冀教版(三起)六下Unit 1 Sports-Lesson 6 A Famous Football Player-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:005a8).zip

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冀教版冀教版 六年级下册六年级下册 Lesson 6 A Famous Football Player He is a _player. Yao MingZhang Yining football Who is he? Why did the boy use boxes and bottles as footballs? Because he liked to play football very much, but his parents couldnt buy him a football. Why couldnt his parents buy him a football? Because he was from a very poor family. Read and answer Part1 Part2 Listen and fill One day a coach _him. He _ that the boy would be a good_. He gave the boy a _as a gift. From then on ,the boy _football harder. saw player football played thought Part3 1.Did he buy a gift for the coach at Christmas time? He dug a hole for the coachs Christmas tree. Read and answer No ,he didnt. 2.What did he do at Christmas time? Role play I cant buy you a Christmas gift. But I can dig a hole for your Christmas tree. This is the best Christmas gift. Part4 1.The coach asked the boy to be a player on his basketball team.( ) 3.The boy and his team won the World Cup in 1959. ( ) Read and judge(T or F) 2.The boy was seventeen years old.( ) 4.The boy was famous around the world. ( ) F T F T football 1958 Part5 He is Pele. 贝利贝利 Who is the boy? king of the football Read and number 读句子排读句子排 序序 2.The coach thought that the boy would be a good player . He gave the boy a football as a gift.3.At Christmas time, the boy dug a hole for the coachs Christmas tree. The coach was very happy. 1.Many yeas ago , there was a boy from a very poor family. He used boxes and bottles as his footballs. 5.He is Pele-the world famous football player . 4.In 1958,the 17-year old boy and his team won the World Cup .He was famous around the world. Many years ago , a boy liked to play football very much. He is from a _family. He used boxes and bottles as his _. One day ,a coach saw him . He _the boy would be a good _. So the coach gave the boy a _.At Christmas time ,the boy wanted to do something for his coach,he _to the coachs home and _a hole in front of his house for his Christmas tree. The coach was very _. In 1958, the 17-year-old boy and his team _the World Cup. He was _around the world. The boy is _. playe r ran happ y won footballs dug poor thought famo us football Pele Fill in the blanks Retell the story 复述故复述故 事事 “I will win the World Cup for Brazil , I promise.” Hard work leads to success. 勤奋造就成功!勤奋造就成功! What can you learn from Pele? Where there is a will ,there is a way. 有志者事竟成有志者事竟成. Homework Share the story with your friends after class. Thank you ! Lesson 6 A Famous Football Player 教学背景分析 1.教学内容分析:本单元主要学习有关运动的话题。本课为冀教版六年级下册 第一单元第六课,它讲的是贝利成为一名著名的足球运动员的故事。 2.学习者分析:本课的教学对象是小学六年级的学生,他们已经学习了几年英 语,具备了一定的词汇量与英语基础知识,拥有了一定的自主学习的能力。本 课的故事内容虽然不长,但是对农村乡镇的孩子们有一定的难度,老师可以结 合图片引导学生猜测并学习故事内容。 知识与技能目标。 1.学生能在教师的帮助和图片的提示下读懂本课故事 2.学生能在图片和关键词的提示下复述故事。 学习策略目标 1.学生对所学内容能主动预习,找出短文中一些动词过去式如 was,saw,thought,played 等尝试阅读 ,并利用旧单词试读新单词。 2.鼓励学生积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。 情感态度目标 1.鼓励学生敢于开口,表达中不怕出错误。 2.学习体会球王贝利的精神,初步感悟“勤奋造就成功” ”有志者,事竟成” 的道理。 教学重点:学生能在图片和老师的帮助下读懂故事。 教学难点:学生能在图片和关键词的提示下复述故事。 教学准备:多媒体、 词卡 教学过程 I. Organization 1. Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, teacher. T: Nice to see you. S: Nice to see you, too. T: Are you ready for class? S: Yes. 2. lead- in T:Look !Whats this? (伸手出示一个乒乓球) S: A ping-pong ball . T: Do you like playing ping-pong? My favourite sport is ping-pong. And my favourite player is Zhang Yining. She is a famous ping-pong player. And Yao Ming is a famous basketball player ,Right? Look at this picture. He plays football, so he is a famous football player. Who is he? Lets find the answer in todays story. Today we will learn Lesson6 A Famous Football Player(设计意图:课前师生亲切的问候可以拉近师生之间 的距离,激发同学学习的热情,自然导入新课) II. Presentation T: Lets divide the story into five parts. Part 1. 1.New word: bottle T: Look, what can you see? S1: I can see a boy. T: And anything else? You can speak Chinese. S1: 易拉罐,瓶子T: How can we say it in English? In English, we can say ”bottle”.(学习 bottle 出示词条,利用 box ,little 引导学生试读 bottle)T: bottle means 瓶子 in Chinese. 2. Read and answer T: Who can read the question ? S: Why did the boy use boxes and bottles as footballs? Why couldnt his parents buy him a football? T: Now lets read Part 1 and answer the questions T: Who can answer it?S: He liked to play football very much, but his parents couldnt buy him a football. T: Who can say it again? S: . T: This time, read together. T: Why couldnt his parents buy him a football? S: Because he was from a very poor family. T: Read together, he was from a very poor family. (设计意图:通过预测的形式发散学生的思维,引导学生继续学习故事的欲望。 ) 3.Sum-up From Part1, we know a boy liked to play football very much, but he was from a very poor family. So he used boxes and bottles as footballs.(边说 边写板书画线部分,根据学生实际开始多写一些单词,复述时再擦掉一些,由易 到难) Part 2. 1.Teach new word: coach. T: Look here, what is it? Ss: A football, not a bottle. Can you guess what the man is. You can speak Chinese. S: 教练。 (出示词条学习 coach,利用旧单词 coat 引导学生试读 coach) T: This line, one by one to read it. Then together. Ss: coach . 2. Listening T:Listen and fill in the blanks(听录音填空) Ask students to write the answers on the paper. (设计意图:听录音填空既可以复习本单元的过去式,重点单词,又能降低学 生听力难度,同时让学生熟悉所听内容。 ) 3. Check the answers. saw , thought , football ,player, played 4. Reading (Ask one student to read the sentences.) T: And from then on, the boy played football harder. 5.Sum-up From Part2, we know a coach gave him a football, he thought the boy would be a good player. From then on , he played football harder.(边说 边写板书画线部分,根据学生实际开始多写一些单词,复述时再擦掉一些,由 易到难。 ) Part3 1. New words T: Good work! Now look at this picture. What is the boy doing? You can speak Chinese . Ss :挖洞。(出示词条 利用 pig,big 试读 dig,dug; 洞 hole) T:Here, dug is the past tense of dig. Hole means 洞 in Chinese. 2. Read and answer At Christmas time, he wanted to do something for the coach. T: Did the boy buy a gift for the coach? What did the boy do? Read Part 3 silently and find the answer. (设计意图:让学生带着问题默读故事,有助于培养学生自主学习的能力。 ) 3.Check the answers T: Did he buy a Christmas gift? Ss: No. T: Why? S: He was from a very poor family. T: What did he do for the coach at Christmas time? S: He dug a hole for the Christmas tree. T: What did the boy say? S: I cant buy you a Christmas gift. But I can dig a hole for your Christmas tree. T: What did the coach say? S: This is the best Christmas gift. 4.Role play T: Now role-play the conversation . One is the boy, the other is the coach. Work in pairs. I will give you 1 minute. Then I will ask some pairs to show their conversations . (设计意图:角色扮演可以发挥学生的主体作 用,活跃课堂气氛,激起学生的兴趣。 ) 5. Sum-up From Part3 , We know: At Christmas time the boy dug a hole for the coachs Christmas tree. The coach was very happy. (边说边板书画线部分, 根据学生实际开始多写一些单词,复述时再擦掉一些,由易到难。 ) Part4 1. Read and judge T: Wonderful. What would the coach do and what would happen next? Please read Part 4 and judge T or F 1)He asked the boy to be a player on his basketball team.( F) 2) The boy was seventeen years old.( T ) 3) The boy and his team won the World Cup in 1959. ( F ) 4) The boy was famous around the world. ( T ) 2. Check the answers. T: Yes. He was famous around the world. The boy won the World Cup when he was 17. He was very very great! (设 计意图:通过判断句子的正误,让学生对故事内容把握的更准确) 3. Sum-up From Part4, we know: In 1958, the boy and his team won the World Cup. He was famous around the world. (边说边板书画线部分,根据学生实际开 始多写一些单词,复述时再擦掉一些,由易到难。 ) Part5 Read and answer T: Now read aloud together. Do you know who the boy is? S: 贝利。T: Yes. He is Pelethe world famous football player.(板书:He is Pele.) Read the story by yourselves. (设计意图:同学们再次读故事,熟悉故事内容,为完成下面的练习做准备) .Practice 1. Give them five sentences and number them. T: Now lets number the sentences 15 in groups. (设计意图:学 生分组排序体现了他们的合作精神,并进一步熟悉故事内容) T:lets check the answers. (展示答案)Are you right?Now lets play a game. Everyone has a sentence, right? When I say Number1, Who has Number1 stands up and read the sentences. T:All of you did a good job. (设计意图:设计这样一个游戏环节,学生 在有趣的过程中进一步熟悉故事内容) 2. Discuss the story in groups. Ask some students to retell the story. T: Now discuss the story in your groups. Look at the five pictures and use the key words on the blackboard. I will ask some students to retell the story. 3. Ask two students to retell the story, Then clean some words on the blackboard, ask one student to retell the story . (设计意图:复述故事先找两位同学复述,然后擦掉一些单词,再找人复述, 由易到难,可以鼓励学生开口说英语,从而培养学生的语言组织能力) IV. Watch and think. T: Here is a short vedio about Pele. lets watch it together. T: What can you learn from Pele? In English or Chinese. Where there is a will , there is a way. Hard work leads to success. T: If you work hard, you will be next Pele. You will be Chinese Pele. Can you do it ? I believe you . Come on! (设计意图:通过观看贝利的短视频,体会贝利的成长历程以及给国家取得荣 誉以及成功的喜悦, 激发学生学习贝利的勤奋、坚持及为国家争得荣誉的精神) Homework Share the story with your friends after class. 板书设计: Lesson 6 A Famous Football Player 5. He is Pele. 1. play football a poor family 3. At Christmas time dug a hole 2. a football a good player 4. In 1958 won was famous 课后反思: 本课立足学生实际,合理使用多媒体有助于吸引学生的注意力,提高了上 课效率; 运用故事预测、听力练习、角色扮演、默读回答、阅读判断、齐读回 答、排序练习、视频欣赏等多种形式引导学生学习,使故事内容变得有趣又容 易;读后活动设计也立足学生实际,如排序活动培养了学生的合作能力。复述 故事也是先易后难,体现了“以学生为主体”的原则,鼓励学生开口说英语, 实现了本课时的教学目标。 不足之处:个别学生参与不够积极;口语需要加强练习。
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