2020人教版九年级全册英语 unit 11 重点单词短语 练习习题(含答案).docx

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1、1 9 年级全册 unit 11 重点单词、短语 练习习题 I.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词 A: 1.I dont like loud music. It always_ (迫使)me crazy. 2.You look _ (苍白的).Whats the matter with you? I have a stomachache. 3.The king lived in a beautiful _(宫殿). 4.There is a _ (柠檬)tree in his yard. 5.I think health is a kind of _ (财富).

2、 6.Do you know the man in _ (灰色)? Yes,I do. He is my uncle. 7.The _ (王后)invited me to have dinner with her. 8.His father is a _ (银行家)and he has lots of money. 9.Although _ (两者都不)of her parents had gone to college,she was really good at studying. 10.After seven years of _(友谊), she still couldnt tell

3、when he was kidding. B: 1.The boy had a parrot on his right_ (肩膀). 2.The _ (教练)is satisfied with our training. 3.The boy _ (踢)the ball into the river. He asked his father to get the ball for him. 2 4.Dont _(拉)the door. 5.Sue always has great _(勇气)to face difficulties and thats why we all respect her

4、. 6.(独家原创试题)I asked him if he would help me and he _ (点头). II.用所给单词的适当形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空 A: 1.The shoes are too small for me.I feel_ (comfortable)when I put them on. 2.I am always nervous before the final _ (examine).What should I do? 3.The city is small,but it is _(fame)for its silk. 4.The girl didnt

5、 want to go across the small bridge. She was afraid of _ (fall) into the river. 5.Many teenagers would rather _ (stay)at home alone than go out with their parents at weekends. 6.New students are always made _ (give)a general self-introduction at the beginning of the term. B:从方框中选出合适的词或短语,并用其适当形式填空 c

6、all in, to start with, neither, leave out, friendship 1. _ , I didnt have any interest in his novel. But I fell in love with it in the end. 2.They have been friends for ten years. They hope their_ will last for-ever. 3.Do you like swimming or skating? _ . I like running. 4.My father was_ to the teac

7、hers office. My head teacher wanted to talk with him about 3 my study. 5.If you dont play with him, he may feel _ . C: 1.I think you need to lose_ (weigh).Youre getting too fat. 2.He felt a little _(worry)because of the mathematics exam. 3.You must check your papers_ (careful) before handing them in

8、. 4.Before reaching an _ (agree), they had a heated discussion. 5.They felt very_(disappoint)because they lost the match again. D:从方框中选出合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空 be hard on, kick off, pull together, rather than, lose weight 1.The manager_ the waiter because he made a big mistake. 2.She tries some different wa

9、ys to _ . She wants to be thin. 3.The soldiers are so brave. They _ themselves every day. 4.The teacher called us to _ to make our class stronger. 5.Lisa prefers to stay at home_ go running. She hates running. III.根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词 A: 1.I would r_ go swimming than stay at home. For

10、me, staying at home is too boring. 2.We cant stand the noise. It d_ us crazy. 4 3.A doctor was called in to e_ the kings body. 4.N_ you nor John knows how to spell the word. 5.The jeans are too tight for me. I feel u_ when I wear them. I think I need to buy a new pair. B: 1.He put on about twenty po

11、unds. He decided to lose w_ by eating less and exercising more. 2.He k_ the ball to me, but I didnt catch it. Finally, the ball fell into the river. 3.The soldier was so brave. We admired him for his c_ . 4.The salesman asked me to p_ the door instead of pushing it. 5.If you agree with me, you can n

12、_ your head. Otherwise, you can shake your head. 答案: I: A:1.drives 2.pale 3.palace 4.lemon 5.wealth 6.grey 7.queen 8.banker 9.neither 10.friendship B:1.shoulder 2.coach 3.kicked 4.pull 5.courage 6.nodded 5 II: A: 1.uncomfortable 本题考查 comfortable 的反义词。根据设空前的“那双鞋对我来说太小了”, 由此可推断,我穿上它们的时候觉得不舒服,故所缺的词是 un

13、comfortable。 2.examination 本题考查 examine 的名词形式。final examination 意为“期末考试”。 3.famous 本题考查 fame 的形容词形式。famous 意为“著名的”。 4.falling 本题考查 be afraid of doing sth.的固定搭配。 该短语意为“担心做某事;害怕做某事”, 故所缺的词是 falling。 5.stay 本题考查固定搭配。would rather do A than do B 意为“宁愿做 A 事,也不愿做 B 事”, 故所缺的词是 stay。 6.to give 本题考查 be made t

14、o do sth.的搭配。该结构是被动语态的搭配,不能缺少 to,故答案 为 to give。 B:1.To start with 2.friendship 3.Neither 4.called in 5.left out C: 1.weight 本题考查 weigh 的名词形式。lose weight 意为“减肥” 。 2.worried 本题考查 worry 的形容词形式。worried 意为“焦虑的;担忧的” 。 3.carefully 本题考查 careful 的副词形式。句意:在你交试卷之前,必须认真检查。修饰动词 要用副词,故 carefully 符合题意。 4.agreement

15、 本题考查 agree 的名词形式。句意:在达成协议之前,他们进行了一次热烈的讨 论。此处所缺的词是 agreement,此时它是可数名词,意为“协议” 。 5.disappointed 本题考查 disappoint 的派生词。主语是 they,故要用-ed 结 尾的形容词,即 disappointed“失望的” 。 6 D: 1.kicked off 2.lose weight 3.are hard on 4.pull together 5.rather than III. A:1.rather 2.drives 3.examine 4.Neither 5.uncomfortable B:1.weight 2.kicked 3.courage 4.pull 5.nod


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