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1 Project 1 Being a good student ( (第一课时第一课时 Part A& B) 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容:一、教学内容:Part A& B 二、教学目标:二、教学目标: 1. 知识目标: (1)能理解关于 Amy 和 John 的短文,能用英语表达“如何成为一名好学 生” 。 (2)能够掌握 Unit 1-4 所学的词汇并熟练运用于日常交流中。 2. 技能目标: (1)能在情境中运用所学的日常交际用语和句型与他人进行交流。 (2)复习、总结自己学习和生活各方面的好习惯和坏习惯,并学会判断同 伴的习惯的好坏。 3. 情感目标: (1)培养学生良好的学习、生活习惯和积极的学习情感,争做“一名优秀 的学生” 。 (2)培养学生乐于参与、积极表达的学习情感。 三、教学重点:三、教学重点: 通过交流与合作,能够运用 Unit 1-4 所学的语言知识和语言技能进行交流, 复习、总结学习及生活等方面的好习惯和坏习惯。 四、教学难点:四、教学难点: 根据学习内容,了解“一名优秀学生”的标准,并能介绍自己的学习及生 活习惯是否达到这一标准。 五、课前准备:五、课前准备: 1教师准备:多媒体课件,课前发下检测内容纸,课前在黑板上写好课题。 2学生准备:课本,检测内容纸。 六、教学过程:六、教学过程: Step1 Warm- up 1. Greeting 2. Have a talk: To know each other 【设计意图设计意图】在上课伊始谈论学过的相关知识点,可以迅速地帮助学生复习所 学知识。而且谈话的主题是和本单元的教学内容有关的,有利于为下面的教学 环节做好铺垫。 2 Step 2 Lead- in Daily report: T:What habits do you have? What habits do you have? I have. I always. I never. I like. I . 【设计意图设计意图】承接刚刚谈过的主题,用“Daily report”这一教学活动让学生总 结所学知识,有助于提升学生参与课堂活动的精准度,也利于培养学生的思维 能力。 Step 3 Presentation Part A 1.the passage about Amy (1)Read and underline T: I have a good friend, Amy.What habits does she have?Please read and underline the habits. (2)Judge and write According to the sentences, write down Amys good habits and bad habits. 2. the passage about John (1)Ss read the passage about John freely. (2) Underline the key phrases with different colours,blue is for “good habits”,red is for “bad habits”.Ss write down Johns good habits and bad habits. 3.Lets help Amy and John. T:Amy and John have some bad habits. Can you help you have good habits? 【设计意图设计意图】本课时的 A 部分是介绍 Amy 和 John 的习惯。先学习 Amy 的习 惯时,教师带着学生共同完整。学习 John 的习惯时,考虑到话题和句型学生都 已经比较熟悉了,所以我完全放手让学生自学并完成练习,并告诉学生用蓝色和 红色的笔分别划下表示好习惯和坏习惯的关键部分。既有教师的示范引领,又 有学生的自主学习,提升了学生自学能力,也向学生渗透了阅读策略。 Part B 3 1.Sum up: A good student should . 2.T:A good student should have good habits, have a healthy diet, follow the traffic rules. And reading is very important too. Lets try to act. 3.Discuss about the show In the show,. I think its good/ not good. He/She should/shouldnt. must/mustnt. In the show,. I think its good/ not good. He/She should/shouldnt. must/mustnt. Discuss about the show 请边观剧,边思考, 然后,谈一谈你们的看法。 4.Lets talk: What makes a good student? A good student should/ shouldnt. A good student must/ mustnt. Sum up小结 What makes a good student? shouldnt should shouldnt mustmustnt 4人人一一组组讨讨 论论; 选选一一名名代代表表 汇汇报报,尽尽量量不不 重重复复观观点点。 【设计意图设计意图】这部分讨论“如何成为一名好学生?” 。教师先与学生讨论了“成 为一名好学生”的组成部分,又与学生分类讨论了每个标准应该做的或不应该 做的事情,提升学生口语交际能力和综合运用语言的能力。 4 Step 4 Consolidation 1. Write a plan about “being a good student?”. Lets write My plan for being a good studentMy plan for being a good student A good student should do well at home. I ____________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ A good student should do well on the road. I__________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ A good student should do well at school. I ___________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Step 5 Summary 1.T:What have we learned at this class? (Summarize what we have learned according to the blackboard design.) 2. Everyone try to be a good student 【设计意图设计意图】情感教育也是课堂必不可少的一部分。结合本课的学习内容,我 与学生分享了两个暗含哲理的句子,有利于培养学生积极的人生观。 Step 6 Homework Homework Choose to do: 2. Make a mind map about key points of four units. Must do: 1. Prepare for Part C. 5 七、板书设计:七、板书设计:Project 1 Being a good student (Part A&B) ToTo knowknow eacheach otherother 相互了解相互了解 Habits Hobbies Diets When? Do you ? Can? What do you have for? Who ? 1.选择一个话题;选择一个话题; 2.尝试提问你感兴趣的问题尝试提问你感兴趣的问题 Friends What habits do you have? I have. I always. I never. I like. I . 30Talking chain “挑战挑战30秒秒” 1.Talk in four. 2. In turns轮流轮流,No repeats无重复无重复. 3.30Music stops, Stop talking. Talk about your habits What habits do you have? Q1:Who are they? Q2:What habits do they have? Q3:Are they good students? What do you want to know about them? Can you ask any questions? habits 猜猜猜猜AmyAmy或者或者JohnJohn的习惯,的习惯, 好的坏的都可以说。好的坏的都可以说。 They He/She 要注意动词第三人称单数形式哦要注意动词第三人称单数形式哦 AmyAmy JohnJohn What habits do they have? Read and underline AmyAmy What habits does Amy have? JudgeJudge andand write:write: AreAre theythey goodgood habitshabits oror badbad habitshabits? 注意:在填写时,直接填写动词短语哦!注意:在填写时,直接填写动词短语哦! get up early have breakfast every day go to school early help her classmates finish homework early wait for the green man eat too many sweets JohnJohn Read and underline What habits does John have? JudgeJudge andand write:write: AreAre theythey goodgood habitshabits oror badbad habitshabits? say good morning” to his teachers wait for the green man go to school late watch TV after school do his homework late run quickly on the road eat a lot of meat gets up early has breakfast every day says good morning to his teachers goes to school early late for school helps her classmates finishes her homework before dinner watches TV after school first and does his homework in the evening wait for the green man before cross the road runs quickly on the road eats too many sweets eats a lot of meat for lunch and dinner 将下列习惯进行分类。将下列习惯进行分类。 gets up early has breakfast every day says good morning to his teachers goes to school early late for school helps her classmates finishes her homework before dinner watches TV after school first and does his homework in the evening wait for the green man before cross the road runs quickly on the road eats too many sweets eats a lot of meat for lunch and dinner Life habitsStudy habitsEating habitsSafety habits Share your opinions. . So, I think she follows the rules well. . Amy gets up early and has breakfast every day. She goes to school early. She helps her classmates. She finishes her homework before dinner. She always waits for the green man before she crosses the road. She often eats too many sweets. all the time (一直) John says”good morning” to his teachers, but he is sometimes late for school. He watches TV after school and does his homework in the evening. He waits for the green man before he crosses the road, but sometimes runs quickly on the road. He usually eats a lot of meat for lunch and dinner. Follow all the time . 我校六年级英语剧社就话题 “Being a good student”开展 了英文短剧创编比赛,鼓励同学 们通过表演,明确方向,不断成 长。让我们一起演一演吧! Rules: 1. 四人合作,围绕主题,选择一个场景。 2.发挥想象,联系生活, 生动演绎主题。 3. 共同创作,人人参与。 Cinema In public places. . In the show,. I think its good/ not good. He/She should/shouldnt. must/mustnt. Discuss about the show 请边观剧,边思考, 然后,谈一谈你们的看法。 Sum up小结 What makes a good student? shouldnt should shouldnt mustmustnt 4人一组讨人一组讨 论;论; 选一名代表选一名代表 汇报,尽量不汇报,尽量不 重复观点。重复观点。 LetsLets writewrite My plan for being a good student A good student should do well at home. I ____________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________ A good student should do well on the road. I__________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________ A good student should do well at school. I ___________ _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________ Homework Choose to do: 2. Make a mind map about key points of four units. Must do: 1. Prepare for Part C.Project1 Being a good student 第三课时第三课时(Revision)教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容教学内容 Project1 Being a good student(Revision) 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1. 能在一定语境中熟练运用 Unit1-4 的四会词语。 2. 能理解和运用 Unit1-4 的语法知识: 副词的特点和用法、不规则动词的过去式、量词的用法、 情态动词的用法。 3. 能熟练运用学过的句型进行日常交际 “How can you be a good student?” 。 三、教学重点和难点三、教学重点和难点 教学重点: 1. 能在一定语境中熟练运用 Unit1-4 的四会词语。 2. 能理解和运用 Unit1-4 的语法知识: 副词的特点和用法、不规则动词的过去式、量词的用法、 情态动词的用法。 教学难点: 能熟练运用学过的句型进行日常交际 “How can you be a good student?” 。 4、课前准备课前准备 教师准备:多媒体课件、学习任务单。 学生准备:教材内容、作业本、彩色画笔、书写用笔。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1. Look and say: Provide the students different covers of the same story which are titled in different languages and have the students say the name in English. The Lion and the Mouse 【设计意图:设计意图:展现狮子和老鼠不同语言的版本,请学生说出英文版】 Step2 Revision 2. Have a talk The story The lion and the mouse means different things to different people. The students have a talk about what the story means to them. 1. Nothing is impossible! 一切皆有可能。 2. Dont judge a book by its cover. 不要以貌取人。 3. A friend in need is a friend in deed.患难见真情。 4. What goes round comes round. 善有善报。 5. Every man has its weak side.人人都有自己的弱点。 6. What does the story tell you ? Have Have a talka talk 【设计意图:设计意图:狮子和老鼠这一寓言故事对于不同的人意味着不同的道理,如: 一切皆有可能;不要以貌取人;善有善报等等。请学生思考,对于老师列举的 道理,自己最赞同哪一点,为什么】 3. Have a practice We not only learn life experience from this story, but also a lot about the language. Students list the adverbs both from and out of the story and have a practice with these words. E.g. Im the lion. I shout excitedly. I am the lion . I shout happily! I am the . I . Think Think and Sayand Say At a party 【设计意图:设计意图:我们不仅能从这个故事学到人生道理,而且也能学到英语知识, 比如故事中的副词。在列举更多副词的基础上,教师引导,森林里的动物为庆 祝狮子的自由,举办了一个派对。你们现在是其中的一员,你是谁,会做什么, 模仿例句,用上副词。 】 Step 3 Presentation and practice 1. Listen and think The teacher makes a story with the 6 pictures presented in the book and reads it to the students. 【设计意图:设计意图:森林里的动物之间友善,互相帮助,我们身边的人也是如此。接 下来展开的是本课的第二个层次,将书上第一个练习里的本来没有关系的 6 副 图片编成一个故事读给学生听】 2. Think and write Students think and finish the story. 3. Read and check Students read in pairs. One reads the first part, the other the second part. 【设计意图:设计意图:学生完成故事并结对朗读故事,同时进行一个小交流:是否喜欢 这个故事。不喜欢?因为不是 happy ending。 谁能帮助那个受伤的人? Anyone. 由此引出本课第三个层次】 What story is he reading? A woman gets hurt And she Who can help me? sadly 4. Look and say T: 那个女士怎么受伤了呢,是不是没有遵守交通规则呢? 下面就来复习相关交通规则: 【设计意图:巩固所学知识,加深学生的印象,为下面所学知识做铺垫。设计意图:巩固所学知识,加深学生的印象,为下面所学知识做铺垫。 】 5.Show time T: How can we cross the road safely? 【设计意图:对之前的活动做总结,对于学生来说也是一个语言的输出,更加设计意图:对之前的活动做总结,对于学生来说也是一个语言的输出,更加 达到复习的目的。达到复习的目的。 】 刚刚讲到出行,这个小男孩出行的时候在外面看到一家糖果店,这样就可以复刚刚讲到出行,这个小男孩出行的时候在外面看到一家糖果店,这样就可以复 习降调。习降调。 吃太多糖好吗,这样一问就可以进入到饮食方面的复习。吃太多糖好吗,这样一问就可以进入到饮食方面的复习。 Step 4 Consolidation Show time Where are you going? To the sweet shop. What do you want to buy? A lollipop. Who is it for? The boy over there. What will he say? It doesnt matter. 你你能能标标出出降降调调吗吗? For breakfastI have. For lunch and dinner I have. Design a healthy diet Tips: a few ,a little,a lot of ,some 给学生一个展示语言的空间,也可以借用这个机会复习所学知识。 . 【设计意图:英语新课标的理念就是让学生综合运用所学语言,让学生在语言设计意图:英语新课标的理念就是让学生综合运用所学语言,让学生在语言 中学会成长,爱上英语。中学会成长,爱上英语。 】 Step 5 Summary T:What have you learned in this class? Step 6 Homework 必必做做: 1,默写一到四课重点短语,并批改订正。 2,写一篇作文:Being a good student. 选选做做: 利用思维导图完成一到四单元的知识点框架。 板书设计:板书设计: Project1 Being a good student(Revision) quietly sadly loudly happily How can we cross the road safely? For breakfast I have. For lunch and dinner I have.Project 1 Being a good student (Revision) stories from the book stories around me The Lion and the Mouse 1. Nothing is impossible! 一切皆有可能。 2. Dont judge a book by its cover. 不要以貌取人 。 3. A friend in need is a friend in deed.患难见真情 。 4. What goes round comes round. 善有善报。 5. Every man has its weak side.人人都有自己的弱点 。 6. What does the story tell you ? Have Have a talk a talk The Lion and the Mouse There was a lion in the forest. He was very large and strong. One day, a mouse walked by and woke the lion up. The lion was angry and wanted to eat the mouse. “Please dont eat me. I can help you some day,” said the mouse quietly. “Youre so small and weak! How can you help me?” laughed the lion loudly. Then, he let the mouse go. The next day, two men caught the lion with a large net. The lion bit the net with his sharp teeth, but that did not help. “How can I get out?” asked the lion sadly. Just then, the mouse saw the lion. “I can help you,” he said. Soon, the mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth. The lion got out. “Thank you!” said the lion happily. From then on, the lion and the mouse became friends. happily loudly sadly quietly Tips 我们用quietly, loudly, sadly, happily一类词 表示动作完成的方式 I am the lion . I shout happily! I am the . I . Think Think and Sayand Say At a party stories around me Jack has a big game today. He His friends all come to cheer for him. Jack wins! about the great game! They go to a movie to celebrate. What a funny movie! After the movie, they go home to tell Dad about the great news. He What story is he reading? A woman gets hurt And she Who can help me? Jack has a big game today. He quickly Think Think and Writeand Write Tips 形容动作完成的方式 要用副词哦! His friends all come to cheer for him. loudly Come on! Jack wins! about the great game! excitedly They go to a movie to celebrate. What a funny movie! happily Ha! Ha! After the movie, they go home to tell Dad about the great news. Hequietly What story is he reading? A woman gets hurt And she Who can help me? sadly Look and say 说说图中的交通规则 Describe and judgeDescribe and judge play on the road walk on the pavement wait for the green man look out for cars cross the road with other people safety belt Cherish life Civilization trip 关爱生命 文明出行 You must follow the signs. You mustnt take too many people. You mustnt drive so fast. You mustnt climb over the rail. You mustnt ride on the road. You mustnt run on the road. You must look for a zebra crossing. You must look at the traffic lights. How can we cross the road safely? Where are you going? To the sweet shop. What do you want to buy? A lollipop. Who is it for? The boy over there. What will he say? It doesnt matter. 你能标出降调吗? Tips: a few ,a little,a lot of ,some Have a talkHave a talk In a healthy diet, there is _________ fruit, vegetables, rice and bread. You can have _______ meat and fish in your meals. You can also have _______ eggs every week. Sweet food is nice, but it is not good for your teeth. Eat only ________ sweet food every day. a few a little some a lot of a lot of a few some a little A healthy diet Fill in the blanks 填空 (每词只能用一遍) For breakfastI have. For lunch and dinner I have. Design a healthy diet Tips: a few ,a little,a lot of ,some For breakfastI have. For lunch and dinner I have. Show time Tips: a few ,a little,a lot of ,some SummarySummary What have you learned in this class? 必做: 1,默写一到四课重点短语,并批改订正。 2,写一篇作文:Being a good student. 选做: 利用思维导图完成一到四单元的知识点框架。Project1 Being a good student 第二课时第二课时(Part C)教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容教学内容 Project1 Being a good student(Part C) 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1. 能在一定语境中熟练运用 Unit1-4 的四会词语。 2. 能理解和运用 Unit1-4 的语法知识: 副词的特点和用法、不规则动词的过去式、量词的用法、 情态动词的用法。 3. 能熟练运用学过的句型进行日常交际 “How can you be a good student?” 。 三、教学重点和难点三、教学重点和难点 教学重点: 1. 能在一定语境中熟练运用 Unit1-4 的四会词语。 2. 能理解和运用 Unit1-4 的语法知识: 副词的特点和用法、不规则动词的过去式、量词的用法、 情态动词的用法。 教学难点: 能熟练运用学过的句型进行日常交际 “How can you be a good student?” 。 4、课前准备课前准备 教师准备:多媒体课件、学习任务单。 学生准备:教材内容、作业本、彩色画笔、书写用笔。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1. Daily report: T: Hi. Nice to see you. Welcome to Miss Lius class. Today well go on Project1 Being a good student Part C. 2. How can you be a good student? 【设计意图:本课时是复习的第二课时,本身学生会觉得复习枯燥,所以通设计意图:本课时是复习的第二课时,本身学生会觉得复习枯燥,所以通 过做汇报,调动学生学习情绪,激发学生的学习热情。过做汇报,调动学生学习情绪,激发学生的学习热情。 】 Step2 Revision 1. Look, read and judge Look at the pictures, read the sentences and judge “Is he/she a good
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