新人教版七年级下Unit 5 Why do you like pandas(Section A Period 1 (1a-2c)教学设计.doc

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1、【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 7B Unit5 Why do you like pandas? 教学设计 Section A Period 1 (1a-2c) I Studying aims 1.Master words about animals(1a) and description words(1c).(知识目标 ) 2.Master the use of “very, really and kind of.” 3.Talk about animals you like , dislike and reasons using following sentences(能力目标) A : Wh

2、at animals do/dont you like? B: I like/dont like. A: Why do/dont you like them? B: Because theyre very/really/kind of. A:Where are they from? B: Theyre from. 4. Talk about animals your classmate likes , dislikes and reasons.(能力目标) II. Teaching importances and difficulties. 1. Master words about anim

3、als(1a) and description words(1c).(重点) 2. Master the use of “very, really and kind of.”(重点) 3. Talk about animals you like , dislike and reasons. (重点) 4. Talk about animals your classmate likes , dislikes and reasons.(难点) III Teaching procedures 本节课我创设了三个教学任务, Task 1 Talk about animals you know.(1a)

4、 Task 2 Talk about animals you like and reasons.(1c) Task 3 Talk about wild animals you like ,dislike and reasons. (2c) Step I.Warming up (2mins) 1.Greet students. 2.Lead in the title. T: Look , what can you see? S1: I can see_. S2:. T: So today well talk about animals. And today we will learn Unit5

5、 Why do you like pandas?(老师同时板出本课标题) 【设计意图】通过让学生看图和师生互动的方式导入,导出单元话题 “animals”和课题 Unit5 Why do you like pandas? 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 Task 1 Talk about animals you know (10mins) Step I Leading in and learning【导、学】 (5mins)( 1a) ( Pre listening) 1. Say out animals you know. T:What kinds of animals do you know?

6、 (激活旧知) There are some animals on the land、 in the sky and in the water. T: I like pandas, What animals do you like? ( 板书一 ) S1: I like.( 5 Ss) T: Look at the picture and say out more animals you know. (animals 支架图 ) 【设计意图】通过为学生搭建动物词汇的框架,让学生用已知句子 I like.以词代句形式说出喜欢的动物。(引导他们从陆地上,天上的,水里的谈起,而陆地上又包括家养的和野

7、生动物。而家养的动物又分为家禽,家畜和宠物)引导激发学生根据学生所说出的动物 ,再引导她们将其归类在相应的动物种类下,主要目的是为学生建立新旧知识的联系 ,构建有关动物话题词汇的知识网络框架。为后面的听、说、读和写奠定基础。并且培养学生对事物分类、归纳的学习策略,此教法符合 “i+1”理论。 Step II Practicing、 discussing and checking【练、研、清】 (5mins) 1.Read words about animals. 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 1) Correct mistakes.(研) 2) Read and remember.(练) 3)

8、Check words each other.(同桌合作 -音和意) 2.Match the animals with pictures.(1a)( 检测学生对动物类词汇的 “意 ”,建立 “图词联系 ”) 【设计意图】通过齐读、自查、互查、抽查的方 法 “练、研 ” 动物类词汇(多种学习策略与评价方法),并且通过让学生做 1a 词图搭配来检测学生对动物类词汇的 “音、意 ”的掌握情况。(词汇教学的目标 -掌握其 “音、形、意、性、用 ”-2011 课标,因为是第一课时,只要求感知 ) Task 2 Talk about animals you like and reasons.(1c) (1

9、2mins) Step I Leading-in and learning 【导、学】 (5mins)(While-listening) T: Just now we talked about animals you like, now a girl and a boy are talking about animals they like, lets listen to 3 conversations .(环节衔接语 ) 1. Listen and check the animals you hear in 1a. ( 检测对动物类词汇的 “音 ”掌握 ) 2. Check 1b (以导图形

10、式呈现答案 ) 方案 1 T: What animals does she/he like? Ss: She/He likes _. (听前指导) 方案 2: T:Which animals do you hear? 3 Listen again and circle the adjs in 1c. T: Before listening, read these words in 1c. Then listen and answer. T: Why does he/she like? (听前指导) Ss:Because theyre _. 4.Check answers.(板书 2 上增加 a

11、djs 的形式呈现答案) T: What animals does she/he like? Ss:She/He likes _. T: Why does he/she like? 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 Ss:Because theyre _. 【设计意图】通过听前活动指导以及听中活动 1b,检测学生对动物类词汇的 “意、音 ”掌握,并且导出谈论他人 喜欢的动物与原因的句型与描述动物的形容词。 Step II. Practicing、 discussing and checking.【练、研、清】 (7mins)( 1c) (Post- listening) 1. Retell toge

12、ther according to the picture like this ( 1c 思维导图) T: What animals do you like? Ss: I like. T: Why do you like them? Ss:Because theyre.(导出你喜欢与不喜 欢原因的句型 ) 2.Pair work 3.Act out and correct mistakes. (竞赛一 3 组展示) 【设计意图】听后活动,通过使用导图一起复述 1b 的听力内容 (控制性训练 ),机械操练你所喜欢的动物与原因,并针对学生展示的对话,询问其他学生,并让学生纠错(学生评价),【 ;百

13、万教育资源文库 】 了解他人喜欢的动物与原因,主要让学生通过谈论自己与他人喜好的动物与原因来感知、体验动物类与描述动物形容词在话题的运用。 Task 3 Talk about wild animals you like, dislike and reasons. (15mins)(2c) Step I.Leading-in and learning 【导、学】( 5mins) T:We talked about animals you like and reasons just now. What animals dont you like? I dont like tigers. Becau

14、se theyre scary. What animals dont you like? S1: I dont like. S2:. Now lets talk about wild animals you like and dislike(Pre-listening) 1. Listen and write animals they like and dislike. (板书 animals, like, dont like) 2. Check the answers. ( 板书答案 pandas、 koalas and lions) 3. Listen again and draw a l

15、ine from the animals to the description words and the countrie-s they are from. (板书句型 Where are they from?Theyre from.) 4. Check the answers by a mind map. Step II. Practicing、 discussing and checking. (Post-listening 1c) (7mins) 1 Retell animals you like , dislike reasons and countries theyre from

16、according to the map. 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 (2c 思维导图) A : What animals do you like? B: I like pandas/koalas. A: Why do you like them? B: Because theyre kind of interesting/very cute. A:Where are they from? B: Theyre from China/Australia. A : What animals dont you like? B: I dont like lions. A: Why dont you

17、like them? B: Because theyre really scary. A:Where are they from? B: Theyre from South Africa. 2. Pair work according to the map above. 3. Act out and correct mistakes. (竞赛二 , 三组展示,其他组纠错) 【设计意图】通过听力引出你不喜欢的动物及原因和国家的句型,以及修饰形容词的程度副词 very, really,kind of,和国家的词汇, 通过 Pair work 掌握你喜欢与不喜欢的动物、原因以及来自的国家 StepI

18、II. Homework (3 mins) 1)先用思维导图画出你喜欢与不喜欢的动物以及原因。 2)并根据导图,编写对话。(必做) 3)写一篇文章。(选做) StepIV. Blackboard design 7B Unit5 Why do you like pandas? 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 Section A Period 1 (1a-2c) A: What animals do/dont you like? A: What animals does she/he like? B: I like/dont like. B:She/He likes. A: Why do you li

19、ke them? A: Why does she/he like them? B: Because theyre very. B: Because theyre. really. kind of. A:Where are they from? B:Theyre from. 课后反思 本节课的教学设计体现了如下新课程改革的教学理念 1. 该教学设计 遵循了 “衔接性、渐进性、循环性和趣味性原则 ,尤其是每个活动都是在前一个活动的基础上逐渐增加新内容,即符合 “i+1”理论,而且关于动物话题是学生非常感兴趣、其内容设计体现了小学与中学知识的衔接,这样更能激发学生学习的兴趣与动机。 2. 本节课使用

20、 “思维导图 ”进行词汇教学,通过为学生建构了话题词汇支架,引导学生说出已有旧知,建立新旧知识的联系,有助于为学生建构单元话题词汇( animals)知识网络框架,由于这是本单元的第一课时,所以,话题词汇的输入很关键,有助于为后面各课时的听、说、读和写奠定基础,而且培养了学生分类、归纳的学习策略。 3.本节课注重 “学习策略 ”的使用。 “一口气 ”和 “三最口腔肌肉训练法 ”克服了学生在 “读音 ”方面的障碍,为 1c, 2c 的口语输出扫除了障碍。 4.注重教学 “评价多元化 ”。在教学评价方面我除 了教师评价外,还加入了学生自评与他评(自查、互查、抽查和纠错 ),尤其在对话输出环节,让学生根据展示对话回答问题并纠错,且使用了 “小组竞争机制 ”,学生都能积极参与课堂活动中。 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 5. 练习


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