went shopping C. climbed the mountain D. visited the museum 27. Who went with Sarah on Saturday? A. Her mother. B. Her father. C. Her brother. D. Her sister. 28. When

13、 did Amy take a piano lesson? A. On Saturday morning. B. On Saturday afternoon. C. On Sunday morning. D. On Sunday afternoon. 29. How did Amy go to the Childrens Palace? A. By bus. B. By subway. C. By car. D. By bike. 30. Where did Clark stay on Sunday? A. At school. B. At home. C. In a park. D. In

14、a zoo. B Last Saturday, it was sunny. My mother took me and my sister Helen to visit the Hong Kong Museum of History. The museum is in Kowloon Park (九龙公园). First we went to the swimming pool in the park. Helen and I swam for two hours in the pool. We got to the museum at eleven oclock. We saw an old

15、 store, a village house, an old boat and many other old things. We learned about what Hong Kong was like 100 years ago. In the past, Hong Kong was a small fishing village (渔村). Most people were fishermen. Helen and I took some notes (笔记) about the history of Hong Kong. We also took some photos of th

16、e old things. We left the museum at two oclock in the afternoon. 31. Where is the swimming pool? A. In a park. B. In a village. C. In a store. D. In a museum. 32. The writer and Helen learned about in the museum. A. what Hong Kong was like in the past B. what Hong Kong made in the past C. how people

17、 fished in the past D. how people found food in the past 33. The writer and Helen didnt in the museum. A. see any old things B. take any notes C. take any photos D. see any old people 34. The underlined word “fishermen” means “ ” in Chinese. A. 商人 B. 渔民 C. 船员 D. 士兵 35. They stayed in the Hong Kong M

18、useum of History for hours. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 . 词汇。从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其适当形式填空。(5 分) visit surprise start stay language 36. What did you do yesterday? We at home and studied. 37. The guide showed the three around the museum. 38. I to do my homework on Sunday afternoon. 39. John can speak two English and

19、Chinese. 40. When Jane saw the snake this morning, she got a terrible . . 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。(10 分) 41. They went to the supermarket yesterday afternoon. (改为否定句) They to the supermarket yesterday afternoon. 42. It made them feel happy. (改为一般疑问句) it them feel happy? 43. They went to Beijing by train. (对画

20、线部分提问) they go to Beijing? 44. He played the drums last Saturday. (对画线部分提问) he play the drums? 45. 你们必须互相帮助才能完成这项工作。 You have to help to finish the work. . 任务型阅读。(10 分) Monday, December 7th, cloudy (A)What an exciting day today! We had a soccer game with Center City Team (队). The players (队员) on tha

21、t team were all tall and strong (强壮的). They thought they could beat (打败) us, but we played very well. In the end we (B) won the game at 43. Mike Saturday, December 12th, rainy My friend Dale asked me to go to the beach with him this morning, but it started to rain after breakfast. I just watched the

22、 boring TV shows at home. Jim Sunday, December 20th, sunny I had a busy Sunday. In the morning I went to the art club to learn drawing for two hours. In the afternoon I cleaned the house and cooked dinner with my mother. In the evening my parents and I went to see a movie. Sally 任务(一):根据材料内容,回答下列问题。

23、 46. Why didnt Jim go to the beach? 47. What did Sally think of her Sunday? 48. What did Jim do on December 12th? 任务(二):请把材料中 A 处画线的句子翻译成汉语。 49. 任务(三):请写出材料中 B 处画线单词“won”的汉语意思。 50. . 补全对话。从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。(10 分) A. How was the weather in your town? B. I have to go. C. I went there with my parent

24、s. D. What did you do? E. Who did you go there with? F. Well, I visited my friend. G. How was your weekend? A: Hello, Helen! What did you do last weekend? B: 51 A: 52 B: We played badminton. A: That sounds interesting. 53 B: It was sunny. A: But it was rainy in my town. B: 54 A: It was boring. I did

25、nt want to do anything. B: Oh! 55 See you. A: Bye. . 书面表达。(15 分) 根据表格内容提示,写一篇 60 词左右的英语短文,介绍一下上个周末你堂姐莉萨(Lisa) 是如何度过的。 When Where What she did on Saturday morning at home do her homework on Saturday afternoon on the beach swim in the sea, play beach volleyball on Sunday morning in a park fly a kite o

26、n Sunday afternoon at Marias house have a birthday party 答案与解析:答案与解析: Unit 12 . 1. B 根据两个空白后都是 are 可以判断,空白处都必须用名词复数。sheep 单复数形式 相同, mouse 的复数形式是 mice。句意:“露西认为绵羊好看,但老鼠非常丑陋。 ” 2. C A、B 和 D 项所对应的介词在句中都不搭配, as 意为“作为” 。句意:“我叔叔两年 前在农场当农民。 ” 3. B 根据后一分句的意思,可以判断妈妈是由于太累而很早就睡觉了。句意:“妈妈工作 后太累了,所以很早就睡觉了。 ” 4. D

27、根据语境,鱼儿在河流里只能游泳。句意:“看!鱼儿们正在河流里欢快地游泳。 ” 5. B 第二个空白后是主谓结构,不能用 tooto结构,排除 A; such 修饰名词,而 afraid 是 表语形容词,其后面不能有名词,排除 C; D 选项搭配错误。句意:“她如此害怕以至于哭了。 ” 6. A 根据前一分句的时间状语 every morning 可以判断第一空用一般现在时;由后一分句 的时间状语 this morning 可知需用一般过去时。句意:“蒂娜每天上午开车去农场,但今天她 是步行去那里的。 ” 7. D 由答句的后一分句以及问句中的介词 with 可知,询问的是跟谁一起去的公园。 句

28、意: “你和谁一起去的公园?” “天气晴朗,所以我和我弟弟一起去了公园。 ” 8. D 前句使用了一般过去时,故后面替代谓语动词应用 did。 句意: “彼得和托尼今天下午 去看望他们的英语老师了,但罗斯没去。 ” 9. B 根据语境,应该是“先支起帐篷然后举办聚会” 。wake up “唤醒;叫醒”; put up “搭 起;举起”; stay up “熬夜;不睡觉”; cut up “切碎” 。句意:“我们上周去野营了。我们先支 起帐篷,然后举行了聚会。 ” 10. C 句中被强调部分interesting作定语,用what引导感叹句; book是单数可数名词,形容 词 interesti

29、ng 以元音音素开头,所以前面应加不定冠词 an。句意:“多么有趣的一本书啊!我想 再读一遍。 ” 11. A 在感官动词 see 后作宾语补足语的非谓语动词形式可以是省略 to 的动词不定式或 者动词-ing 形式。句意:“我们看见一些人正在公园里锻炼。 ” 12. D 根据问句中时间状语yesterday morning可知,应用一般过去时态;根据问句主语you 可知,应用 were,答语中主语为 I 应用 was。句意:“昨天上午你在哪里?” “我在我叔叔家。 ” 13. C 符合一般过去时一般疑问句的答语的有B和C两个选项,根据答语的后一句可以判 断应该用肯定回答。句意:“他们参观那所

30、中学了吗?” “是的,参观了。他们说学校很好。 ” 14. D 根据语境,前半部分应为时间状语从句,故用 when;而后面的主句中,空白后有宾语 the radio, hear 虽然是及物动词,但强调“听到”, listen 是不及物动词,后面接宾语必须加 to。 句意:“当我是个小孩的时候,我经常听收音机。 ” 15. A 根据答语内容,问题应该是询问 “做了什么” ,而不是 “在哪里” 、 “什么时间” 和 “为 什么” 。句意:“他们度假做了什么?” “他们去参加夏令营了。 ” . 16. D 根据上下文, 玛丽是询问琳达的上个周末怎么样,故用 How。 17. C say 强调说话的内

31、容; ask 侧重“询问”; tell 侧重“告诉;讲述”; speak 强调说话的 方式。 18. C 综合全文内容可知, 玛丽的上个周末过得不愉快。 19. A 根据下文“It rained.”可知,这里描述的是天气。 20. B 根据“helped my mom do the housework”可以判断是待在家里。 21. B 根据“Then I went to the Gift Shop ”可以判断,在礼品店里应该是买礼物。 22. A 英语中,“看书”应翻译成 read a book。 23. B “和某人一起”在英语中用 with sb. 24. C 根据上下文,此处应用“也”,

32、 too 要用在肯定句末,空白所在的句子是否定句,所以 用 either。 25. A 根据空白后的系动词 wasnt 可以判断,此处缺少的谓语应该是单数形式,排除 C 和 D;而此处代替电影,不能用 she,所以答案是 A。 . 26. C 根据对话第三句 “Sarah, I heard you climbed the mountain.” 和第四句 “Yeah. I did that on Saturday.”可以判断,萨拉周六去爬山了。 27. B 根据对话中 Sarah 的第二句对话“My father went with me.”可知,她是和她父亲去 的。 28. B 根据对话中埃米

33、单独说的一段话中“I learned Chinese on Saturday morning. I went to the Childrens Palace and took a piano lesson in the afternoon.”可知,在周六下午有钢琴课。 29. D 根据对话埃米单独说的一段话中“I rode my bike there.”可知,她是骑自行车去少 年宫的。 30. B 根据对话中迈克的问话 “What did you do on Sunday?” 和 Clark 的回答 “I helped my mom do some housework.”可知,他是帮助他妈妈做

34、家务,故应该是待在家里。 31. A 根据短文第一段倒数第二句 “First we went to the swimming pool in the park.” 可知, 游泳池在公园里。 32. A 综合短文第二段的内容,可知讲的是香港过去的样子。 33. D 综合短文第二段和第三段内容,可知文中没有提到看见一些老人。 34. B 根据短文第二段倒数第二句“In the past, Hong Kong was a small fishing village (渔 村).”可以判断, fishermen 是“渔民”的意思。 35. B 根据短文第二段第一句“We got to the muse

35、um at eleven oclock.”和短文最后一句 “We left the museum at two oclock in the afternoon.” 可以计算出他们待在博物馆的时间为三 个小时。 . 36. stayed 37. visitors 38. started 39. languages 40. surprise . 41. didnt go 42. Did; make 43. How did 44. When did 45. each other . 46. Because it started to rain after breakfast. 47. Busy. 4

36、8. He just watched the boring TV shows at home. 49. 今天多么令人兴奋啊! 50. 赢得 . 51. F 52. D 53. A 54. G 55. B . One possible version: My cousin Lisa had an interesting weekend. On Saturday she got up early. In the morning, she did her homework. In the afternoon she went to the beach with her friends. They swam and played beach volleyball there. They had a great time. On Sunday morning, the weather was sunny. Lisa went to the park. There she flew a kite for two hours. In the afternoon she went to her good friend Marias birthday party. She had fun there. What an interesting weekend Lisa had!


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