人教版九年级全册英语暑假预习: Unit2 知识点详解与同步练习(有答案).docx

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1、暑假预习人教版英语九年级上册 Unit2 知识点详解 UnitUnit 2 2 I I thinkthink thatthat mooncakesmooncakes areare delicious!delicious! 一短语归纳 1.put on 增加(体重)发胖 2.care about 关心 在乎 3.end up 最终成为, 最后处亍 4.not only but also丌 但而且 5.shoot down 射下 6.used to do 过去常常做 7.remind sb. of 使某人想起 8.give out 分发 发放 9.the water festival 泼水节 10

2、.the Chinese spring festival 中国春节 11.next year 明年 12.sound like 听起来像 13.each other 互相 彼此 14.in the shape of 以的形状 15.on mid-autumn night 在中秋之夜 16.fly up to 飞向 7 17.lay out 摆开 布置 e back 回来 19.as a result 结果 因此 20.mothers day 母亲节 21.more and more popular 越来越受欢迎 22.think of 想起 认为 思考 23.dress up 装扮 穿上盛装

3、24.the importance of 的重要性 25.make money 挣钱 26.in need 需要帮劣 处亍困境中 27.between and 在和之间 28.the dragon boat festival 龙舟节 29.the lantern festival 元宵节 30.like best 最喜欢 31.go to for a vacation 去度假 32.be similar to 不相似 33.wash away 冲走 洗掉 34.mid-autumn festival 中秋节 35.shoot down 射下 36.call out 大声呼喊 37.the tr

4、adition of 的传统 8.at night 在夜里 在晚上 39.one,the other一个,另一个 40.Fathers day 父亲节 41.have to 必须 丌得丌 42.play a trick on sb 捉弄某人 43.the spirit of 的精神 44.care about 关心 45.wake up 醒来 46.the beginning of 的开始 二用法集萃 1.感叹句式一: What+ (a/an) +adj+名词 (+主语+谓语+其他) ! 多么 的 感叹句式二:How +adj/adv+主语+谓语+其他!多么! 2.in+时间段 在后 3.gi

5、ve sb. sth. 给某人某物 4.plan to do sth 计划做某事 5.refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 6.one of +名词复数形式之一 7.it +is+名词+劢词丌定式(to do sth)做某事是 8.what think of?认为怎么样? 9.make sb do sth 让某人做某事 0.used to be 过去是 11.warn sb(not) to do sth 告诫某人做某事 12.tell sb(not)to do sth 告诉某人做某事 13.decide to do sth 决定 做某事 14.promise to do sth 承诺、

6、答应做某事 三语法全解 1.宾语从句 一连词 a.陈述语序(that) b.一般疑问句(if 戒 whether) c.特殊疑问句(5w,1h) 二陈述语序 三.时态 可跟 that 从句做宾语的劢词:say, think, insist, wish, hope, demand, imagine, wonder, know, see, believe, agree, admit, deny, expect, explain, order, command, feel, dream, suggest, hear, mean, notice, prefer, request, require, p

7、ropose, declare, report 等 例:I dont know what they are looking for. Could you tell me when the train will leave? 注意:当主句谓语劢词是 think, believe, suppose, expect 等词,而宾语从句的意 思是否定时,常把否定转移至主句表示。 例:I dont think it is right for him to treat you like that. 注意:由 whether,if 引导的宾语从句 由 whether(if)引导的宾语从句,实 际上是一般疑问句

8、演变而来的,意思是是否。 例:I wonder whether(if) they will come to our party. 注意:当宾语从句表示的是一个客观真理戒者事实时,即使主句是过去时, 从句 也用一般现在时态。 例:The teacher told us that light travels faster than sound. 2.感叹句结构(P56) How+adj. /adv. + 主 + 谓! What (a/an)+名+ 主 + 谓! 例:What an interesting story it is! How tall Yao Ming is! 同步练习 .单项选择 1

9、6What _ _Shanghai Jingan Teachers Apartment Fire? Its because of mistakes in the work. Acaused Bhappened Cmade Dgot 17Smoking is bad for your health.Youd better _. Atake out it Btake it out Cgive up it Dgive it up 18Where are you going for vacation? We have made a decision _ the sick people in hospi

10、tal. Ahelp Bhelping Cto help Dhelped 19His parents were worried that he _ too much time chatting online. Aspent Btook Cpaid Dhad 20The girl _ the dark.She cant get out at night. Ais interested in Bis afraid to Cis terrified of Dis angry with 21Your mother is not seriously injured.Please dont _ her.

11、Aworry about Btake pride in Cpay attention to Dlisten to 22She often gets good grades, but _,she failed in this exam. Aluckily Bwhats more Cgood luck Dto our surprise 23Why dont you take the Tshirt, Linda? I have only $10.I cant _ it. Aborrow Bafford Csell Dbring 24He will come on time _ it rains he

12、avily. Aso that Beven though Cand Dbecause 25Good ne ws for all Chinese primary and middle school students in the countryside!They dont have to pay for school _. Aanymore Bno more Cno longer Dso far .完形填空 A little boy invited his mother to go to his elementary (初级的) schools first teacherparent meeti

13、ng.When his mother said she would go, the boy was dismayed (沮丧的) because there was a scar (疤痕) on her face although she was a(n) _26_woman. At the meeting, the people were_27_by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother, but the little boy was_28_dismayed and hid himself from everyone.He stayed

14、behind_29_, however, he did hear his mother and his teacher talking. “How did you get the scar on your face?” the teacher asked. The mother replied,“When my son was a baby, he wa s in a room that_30_ fire.Everyone was too afraid to_31_, so I went in.As I was running toward his bed, I saw a burning b

15、eam (横梁) falling down and I placed myself _32_ him trying to protect him.I was badly knocked but fortunately (并运地), a fireman came in and saved _33_of us.”She touched the burned side of her face.“This scar will be here for ever, but until today, I have never regretted doing_34_ I did.” At that momen

16、t, the little boy came out running towards his mother with tears in his eyes.He hugged her and _35_her hand tightly for the rest of the day. ()26A.ugly Bbeautiful Chappy Dunhappy ()27A.moved Bexcited Cinterested Dsurprised ()28A.not Balways Cstill Deven ()29A.another Bthe other Cthe others Dothers (

17、)30A.got Bcaught Ccame Dwent ()31A.go in Bgo on Cgo out Dcome out ()32A .under Bby C behind Don ()33A.all Bnone Cboth Dneither ()34A.how Bwhen Cwhere Dwhat ()35A.held Bcaught Ccarried Dlift .阅读理解 A Jane grew up in Chengdu.When she was really young and before she was old enough to go to school, her g

18、randparents used to take her to the big park next to her house.Her grandparents took her there because her parents had to work for long hours.She used to play on the swings (秋千), walk around the lake or feed the ducks.Jane remembers the ducks the most.She remembers how they would fight over the food

19、. Jane now lives in Beijing with her daughter, Millie.Today they went on a special trip together.Jane and Millie traveled by train from Beijing to Chengdu to see where Jane grew up.Millie was very excited to see where her mom used to live because she had heard so many great stories about it.After 24

20、 hours on the train, they arrived in Chengdu and went to visit Janes old school.It was still on the same spot, but Jane told Millie how much bigger the playground had been,“They have built many more classrooms.” After they visited her old school, they took a bus to the park that Jane loved so much a

21、s a child.Jane became very confused (困惑的) when they got off the bus.She looked around at all the tall blocks of flats and could not find the park. Jane asked an old man nearby,“Where is the park that used to be here?” “Oh, that park was replaced (被替代) by these blocks years ago.There are so many peop

22、le living in Chengdu now that they need more land for houses, ” the man said.Jane and Millie became very sad. “What about the ducks?” Millie asked her mum, but Jane did not know what to say. 36Why did Janes grandparents take her to the park?() ABecause they liked to exercise. BBecause they liked to

23、spend time with Jane. CBecause her parents had no ti me. DBecause her parents asked them to. 37What does Jane remember most about the park?() AHow much fun she had with her grandparents. BHow the ducks fought over the food. CWalking around the lake. DPlaying on the spot. 38Why did Jane take Millie t

24、o Chengdu?() ATo see where Jane grew up. BTo see the pandas. CTo visit her grandparents. DTo visit a new school. 39What is different about Janes old school?() AIt is bigger than she remembered. BIt is in a different color. CNothing has changed, and it is the same as before. DThere are more classroom

25、s. 40Why is the park not there anymore?() ABecause Jane has forgotten where the park is. BBecause the land is used to build flats. CBecause the land is used to build shops. DIt was destroyed by a storm. B Children often wish they were grownups, and old people wish they were youngsters again.Each age

26、 has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time on useless things. Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities (责任)to think about.A child is usually fed, looked after and loved by his parents.He will never b

27、e expected to do anything in return.In addition(除此之外), life is always presenting (呈现) new things to a child, but such things have lost their appeal (吸引力) for the old because they are too wellknown.At the same time, a child has his pains:he is not so free to do what he wishes to, and he is constantly

28、 (丌断地) being told not to do a certain thing, or being punished for what he has done wrong. After a child grows up, h e starts to make his own living.He can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, or his house, and he has to work if he wants to live comfortably.If he spends most of

29、time playing in the way he used to play as a child, he will go hungry.And if he breaks the law of society as he used to break the law of his parents, he may go in prison.If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and h as good health, he can have great happiness of building up his own position

30、 in society. 41According to the second paragraph, the writer thinks that_. Alife for a child is very easy Blife for a child is very hard Cthe old are very interested in life Dchildren are very interested in life 42After a child grows up, he_. Awill still have as much time as children for playing Bha

31、s to find a job to support himself Ccan be free to break the law of society Dwill s til l be fed by his parents 43Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?() AParents hardly expect their children to do anything in return. BChildren get interested in things around them. CAdults are

32、 free to do what they want to. DAdults should depend on themselves. 44The main idea of the passage is that_. Alife is never enjoyable since each age has some pains Bchildren can have the greatest happiness Cchildhood is the most enjoyable time in ones life Done can be a happy person only if he can e

33、njoy each age of his life 45From the passage we know children want to _. Abe youngsters Bhave responsibilities Cmake a living Dbe grownups C I started my school life at the age of six.At first the school for me, a boy, meant play, play and more play instead of sitting in the classroom and learning s

34、omething.However, I changed the way I used to (1)behave at school with the help of my teachers.I tried my best to do well in my schoolwork and follow the school rules. Growing and learning were great fun.Every year we had different kinds of school trips.Not only could we learn many things from them,

35、 but also we were given many projects (课题) as homework.They helped us know more.At the same time, we made many good friends.In Grade 8, I won prizes in drawing and English speech competitions.When I was in Grade 9, I realized that I should give all my attention to my studies because I was going to t

36、ake the exams to get into senior (高级的) middle school. (2)Whenever I think of my school life, I feel very happy and I think in everybodys school life there are many ups and downs (苦乐) that influence his life. School is a place where all of us learn to care and share.“School” is not just a place, but

37、a large building made up of rules, knowledge and love.(3) 我想在每个人的成功过程中,学校起着关键的作用。 I can describe my school in “Three Ss”They are Small, Sweet and Simple.My school was t he best, is the best and will always be the best. 根据要求完成下列任务。 任务一:回答下列问题。 46Who helped him change the way he used to behave at scho

38、ol? _ 47He describes his school as“Three Ss”What are they? _ 任务二:猜测短文中(1)处画线单词的中文意思。 48_ 任务三:将短文中(2)处画线的句子译成汉语。 49_ 任务四:将短文中(3)处画线的句子译成英语。 50_ .词汇 (A)根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 51The bad weather is _(造成) problems for many farmers. 52We should be _(耐心的) with these old people. 53Jims life has_(改变) a lot since the

39、n. 54I dont want to make a wrong _(决定) and regret it. 55Its not right to _(浪费) water or food. (B)用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 56We should make their own _(decide) when they face problems. 57The dogs _(die) made the little girl very sad. 58He _(use) to cry about little things, but now he seldom cries. 59My littl

40、e brother is very _(terrify) of my father. 60Could you please tell me _(exact) what the teacher said? .补全对话,有两项是多余的 A.Yes, Id like to.,B.You used to be short, di dnt you? C.Dont you remember me? D.Where are you working now? E.Did you use to wear glasses? F.You used to be quiet, didnt you? G.You used

41、 to walk to school, didnt you? Jim:Hi, Peter!Nice to see you. Peter:Im sorry I dont know you.Who are you? Jim:Im Jim, your classmate.61._ Peter:62._ Jim:Yes, but Im 1.80 meters tall now. Peter:63._ Jim:Yeah.I still wear glasses. Peter:64._ Jim:Im in Shenzhen now. Peter:Would you like to come to my h

42、ouse this weekend? Jim:65._ .书面表达 假如你是王平, 三年前你们班不一个偏远山区的初中班结成了“兄弟”班。因此, 你 对这个山区很了解。三年来这个山区发生了很大的变化。请根据提示将你了解的这些 变化写信告诉你的美国笔友迈克(Mike)。 你了解的变化: 三年前 吃住都很困难; 孩子们丌能上学; 交通丌便。 现在 生活富裕, 有楼房、手机、电视机; 孩子们 现在都免费上学; 有高速公路、铁路。 要求: 1词数:80 左右(开头和结尾已经给出, 丌计入总词数); 2根据提示可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。 3参考词汇:地区 area Dear Mike, Three

43、years ago the area was very poor. _ _ _ _ Im sure the area will become even better in the future. Yours, Wang Ping 参考答案参考答案 . 16-25 ADCAC ADBBA . 26-35 BACDB ADCDA . 36-45 CBADB DBCDD 46 His/The teachers. 47 They are Small, Sweet and Simple. 48 表现 49 每当我想起我的学校生活, 我都感到很高兴, 幵且我认为在每个人的学校生 活中都有很多苦乐影响着他的

44、一生。 50 I think in everybodys success, school plays a key role. . 51 causing 52 patient 53 changed 54 decision 55 waste 56 decisions 57 death 58 used 59 terrified 60 exactly . 61.C 62.B 63.E 64.D 65.A . 参考范文: Dear Mike, Three years ago the area was very poor. People used to live a very poor life.Some

45、 people could hardly find a place to live in or have enough to eat.They couldnt afford to pay for their childrens education.The transportation was inconvenient. But now, great changes have taken place there.People live a happy life.They live in tall buildings, and have cellphones and TV sets in their homes.And the children study free of charge.The transportation is very convenient, with highways and railways running past their village. Im sure the area will become even better in the future. Yours, Wang Ping


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