冀教版(三起)六下Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home-Lesson 23 Good-bye!-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:f0167).docx

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冀教版(三起)六下Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home-Lesson 23 Good-bye!-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:f0167).docx_第1页
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1、冀教版冀教版 六年级下册六年级下册 Lesson23Good-bye! 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课是冀教版六年级下册第四单元第五课,李明结束他的加拿大之旅,回中国之 前在机场和詹妮、 丹尼告别, 并送给他们惊喜, 还有一首关于告别的歌曲 “Its Time to Say Good-bye.”本课是一节对话课,机场送别的相关句型,有助于学生了解西 方人送别的相关礼仪和文化习俗。 教学对象分析教学对象分析 六年级的学生也马上面临毕业,一部分学生也要分别,在五年级时曾经学过一些 旅行的相关知识,对送别的话题有一定的生活经验,为本课的学习做好了铺垫。 教学目标教学目标 语言知识目标:语言知识目标:

2、 1、能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:good-bye, hear。 2、能认读、理解并运用下列句子:Have a good trip. Dont forget to write. 语言技能目标:语言技能目标: 1、能运用所学的语言知识在创设的送别情境中进行熟练的交际,并在此基础上 能将其运用于日常生活之中。 2、学会接受礼物和送别时的英语表达。 3、会场本课的英文歌曲。 情感情感态度目标态度目标 1、增强学生的参与意识,引导学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 2、通过本课的学习,珍惜与同学、朋友的友谊。 学习策略目标:学习策略目标: 1、通过体验式的学习活动,激发听、说英语的兴趣,培养

3、乐于模仿的学习习惯; 积极与同学合作,互相学习,共同进步。 2、注意观察生活和媒体中使用的英语简单场景口语。 文化意识目标:文化意识目标: 1、了解西方人送别的相关礼仪和文化习俗,能继续发展跨文化意识。 2、知道一些英语离别赠言、祝福语。 教学重教学重、难、难点点 重点:理解并运用重点词汇和句型: good-bye, hear,Have a good trip.,Dont forget to write. 难点:运用所学的语言知识展示送别场面。 教具准备教具准备 多媒体课件 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up: 1. Greetings: S:Good morning ,te

4、acher ! T:Morning ,boys and girls, please sit down .Are you happy today ? S:- T:Are you nervous ? S:- T:Dont be nervous ,I am here ,I hope you can know more about good-bye after this class .we work hard ,OK ? S:- T:Thank you . First we will listen a song, please listen carefully ,then tell me which

5、word did you hear from this song ? S:Good-bye. T:Good jod !Can you guess today we will learn - 【设计意图】以歌曲导入, 不仅为了让学生放松心情,而且歌曲能够让孩子们不 由自主的投入到英语语境中开学本课学习,猜能培养学生的发散思维并揭示课 题。 2. Free talk: T: Hello. Boys and girls. What are these? S:plane- T:Yes ,very good .where are they ? S:At the airport . T:Who is he

6、 ? S:He is Li Ming . T:He will go home .so he has to say good-bye to Jenny and Danny . 【设计意图】以简单的对话交流,,引出离别话题,学生探讨可能说的话和做的 事,将学生带入机场送别的语境当中。 Step 2Presentation Practice 1. Learn new words 【设计意图】学习新的单词,有助于新课文内容的了解。 2. Show new words on the screen T:Read after me S: T:Please read these words three tim

7、es. Please write on the paper . 【设计意图】重点单词的回顾!新单词的学习,为学生学习本课打下基础,有助 于学生对课文内容的理解。书写练习加深印象。 3. Listen part 1 T:Give you 5 minutes, please read part 1 and talk about part 1 with your members Then tell us about part 1 in English . 【设计意图】通过听录音的方式学生第一次接触文本,培养学生认真听的习惯和 捕捉有效信息的能力。再次读课文并讨论,让学生通过小组合作提炼出重要句子 的

8、同时,学会用英语整合信息并且开口表达。 4. 快速浏览课文,回答问题 Li Ming has a surprise for Jenny and a surprise for Danny. What are the surprises? 【设计意图】 给学生思考的空间, 先让同学猜想, 再通过阅读文本找出正确答案。 5. Read books silently and answer the questions T: Why does Li Ming give Danny the surprise? Why does Li Ming give Jenny the surprise? Talk ab

9、out the questions in pairs first, then check the answers together, finally write the answers on P65, part 3 Lets do it!Read Part 1Answerthe answers. 【设计意图】通过再次阅读课文,使学生明白 Danny cant fly a kite. But Li Ming tell him: You can fly it! I know you can.表示鼓励。送 Jenny “dragon”来记住中国, 因为龙是中国人的图腾,中国人是龙的传人。了解 Li

10、Ming 送 Danny、Jenny 礼 物的含义,对朋友的意义。 6. Demonstrate“Have a good trip” “Dont forget to write! ” and “Good-bye” on the screen. 展示更多的送别祝福语 All the best! So long; God bless! Ill miss you. Take care, dont let me worry. Think of me sometime. May the Force be with you! 7. Sing “Its time to say Good-bye”. Ask

11、Ss to sing this song after the tape. T: Which words repeat in this song? Please underline those words with a black pen . Which are the only words that are different from this song? Please underline those words with a red pen. Please sing song and do the actions.( phone me , write to me) 【设计意图】学习唱歌,缓

12、解学生听课紧张和疲劳的情绪,感受离别的心情,学 会离别如何联络友情。 8. Read books together. Fill in the blanks according to the text. Li Ming is leaving _China. The plane will leave soon. “ Did you _That? Its _for me to go,” Li Ming _to Jenny and Danny, Li Ming gives Danny a _. Danny thinks Li Ming is a good _. Jenny opens her gift

13、. Its a _red dragon. Li Ming wants Jenny to remember_. At last, Danny and Jenny say _to Li Ming. 【设计意图】了解学生对文本的掌握情况,同时也渗透对课文加工、整理复述的 方法。 Step 3 Talking: T: In June you will say good-bye to your classmates ,because you will go to different middle schools. At our school ,there are too many happy thing

14、s .When we say good-bye each other , .we will give you a party . Please talk with your members What can we do at our party ?you can make a colorful list with friends. (在这六年的小学生活中,发生了太多令人难忘的事,面对最后的分别,是不是 有太多的不舍?为了记住我们的童年,我们班级决定举办聚会。 【设计意图】创设真实送别情景,学生通过小组合作,回顾小学生活,鼓励学生 自己表达送别的时刻,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 Step 4H

15、omework 必做:必做: A. Write new words three times. 选做:(选其一)选做:(选其一) A. Read the book fluently Role-play and sing this song. B. Pretend you are Li Ming,write a letter , a postcard or email for Jenny and Danny . 【设计意图】这一设计不仅体现了与文本的密切相关性,也回顾了曾经学习 的三种书面交流方式,而且增强了学生的趣味性,同时体现了分层次作业。 板书设计板书设计 Lesson23 Good-bye ! Did you hear that? Its time to say good-bye. Have a good trip! Dont forget to write!


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