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1、高中英语易混词汇辨析详解 1. especially, specially especially adv. 特殊地;尤其是特殊地;尤其是 (1)侧重于多种事物或人中比较突出的。 I like all the subjects at school, especially English. (尤其是英语) (2) especially 后可接介词短语或从句。 I like the Yuelu Mountains, especially in spring. (尤其是在春天) Noise is unpleasant, especially when you are trying to sleep.

2、specially 侧重特意地、专门地做某事侧重特意地、专门地做某事 ( (后面常接后面常接 forfor sb. sb. 或或 toto do sth.)do sth.) I made a chocolate cake specially for you. 2. boring, bored, bore boring adj. 令人厌烦的 The book is very boring. bored adj. 感到厌烦的 Im bored with the book. bore vt. 令人厌烦 This book bores me. 有些表示情感的及物动词,有与 bore 类似的用法。如:

3、interest, excite, surprise, amaze, frighten, astonish, move, inspire, touch, scare, disappoint, puzzle, worry 这类词的现在分词形式,为“令 人”;过去分词形式,为“感到”。 3. except for, except, but, besides 表示“除了”的词或短语有:except; but; except for; besides; except that (when.) 等。 (1) except 和 but 都表示“除了之外。 没有”, 二者大多数情况下可以互换; 但在 no,

4、 all, nobody, nothing, no one 等词后多用 but。 No one knows our teachers address except / but him. (排除 him) (2) besides 除之外,还,有附加性。 What other foreign languages do you know besides English? (English 与 other languages 都属于 know 的范围) (3) except for 只不过,整体肯定,部分修正,用于排除非同类事物,for 表示细节上的修正。 Your article is well w

5、ritten except for a few spelling mistakes. 4. know, know of, know about (1) know 用作动词,意思是“(直接地)获知,懂得,认识,熟悉”。 I dont know whether he is here or not. / I know him to be honest. (2) know of 和 know about 的意思都是“(间接地)获知”,指听别人说到或从书 报上看到,二者没有什么区别。 5. for example; such as (1) for example“例如”, 用来举例说明某一论点或情况。

6、一般只举同类人或物中 的“一个”为例,作插入语,可位于句首、句中或句末。可用 for instance 替换。 For example, air is invisible. / His spelling is terrible! Look at this word, for example. (2) such as “例如”,用来列举事物,一般列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。插 在被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,as 后面不可有逗号。 Some of the European Languages come from Latin, such as French, Italian and Spanis

7、h. 注意如把前面所述情况全部举出,用 that is 或 namely。 6. wear, put on, have on, dress, be in, try on (1) wear v. 穿着;戴;蓄须(发);磨损;(脸容)呈现,显出 He is wearing an overcoat today. wear out (把) 穿破;(把) 用坏;(使) 疲乏;(使) 耗尽 I have worn out my shoes. / My patience wore (was worn) out. (2) put on 穿上;戴上(侧重穿着的动作) Put on your sweater, o

8、therwise you will feel cold. (3) dress vt. 给穿衣服 n. 衣服;连衣裙 dress sb. (in sth.) 或 be dressed (in sth.) 注意:穿的衣服接在 in 之后。Mother dressed her baby and then they went downstairs. (4) have on 表示穿着的状态,注意不能用进行时。 At the Spring Festival, all children have on new clothes. (5) be in 表示穿着的状态 There was a girl in re

9、d. (6) try on 试穿 Mother was trying on a new dress. 7. strike, hit, beat (1) hit vt. 打;敲;击;击中;射中 He hit a ball over the fence. / The stone hit him on the head. 使受到打击 The bad news hit every one hard. (2) beat vt. secondly, we should carry it out; finally we should make a conclusion. 11. by sea, by the

10、 sea, in the sea, on the sea, at sea (1) by sea “走海路, 乘船”, 用来表示交通方式, 同 by ship 同义。 These heavy boxes should be sent by sea. (2) by the sea “在海边”,相当于 by (at) the seaside。The children enjoyed themselves by the sea on Childrens Day. (3) in the sea “在海里,在海水中” There are many plants and animals in the sea

11、. (4) on the sea “在海面上”,“在海岸边”。I want to live in a town with a beautiful position on the sea. (5) at sea 在海上;在航海 When he woke up, the ship was at sea. 12. be afraid, be afraid to do sth., be afraid of (doing) sth. (1) be afraid 意为“担心,害怕”,多用于口语,常用来表示一种歉意,或遗憾, 后可接 so 或 not,也可接 that 从句。Im afraid (that)

12、 其语意相当于 Im sorry, but.。 - Are we on time? 我们准时吗? - Im afraid not. 恐怕不准时。Im afraid youll get caught in the rain. (2) be afraid to do sth 常表示“由于胆小而不敢做某事”。She is afraid to be here alone. / He is afraid to jump into the river from the bridge. (3) be afraid of (doing) sth. 常表示“担心或害怕某事(发生)”。I was afraid o

13、f hurting her feelings. 13. live, living, alive, lively (1) live adj. 活的;活生生的;(只修饰生物;只作前置定语) The laboratory is doing experiments with several live monkeys. 实况直播的 (不是录音)It wasnt a recorded show. It was live. 带电的;燃着的;可爆炸的 This is a live wire. (2) living adj. 活着的,有生命的(作表语或定语) She was, he thought, the b

14、est living novelist in England. / The old man is still living. (或 alive) (3) alive adj. 活着的; 有活力的;有生气 作后置定语:Whos the greatest man alive? 作表语:Was the snake alive or dead? / My grandmother is more alive than a lot of young people. 作补语:Lets keep the fish alive. (4) lively adj. 活泼的; 有生气的; 活跃的(作表语或定语) Th

15、e music is bright and lively. 14. take off, take down, take in, take on, take up (1) take off (飞机)起飞 A helicopter is able to take off and land straight up or down. 脱下(衣裳等);取下 He took off his wet shoes. / Who took the knob off the door? 休假;请假;歇工 When his wife was sick he took off from work. (指观念、产品)

16、大受欢迎;(事业)突然发达,成功 The new type of cell phones has really taken off. / His business began to take off when he was in his forties. (2) take down 拿下来;取下来 He reached up to the third shelf of the bookcase and took down a dictionary. 记下来 He read out the names and his secretary took them down. (3) take in 接

17、受 (房客,客人等);收留 The farmers took in the lost travelers for the night. 理解;领会;明白 The boys could not take in his meaning. 包括;涉及 The study of physics takes in many different subjects. 使上当;欺骗 We were completely taken in by her story. (4) take on 接受;从事(某工作) After his father died, Bill took on the management

18、 of the factory. 雇用 Is the supermarket taking on any more assis- tant? 具有(新面貌、意思等) The city has taken on a new look. (5) take up 从事某项活动; 发展某种爱好 So many young men want to take up writing. 开始做(某项工作);开始学习(某个课程) Then she took up the task of getting the breakfast. / He dropped medicine and took up physic

19、s. 占去 (时间或空间) The meeting took up the whole morning. / The table takes up too much room. 接受 Id like to take up your offer of a ride into town. 15. call for, call on, call up (1) call for 来找(某人);来取(某物) Ill call for you at your house. 要求;需要 Success in school calls for much hard work. (2) call on call

20、on / upon sb. 拜访;去会(某人) I hope to call on you at your office at 3 oclock today. call on / upon sb. to do sth. 请叫某人做某事 He called upon me to speak immediately. 号召;呼吁;要求 The President called on his people to serve the country. (3) call up 给打电话 (英 ring up) I tried to call you up last night, but no one a

21、nswered the phone. 征召入役;调用 (后备部队) Three boys in our street were called up last week. 16. too much, much too (1) too much “太多”之意,可以作形容词,修饰不可数 名词,也可作副词, 修饰动词。 There is too much rain here in spring. / She talked too much at the meeting. (2) much too “简直太,过于”,只能作副词,用来修饰 形容词或别的副词, 不能修饰动词。This book is muc

22、h too difficult for me. / The old man walks much too slowly. 17. custom, habit (1) custom 指传统风俗、 习俗, 也可指生活习惯, 后接不定式。 They broke some of the old customs. / It is the custom in China to eat dumplings during the spring Festival. (2) habit 指个人生活习惯。“(有)养成习惯”常 用 be in / fall into / get into / form / have

23、the habit of doing sth. 句 型;“戒掉习惯”常用 give up / kick / break away from / get out of the habit of doing sth. 句型。Its easy to get into a bad habit but its hard to give it up. / The drug easily get one into the habit of smoking. 18. arise, rise, raise raise vt.“使上升;升起;提高”等; rise vi.“上升;升起”; arise vi.“站起来

24、(stand up)”,“起床(get up)”,rise 和 arise 用作站起,起床 都属正式用法; arise 主要表示“出现、发生”等意思。 She raised her voice in anger. (抬高) The wind raised the fallen leaves from the ground. (刮起) The child rose from the ground and ran to his mother. (=The child raised himself from the ground and ran to his mother.) (爬起) She ri

25、ses before it is light. (起床) Difficulties will arise as we do the work. (出现) 19. realize,come true realize 和 come true 都有“实现(理想愿望等)”之意,但两者用法不同。 realize 是及物动词,常用于 sb. realize sth. 这种结构;come true 是不及物动词词组,通常用来表示“理想、 愿望等”的名词作句子的主语。 The Chinese people are working hard to realize the modernization. 中国人民正

26、在为实现现代化而努力工作。 His dream of becoming a teacher came true. 他当教师的理想实现了。 20. be able to, can (could) (1) be able to 可用于多种时态,can 只有现在时和过去时 could。 One day people will be able to run a kilometre in two minutes. 总有一天人们会两分钟跑完一千米的。(一般将来时) He has not been able to come. 他没能来。(现在完成时) (2) can 和 could 除了表示“能力”,还可表

27、示“可能性”。 My grandmother can be very unpleasant at times. 我的祖母有时候会让人非常不愉快。 (3) be able to 的过去式 was / were able to 表示在过去某时的某一场合设法 做成了某事,相当于 managed to do;而 could 则无此意义。 The fire was very big; only a few people were able to escape from it. 21. ruin, destroy, damage 三个词都有“毁灭”、 “破坏”之意, 但它们的含义不同: ruin 强调毁灭

28、的彻底性, 并且是一次性地行动。 这种毁灭也许力量不是很大, 但其严重性却使其不能修复。 它强调的是破坏的长期结果;destroy 指通过某种有力的或粗暴的手段使之毁灭 或无用,一般不能或很难修复,有时用于比喻意义;damage 则指对价值和动能 的破坏,多用于无生命的东西,一般还可以修复。 Youll ruin your health if you go On like that. 这样下去你会毁了你的健康。 The earthquake destroyed many lives. 这次地震夺走许多人的生命。 The strong wind damaged several houses. 强

29、风损坏了几间房子。 22. join in, take part in, attend, join (1) take part in + activities / work, discussion / research 等。 take part in 强调参与性, 特别是有众多人参加的活动, 含在活动中起一定作用, 负有责任之意。 Millions of workers took part in (=joined in) the strike / revolutionary movement / fighting 数以百万计的工人参加了罢工革命运动斗争。 He took an active p

30、art in (joined actively in) international academic exchanges. 他积极参加国际学术交流活动。 Well take part in social activities during summer vacation. 这个暑假我们将参加社会活动。 (2) join 可表示参加一个组织或成为其中一员或与人为伴,和某人一起做某事, 而 take part in 则不这样用。 He joined the army / League / Part / club / students union. 他参军入团入党参加俱乐部学生会。 Please j

31、oin us / my family / Mary. 和我们家人玛丽作伴。 (3)join in + activities (相当于 take part in) 或 join sb.in + activities. 指和他人 一起参加活动、比赛等。 I didnt join them in writing that book. 我没有参编那本书。 All of us joined in the English speech competition. 我们都参加了英语演讲比赛。 (4) attend v.“参加”是正式用语,指出席会议,参加婚礼,典礼等,又可指上学, 上课,听报告。 He was

32、 invited to attend Marys wedding ceremony. 他被邀请参加玛丽的婚礼。 23. competition, game, race, match (1) competition 意为“比赛”,“竞争”,可指各种形式上的竞赛。 (2) game 意为“游戏”,“比赛”,通常指有一定规则,凡参加者均需遵守,可指 连续的游戏或比赛活动中的一局。说球赛时,一般用 game,美国人用 game,英 国人则用 match。 另外 game 用作复数时可指大型体育运动会, 如: Olympic Games 奥运会,the Asian Games 亚运会。 (3) race

33、 通常指一种跑的竞赛,可以是人也可以是动物,一般不指短距离赛跑 (短距离赛跑用 dash),如:赛跑,赛马,赛车,赛船等。 (4) match 常指体育代表团之间的较重大的公开赛,在有些情况下与 game 相 同,一般指竞技比赛。如:拳击,网球,高尔夫球等。 24. hold, take place, happen (1) hold 为及物动词,“举行;召开”。 The meeting will be held next Sunday. (2) take place 指按计划或安排所要发生的事情,它是不及物动词短语,不能带 宾语,没有被动语态。 The meeting is going to

34、take place tomorrow. (3) happen 多指偶然发生的事,不及物动词,无被动形式。 Do you know what has happened over there? 25. more than, morethan (1) more than 主要有以下用法: 后接名词,表示超出该名词之所指,意为“不只是,不止”。 Bamboo is used for more than building. 竹子不仅仅用于建筑。 后接形容词或动词,用来加强语气,“很;非常”。 She is more than pleased with her daughters performance

35、. 她对女儿的演出十分 高兴。 后接副词,加强语气,表“十分”,“不止”之意。 He was dressed more than simply. 他穿的岂止是朴素,简直近乎破烂了。 后接含有情态动词 Carl 的从句,其本意是“超过”,常用来表示否定意义, 可译为:“简直不”,“远非”。 The beauty of this city is more than words can describe. 这城市之美是无法用语 言描述的。 后接数词,表示超出该数,意思是“多于;大于”。 The factory turns out more than one hundred cars daily. 该

36、厂日产汽车一百多辆。 (2) more.than 结构中间常插入形容词或副词,表示以下两种含义: 表示普通的比较级,指两种不同的事物(人)在同一属性上的比较。 This coat is more expensive than that one. 表示“与其说是不如说是”,指对同一事物的两种属性进行选择。 She is more diligent than wise. 与其说她聪明,不如说她勤奋。 26. weigh,weight,weighty weigh vt. 称;vi. 重 weight n. 重量;重要性 weighty adj. 重的 They weighed the apples

37、they picked from the trees. 他们把从树上摘下来的苹果过了秤。 The goods were carefully weighed before they were shipped off. 货物在用船运走之前仔细过了称。 - How much does the box weigh? - It weighs six pounds. “这个箱子重多少?”“重六磅。” What is your weight? = How much do you weigh? 你的体重有多少? 27. spend, cost, take, pay, pay for (1) spend 的主语

38、必须是“人”,宾语可以是钱、精力、时间等,其后用 on+名词 或用 in(可省略) + 动名词形式,不接不定式。He spends much money on books. 他平时将很多钱用在买书上。 / He spent a lot of money (in) buying a new car. 他花 很多钱买一辆新车。 (2) cost 的主语必须是“物”或“事”,表示“费用”、“耗费”,后接 life,money, health,time 等,侧重于“花费”的代价。The book cost him one dollar. 这 本书用了他一美元。/ Making experiments

39、like this costs much time and labor. 做 这样的实验要花很多时间和劳力。 注意cost 后不能与具体的时间长度连用, 只能与表示抽象概念的时间短语连 用。如:some time, much time, ten years of hard work 等。可说 It cost him ten years of work. 不可说 It cost him ten years to work. (3) take 表示“花费”时,其主语一般是“一件事”,有时主语也可以是人,它说明 事情完成“花费了”。 It took me ten minutes to go to t

40、he post office. 到邮局用去了我十分钟时间。/ The producer took two years to make the film. 制 片商用了两年时间拍这部新影片。 说明说明 take.to do sth. 句型侧重完成该动作花费的时间, 而spend.doing sth. 有时并不说明动作的完成。It took him an hour to read the book.他用一小 时读完了这本书。 / He spent an hour (in) reading the book.他用了一小时读这本书。 (是否读完并未说明) (4) pay 的基本意思是“支付”, 作为及

41、物动词, 宾语可 以是“人”、 “钱”。 He paid the taxi and hurried to the station. 他付了出租车的钱,急忙向车站赶去。 Well pay you in a few days. 几天后我们会给你钱。 (5) pay for 的宾语为“物”、“事”,for 表示支付的原因。 Youll have to pay me ten dollars a week for your meals.你得每周付给我十美元饭钱。 注意注意 (1)下面两句中 pay for 的意义不同。Of course we have to pay for what we buy.当然

42、我们买东西得付钱。Dont worry about money. Ill pay for you. 别 担心钱,我会替你付的。 (2) pay the bill 付账;pay taxes 纳税;pay wages 发工资 以上以上 paypay 后不能加后不能加 forfor 28. agree with, agree to, agree on (1) agree with 的意思是“同意”,“赞成”。后面常接表示人或意见(看法)的 名词或代词作宾语。Does she agree with us? 她同意我们的意见吗? agree with 还有“与一致”, “(气候、 食物等)适合”的意思。

43、 His words do not agree with his actions.他言行不一致。Too much meat doesnt agree with her.吃太多肉食对她身体不合适。 注意注意agreeagree withwith 不能用于被动语态。不能用于被动语态。 (2) agree to 意为“同意”,“赞成”,后面跟表示“提议”,“办法”,“计划”,“安排” 等的名词或代词。Please agree to this arrangement.请同意这个安排。 (3) agree on 表示“对取得一致意见”,指两方或多方就某个问题取得了一 致的意见或是达成了某种协议。Afte

44、r discussion the two sides agreed on a cease-fire. 经过讨论,双方就停火问题达成了协议。 29. common, ordinary, usual, normal (1) common“常见的,普遍的”(即“司空见惯的”意思) common names 常见的名字; common mistakes 常犯的错误; common sense 常识; common event 普通(平凡)的事件; common use 普遍用法 common 还有“共同的”意思。 common interest 共同的兴趣; common language 共同语言;

45、 common market 共同市场; common purpose 共同目标 短语短语 have much / a lot in common 有很多共同之处 have nothing / little in common 没有共同之处 (2) ordinary 普通的,平凡的(强调“平淡无奇”) an ordinary worker 一个普通工 人;ordinary-looking 相貌平常的 (3) usual 通常的,惯常的(强调“遵循常例”) It is a usual thing with him. 这件事 他习以为常。 短语短语 as usual 像往常一样;it is usu

46、al for sb. to do sth. (4) normal 正常的,正规的 (即“合乎标准”) normal temperature 正常体温; normal state 正常状态 短语短语 above / below normal 标准以上(以下),return to normal 恢复正常 30. in away, in the way, by the way, by way of (1) in a way 意为“在某种程度上”,相当于 in one way, in some way。 The reforms are an improvement in a way.这些变革从某种意义

47、上说是一种进步。 (2) in the way 挡路 A big stone is in the way. Move it away, please.一块大石头挡在路上,请把它搬 开。 (3) by the way 顺便问一下,在途中 They stopped for a rest by the way. 他们途中停下来休息一下。 By the way, could you show me the way to the station? 顺便问一下, 你能指给我 去车站的路吗? (4) by way of 途经,路经(某处);作为,当作 He is travelling to Shenzhen

48、 by way of Beijng. 他经北京去深圳。 Lets go to the restaurant for supper by way of a change. 我们今天去饭店吃晚 饭,换一下口味。 31. first of all,above all,first,at first (1)first of all“首先,第一”,指按照时问顺序处于第一位的。(强调顺序) First of all, we must check the number 首先,我们要核对一下数目。 First of all, let me say how glad I am to be here. 首先我要说,

49、米到这里我是多 么高兴。, (2) above all“首先,最重要的足”,相当于 most important of all。(强调重要性) We must work hard, and above all we must believe that each of us is able to do something well. 我们必须努力工作,尤其重要的是我们必须相信,我们每个人都 能做好一些事情。 (3) first“首先”,是从动作的先后角度来考虑的。 Before we go,I must first change my clothes. 在走之前我得先换衣服。 (4) at fi

50、rst“起初”,相当于 at the beginning,含有后来不这样了的意思。 At first I didnt like her, but now I do. 起初我不喜欢她,但现在我喜欢了。 32. hurt,harm,wound,injure (I)hurt “伤害,受伤”,主要用于有生命的东西,多指肉体方面的伤害,常伴有 痛感。作借喻时常指对精神或感情方碰的伤害。hurt 作不及物动词时表示 “疼痛”。 He fell off the bike and hurt his arm. 他从自行车上跌下来伤了手臂。 (2) harm “损害,伤害”,指使有生命或无生命的东西不再完整、美丽


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