冀教版(三起)六下Reading for Fun-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:01c8d).doc

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1、冀教版小学英语六年级下册故事课冀教版小学英语六年级下册故事课 The Ugly Duckling 一、教材分析: 本课是冀教版小学英语教材三年级起始版,六年级下册 Reading for fun 部分的一节故事课,是作为教科书的补充阅读材料出现的。这个故事情节曲折、 内容丰富、内涵寓意深刻,能够激发孩子们的阅读兴趣。但故事的篇幅相比课内 故事要长一些,因此,在阅读过程中,要设置合适的、有梯度的阅读任务来帮助 孩子们理解故事,同时,也要注意阅读策略的渗透和良好阅读习惯的培养。 二、学情分析: 本课的教学对象是小学六年级的学生。虽然这些学生是从小学三年级开始学 习英语,已经初步的掌握了一些英语基础

2、知识,也有了一定的自主学习的能力, 但是这篇故事篇幅较长,且有部分障碍词汇,读起来并不是那么容易。因此要通 过教师的引导,帮助孩子理解故事,快乐的学习。 三、教学目标: (一) 知识与技能 1. 能在图片和语境的帮助下听懂、 理解下列单词:duckling, swan , ugly, strange, , frozen,;能在教师的肢体语言和语境的帮助下,猜测出 laugh at, push, kill 的意义。 2.能在图片以及语境的帮助下,读懂,理解故事内容。 3.能在理解故事内容的基础上,有感情的朗读角色语句。 4.能够在教师的引导和板书的提示下用简单的语言复述故事。 (二)策略与思维

3、1. 学生能在阅读中运用寻读,略读,猜测词意等阅读策略理解文本。 2. 学生能归纳整理文本结构。. (三)情感态度 通过教师给出的故事背景,在深刻理解故事的基础上,能够意识到我们应有 梦想和目标, 并且为之付诸努力, 在遇到困难时应时刻保持积极乐观的生活态度。 在别人需要帮助时能够主动帮忙。 五、教学重难点: 重点:1. 学生能够读懂故事。 2.阅读策略的渗透指导。 3.复述故事。 难点:学生用英语自由表达自己的观点 六、教学准备:PPT、板书条、故事图片 七、教学过程: I. Greetings and lead-in T: Good morning, boys and girls! Im

4、glad to see you. Before our class, I have a task for each of your group. These are two pictures of the ugly duckling for G1 and G2. Please help them to become swans. If you answer my question, you can stick a feather to it. Finally, lets see which group helps the ugly duckling to become a swan. Now

5、Lets begin our class. Q: Do you like stories? Q: Do you know these stories? (Show some story pictures: Little Mermaid, The Emperors New Clothes, Thumbelina, The Little Match Girl) Q: Who is the writer of these stories? (The introduction ofAnderson) T: Anderson is a famous writer. He wrote many famou

6、s stories. Today well learn one of his stories. II. Pre-reading 1. T: Look! What do you see in the picture? (P1) Ss: Ducks. T: Yes! Whats the difference between them? ( mother duck& baby duck) Ss: This is mother duck. These are baby ducks. T: Yes. These are baby ducks. We call them “ducklings” 2. T:

7、 What does this duckling look like? Ss: ugly, /not beautiful. T: Today well learn The Ugly Duckling (Write the title on the blackboard) Q: Lets guess! Why was this duckling far from the others? Ss: He was ugly. T: Sounds reasonable. Maybe you are right. 设计意图:通过对图片的分析及猜测,引导学生对故事情节有预设, 既培养了学生的观察读图能力,发

8、散了学生的思维,也激发了学生阅 读故事的兴趣,为后面的读懂及复述故事做好铺垫。 III. While reading 1. Listen and find the answer to the question. T: Now lets think: Is it a real duckling? Please listen to the story and find the answer. (Listen to the video) T: Do you find the answer? Is it a real duckling? Ss: No. T: What was it? Ss: Swan

9、. T: Maybe you are right. 设计意图:通过听故事,验证自己之前的猜测是否正确。对故事的 主线有所了解,能够清楚故事的大概内容。 2. Read the story (P1-P4) silently and quickly T: But in this picture, was it a swan? Ss: No. T: Did everyone like him? Q: What did they say to the ugly duckling? Please read the story from P1 to P4 silently and quickly. Und

10、erline the sentences you find. T: Ok! Boys and girls, may I have your attention? Do you find the answer? What did they say to the ugly duckling? Ss: P1 “Look at that duckling!” “He looks so strange.” “He is big and ugly.” T: Good job. Thank you. Do you know the word “strange”? Ss: 奇怪的 T: He is big a

11、nd ugly. He is different and special. So he looks strange. Did they like the ugly duckling? Ss: No. T: Can you read these sentences emotionally? Who can try? Ss: T: Good try! What else do you find? Ss: P2 “Go away!” T: Very good! Thank you! Look at his hand. What did they do when they say “Go away!”

12、? Please find the answer in your book, and circle the words. T: Do you find it? Ss: laugh at, push T: Boys and girls, do you know these two words? Look at me(Ha ha ha, go away! push) Who wants to try this sentence? Ss: T: Well done! Good performance! What did the ugly duckling say? Ss: No one likes

13、me. T: How did he feel? Ss: Sad. / Lonely. T: Who can read the sentence sadly? Ss T: Excellent reading. What else do you find? Ss: P3 “Dont worry. I wont eat you. You are too ugly.” T: Thank you. The dog didnt kill(动作) the duckling. Why? Ss: Because he was too ugly. T: Who can read the sentence emot

14、ionally? Ss: T: Good try! What else do you find? Ss: P4 “Can you catch amouse?” “Can you giveeggs?” T: What did the ugly duckling say? Ss: No, but I can swim. T: Now you are the cat. You are the hen. You are the ugly duckling. Ss: T: Good performance! Give me five. T: How did the ugly duckling feel?

15、 Ss: Sad. 设计意图:通过寻读和略读等策略,引导学生体会角色情感,并 能有感情的朗读角色语言,包括语音语调连读和动作。 3. Read and guess T: Lets guess what he would do next? Ss: 启发:Would he be sad forever? T: I think he wanted to change. Look at this picture. (出示天鹅飞过 图片)What did he see? Ss: Birds. / Swans. T: What did he think? Please find the answer in

16、 your book and circle it. Ss: He wished to be a swan. T: Yes! When he saw the swans, he had a dream. He wished to be a swan. Boys and girls! If you have a dream, what will you do? Ss: Work hard. / Do exercise T: Sounds good! I believe your dream will come true. Lets think. What would the ugly duckli

17、ng do after he had a dream? Ss: Work hard. / Swim. T: Yes. It became colder and colder. Look! What happened? Please find the answer in your book? SS: He was frozen on the ice. (Aman helped him.) T:Yes, what else? Ss:Afarmer took him home. T: When he got well, he didnt give up. He wings became strong

18、.(动 作) Look! Where was the ugly duckling? (出示最后一张图片) Ss: In the sky. T: Do you remember the question I ask you at the beginning? Is it a real duckling? Ss: No. T: He became a swan. (长音引导学生一起说) Lets read the sentence together. “Wow, I can fly so high.” How did he feel? Ss: happy, excited, confident T

19、: Lets read the sentence happily and confidently. T&Ss: “Wow, I can fly so high.” 设计意图:提出引导学生思考的问题,鼓励学生表达个人观点,理 解丑小鸭的转变过程。 4. The meaning of the story T: What do you learn from the story? Ss: have a dream, work hard, never give up, have a strong will, help others T: You have learned a lot from the s

20、tory. Congratulations! In fact, the ugly duckling is the writer himself. Please read the whole story aloud in your group. If you have any questions, please mark them. Ss: T: Do you have any questions? Ss: No. 设计意图:再次出现 Is it a real duckling?印证了开课时的预测,首尾 呼应。通过回答 What do you learn from the story?,引出故事

21、寓意,让 学生学有所获。 IV. Post reading 1.Exercise T: Please finish Ex1 on your paper. Put the words in right places. T: Now, lets check the answers At the beginning, the duckling was ugly and strange. He was sad. One day, he saw swans flying in the sky. He had a dream. He wished to be a swan. Then he worked

22、hard everyday. When he was frozen on the ice, a farmer helped him. When he got well, he didnt give up. Finally, He became strong. He became a beautiful swan. He felt happy and confident. 2. Retell T: Please retell the story (like me) in your group. These sentence structures may help you. T: Who can

23、try? Ss: T: Good job. 3. Video T: Please enjoy a short video. These peoples experiences are like the ugly duckling. They worked hard for their dream. Finally, their dreams come true. 设计意图:丑小鸭毕竟只是童话故事,因此在课堂最后出现一些真 实的有影响力的励志名人的图片,让同学们能够更真切的领悟到,不 放弃梦想才能成功。 T: All of you did a good job in our class. You help the ugly duckling become a swan.(评价点评) Im glad to see your growth. Work hard for your dream! Then your dream will come true. Todays homework: 1. Retell the story to your parents and friends. 2. Collect some stories like the ugly duckling and share them to your friends. Thank you! Goodbye!


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