2021年春八年级下册人教版英语Unit 1 单元测试卷(有答案 及 听力MP3).zip

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Unit 1单元测试卷单元测试卷 得分________卷后分________评价________ 听力部分(20 分) 一、听句子,选择恰当的答语。(51 分5 分) (C)1.A.No, I cant. BYes, I will. CYes, you should. (A)2.A.No, I dont. BIm sorry. CThank you. (B)3.A.To the park. BI have a fever. CYou should see a doctor. (C)4.A.For a week. BIts a beautiful dress. CBecause I stayed up last night. (C)5.A.On Friday. BI dont like cats. CYes, Id like to. 二、听短对话,选择相符的图片。 (51 分5 分) (B)6.What hit Tom this afternoon? A B C (A)7.What does the man advise the girl to do? A B C (A)8.Whats the matter with the boy? A B C (A)9.Where is the boys grandmother? A B C (C)10.How did the woman feel about the story? A B C 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。 (51 分5 分) 听下面一段对话,回答第 11、12 小题。 (C)11.How did Kevin feel? AUpset. BBored. CTired. (A)12.What did Jane advise Kevin to do? AGo to bed early. BTake some medicine. CStop playing video games. 听下面一段对话,回答第 1315 小题。 (B)13.When did the car accident happen? AThis morning. BYesterday evening. CYesterday afternoon. (C)14.Where was Jenny before the accident happened? AIn a park. BIn the hospital. CIn the library. (B)15.How many people were hurt? AFour. BThree. CTwo. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(51 分5 分) (B)16.Where does Mr. Brown work? AIn a school. BIn a hospital. CIn a restaurant. (B)17.Whats the matter with Alice? AShe has a sore back. BShe has a cold. CShe has a headache. (C)18.How often should Tom take medicine? AThree times a day. BTwice a day. COnce a day. (C)19.Who has a sore throat? ATom. BBob. CMary. (A)20.What else should Mary do? ADrink hot tea with honey. BHave a good rest. CDrink more water. 笔试部分(100 分) 五、单项选择。(101 分10 分) (B)21.The woman took ______ Xray and she showed ______ Xray to the doctor. Aa;the Ban;the Ca;a Dan;an (D)22.It was cold outside so we sat round the fire to keep ______ warm. Aour Bwe Cours Dourselves (B)23.Oh,I feel terrible.I have a bad ______. You should see a dentist. Athroat Btoothache Ccold Dcough (A)24.My mother talks with me about the ______ of health over and over again. So does my mother. Mothers always care much about health. Aimportance Bdecision Cspirit Dsituation (B)25.Did you see Jane? I cant find her in the classroom. Oh, she is ______ and having a rest at home. Acomfortable Bsick Cangry Davailable (D)26.Timmy, you ______ drink cold water because you have a cold. Sorry, Mom. Aneed Bneednt Cshould Dshouldnt (D)27.On my way to school I saw a dog ______ on the road. Maybe a car hit it. What a poor (可怜的) thing. Alie Blies Clay Dlying (A)28.Why does Sue look upset? She went to the bookstore by bus but she ______ the bus at the wrong stop. Agot off Bgot up Cturned off Dturned up (A)29.Where are you going? To the supermarket. The food is about to ______ and I need to buy something to serve the guests. Arun out Bgive up Cmake up Dfind out (C)30.Mom, Im not feeling well. Oh,dear! ______ AHow do you like it? BNever mind. CWhats the matter? DNo problem. 六、完形填空。(101 分10 分) Mike doesnt like Mondays. It is difficult __31__ him to go to school on Mondays. Its already seven, but Mike still __32__ in bed. He is thinking of an excuse (借口), __33__ he doesnt want to go to school. Have a fever? Its__34__. His mother can take his __35__. Have a headache? No, he has used this excuse many times. Suddenly, he remembers that one of his teeth is loose (松 的). Great! Mike starts to __36__. “Whats wrong, Dear?” Mom asks. “Mom,I have a bad __37__. I cant go to school.” “__38__ your mouth and let me have a look. Oh, one of your teeth is loose. Dont cry. Ill call the dentist.” Mike is a little nervous (紧张的). “__39__ do you call the dentist?” “Ill ask him to pull the tooth out.” “Oh, please,Mom. Dont pull it out. It doesnt hurt at all. I have to go to school now. Ill be __40__ ” With these words, Mike gets out of bed quickly. (A)31.A.for Bof Cwith Din (C)32.A.falls Bsells Clies Dbuys (B)33.A.but Bbecause Cif Dthough (C)34.A.unusual Bright Cimpossible Dcommon (D)35.A.hit Bmoney Cmedicine Dtemperature (A)36.A.cry Bjump Claugh Dcough (D)37.A.fever Bstomachache Cheadache Dtoothache (A)38.A.Open BClean CClose DCheck (C)39.A.When BHow CWhy DWhere (D)40.A.angry Bsore Csick Dlate 七、阅读理解。(152 分30 分) A You may feel sick as weather gets cold. You should have some medicine in your home. Here is a medicine instruction (用法说明) and it may be necessary for you to read before taking it. Name:NyQuil Use it when you have a headache, sore throat, fever, or cough. How much to use: Adults (成年人) and children over 12: 2 spoons (汤匙) every 4 hours Children aged 6 to 12: 1 spoon every 6 hours Children under 6 and old people: Ask a doctor Warning (警告):stop using and ask a doctor if you get worse or you dont get better in 7 days. If you have any questions, call 18003621683. Use it before December 16th, 2021. (B)41.You should NOT use NyQuil when you have a ______. Aheadache Btoothache Ccough Dfever (B)42.Mary is a nineyearold girl, so she should take NyQuil ______ times a day. A3 B4 C5 D6 (D)43.We can use NyQuil before ______. ANovember 26th, 2021 BNovember 16th, 2021 CDecember 26th, 2021 DDecember 16th, 2021 (D)44.Which of the following is TRUE? ATina coughs a lot so she should have a lot of NyQuil. BLindas grandpa should have 6 spoons of NyQuil every day. CYou should stop using NyQuil if you dont get better in 6 days. DYou can call 18003621683 if you have any questions. (D)45.We can probably find the above instruction in a ______. Aparty invitation Bmovie ticket Cfood menu Dmedicine box B Mary is reading something about how to keep healthy on the Internet. Good sleep is important for your health.You need about eight hours sleep a night.Dont eat or read in bed.Go to bed at the same time before midnight (午夜) and get up at the same time every day.For more information (信息),please visit . How often do you exercise? If you want to stay healthy,try to exercise for 30 minutes a day,three or four times a week.For more information,please call Health Line at 1802000. Studies show that the cold or flu virus (流感病毒) can live on our hands for long.So you should wash your hands often with soap and water.For more ways to prevent (预防) the cold or flu,please call Health Line at 1801313. Brush your teeth twice a day and see a dentist at least once a year.The oral examination (口腔 检查) is not only for the health of teeth,but also for the whole body.Please visit for more information. (A)46.If you want to get good sleep,you should ______ Ago to bed at the same time every day Bget up late Cread in bed Deat something in bed (D)47.Its good for you ______ if you dont want to have a cold. Ato take less exercise Bto brush your teeth twice a day Cto go to bed late every night Dto wash your hands often (C)48.You should see a dentist at least once a year because ______. Ayou have a toothache Byou dont often brush your teeth Cthe oral examination is important Dyou dont often exercise (D)49.Which of the following is NOT true? ATo keep healthy,you should brush your teeth every day. BTaking more exercise is good for your health. CWashing your hands often can prevent the flu. DFive hours sleep a night is enough for you. (B)50.You can ______ if you want to learn more ways to prevent the flu. Avisit Bcall Health Line at 1801313 Cvisit Dcall Health Line at 1802000 C Montana Brown is a 24yearold girl in New York. Although the girl is quite young, she has already got a rare cancer (罕见的癌症) twice. Luckily, the girl is very healthy now and works as a nurse in the hospital where she was treated (治疗). Montana was just two years old when she got the cancer for the first time. She stayed in hospital for a year and got better. But at the age of 15, she got the same cancer again. It was really a difficult time for Montana, but she never gave up. Montana always thought of the kind nurses in the hospital. They always encouraged (鼓励) her and gave her hope to live. “Around 11th grade, I started thinking about my future, ” Montana said. “I wanted to use my story to help others and give them hope. Then I found that being a nurse for kids would be the greatest job for me.” By studying hard, Montana finally made her dream come true. Montana said, “Its so cool to just be at the place where I was treated. And Im so happy that I can pass (传递) love to more kids and be a good example to them.” (D)51.Montana got the cancer ______ for the first time. Aat the age of 15 Bat the age of 24 C2 years ago D22 years ago (C)52.Who gave Montana hope to live according to the passage? AHer doctors. BHer parents. CHer nurses. DHer teachers. (B)53.Why did Montana want to be a nurse? ATo become healthier. BTo pass love and hope. CTo share her experience. DTo have a bright future. (C)54.Which of the following about Montana is TRUE? AMontana is a young girl from England. BMontana got the cancer again seven years ago. CTo get healthy, Montana went through a hard time. DMontana feels lucky to work in the hospital where she was treated. (A)55.Whats the best title for the passage? AA Girl Once Got Cancer Gives Back BA Girls Fight Against Cancer CTry to Face Any Problem in Life DThings We Should Do for Our Dreams 八、词汇运用。(共 15 分) A)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(51 分5 分) hitknifeclimbdecidetrouble 56Finally, the climbers got to the top of the mountain. 57Oh, I am sorry to hear that a basketball hit him on the nose. 58We need to come up with an idea and make a decision at once. 59He wasnt careful enough with the knife and cut himself. 60I have some trouble finding the right place. Do you know where it is? B)根据汉语意思完成下列句子。(52 分10 分) 61我应该在伤口上涂点药吗? Should I put some medicine on the cut? 62马克讲述了掌控自己生命的重要性。 Mark tells of the importance of being in control of ones life. 63汤姆的爸爸总是告诉他去尝试和冒险。 Toms father always told him to have a try and take risks 64多亏了老师们的帮助,他考入了这所大学。 Thanks to the help of the teachers, he got into the university. 65当我走出医院的时候,他们正在等公共汽车。 When I walked/got out of the hospital, they were waiting for the bus. 九、补全对话。(52 分10 分) 从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,有两项多余。 A:Whats the matter, Emma? Are you all right? B:I went down the stairs (楼梯) and fell down. 66.D A:Oh, I hope not. 67.A B:The left one. A:68.C B:It hurts right here. A:I think youd better go to see the doctor and take an Xray. B:69.G A:Of course. Lets go at once. B:70.E A:Lets go by taxi. B:All right. AWhich leg? BWhat should I do? CLet me have a look. DIm afraid my leg is broken (骨折) EBut how can we go to the hospital? FYou should put some medicine on it. GCould you please take me to the hospital? 十、短文填词。(101 分10 分) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。 givehealthdiscussmeanshareway possibleimportantfinalsituation My husband, Jeff, was diagnosed with lung cancer (被诊断为肺癌) in November 2013.Thanks to Dr. Deborah Mulford, Jeff is 71.healthy now. Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) lung cancer is a kind of rare lung cancer. That 72.means cancer centers see very few people with it. There is still a long 73.way to learn about it. From the start, Dr. Mulford told us the fact about Jeffs 74.situation and that there was little hope for him. Since then Dr. Mulford clearly knew the 75.importance of working with other doctors. She even reached out to Dr. Alice Shaw of Massachusetts General Hospital. She fully 76.shared with our decision to work with DanaFarber Cancer Center when Jeff was first diagnosed. She worked with us to make sure that the medical records (病历) were sent to DanaFarber. She had many 77.discussions with other doctors. After that, she decided 78.to give Jeff some clinical trials (临床试验) because she knew we liked to have Plan B, C and D. Dr. Mulford has always been with us every step of the way. Just like us, she never gives up. And because of this, we 79.finally did it four years later. Nothing in life is 80.impossible. Much love and much hope! 十一、书面表达。(15 分) 假如你是李华,你的网友 Jack 写了一封邮件向你抱怨最近因为感冒导致上课注意力无 法集中。请你根据以下提示和要求回复一封邮件,给他一些建议。 提示:1.多喝水; 2.好好休息; 3.多运动。 要求:1.包含所有提示,可适当发挥; 2.不少于 70 词,开头和格式已给出,不计入总 词数。 Dear Jack, Im sorry to hear that you have a cold these days, so Id like to give you some advice to help you. First, I think you should drink lots of water and eat more fruit. They are very useful to your body. Then youd better stay in bed and have a good rest. You can go to bed early and get up early, because the air is fresher in the morning. Third, exercise is also necessary. For example, you can keep on running in the morning and going for a walk after dinner in the evening. You shouldnt play on the computer and should do exercise every day. I hope you can get better soon. Yours, Li Hua
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