接力版四年级下册英语-Lesson 15 Where is Tom -ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:e03bb).zip

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  • 接力2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Lesson 15 Where is Tom _ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:e03bb)
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Where is your chairs? Where is your chairs? Its in the classroom. Its in the classroom. Where is your desk? Where is your desk? Its in the classroom. Its in the classroom. classroom bedroom kitchen bathroom bedroom -Where is Tom? -He is in the bedroomkitchenbathroom Where is Tom? -He is in the bedroomkitchenbathroom Lucy -Where is Lucy? -She is in the bedroomkitchenbathroom Lucy -Where is Lucy? -She is in the bedroomkitchenbathroom -Where is Lucy? - She is in the Lucy bedroomkitchenbathroom -Where is Lucy? -She is in the Lucy 两人一组,运用所学的知识来询问小猫在那里,学生两人一组,运用所学的知识来询问小猫在那里,学生 A A假设假设 将小猫放在任一房间中,学生将小猫放在任一房间中,学生B B回答地点。回答地点。 A: Where is the cat? B: She is in the Riddle: There are many desks and chairs in it. You can have classes there. Whats it? - classroom - Where are Tom and Lucy? - They are in the classroom. - Where are Tom and Lucy? - They are in the reading room. - Where are Tom and Lucy? - They are in the cinema. Tom and Lucy, Tom and Lucy. Where are they? Where are they? They are in the reading room. They are in the reading room. Yes, thank you! Yes, thank you! 1.Where is Jerry? 2. Why does Tom always ask Jerry: Where are you? 3. Who often asks you: Where are you? Why? 1. 1. 介词介词on/inon/in区别:区别:onon 在在上面上面 in in 在在里面里面 2. 2. bathroombathroom:一般指家里的卫生间。:一般指家里的卫生间。 toilettoilet:主要指公共场所的厕所。:主要指公共场所的厕所。 3. 3. 外出时请向父母说清楚要去的地方和回家的外出时请向父母说清楚要去的地方和回家的 时间,做一个不让父母担心的孩子。时间,做一个不让父母担心的孩子。 1. 1. ReadRead afterafter thethe tapetape forfor 3 3 times.times. 跟读课文录音跟读课文录音3 3遍。遍。 2. 2. CopyCopy thethe newnew wordswords andand sentences.sentences. 抄写本课单词和句子。抄写本课单词和句子。 Lesson 15 Where is Tom? 一、教材分析一、教材分析 “Look,listen and say”板块通过 Ann 和 Tom 的对话复习已知句型“Where is.?”并呈现新句 型“Where are.?”及其回答“They are.”。课文提供了六个 场景供学生替换练习,学生们能 通过大量的练习进一步理解、区分、掌握以上句型的语用功能以及 be 动词的选用。 教学目标教学目标 1.语言知识目标 (1)能听懂、会说、认读单词 kitchen,kid,bedroom,classroom,bathroom 能对询问位置的特殊疑问句“Where are.?”进行完整回答“They are.”。 2.能力目标。 能在图片、实物的帮助下或在真实情境中,运用句型“Where are?”询问位置并进行完整 回答“They are in the.”。【版权所有:21 教育】 3.情感态度目标 (1)了解房间的英文名称,初步认知房间英文单词的组成形式。 (2)能乐于与同伴合作,积极参加小组语言学习活动。 (3)培养学生积极学习英语的兴趣。 三、教学重难点三、教学重难点 1.单词、句型的掌握和运用。 2.be 动词单复数的使用,并准确运用句型。 四、教学准备四、教学准备 多媒体课件、教学挂图、单词卡、配套音响等。 五、教学流程设计五、教学流程设计 1.热身活动。 (1) Greeting。 Lets sing。 运用两只老虎的曲调改编歌曲: Where is your chairs? Where is your chairs? Its in the classroom. Its in the classroom. Where is your desk? Where is your desk? Its in the classroom. Its in the classroom. (板书 Where is Tom?) 2.新知呈现与操练。 (1)由歌曲引出单词 classroom 进行教学:Whats this? Yes,this is our classroom.教师领读 单词。教师继续对学生提问:So where is your desk? Where is .(班中某同学名字。可以多 问几个。 )2 1(2) 教学新单词kitchen,bedroom,kid,bathroom. (3) 由图片引出 Where is Tom?w和 Where is Lucy? 3 活动:猜一猜教师做动作学生猜测地点,进行复习相应单词。2-1-c-n-j-y (1)教师提问:What are Tom and Lucy? 学生回答:They are in the classroom.依次复习之前 学过的单词 read room、cinema. (2)Sing a song. (3) Make a dialogue 对照板书复习两句型:Where is? Where are? 小组或同桌之间练习对话。对话内容可按照课本给出的示例,也可用学生所熟悉的单 词替换,由学生自编自练。随后,进行对话展示,比一比哪组编创 的对话最流畅。 3.巩固拓展。 (1)活动:开火车 小组内的同学依次开火车来进行对话。 4.总结。 学生梳理本节课的重点词汇和语句,让学生自己总结本节课的收获,最终形成对学习结果 的自我总结。 六、作业布置六、作业布置 1.听录音并跟读词句若干遍。 2.抄写新单词。 3.和自己的好朋友就课文图片进行对话。 七、板书设计 Lesson 15 Where is Tom? Where is ? He/ She is in the kitchen bathroom Whre are ? They are in the bedroom Class room reading room cinem
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