冀教版(三起)五下-Unit 3 Writing Home-Lesson 17 Danny's Email-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:400cd).zip

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五年级上册冀教版 Lesson 17 Dannys Email I have . You have . My egg is your orange. Lets , the coat. ! Theres a map. LOREM IPSUM DOLOR LOREM put on an egg an orange A map of China in front of get up Look out LOREM IPSUM DOLOR LOREM Tick what you learned from the listening. 【 】The email address 【 】The weather 【 】The people in Beijing 【 】Dannys friends 【 】 go to Beijing 【 】Beijing trip 【 】 come home Questions 1.What is Dannys email address? 2.How is the weather in Beijing? 3.Whats his feelings about the trip? 4.When will Danny go back home? To: From: dannycompmail.ca Subject:Hello ! . Dear Steven, Im in Beijing. Hows the weather in Canada? Is it snowy? In Beijing, it is sunny. There is no snow. People here are kind. What a great trip! Im coming home to Canada on February 8. Your friend, Danny Whats Dannys email address? Hows the weather in Beijing? Whats his feelings about the trip? When will Danny go back Canada? wonderful happy Beijing Trip To: From: dannycompmail.ca Subject:Hello ! . Dear Steven, Im in Beijing. Hows the weather in Canada? Is it snowy? In Beijing, it is sunny. There is no snow. People here are kind. What a great trip! Im coming home to Canada on February 8. Your friend, Danny When will Danny go back Canada? Well miss you. Dont forget to write to us. We hope you come back again. Say goodbye to Jenny and Danny. Lets make an albumn. 小组合作,制作相册集小组合作,制作相册集 。 Dear Danny, Its cold and snowy in Canada now. Im wearing my new winter coat. Are there many famous places in Beijing? Remember to take some pictures. Ill be happy to see you again. Say hi to your friends for me. Your friend, Steven To:dannycompmail.ca From: Subject:Hello from Steven! 1. This is an email from Steven. ( ) 2. This email is to Jenny. ( ) 3.Steven is Dannys friend. ( ) 4. Its sunny in Canada. ( ) 5. Steven is in Beijing. ( ) Yesanpo Mountain Gulian Lotus Pond Baiyangdian Junxiao Square Baishishan Mountain Dear Danny, How are you? I miss you very much. Do you want to come to Baoding? Baoding is a . . . . Your Friend, _ 1. Write an email to your friends to talk about your school life. 2. Play letter games with your friends. 冀教版 五年级下册 Dannys Email 教学内容 本课为冀教版小学英语(三起)五年级下册 Unit 3 Writing Home. Lesson 17 Dannys Email。本单元,孩子们将学习关于写 信、明信片和电子邮件的词汇和表达。他们将懂得如何书写信件、 明信片和电子邮件,选用每种方式的理由和好处以及如何传递信 息。本课讲述的是 Liming 一行人的北京之旅即将结束,Danny 给 好友发送电子邮件描述旅行,并且学会如何表达告别。 学情分析 本册教材面对的是小学五年级的学生,他们活泼好动,爱唱 爱跳,表达欲望很强,愿意积极参与课堂的教学活动,但由于年 龄特点,长时间的注意力集中较难。所以课上要设计多种多样的 教学活动,保持学生的学习兴趣。并且教师要多鼓励学生,肯定 学生的表现成果,帮助学生树立自信心。 1.知识与技能目标 (1)学生能听懂、会说、认读和书写下列词汇:kind, us。 (2)学生能认读、理解并运用下列句型结构: Hows the weather in Canada? Is it snowy? Its sunny. There is no snow. What a great trip. (3)学生能了解“辅音+元音”型英语连读规则。 2.情感态度目标 (1)学生能体会到英语学习的乐趣,本课学生在小组合作活动 中与其他同学积极配合与合作,在真实情景下完成文本的创编。 (2)关注每一名学生的情感,努力营造宽松、民主、和谐的教 学氛围。学生只有对自己、对英语及其文化、对英语学习有积极 的情感,才能保持英语学习的动力并取得成绩。 (3)通过本课学习,学生能感受电子邮件的方便快捷,并试着 用电子邮件向朋友家人表达自己的问候。 3.过程与方法目标 学生能够积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,培养了学生 的交际策略(在小组活动中能用英语与他人交流,并能有效地寻 求老师或同学的帮助)。在本课中,根据情景拓展练习,学生在 小组内积极参与,共同合作,并主动向老师或同学请教,编出满 意的对话。 教学重点 1.学生能听懂、会说、认读 kind, us。 2.学生能认读、理解并运用下列句型结构: Hows the weather in Canada? Is it snowy? Its sunny. There is no snow. What a great trip. 3.学生能发送电子邮件,并试着表达告别。 教学难点学生能运用电子邮件跟朋友家人互动。 教学准备幻灯片,单词卡片,手机、同屏器等 教学方法任务型教学法、交际法、情景教学法等 教学过程 I IWarm-up(Warm-up( 5 5 minutesminutes ) ) 1.Greetings( ( 5 5 minutesminutes ) ) 2.Lets Chant:教授“辅音+元音”连读 【设设计计意意图图】拍手歌谣激发学生学习兴趣,在轻松快乐中习得“辅音+元音” 连读。 II.II. NewNew Concepts(Concepts( 2525 minutesminutes ) ) 1.Brainstorming(1.Brainstorming( 5 5 minutesminutes ) ) 出示 Danny 图片,引发学生发散思维。 T:look! This is Danny. What is he doing? 鼓励若干名学生使用现在进行时现在进行时去回答,接着教师出示电脑图片,继续鼓 励学生 Danny 在利用电脑做什么。 T: Is he playing computer games? Can you guess? 【设设计计意意图图】读前预测,鼓励学生运用已有的知识去解决问题,很好地做 到了新旧知识的交融。 T:Yes, he is writing an email. Who will receive this email? His father? His mother? Lets see. 2.2. 初读课文,找出信息。初读课文,找出信息。( ( 3 3 minutesminutes ) ) 教师播放文本,指示学生观看。 T: Tick what you learned from the text. 【设设计计意意图图】让学生初步阅读,了解文章大意。 3.3. 细读文章,挖掘文本。细读文章,挖掘文本。( ( 8 8 minutesminutes ) ) 学生以小组为单位,按照老师的要求在文中画出关键句。T:Please read Dannys email with your group again and underline the answers like this. 【设设计计意意图图】为学生渗透良好的阅读习惯。 (1)T: Whats Dannys email address? 教师示意学生将写件人和收件人 的电子邮件地址填写在正确地方。 (2)T:Hows the weather in Beijing? 教师将 There is no snow.板书 在黑板上。教师可延伸话题: Hows the weather today? Is it 【 】The email address 【 】The weather 【 】The people in Beijing 【 】Dannys friends 【 】 go to Beijing 【 】Beijing trip 【 】 come home 1. What is Dannys email address? 2. How is the weather in Beijing? 3. Whats his feelings about the trip? 4. When will Danny go back home? rainy? 鼓励学生回答: No, its sunny. There is no rain.教师可继 续提问: Hows the weather in Canada? Do you have any ideas?教 师可适当提醒,加拿大的地理位置靠北,比北京的温度要偏低。 (3)T:Whats Dannys feelings about the trip? Ss: People here are kind.(师教授 kind,并鼓励学生:Everyone should be kind. Everyone should be helpful.) Ss: What a great trip!观看视频,回忆北京之旅,并向学生提问: What do you think of their trip?鼓励学生自告奋勇回答。在学生说出 good, great, nice, fun, interesting, wonderful 等形容词之后,导入句 型 What a/an _ trip.并尝试让学生试着去表达。 【设设计计意意图图】增加与学生交流的机会,增进学生的学习体验,展示学生思考 的成果,培养学生的思维品质,以增加学生对文章的理解。 (4)T: When will Danny go back home? Ss: On February 8. T: Well. I am sorry to tell you that the trip is over. Danny and Jenny will say goodbye to Liming. Lets see. 观看 part2 视频。 T: What do you want to say to them. How to say goodbye?鼓励学生 自由表达。 T: Clever. Do you want to give them some gifts?让自告奋勇的学生表 达,并给予奖励。 T: I have an idea. Lets make an album. Well miss you. Dont forget to write to us. I hope you come back again. 4. 小组合作,制作相册。小组合作,制作相册。( ( 5 5 minutesminutes ) ) 在老师的指导下准备开始制作北京之旅的相册集。学生分工合作,用胶粘贴 在相应页上。小组展示成果,教师给出评价。 【设设计计意意图图】增加课堂趣味性,帮助学生回顾北京之旅,同时感受告别,学 会告别。 5.5. 课堂实战,检测阅读。课堂实战,检测阅读。( ( 4 4 minutesminutes ) ) 以 Steven 的回信为阅读文本,检测学生的阅读能力。 IIIIII Extending(Extending( 8 8 minutesminutes ) ) 1.1.拓展升华,书写邮件。拓展升华,书写邮件。 T:Summer holiday is coming. Do you want to see Danny and play with him. Lets write to him and invite him to Baoding. 教师用课件展示保定著名景点,并说明要求,给与学生足够的时间,教师一 定要四处走动,以便提供必要的帮助。 2.2.展示成果,积极评价。展示成果,积极评价。 教师利用同屏器,将学生的邮件上传到电子白板,学生朗读信件,表达出对 Danny 的盛情邀请,同时也抒发对家乡保定的热爱之情。教师和学生观众对 演讲者进行口头评价,以掌声表示鼓励。 【设设计计意意图图】以邀请 Danny 来保定旅游为契机,培养学生热爱家乡,热爱美 好事物的情怀。 1. This is an email from Steven.(T/F) 2. This email is to Jenny.(T/F) 3. Steven is Dannys friend.(T/F) 4. Its sunny in Canada.(T/F) 5. Steven is in Beijing.(T/F) Homework(Homework( 2 2 minutesminutes ) ) A. Write an email to your friends or family to introduce your school life.(必做) B. Find more information about interesting places of Baoding.(选 做) 【设设计计意意图图】面向全体学生,设计分层作业,检测教学目标是否达成。 板 书 设 计 Lesson 17 Dannys Email . . 课 后 反 思 本课师注重多模态英语教学,极大调动了生的积极性,课堂气氛 较活跃,学生参与的积极性很高。 本课的不足之处是由于教学内容较多,课堂设计环节较冗杂,未 能照顾到全体学生,部分学生未能充分展现自己,师应创设更多开口 讲英语的机会,给与学生一个展现自我的平台。 Weather: Is it snowy? There is no snow. People: kind What a /an _ trip! Say goodbye to
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