冀教版(三起)六下Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home-Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:60654).zip

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Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming 教材分析:教材分析: 本课是小学英语六年级冀教版第四单元第四课,Li Ming 的加拿大之旅即将 结束,于是 Jenny 和 Danny 给 Li Ming 精心策划了一场意外的告别晚会。主要 通过打电话邀请 Steven 来参加聚会来让学生学会电话用语,练习口语交际能力。 教学目标教学目标 1、知识目标 : (1)准确熟练拼读以下单词:early、late、party (2)理解并熟练朗读课文 。 (3)掌握短语:call sb.(给某人打电话) ;answer the phone(接电话)。 (4)掌握相关电话用语:接电话的人第一句话说“hello”,相当于汉语中的“喂”; 打电话的人要自我介绍,电话用语“我是某某”应该说:“It is calling.”或 This is speaking. 2、能力目标: (1)掌握相关电话用语:接电话的人第一句话说“hello”,相当于汉语中的“喂”; 打电话的人要自我介绍,电话用语“我是某某”应该说:“It is calling.”或 This is speaking. (2)学会用英语打电话,培养学生用英语表达的能力。 3、情感目标: (1)培养学生对英语的兴趣。 (2)通过和伙伴之间的交流,让学生珍惜友谊、关心朋友、关爱他人。 (3)敢于用英语表达自己的真实感受。 教学重难点教学重难点 1重点: 1)词汇:early、late、party 2)短语: call sb.(给某人打电话) ;answer the phone(接电话) 2难点: 1)学会电话用语“hello”和“It is calling.”、 “This isspeaking.” 2)学会用英语打电话。 教学方法:教学方法:讲授式教学方法和训练与实践式教学方法相结合 教学准备:教学准备:黑板、录音机、图片 教学过程:教学过程: Step1、Class opening and review 1. Greeting T: Good afternoon, class. Ss: Good afternoon, teacher. T: Today we are going to learn a new lesson: Lesson 28 A Party for Li Ming. Let us have a party for Li Ming with Danny and Jenny. 2、Review T: Last time, we learnt two words “before” and ”after”, do you remember? Ss: Yes, we do. (在黑板上写上“before” 和”after”) T: What is the meaning of “before”? Ss:在之前 T: What is the meaning of“after”? Ss:在之后 T: Very good, you have a good memory. Step2、New concepts Learn New Words 1、在黑板中央画一个数轴代指时间,轴上一点代表英语课开始的时间(八 点钟)在 8:00 左侧写上 before,右侧写上 after,如图所示: before 8:00 after 引导学生对话如下: T: Class, please answer my question, when does our English class begin? Ss: It begins at 8:00 T: Right.请一位同学站在 before 下面。Look! Here is Wang Binglin. He came before 8: 00, so he is early for our English class. (在黑板上 before 下面写上单词 early,如图所示:) before 8 :00 after early Follow me, early. Ss: Early. T: Can you guess the meaning of “early”? Ss: Yes, 早的 T: Yes, you are so clever. (指着讲台上的同学)Is he early? Ss: Yes, he is early. T: Right. (拍着这位同学的肩膀)Good work! You are early for English class. 2、请另一位同学站在 after 下面。 T: Look!Here is Wang Xiaonan. She came after 8:00, so she is late for our English class. (黑板上 after 下 面写上 late,如图所示:) before 8:00 after early late Follow me please, late. Ss: Late . T: Can you guess the meaning of “late”? Ss: Yes. 迟到的 T: Yes, very good! Is she late? Ss: Yes, she is late. T: (对讲台上同学说) Please do not be late for our English class again. 3、出示一张同学们办聚会时的照片。 T: Look at the picture, class. This is a party. (黑 板上书写 party,如图所示:) before 8:00 after early late party Follow me please, party. Ss: Party! T: What does a party have, class? Student A: A party has many people. Student B: A party has many delicious food。 Student C: A party has many drinks. T: Yes. A party has many people, many delicious food, many drinks and so on. That is a party, do you like the party? Ss: Yes, we do. 4、教师领读 early、late、party 三个新单词,请个别学生示范,然后让全体学生 齐读,并拼读一遍。 Focus On The Test 1. Listen to the tape. Listen to the tape and answer the teacher s question: How many people are coming to the party? (听录音,回答问题。 ) Ask the students to read the test together. (齐读) 2、Test explaining 教师讲解课文,要求学生掌握以下英语知识: 短语:call sb.(给某人打电话) ;answer the phone(接电话) 相关电话用语:接电话的人第一句话说“hello”,相当于汉语中的“喂”;打电 话的人要自我介绍,电话用语“我是某某”应该说:“It is calling.”或 This isspeaking. 3、分角色朗读课文,在情境中学习生活中的英语。 Step3、Practice 1、2 人一组,以“一对一”的形式练习打电话(教师深入学生,查看学生练习 情况) 。 2、请 2-3 组同学到讲台上展示练习成果,教师给予适当评价。 Step4、Closing 1. 总结本课重点: 学会 3 个英语单词:early、late、party 熟悉电话用语,学会打电话。 2、Homework: 课下 2 人一组练习打电话,内容为“邀请某个朋友 参加聚会”。 做同步练习册相关练习题。 板书设计:板书设计: Lesson 21 Party for LiMing before 8:00 after early late party Lesson 21 A party for Li Ming! 单词闯关单词闯关 party parties tell told begin began begining late early 聚会 复数 告诉 过去式 开始 过去式 现在分词 晚的 早的 call leave 现在分词 过去式 invite surprise what time 打电话 离开 leaving left 邀请 惊喜 什么时 候 短语连线:短语连线: have a good-bye party have a surprise party in the afternoon what time be late be early how many would you. Dont be late. want to do before 4:00 at 4:00 see you tomorrow 几点了 早了 迟了 多少 你愿意/想要.吗? 不要迟到 想要做某事 四点之前 在四点 明天见 举行一个告别聚会 举办一个惊喜派对 在下午 语法突击:语法突击: Would you come to a party for Li Ming? Would you.?你愿意你愿意/想要想要.吗?吗? Would you go for a walk? Would you watch the film? Hi,Steven.Its Jenny calling. 你好,史蒂文,我是詹妮。你好,史蒂文,我是詹妮。 打电话时,要先打电话时,要先自报家门自报家门,让,让 接电话人知道是谁打来的电话接电话人知道是谁打来的电话 ,并用,并用Its . 或者或者This is .,而不能用,而不能用“I am .” 重点句型重点句型 李明不久就要离开了。李明不久就要离开了。 Li Ming is leaving soon. 关于这个聚会的事我们要告诉李明吗?关于这个聚会的事我们要告诉李明吗? Will we tell Li Ming about the party? 你好,史蒂文,我是珍妮。你好,史蒂文,我是珍妮。 Hi,Steven.Its Jenny calling. 你愿意来参加为李明举办的聚会吗?你愿意来参加为李明举办的聚会吗? Would you come to a party for Li Ming? 重点句型重点句型 别晚了。别晚了。 Dont be late. 詹妮,多少人来参加聚会?詹妮,多少人来参加聚会? How many people are coming to the party,Jenny? 晚会什么时候?晚会什么时候? What time does it begin? 我们想让李明惊讶。我们想让李明惊讶。 We want to surprise Li Ming. 词型转换词型转换 leave(现在分词现在分词) lets(完全形式)(完全形式) call(现在分词)(现在分词) do not (缩写缩写) come(现在分词现在分词) people(复数复数) leaving let us calling dont coming people
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