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1、Unit 3 A healthy diet(Story time) 教学设计教学设计 一、一、教学内容教学内容: 译林版小学六年级英语 Unit3 A healthy diet(Story time) 二、教材分析:二、教材分析: 本单元是译林版英语六下第三单元,主题是了解学生饮食习惯,关心种西方 饮食习惯,了解不同事物的名称与量词搭配使用。主要是能表达自己喜爱的事物 以及对自己一日三餐的日常饮食表达。本板块以第三人称的叙述方式,对比介绍 了 Mike 和 YangLing 的日常饮食习惯, 教材通过呈现健康饮食金字塔和一个问题 Do you have a healthy diet?来引导学生

2、思考分析自己的饮食是否健康。 三、学情分析:三、学情分析: 六年级的学生已经积累了一定的语言知识和英语学习方法, 健康饮食这个话 题是贴近生活的。学生在食物的英语表达基础上学生可以了解健康饮食的标准, 并能通过本课的学习用第三人称进行复述,并能用 He/She has a healthy diet. 评价调整他人和自己的饮食习惯是否健康。 四、目标预设:四、目标预设: 1. 在情景中体会理解 healthy、diet、a few、a little 的含义,并能够准确发音。 2.在饮食金字塔图的帮助下运用词汇和句型 He /She has a lot of /some/He /She has a

3、 few eggs/a little叙述自己或他人的饮食。 3. 能够判断分析 healthy diet,并能谈论对 healthy diet 的看法。 4. 学生能形成健康饮食、健康生活的意识。 五、教学重点、难点:五、教学重点、难点: (一)重点: 1. 正确区别运用 a little 与 a few,能够会读、会复述课文。 2. 通过课文学习,学生了解健康饮食并能修正自己不良饮食习惯。 (二)难点: 1. 初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论自己的饮食习惯。 2. 通过阅读策略的学习,用表格、食物金字塔等,深刻理解健康饮食的含 义,对 healthy diet 表达自己的看法。 六、教学设计

4、思路与理念:六、教学设计思路与理念: 基于对学生英语核心素养的培养, 本节课我的设计主要采用思维可视化工具 将故事板块的内容通过图表、图示的方式引导学生学习并思考,进而反思自我。 通过教学活动的设计,逐渐使学生学习的思维过程显现并用英语语言表达出来。 一切的设计都应当从学生出发,我的设计思路是通过一些食物图片引出 a healtht diet,并通过出示我的饮食让学生初步感知量词 a lot of, some, a few 和 a little 的 多少,同时我才采用食物金字塔让学生直观对比和感受。在处理文本时,我采取 思维螺旋上升式的设计思路, 先让学生训练听的能力 (听录音, 勾出提到的事

5、物) , 再到训练学生读写的能力(小组内阅读并完成表格),然后让学生根据表格进行 复述,让学生的思维训练呈现一个梯度。通过完成书 28 页的内容来检测和巩固 学生的学习成果,再让学生根据食物金字塔来分析比较 Mike 和 YangLing 的饮 食是否健康,最后让学生完成一份自己的饮食习惯表达并分析健康与否。有效地 训练了学生的思维。 七、教学方七、教学方法:法:情景教学法、听说法和图示法 八、教学过程:八、教学过程: Step 1 Warm-up and free talk 1. Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morn

6、ing, Miss Yuan. 2. Free talk T: Did you have breakfast this morning? S: Yes, I did. T: What do you usually have for breakfast? Lets do a brainstorming. T: What food do you like? S: I like(food) What fruit do you like? S: I like(fruit) What do you like drinking? S: I like drinking(drinks) (在学生回答喜欢喝的饮

7、料时,引导其余学生关注生回答时 like 的用法: a. like+名词复数;b. like+V-ing )。 3. Look,think and say How can we have a healthy diet? (教学 healthhealthy) 教学 diet,并板书课题:Unit 3 A healthy diet Food pyramid 【设计意图】通过 Free talk 环节引出 Breakfast is very important. Eating breakfast is a good habit.并试图从对话中复习有关食物的英语表达, 为本节课的 A healthy

8、diet 的深层学习做铺垫。通过食物金字塔的呈现,将本 节课的重点知识 a few/ a little 呈现出来,让学生初步了解其用法,并让学生 初步感知如何健康饮食。 Step 2 Presentation and practice. 1. Listen and tick T: I usually have a lot of rice, some meat and some vegetables. I have a healthy diet. Do Mike and Yang Ling have a healthy diet? What food do they eat for three

9、meals(三餐)? Now lets listen to the tape, and then tick the food. a lot of a lot of some a few/a little 2.Read and finish the form T: What do they have for three meals? Lets read the text and finish the form, and then talk about the form in groups. Name breakfast Lunch and dinner Mike has some and has

10、 a lot of ,some and some Yang Ling often has a lot of , sometimes eats an eats some , some and eats a little 3. Read and circle. How much food do they have for three meals? (快速浏览课文,圈出表示数 量的词。) (PPT 出示并教学词组:a lot of, some, a little, a few) Can you use them correctly? 板书: a few eggs a little water 学生试

11、着比较其用法不同并尝试总结规律。 4. Lets say.(Work in groups) S: Mike has for his breakfast/lunch/dinner. Yang Ling has for her breakfast/lunch/dinner. Tips: a few, a little 很挑剔, a few 后面跟可数,a little 后跟 不可数。some, a lot of 本领大,可数不可数都搭配。 【设计意图】通过图表、图示的方式引导学生学习并思考,学生对于重点以 及难点知识能清晰地学习分析,并能根据图表用英语描述知识点并能反思自我。 通过教学活动的设计,

12、逐渐使学生学习的思维过程可视化。 5. Students read the text by themselves, and then finish True or false on P28. 6. Finish Read and write on P28. I like eating.I have a lot of food every day. In the morning, I have some _ and _. In the afternoon and evening, I have _, _ and _. I like eating _, _ and _. I like sweet

13、food very much. I like eating too. In the morning, I have a lot of _ .I sometimes have _. In the afternoon and evening, I have some _ and some _. I only eat a little _. I also eat a little _ and some _every day. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Reading time: listen and repeat. (跟读环节教师需提醒与讲解朗读时的语音语调、停顿、重音和连读等

14、朗 读技巧。) 2. Introduce Mike and Yang Lings diet? 3. Lets talk T: What do you think of Mike and Yang Lings diet? What about your diet? Is it healthy? (学生在同桌或者小组间进行对话谈论,并选取几组进行汇报) Step4 Summary 1.Retell the text. According to the blackboard design and try to retell the text. 2.If you have an unhealthy d

15、iet , What are you going to do? 出示食物金字塔, 让学生有对比地辨别健康与否, 并修正自己的饮食习惯。 Tips:I should. I shouldnt. Im going to. 3.To keep healthy,we should have healthy food not junk food. Wish everyone has a healthy diet, a happy life and a bright future! 九、九、作业布置:作业布置: 1. Listen to the Story time and try to imitate t

16、hree times.听录音跟读 3 遍。 2. 四人一小组,合作完成本课时的思维导图,组内进行汇报。 3. 背诵或复述课文。 十、板书设计:十、板书设计: Unit 3 A healthy diet(Story time) likes eating sweet food Doesnt like drinking water breakfast lunch and dinner breakfast lunch and dinner likes sweet food unhealthy healthy a few eggs Some fruit 课课 题题:Unit 3 A healthy di

17、et Period 2(Grammar time / Fun time / Culture time ) 教学目标: 1. 能听懂,会读,会说 a lot of, some, a few, a little 并能体会他们的含 义。 2. 能正确恰当地运用 a lot of, some, a few, a little。 3. 体会中西方饮食习惯。 教学重点: 1. 能正确恰当地运用 a lot of, some, a few, a little。 2. 体会中西方饮食习惯。 教学方法:情境讨论与交流、操练、任务型阅读、展示汇报 学法指导:以故事激发参与兴趣,进行新语言项目的呈现与操练;以 渐进

18、任务推进阅读; 以展示介绍自己以及家人的饮食习惯进行语言实 践活动。 教学过程: Step 1 Warming up 1. Listen and judge SayYeah, Yeah, Yeah, if you think it is true; SayNo, No, No, if you think it is false. (1)I like eating sweet food. (2)Mike has some bread and milk for breakfast. (3)Im from Funing. (4)Does Mike have a healthy diet? (5)Do

19、 you have a healthy diet? (6)Yang Ling eats a lot of sweets at a time. 2. Lets review (1). What does Miss Li eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner? (2). What does Mike eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner? (3). What does Yang Ling eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner? Step 2 Grammar time 1.He/She eats a few eggs. He/S

20、he drinks a little water. T: A little 和 a few 后面跟的词有什么不同?(学生观察自主总结) 2.Lets play (1)A little 后跟不可数名词,a few 后跟可数名词。 (2)Plastic.(带读,板书) ( 3 ) A lot of 和 some 后跟的词有何特点?(学生观察自主总结) a lot of 、 some 后面既可跟可数名词,也可跟不可数名词. Step 3 Culture time 1.Chinese people: porridge and steamed buns Western people: cereal, b

21、read, eggs and sausages 2.Lets debate 辩论 Which food is healthier, Chinese food or Western food? Group work: a 小组内确定辩题 Western food /Chinese food. b 组员每人给出一个理由。若组员在表达上有困难,大家可以帮助 他组织语言。 c 组长记录整理论据。 Tips: 陈述观点的句子 I think/In my opinion, 反驳对方的句子 I dont think so/I cant agree with you. 3.Junk foodTheyre ba

22、d for us.We shouldnt eat a lot. Step 4 Fun time 1.A: What do you have for breakfast? B: I have some noodles. A: What about lunch and dinner? B: For lunch and dinner, I have a lot of rice,some meat and some vegetables. 2.Ss do a survey in groups then report. 3. Junk food / Healthy food Healthy diet,

23、healthy life. Step5 Homework: 1. Copy and remember the sentences we learned today. 2. Make a healthy eating table for your family. 3. Write a passage about your meal. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I like _(mango), and she _(like) apples. 2. They like _(drink) _(tomato) soup(汤)。 3. We have a lot of _(rice) and _(v

24、egetable) for lunch. 4. We need a few _(egg) every day, they re good for _(we). I _(have) some bread and milk for breakfast. Sound time & Cartoon time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标 1. 能知道字母组合 ou 在单词中的发音,并能说出其他 ou 发相同发 音的单词。 2. 能流利地且语音语调正确地诵读 Sound time 中的歌谣。 3. 正确理解、朗读 Cartoon time

25、中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处, 能通过小组合作表演故事。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 教学重点: 1. 能知道字母组合 ou 在单词中的发音,并能说出其他 ou 含相同发 音的单词。 2. 能流利地且语音语调正确地诵读 Sound time 中的歌谣。 3. 正确理解、朗读 Cartoon time 中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处, 能通过小组合作表演故事。 教学难点: 能说出其他 ou 含相同发音的单词,并能用这些单词造句。 Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程

26、Step 1 Warm-up 1. Enjoy a song T: Lets enjoy the song about food. 2. Brainstorming T: In China, what do we usually eat for meals? What about Western people? Please discuss in groups. (学生小组讨论,并进行 brainstorming) Step 2 Presentation 1. Ask and answer T: Well done! All of us know some differences betwee

27、n Chinese food and Western food. S: T: What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? S: T: Who cooks food for you? T: Look! A woman is in the kitchen. Who is she? S: Shes Mrs Li. (课件上显示女士的身份) T: What is she going to do? S: Maybe shes going to cook breakfast. T: What is she doing now? S: Shes

28、shouting. T: How is she now? S: Shes afraid. T: What does she say? S: Get out, get out. T: Why does she shout that? S: Because theres a mouse in her house. 2. Sound time T: Now, lets watch and read after it. (学生观看动画后跟读) T: Look at these words. What can you find? S: OU. T: Look at “ou” here. What do

29、they pronounce? S: /au/. T: Great! Follow me /au/. Can you say some other words? S: about, mouth, T: Can you read these new words? S: South, mountain T: Good! Can you make sentences by using these words? (学生试用这些单词造句) Step 3 Cartoon time 1. Listen and answer T: Does Mrs Li like the mouse? S: No, she

30、doesnt. T: But we have a mouse friend. Whos he? S: Bobby. T: Whos Bobbys good friend? S: Sam. T: Is Sam free now? Wheres he? Lets listen and answer the questions. (学生听 Cartoon time 的课文,并回答文中问题) T: Where are Sam and his mum now? S: They are in the supermarket. T: Why do they go there? S: Because ther

31、e is not much food in the fridge. T: “Food” is an uncountable noun, so we use “much” here. So they have to go to the supermarket. What does “have to” mean? S: It means “must”. 2. Watch and answer T: Now, lets watch and write down the answers. T: What do they buy? S: Cola, rice and fish. (教学单词:cola,要

32、注意和 coal 区分) T: Good. How much cola do they buy? S: A small bottle. T: Great. They take a small bottle. “A small bottle” means “a little” cola. Can Sam drink too much cola? S: No. T: Right. Drinking too much cola is unhealthy. 3. Listen and imitate T: Now, lets listen and imitate. Pay attention to y

33、our pronunciation and intonation. (学生模仿跟读) 4. Lets discuss T: They buy so many things. Is Sam happy at last? S: No. T: Why? S: Because Sam cannot hold onto the fish and it fell into the river. 5. Lets act (学生分角色表演课文,可以根据需要添加角色或者内容) Step 3 Consolidation 1. Discuss in pairs T: What do you think of the

34、 diet of Sams family? Why do you think so? (小组讨论) 2.Finish the exercise.伴你学 Step 4 Homework 1. Read the cartoon time fluently, try to act the story. 熟练朗读卡通,表演整个故事。 2. Try to have a healthy diet with your family. 和家人一起养成健康的饮食习惯。 Checkout time & Ticking time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教

35、学目标 1. 能够按要求掌握本单元单词、句型和日常用语。 2. 复习并熟练运用 Is/Are there ?的句型, 并能在这一句型中再一次 准确运用 a lot of, some, a few, a little。 3. 能对照 Ticking time 的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。 4. 能熟练运用所学知识介绍自己的饮食和健康的饮食。 5. 能在笔头练习中准确使用 there be 的结构。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 教学重点: 1. 复习并熟练运用 Is/Are there ?

36、的句型, 并能在这一句型中再一次 准确运用 a lot of, some, a few, a little。 2. 能熟练运用所学知识介绍自己的饮食和健康的饮食。 3. 能在笔头练习中准确使用 there be 的结构。 教学难点: 能在笔头练习中准确使用 there be 的结构。 Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up 1. Greetings 2. Lets talk T: How is Mikes diet? How is Yang Lings diet? (通过让学生讨论Mike和杨玲的饮食来复习Story time的课文内容) Ste

37、p 2 Presentation 1. Lets discuss T: Wang Bing has a good friend. Hes Billy. Look, theyre coming. 2. Read and discuss T: Heres a passage about Billy. Please read it in pairs, then discuss. (同桌之间自由读,并对 Billy 的饮食做讨论) T: Is Billys diet healthy? Why? S: No, his diet is unhealthy. T: Can you give some sug

38、gestions to him? (同桌讨论后给出回答) S: To keep healthy, you should eat/drink a lot of/ some/ a few/ a little You shouldnt eat/drink too much/too many T: We hope Billy can change his diet. T: How about Wang Bings? Lets fill in the blanks and see Wang Bings diet. (学生根据首字母填空,完成王兵的饮食情况并讨论) T: What do you think

39、 of his diet? Why? S: I think 3. Ask and answer T: Yes. Wang Bing has a healthy diet and his family want to cook a big dinner. Lets go and see. T: They buy a lot of things. What do they buy? Can you guess? S: Is/Are there ? (学生用 there be 结构的一般疑问句来猜,并要求他们用上 a lot of/some/a few/a little) T: Great. Let

40、s go and see the food they buy. (让学生用 there is、 there are 的句型分类将这些食物说一说, 最后将 这些食物组成一个金字塔) 4. Look and say T: Lets do some exercise! (PPT 呈现一些 there be 句型的练习) T: OK. Lets try to describe the food pyramid in pairs. Step 3 Practice 1. Finish Look and write on page 35 2. Lets design T: Now, we know a lo

41、t about healthy diet. Can you design a healthy diet for Billy? S: Yes! T: OK. First, please introduce your healthy diet to Billy. (让学生说一说他们的健康饮食) T: OK, very good. Now please write down Billys diet. (出示 Tips:恰当地使用 a lot of, some, a little, a few) Step 4 Consolidation 1. Ticking time T: Look at today

42、s learning aims. How many starts can you get? (学生在小组间进行讨论并完成自评) 2. Exercise 1. She likes_ (eat) fish. 2. There isnt _ (many) food in the fridge. 3. I _ (have) go to the supermarket. 4. Do you _ (want) come with me? 5. Sam sees a lot of _ (juice) in the bottle. 6. Now they have some _ (mango) at home

43、. 7. Mike _ (have) some bread and milk for breakfast. 8. Does Mike _ (have) a healthy diet? 9. He only _ (drink) a little water every day. 10. Do you have a _ (health) diet. Homework 家庭作业家庭作业 必做: 1. 复习本单元所学内容。 2.Write about our new diets.写一个自己的健康饮食。 选做: 1.做一个关于家人的饮食调查。 2.Learn about the most popular food in a diet in your class.调查本班级饮 食中最受欢迎的食物。


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